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Question For The Young 'uns

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I just love their visceral sound, it pierces me right through to my soul. They seem to have a song for almost any occasion down to the many styles of music they incorporate into their own unique sound. I could rant for ever about why I like them but Id just be repeating a lot of what people have said already :) .

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I'm more of a newbie than a young 'un at 33, but the only reason I can say how I got into them was I just sat down and listened. I used to have preconceived thoughts about them and would go as far to turn the channel when they came on. :blush: But then I finally just sat down and listened to them, and I haven't stopped since!

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I'm 25 and I started listening to Zep about ten years ago. I've always been a fan of heavy music and classic rock, so Zep was just a natural choice. I don't remember the first Zep song I heard, but my first Zep album was their debut.

I think I like their music because of the mythical, occult factor they have. I've always been interested in things like that, and Zep's music just overflows with it. I'm also a huge LOTR fan and I love all of those references.

Hell, they are just a great band!!!

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I've been a avid rabid LZ fan for years. I guess I would consider myself a 2nd generation fan (I'm 45 years old). I started into LZ back in the mid 70's and saw my only LZ concert in '77 at the Los Angeles Forum.

I can't really pinpoint what it is about them, their music, or what that makes me appreciate them so much (could be Bonzo since I'm a drummer and he's one of my biggest influences).

Here's my question and it's directed to the younger fans here (teens to early 30's). What is it, for you, that you like about LZ?

I think it's amazing all the younger fans that they have nowadays. Not that I don't like the music of today(some of it good some of it toilet fodder), but what is it about LZ that you like?

I like their style. The play Rock 'n Roll, Blues, Hard Blues, Reggae (one song), etc.

For me Zep, is not only Rock 'n Roll, is Good Music.

Not that I don't like the music of today

And hey im 20 and I agree with you... And im a Zep fan for almost 2 years now (a year and a half maybe).

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I am a 31 yr old female who discovered LZ by pure accident ... I was at a friends house for a get together one night about a year 1/2 ago, by 1am the gathering had dwindled down to 4 people (myself included) sitting around the living room coffee table filling the air with mindless chatter...someone had left the tv on a classic rock music channel...through all the laughter and conversation my ear was captivated by this "VOICE", it just stood out above everything else going on in the room. I moved closer to the TV to see who it was...I caught the last minute 1/2 of D'yer Maker, I was about to get up to find something to write with so that I wouldn't forget the name of the song ( sadly up untill then I hadn't heared of LZ...living in South Texas you are surounded by either tejano music or even worse hip hop and untill recently only had 1 rock station in town...we just got a new classic rock sation about a yr ago....yay!!!) when Black Dog came on....it literally floored me...I sat back down in front of the TV just mesmerized...like a 5 yr old kid watchin saturday morning cartoons. Once I got home I stayed up till 6am looking for everything I could find on Led Zeppelin...by the end of the week I had gone on a Zep shopping spree...best money I ever spent!

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i'm 21, and i have been absolutely enamored with and addicted to zeppelin since i was about 14 i think. that was when i started getting into classic rock.. i had recently discovered Lord of the Rings and was obsessed with discovering all the little world of history and buzz that surrounds it and its fans, and one day Ramble On came on the radio, and i heard the lord of the rings references in the song, and i was so intrigued that i immediately went online and looked up the connection. then i bought IV and was amazed.. i thought i had discovered this huge secret, none of my friends listened to anything except britney spears and backstreet boys, and i had found this amazing band that was fathoms deeper and more musical than anything i had heard before.. ever since then i have been hooked.

I have a friend who says that listening to led zeppelin is the cure to any bad mood, and it is very true.. the music soothes and makes my thoughts sparkle.. it makes me feel mystical or something, cant really explain it. i think the thing i love most is the variety and versatility in their music. no two songs are the same, and they cover a wide spectrum of feelings and moods. you can listen to bron-yr-aur stomp and feel like dancing barefoot in a field, and then put on immigrant song and headbang your face off, then babe im gonna leave you and feel the blues run through you.. it's amazing. and yet, with all the variety, there is still a zeppelin-ness to everything.. i dont know of any other band or musician who even comes close to that. and the combination of everything in the band - the base lines, the lyrics, the guitar chords, the rhythms, the quality of the vocals - they all complement each other so perfectly and make the most beautiful combination. gotta love it!!! zep is a huuge influence on my own music, and i would say even my personality, in the way the music affects my moods and changes the way i think in some aspects. Not having ever been able to see them play live is one of my greatest disappointments!

so thats my story :)

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i'm 21, and i have been absolutely enamored with and addicted to zeppelin since i was about 14 i think. that was when i started getting into classic rock.. i had recently discovered Lord of the Rings and was obsessed with discovering all the little world of history and buzz that surrounds it and its fans, and one day Ramble On came on the radio, and i heard the lord of the rings references in the song, and i was so intrigued that i immediately went online and looked up the connection. then i bought IV and was amazed.. i thought i had discovered this huge secret, none of my friends listened to anything except britney spears and backstreet boys, and i had found this amazing band that was fathoms deeper and more musical than anything i had heard before.. ever since then i have been hooked.

I have a friend who says that listening to led zeppelin is the cure to any bad mood, and it is very true.. the music soothes and makes my thoughts sparkle.. it makes me feel mystical or something, cant really explain it. i think the thing i love most is the variety and versatility in their music. no two songs are the same, and they cover a wide spectrum of feelings and moods. you can listen to bron-yr-aur stomp and feel like dancing barefoot in a field, and then put on immigrant song and headbang your face off, then babe im gonna leave you and feel the blues run through you.. it's amazing. and yet, with all the variety, there is still a zeppelin-ness to everything.. i dont know of any other band or musician who even comes close to that. and the combination of everything in the band - the base lines, the lyrics, the guitar chords, the rhythms, the quality of the vocals - they all complement each other so perfectly and make the most beautiful combination. gotta love it!!! zep is a huuge influence on my own music, and i would say even my personality, in the way the music affects my moods and changes the way i think in some aspects. Not having ever been able to see them play live is one of my greatest disappointments!

so thats my story :)

Wonderfully put! :D

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  • 3 months later...

What drew me to Led Zeppelin? The fact that you can experience their music--really experience it, not just listen to it-- on a whole other level that other music. Their music has an almost human quality to it... it's like unprecedented creativity in a fully accessible form... like a tangible representation of the intersection of art and passion. I love that each and every song has a deeper meaning than just a few rhymes and catchy melodies... it's like sitting down and having a continuous conversation with a deeply intellectual person and coming away with something new each time.... it's surprising and refreshing, yet somehow expected from such a perfect work of art.

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Well of course as any kid brought up in this current generation I used to listen to only what my sister would and of course that was whatever was on MTV or the Radio, but once I got older and had more of a freedom to dabble into other things I was just somehow drawn towards the 70s and started to experience every band from that decade. But there is something about Zeppelin that just makes you come back for more. Whether it is the guitar, the vocals, the heart pounding drums or the melodic bass. Yes today's music is pretty horrible with some very minor exceptions, but even from all the bands from that decade Zeppelin just stands out the most. I can't tell you exactly what it is that draws me to them, but everytime I listen to a song I just get so envolved and captivated by it's beauty, I get so engrossed listening to every word, every drum beat, all the guitar solos, and of course the bass/piano in the background that is subtle yet strong. When I listen to other songs I just can't seem to find these things and I seem to get bored of them in a sense, but everytime I listen to a Zeppelin song I find it almost addictive and crave more. There is just so much that seperates them from other bands and to me these things all stand out in their songs, which is why I continue to listen to them and forever will.

EDIT: As said in above post no song is alike and there is a song for any mood and or feeling you have, going my whole life with only listening to Zeppelin I will never find the need to listen to anything else. If you watch live concerts you can see and feel the chemistry they have between each other, they read off each other and play accordingly. One of my favorites is when Jimmy and Bonham both go into a little dance and play off each other back and forth, for example in Knebworth 1979 - Whole Lotta Love, also a great example of Jimmy and Robert playing back and forth with guitar and vocals. Another great thing about their songs is that each one tells it's own story, when I first started listening I would listen to the same song and look up everything I possibly could on it to understand the meaning behind it, finding out what each line meant or what this word meant or how one line could change the whole meaning of the song. Each song was its own adventure and still is, there are still so many questions that have gone unanswered.

Edited by Soccerzubs
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  • 2 weeks later...

Loving Zeppelin comes from a few different areas. When I was quite young I had already given up on the music that the rest of the kiddies my age were listening to. I didn't get it. I tried to like Brittney Spears out of wanting to fit in. But I didn't. I always liked Abbey Road instead. I really dug Octopus's Garden and watching the LP spin on the record player. I Want You (She's So Heavy) just kept playing and playing. I was amazed! I then fell in love with the Beatles. I listened to them all of the time and kept for a good time. Then when I turned 14 or so I got kinda sick of them. I still loved them but I wanted something more. Then I started to stray away and got into Zeppy. I loved listening to my parent's CDs of LZ II and of course IV. I was really impressed after actually sitting down and listening to the music on my headphones. The da-na-na-na bass of The Lemon Song just sucked me in. Then a combination of seeing videos of them on Youtube, listening to new songs, reading about them and that first time I finally got Stairway to Heaven down on the guitar made me fall in love. I really just like how you can listen and go along a musical journey with them. I also really appreciate what Jimmy Page did with the guitar. (Quite an understatement.) If I didn't know of Black Mountain Side I never would have discovered how beautiful a guitar can sound just by tuning it different. (DADGAD for life.) When I have them playing on my headphones, it's like having a loyal friend by my side. Being 17 now and a true Zeppaholic, I really appreciate the four guys and what they have done. :)


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I'm 36 years old and I can't tell you which song it was that was blaring from my older brother's bedroom that stopped me in my tracks when I was probably about 6. Knowing my brother it was Dazed and Confused. That being his absolute favorite Zeppelin song. Anyway, he played it so, loud I couldn't help but, hear it. And I was glad. It was a rule in the house that I was not to go in his bedroom without his permission or supervision at any time. And because, he always had stinky socks on the floor I never wanted to. But, I remember enduring the odor of his socks to sneak in his room and head straight for his Zeppelin albums. He ofcourse always knew when I'd been in there. And he ofcourse would always get after me about it and tell me to stay out of his room when he wasn't home. But, I'm a little sister. That means I can be a real brat. And this was no exception. So, he finally allowed me into his room to listen with him provided I kept my hands off. The only rule was I had to clean his weed for him :rolleyes:. What it is for me and what it was then 30 years ago..and wow do I now feel old. There's a certain something to Zeppelin's music that I can feel. Sometimes it gives me goosebumps. Sometimes it brings tears to my eyes and sometimes it just makes me sing out loud. Well, most of the time for that anyway. It's a perfect blend of talent and pure genius. Oh and a couple of years ago my brother said I can have his Zeppelin albums. I gotta love that guy :P.

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I've been a avid rabid LZ fan for years. I guess I would consider myself a 2nd generation fan (I'm 45 years old). I started into LZ back in the mid 70's and saw my only LZ concert in '77 at the Los Angeles Forum.

I can't really pinpoint what it is about them, their music, or what that makes me appreciate them so much (could be Bonzo since I'm a drummer and he's one of my biggest influences).

Here's my question and it's directed to the younger fans here (teens to early 30's). What is it, for you, that you like about LZ?

I think it's amazing all the younger fans that they have nowadays. Not that I don't like the music of today(some of it good some of it toilet fodder), but what is it about LZ that you like?

Nice thread, Bonzoholic! I'm 18 and I have been listening to them for many years already. Actually there were some other bands that interested me, and there are such bands, but soon I get tired of them. And Led Zeppelin is always like a fresh breath, something that remains the same. I guess they give me something nobody else can give. There is whole lotta love, whole lotta magic in their music, in every single sound, in stunning athmosphere. Today nobody's able to create something like that. There are so many bands trying to copy their music, the whole stuff, but they can't succed. Talented people just had met and created a whole world, they are Gods in it and today nobody can approach it and find the mystery to break it and see what's inside.

It's hard to explain what it's about them. Just Led Zeppelin. Just magic. Just the best band ever.

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I'm 15 and I have to thank my dad for discovering Led Zeppelin. We don't have any Led Zep vinyls or that kind of stuff (unfortunately) but for some reason (probably for a nostalgic reason) my dad had bought Mothership around the time it came out. After looking for a new band to start listening to I discovered Mothership in April 2008. I decided to put the songs on my iPod (I listen to music a lot with it) so I could listen to them when I felt like it. Then it happened... There's just something about Led Zep that makes it special. I bought ITTOD and PG about 2 months later but didn't listen to them that much (PG is my favourite album now) then it took about a month when I finally decided to get the rest of the albums and start to listen to the whole Led Zep catalogue. To me Led Zeppelin simply has that feeling. I don't know how to explain it. It's simply great music by the best rock band ever. I would happily do anything it takes to see them live once in my life.

P.S : Just remembered that we also had Led Zeppelin II.

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I like the music. The most of. Since I'm listening to rock music from an early age, I've never changed my directions. Rock and roll was always my favorite. I got introduced in Led Zeppelin when I was young, don't remember correctly. The first song I heard is "Stairway To Heaven". I thought it's something the greatest I've ever heard. I loved the intro and the hard rock part in the ending. It blew me away. After that I got interested in the band and here I am now. Like I said, I like the music the most. That's the most important thing for me in a band. I always loved the way their music sound. It's got magic. Since I play guitar and few other musical instruments, Led Zeppelin are one of my the biggest influences, probably the biggest ones. Mostly Jimmy Page. I don't like most of the music today. I like classic things, classic music, when music was really music, when hit songs were really hit songs... For me, Led Zeppelin proved those things.

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I'm 29 years old. My mother always listened to rock music when I was a kid. Whenever we were in the car, she would have WEBN, Cincinnati's rock station, on the radio. I grew up hearing Zeppelin songs, though I had no idea who Led Zeppelin was at the time. Mom had some Robert Plant albums on vinyl, so I was familiar with his solo work. By the time I got to high school, I had heard of Led Zeppelin and knew they did "Black Dog" and "Stairway to Heaven".

When I went to college, MP3s were brand new. I started downloading songs and researching rock history. Gradually, I learned that there were a LOT of Led Zeppelin songs I knew, but wasn't aware that Zeppelin had done them. I started buying albums, starting with the BBC sessions. Today, I have every Zeppelin release, as well as most of the solo albums and several "unofficial" live recordings. They are by far my favorite band.

I love the musical diversity the band displayed. They could play any genre and play it well. I love the blues and hard rock songs, but there isn't a Zeppelin song I don't like. A few, like Hot Dog and The Crunge, took a little while to grow on me, but I love them now as well.

Live, I don't think there is a better band. I love that they changed up the setlist and would just jam in the middle of Dazed, Whole Lotta Love, or HMMT. I only wish I had been around to see them live back in the day.

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i'm 18 now, and i've been into LZ for as long as i can remember. according to my parents, they "stopped listening to music aroun 1968" because that was when "people started to do way too many drugs". anyways, so they are really into the Beatles, but nothing newer. My brothers somehow got into LZ (no idea how, probably kids at high school) and they would play it at home a lot. I listened to zep all the time throughout middle school, but i wouldn't say i was really "into them". when i was about 13, my parents sent me off to summer camp, and before i left, i went over to the shelf where my brother kept all his CDs and grabbed ones i though i'd really like. unfortunately, the only ones i really found wer LZ I, LZ IV and Physical Grafitti. I listened to them for a month straight, over and over and over. i couldn't stop. it was the first time i had heard most of the tracks off of PG. amazing amazing amazing. when i got home i bought EVERYTHING. and from then on i've been obsessed. when i was about 14 i logged onto led-zeppelin.com and that was the first time i actually saw who they were, and read about these 4 amazing people. that was when they officially became my heroes. i honestly can't say what it is. there's just someting about the sound, the feeling. the way Robert's voice sounds, Jimmy's style, Bonzo's style, and JPJ's influence. i have no idea.

Edited by cowbell666
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Now 42 years old. I remember vividly the day I brought a KISS album (ALIVE) to school. Darin Senn (yes I remember his name) brought in TSRTS soundtrack. A music war ensued and I lost. He let me take the album home. Everything changed after that.

Zeppelin did something no other "rock act" has ever done (and I'm not talking about the number of groupies). They brought something elemental to what was just pop music. It went deep. Journeys to so many places. Over the hills; Strollin brick walls with Strider; Morrocco; Steamy grinding sex; Cosmic dreams; LA Queens; Fucking astral travels!!!

Never have I heard a band that went in so many directions all at once so magnificently. Others? Moments here. Moments there. You can name a song here. You can name an album there. But you can't match the set of albums Led Zeppelin put out as a whole. No one has. I doubt anyone ever will.

These things only happen once.

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Great music will always attract new listeners and devotees and Zep are one of those bands still doing that. I have just reread many of the posts and it gladdens me that people are still getting into them and each post gives a unique insight into why Zep has hit home with people.

I am a veteran really now 39 years since I first was struck down with an incurable disease called Zeppelinitis.

Last years show really helped and even previous ambivalent people or those who convinced themselves that they couldn't possibly like Led Zeppelin had to give in and accept just what the rest of us had known for along time.

For me the greatest band ever, no one else touches them.

So to the next generation of Zep lovers welcome to all of you. B)B)

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Hey.. I'm a "young 'un" >_>

What I liek about Led Zeppelin is the the true raw energy and greatness of the band. Every member is a master at their respective instrument, and together they're like a raging powerhouse of frenzied-up Blues, Rock and Folk. Led Zeppelin was what really got me listening to lots of different music, because of the band's versatility.. thanks to them I'm known as a "music-addict" or something similar by my friends at school.

Jimmy Page is something of an idol to me. He got me playing the guitar and I've never looked back since. I especially love his style of Blues-Rock that he played with in '68 and '69, with that Telecaster. I model my playing style largely after that Blues-Rock that he plays, along with people like Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Duane Allman, Otis Rush etc.

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