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Plant bouying botlegs ...lolz


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Look at that, quite funny imo


/ edit

sorry, I missed one "o" in a word "bootlegs"

And you said bouying as well, *smiling*. Which left me wondering exactly what bouying is. Then it occurred to me that perhaps you type in an english accent. I myslef nevere make typographucal errorers/ so try to ne more careful in the fewcher.

Seriously though, thank you for the contactmusic link,which led to this fantastic picture of Robert taken Wednesday in Manchester.


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If Robert Plant intends to take action against the bootleggers he should have his attorney handle the matter. Going into shops to threaten people is uncivilized behaviour. It's alright if he asks nicely for a discount, but he should have his attorney politely handle everything else.

Edited by eternal light
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^That's a very nice one; thank you for posting it, Roxie.

It just seems to me to be another case of sloppy journalism, and one that gets repeated by many news organizations.The story originated with Robert himself and was probably true,but meant with a slight comical irony.

Except for the part about sending Jimmy around.I'm sure that is entirely meant as a threat! :D

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And you said bouying as well, *smiling*. Which left me wondering exactly what bouying is. Then it occurred to me that perhaps you type in an english accent. I myslef nevere make typographucal errorers/ so try to ne more careful in the fewcher.

Seriously though, thank you for the contactmusic link,which led to this fantastic picture of Robert taken Wednesday in Manchester.


Nice man-purse. Whaddaya think, ladies? He still doesn't look like he'd be very easy to knock over.

Sorry, wrong thread.

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And you said bouying as well, *smiling*. Which left me wondering exactly what bouying is. Then it occurred to me that perhaps you type in an english accent. I myslef nevere make typographucal errorers/ so try to ne more careful in the fewcher.

Seriously though, thank you for the contactmusic link,which led to this fantastic picture of Robert taken Wednesday in Manchester.


Where can I get these botlegs? I tried google and just got a lot of illegal recordings of Led Zeppelin.

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Your mission for today:

1/ Get a dictionary.

2/ Look for the word "sarcasm."

3/ Try and understand it.

Then take the rest of the week off.

Ok but don't assume that just because you intended the tone of the post to be sarcastic, that sarcasm comes across to someone who is reading it.

There are plenty of people who come here and genuinely ask basic questions like that, in much similar phrasing.

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Plant bouying bo(o)tlegs?

Does that mean he's keeping them afloat? :o

If Robert plant is "buying" bootleg albums; that could be a good sign as to.::::A :he might be listening to the bootlegs to hear how he "should be singing" led zeppelin songs with Alison krauss and :::B maybe he is buying them for Jason Bonham as we all know he has a big collection.which if jason and Robert are still communicating than that ain't a bad thing.

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If Robert plant is "buying" bootleg albums; that could be a good sign as to.::::A :he might be listening to the bootlegs to hear how he "should be singing" led zeppelin songs with Alison krauss and :::B maybe he is buying them for Jason Bonham as we all know he has a big collection.which if jason and Robert are still communicating than that ain't a bad thing.

I don't think he needs to listen to bootlegs to learn how to sing with Alison. He's singing with her as he chooses to and the way that works within the structure of the songs being reworked as well as complimenting her voice.

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Why the hell should Plant, Jones, or Page pay a dime for the bootlegs. They should be able to walk in, take what they want, and leave. Even though I love them, bootlegs are illegal and are property of the band. If the owners complained, what could they do? NOTHING.

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Trespass and intentional infliction of emotional distress could be two issues the shopkeepers may raise in their hypothetical countersuit. A person may have rights to the goods for sale, but not be the one who pays the overhead of the business, rent and so forth.

Any claim that one litigant would make could be offset by a counterclaim, so any outcome could conceivably result in a division of damages between the two parties. It's important to be polite about such matters to encourage goodwill from adversaries, just in case either one needs to make amends. Do not assume that you know in advance how a case will conclude; the scales can tip either way. Bootlegged items might not be the only property-related rights at issue.

If a person is polite and reasonably cooperative considering the circumstances, he/she appears to be within their rights, which could help a defense against a counterclaim. If the shopkeeper were to have a heart attack because a shopper were unnecessarily cruel in communicating his/her demands, a wrongful death counterclaim would be another hypothetical to consider. So, always be nice.

Edited by eternal light
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Trespass and intentional infliction of emotional distress could be two issues the shopkeepers may raise in their hypothetical counter suit. A person may have rights to the goods for sale, but not be the one who pays the overhead of the business, rent and so forth.

Any claim that one litigant would make could be offset by a counterclaim, so any outcome could conceivably result in a division of damages between the two parties.

Thats a very good point here; If I was a shop owner and someone started hassling me about something i was selling .I sure would be claiming storage fees,maintenance fees you name it! If you know someone has millions of bucks and want to try the heavy shit then you throw it straight back at them. And last but not lest get that C.D burner going 24/7.

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