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What Do You Guys Believe Exists?

Sketchy K

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14 minutes ago, Brigante said:

But I used to be such a nice boy and all I got for it was shit, misery and derision, while all the rotten, backstabbing arseholes prospered.
How's that work?


Life is unfair. Be a nice boy again. You'll thank me later, I promise. Honestly, not trying to be flippant or anything here. I'm sorry you went through some tough times as a kid. And yes, there are lots of backstabbers out there, it's true. But attitude and how you perceive yourself and the relationship you have with yourself will make a huge impact on your life. I absolutely promise that's real. Just be a good guy, and don't worry about the rest. If someone fucks you over - cut them out of your life, real easy.

Also - nasty people are usually miserable but fantastic at hiding it. I've seen this with my own two eyes over and over again throughout my life. You'd be surprised what people hide from the world, including the ones who seem to have it all on the surface.  

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17 hours ago, Brigante said:

But I used to be such a nice boy and all I got for it was shit, misery and derision, while all the rotten, backstabbing arseholes prospered.
How's that work?


It is a good trait to be nice, kind, and optimistic. However, also be wary as many people have an agenda. Some people are simply miserable pricks who gain pleasure out of making others lives miserable because they are miserable. Just ignore them.

Give with an open heart with no expectation of return, that way if they shit on you it's expected and shrugged off, if they return the kindness its like finding Wonka's Golden Ticket.

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  • 1 year later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

There is so much on Bigfoot on YouTube and recently a revival of the Loch Ness Monster.  I lean towards no on Bigfoot but it seems many believe it in?  There has been some strange unexplained sightings and sonar and some newer technology has backed that up.  But no way do I believe in it being a Plesiosaur.  I do not believe a Plesiosaur could survive water temps of 40 degrees?  There is a way in from the Ocean.  VIA the canal that was installed in the 1800's.  Not the River Ness.  To get into the deep Loch (750 feet deep in places) it would have to have the ability to navigate over shallow water with many rocks.  Now the Salmon run does occur there yearly.  Many salmon like you see in North America.  There are Lake Monsters reported in many other  places.  Sweden, the other Scottish Loch, and in N America there is the Lake Champlain monster Champ, even reports of one in the Finger Lakes, where I live, Seneca Lake, and in the Great Lakes where I also live, Lake Ontario.  In Canada Lake Ogopogo.  British Colombia.  And even the St Lawrence River which I know very well from Lake Ontario going East to Alexandria Bay. I've fished and spent summers on that River over 40 years of my life and the biggest things that are there for sure are the sturgeon and the Muskalunge.  One of the strangest sea monster tales that was well documented was around 1941 off the Irish coast during WWII when a Nazi U Boat after sinking an English ship, saw this monster sized Crocodile come out of the water.  None of the witness's of the Nazi fleet survived the war to tell more about this incident. The captain did and waited to tell his story, likely because he figured its not something Hitler would want to hear about. And could have landed him on the Russian Front.  We know the Kracken exists for sure. It rarely comes to the surface and is most often in very deep water.  Sperm Whales incredibly dive to great depths to hunt large squid. Great Whites can also go very deep.  Often in 2000 feet of water off the Eastern US coast when they leave the waters of Cape Cod and the Maritime after the summer months.  I still have not watched David Paulides movie he put together last year about the BigfootUFO connection.  I think for $5 or so you can download it on YouTube. Dave, a former San Jose police officer puts out a ton of missing person video's and podcasts , several a week.  He is very smart guy, and is firm believer in Bigfoot, aliens and such. He lost his son tragically to suicide a few years back.  He was involved with the disappearance of Dennis Martin, a young boy who went missing in the smoky mountains back in the late 60s.It was an abduction for sure. A good source on all things Bigfoot also is Bob Gymlan.  Not to be confused with the Gimlin from the Patterson /Gimlin film.  Bob Gymlan does perhaps the best video with great info on the "Lions of Tsavo", a true event from around 1900 in Africa.  Many hired Indian workers were victims of these two maneating Lions, both maneless males that traveled together. A very rare event. If you wish to hear a fantastic and true audio book, go to Salva Lore on YouTube, "The Man Eating Leopard of Rudraprayag".  Its absolutely incredible   The most storied animal of all time. This Leopard and what he did was just unbelievable. Jim Corbett, the hunter from way back tells the story narrated by Varagh Sing. Took place in the jungles of India from 1918 to 1926.  Its a very worthwhile story to listen to. 

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On 1/25/2024 at 8:04 AM, LedZeppfan1977 said:

Well then the Lions can't lose.  Im pulling for them.  I wont watch the SB unless they are in it.  They may need some magic on defense. 

Why won't you watch?  Because of the Bills?  Hell, if I followed that rule, I would have never watched a Super Bowl instead of all of them. 

I kind of like the simulation theory.  It doesn't really offend.  God could be the master programmer, and your doppelgangers are nothing more than subtle program adjustments.  Reincarnation through software.     

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9 minutes ago, Bong-Man said:

Why won't you watch?  Because of the Bills?  Hell, if I followed that rule, I would have never watched a Super Bowl instead of all of them. 

I kind of like the simulation theory.  It doesn't really offend.  God could be the master programmer, and your doppelgangers are nothing more than subtle program adjustments.  Reincarnation through software.     

The Lions are only team left I like.  I hate KC.  Not a fan of other two.  Good luck to Detroit.  I believe the Bills would have won had they not lost so many on defense.  I’ll think about baseball soon.  

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On 1/27/2024 at 2:52 PM, Bong-Man said:

Why won't you watch?  Because of the Bills?  Hell, if I followed that rule, I would have never watched a Super Bowl instead of all of them. 

I kind of like the simulation theory.  It doesn't really offend.  God could be the master programmer, and your doppelgangers are nothing more than subtle program adjustments.  Reincarnation through software.     

NO!!! Yesterday was punishment enough. Every time the  Bills rip my heart out, with wide right, music 🎵 city nightmare, or 13 seconds , I’ll remind myself there are still the Lions 🦁 and their long suffering faithful!  And the Browns.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I urge you to watch that sea monster special that has sightings going back to 1500 BC!!!  

Now this Pensacola sea monster attack of March 24, 1962 is simply incredible!  Best one I’ve ever heard.  The late McCleary, only survivor of this incident where 4 died, went to his grave sweating it’s true. His son is on YouTube with a recent talk on this.  There are many uploads on this but some good. :some garbage like everything on YouTube.  Check it out!!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/11/2024 at 5:53 PM, LedZeppfan1977 said:

This is one of the best you will see.  It had much work put into it, including writings and art dating to 720 BC.  

Nah, sorry, thought it was utter tosh. Nothing I saw had me believing these things exist/ed.

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On 3/8/2024 at 4:21 PM, JTM said:

Nah, sorry, thought it was utter tosh. Nothing I saw had me believing these things exist/ed.

The story in Pensicola is very interesting.  4 dead.  There are reports world wide about sea and lake monsters.  There are likely some very big eels out there but there could bee something more?  It seems that Bigfoot is believed by many.  I was pretty much a non believer but then i saw a recent show on History channel with some recent footage that was pretty tough to explain.  

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  • 2 months later...

I believe that there is far more to life than our tiny brains can comprehend. It is egotistical to think we are the greatest species in the entire universe. I don’t put much stock into Neil Degrass Tyson, but people like Avi Loeb a practicing scientist, Gary Nolan, Eric Weinstein, and several other scientists and insanely talented individuals who know way more about oh, I don’t know, everything I suppose, if they are saying that there is something there, then I’ll try and wrap my little brain about what they say may exist, or does exist and go from there. 

In my opinion, a superior species of non human intelligence doesn’t mean that there isn’t a creator, it in fact makes that assertion far more cemented for me. There are many amazing channels out there with these men and women who are constantly proving that what we were taught in school about history and the beginnings of human civilization are off. Whether it is intentional is another question. The James Webb Telescope has also found some very interesting evidence to suggest and support that our known universe is much older than previously estimated and believed. 

I believe that we will continue to find out there is far more to this mystery of life. We are here for a very brief period. I am pretty sure there is much more than this once we move on from this experience. Certainly just getting to wake up, hopefully smell fresh air, hopefully have some human contact, and hopefully learn to be a better person. 

I could go on forever on this subject, it is very fascinating. 

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