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Robert plant hoping to record second album

misty mountain

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I've noticed that too. Robert Plant wouldn't be who he is if it weren't for Zeppelin. None of them would be, but Zeppelin broke up and now he has a career of his own. I think Robert knows his roots, and will pay the proper respect when the time comes again. He did it at the reunion at the O2, and when he's ready it will happen again.

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He's shown enough respect as far as I am concerned.

That is simply not true.

well you have your own opinion and I have mine.....

I've been hearing the same shiite form Robert since 1985. I remember the Live Aid interview then, classic Robert emphasising, "well i have my own career now" or something like that.....and I also Remember Jimmy rolling his eyes at that comment.

don't get me wrong, I respect Robert's talents and all that he's been able to accomplish since Zeppelin....but in my view he's always been a bit egotistical about it all baased on all I've read and heard over the years. To me.... he doesn't neccessarily like it that the legend of Zeppelin looms larger than his own.

But hey, maybe that makes him who he is and why he's had so much success

again, this is only my opinion

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Robert has never shown anything but respect for Zeppelin, the band he loves. He still sings Zeppelin material, despite all the people who complain about THAT when they want him to be doing MORE Zeppelin material with the reformed band (except those who think his voice isn't up to it). The fact that he doesn't want to BE part of that reformed band right now is an entirely different issue. He loves the band, he loves the music, he loves Jimmy. I'm sure he loves Jason. I can't vouch for Jonesy. :D And if it wasn't for Zeppelin, he might have had a different kind of career, but no way that voice wouldn't have been hugely successful in another band or as a solo artist.

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Robert Plant has his own identity and certainly an abundant ego, but Jimmy Page got used that a long time ago. Maybe it is the inner voice directing him rather than simply his ego though.

that's the way he always tries to sell it, but the cynic in me says it's the ego B)

I was just reading another article on this subject (Robert and Allison carrying on) different than the one posted here........where Allison actually seemed to go out of her way to suggest that working with Plant in the future wouldn't neccesarily close the doors on her past and her own collaborations prior to this one with Robert..........funny that Robert had no such quotes

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that's the way he always tries to sell it, but the cynic in me says it's the ego B)

I was just reading another article on this subject (Robert and Allison carrying on) different than the one posted here........where Allison actually seemed to go out of her way to suggest that working with Plant in the future wouldn't neccesarily close the doors on her past and her own collaborations prior to this one with Robert..........funny that Robert had no such quotes

Robert has said several times that he's leaving the doors open, that one day when the time is right he'd like to sing with Zeppelin again, etc., etc., hence all the endless speculation on this forum!

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"The results blew away an audience of 4,065. There might not have been many people inside — they only half-filled the civic center — but they were wildly receptive to new takes on classics, giving the group three long, standing ovations and remaining on their feet through the four-song encore."

4,000 people showed up? only half-filled venue?? Wow thought for sure such a big name like Mr. Plant would be able to draw more than 50% of the venue size booked.

Maybe not many care for this type of music? Naaah can't be. could be? maybe just one time?

Curious how well the other shows are selling. Anyone know a site that publishes the number attended per show and what the actual venue holds?

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Plant always goes out of his way to reinforce the notion that he doesn't need Led Zeppelin and never has......it pisses me off

It's not about reinforcing anything. Robert has moved on and is doing what he's happy doing. Why is that bad? I can understand and accept people feeling disappointed Zep might not ever play again but to make Robert out to be evil because of it is ridiculous. He speaks so fondly of his time in Zep but his decision not to reunite isn't out of not needing them. He's about living in the moment and experiencing different collaborations.

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that's the way he always tries to sell it, but the cynic in me says it's the ego B)

I was just reading another article on this subject (Robert and Allison carrying on) different than the one posted here........where Allison actually seemed to go out of her way to suggest that working with Plant in the future wouldn't neccesarily close the doors on her past and her own collaborations prior to this one with Robert..........funny that Robert had no such quotes

Well, dagnabit, if it ain't the inner workings of the human soul, I'm gonna havta give that man a good talking-to.


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Robert has never shown anything but respect for Zeppelin, the band he loves. He still sings Zeppelin material, despite all the people who complain about THAT when they want him to be doing MORE Zeppelin material with the reformed band (except those who think his voice isn't up to it). The fact that he doesn't want to BE part of that reformed band right now is an entirely different issue. He loves the band, he loves the music, he loves Jimmy. I'm sure he loves Jason. I can't vouch for Jonesy. :D And if it wasn't for Zeppelin, he might have had a different kind of career, but no way that voice wouldn't have been hugely successful in another band or as a solo artist.

People's mileage on whether Plant disrespects Zeppelin varies. Most recent example was the Village Voice interview, in which he talked about "touring for the sake of touring" in terms of, you know, a hand job.

How absolutely disrespectful! I say this as someone who is very much looking forward to seeing him with Alison and the band in a few weeks' time in Tahoe. But the fact that he is doing some interesting different stuff does not make me deaf to his implication that singing Led Zeppelin in front of Jimmy, JPJ and Jason Bonham would be like getting jerked off by a $5 hooker in Bangkok.

Is my love of this music and my desire to hear it live so spectacularly cheap, really?

You can tell me 'till the cows come home it's just his endearing witty little way, and I will still think someone who has genuine love and respect wouldn't be able to go there, in the first place. At the least, he's very conflicted.

I am not. I love Led Zeppelin and it means much more than a quick "happy ending." (Yes, even his singing. With them. Leaving discussion about how convenient it is for him to sing Zeppelin tunes without having to keep up with Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason for some other time.)

Edited by SunChild
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I don't see where we disagree. He doesn't want to tour for the sake of touring, who would? But he's touring right now to support a new project he's enthusiastic about, and he's open to doing the Zeppelin thing when there's another good reason, like the Ahmet tribute. (And he kept up just fine with JJJ at the O2, seemed to me.) Well, I don't see any disrespect at all, I guess that's where we disagree. But, as you say, people's views vary, and those are just mine. I love Zeppelin too.

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Robert has never shown anything but respect for Zeppelin, the band he loves. He still sings Zeppelin material, despite all the people who complain about THAT when they want him to be doing MORE Zeppelin material with the reformed band (except those who think his voice isn't up to it). The fact that he doesn't want to BE part of that reformed band right now is an entirely different issue. He loves the band, he loves the music, he loves Jimmy. I'm sure he loves Jason. I can't vouch for Jonesy. :D And if it wasn't for Zeppelin, he might have had a different kind of career, but no way that voice wouldn't have been hugely successful in another band or as a solo artist.

I agree that he foes really loe the band. I have no doubt that Jonesy holds a special place in Robert's heart. I will say that sometimes Robert comes off the wrong way about his Zeppelin days. I don't think that he is ashamed or thinks he's too good. It just comes off like that because he has his own career now and he wants to promote that, rightfully so.

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People's mileage on whether Plant disrespects Zeppelin varies. Most recent example was the Village Voice interview, in which he talked about "touring for the sake of touring" in terms of, you know, a hand job.

How absolutely disrespectful! I say this as someone who is very much looking forward to seeing him with Alison and the band in a few weeks' time in Tahoe. But the fact that he is doing some interesting different stuff does not make me deaf to his implication that singing Led Zeppelin in front of Jimmy, JPJ and Jason Bonham would be like getting jerked off by a $5 hooker in Bangkok.

Is my love of this music and my desire to hear it live so spectacularly cheap, really?

You can tell me 'till the cows come home it's just his endearing witty little way, and I will still think someone who has genuine love and respect wouldn't be able to go there, in the first place. At the least, he's very conflicted.

I am not. I love Led Zeppelin and it means much more than a quick "happy ending." (Yes, even his singing. With them. Leaving discussion about how convenient it is for him to sing Zeppelin tunes without having to keep up with Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason for some other time.)

i think it comes down to new material. i honestly believe that if zeppelin can still cut it in the studio (and that means with each other, as well) and can produce something they feel would be honest, i think plant would be involved.

really, it's almost like the beatles all over again. i still remember john lennon's retort to a reporter: "it's the same as wanting the beatles back. you want music from me, you'll get it. but don't tell me which music to make or suggest how i do it. otherwise, you can go do it yourself. there's room for everybody..."*

i prefer to look at what robert has done recently to enhance the "zeppelin situation". he did the reunion. that was not only a performance with his old band, but coming to a tacit understanding with jason, mending a 13 year old (or more) fence with jpj, and admitting that he and jimmy page were somehow attached-forever.

that's a lot. there's hope.

*playboy interview, november 1980

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i think it comes down to new material. i honestly believe that if zeppelin can still cut it in the studio (and that means with each other, as well) and can produce something they feel would be honest, i think plant would be involved.

really, it's almost like the beatles all over again. i still remember john lennon's retort to a reporter: "it's the same as wanting the beatles back. you want music from me, you'll get it. but don't tell me which music to make or suggest how i do it. otherwise, you can go do it yourself. there's room for everybody..."*

i prefer to look at what robert has done recently to enhance the "zeppelin situation". he did the reunion. that was not only a performance with his old band, but coming to a tacit understanding with jason, mending a 13 year old (or more) fence with jpj, and admitting that he and jimmy page were somehow attached-forever.

that's a lot. there's hope.

*playboy interview, november 1980

I agree, good point. That would constitute a good reason to tour or at least do some more shows.

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People's mileage on whether Plant disrespects Zeppelin varies. Most recent example was the Village Voice interview, in which he talked about "touring for the sake of touring" in terms of, you know, a hand job.

How absolutely disrespectful! I say this as someone who is very much looking forward to seeing him with Alison and the band in a few weeks' time in Tahoe. But the fact that he is doing some interesting different stuff does not make me deaf to his implication that singing Led Zeppelin in front of Jimmy, JPJ and Jason Bonham would be like getting jerked off by a $5 hooker in Bangkok.

Is my love of this music and my desire to hear it live so spectacularly cheap, really?

You can tell me 'till the cows come home it's just his endearing witty little way, and I will still think someone who has genuine love and respect wouldn't be able to go there, in the first place. At the least, he's very conflicted.

I am not. I love Led Zeppelin and it means much more than a quick "happy ending." (Yes, even his singing. With them. Leaving discussion about how convenient it is for him to sing Zeppelin tunes without having to keep up with Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason for some other time.)

Just sharing my opinion but I don't take it as Robert disrespecting Zep at all. I've never heard him say anything bad about his time in the band. I quite think he's incredibly proud of being a part of such an incredible group and what they created together. His not wanting to tour with them is really just about not wanting to live in the past. It's not about hating Zep. He did say very specifically it has to be for the right reasons - a one off gig here and there so it's not like we may never see them. Zep was always about not doing the same thing twice as evidenced by how diverse each album was. I think Robert is just carrying on that thought process, only he's doing it on his own. I love Zep too. I never saw them and it would be great to experience that. But I'm fine if they don't. I just want them to be out there making music in some form.

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Is my love of this music and my desire to hear it live so spectacularly cheap, really?

You can tell me 'till the cows come home it's just his endearing witty little way, and I will still think someone who has genuine love and respect wouldn't be able to go there, in the first place. At the least, he's very conflicted.

I agree. That is precisely my impression and has been for a long time. Has he always been respectful of Led Zeppelin's legacy? I don't think so; it has varied over the years. In late 1994 when he and Jimmy had started working together again, they were interviewed by Mojo. Here's an excerpt:

Mojo: Has this project [i.e. Page/Plant - OM], along with the now completed Led Zeppelin remasters, lifted the shadow of the 70's and tempted you back to the huge stash of archive material for possible release?

Jimmy: We've got tapes and we've got footage from along the way, starting with the Albert Hall whenever that was [1969 - No! 1970 - OM]

Robert: I don't like that as an idea. I think The Song Remains the Same is such a load of old bollocks.

And on it goes. Respect? Nope. Humor? Nope. And there have been other examples over the years. And now the 'handjob' comment. How is that funny?

So yep, I think Robert is conflicted, precisely. He may have his reasons - among them reasons he wouldn't want to talk about in interviews - but he has often enough tended to describe LZ as just old stuff and not very exciting. That's where so many people don't agree. In the end the main thing is simply to make great music. And that's what Led Zeppelin had that none of the solo projects of any member of the band has ever achieved: sheer greatness. And going from how the performance at the O2, they could still do better than any other band around.

However, it's best not to entirely forget that not only does Robert sometimes change his mind rather quickly, but it also simply wouldn't be wise to talk about a LZ reunion when he is busy with another project. B)

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Well, I haven't even seen the redone SRTS. The old one did kind of disappoint me, I admit. Didn't stop me from watching it about a hundred times :P

I have always thought maybe Plant just gets sick of being asked about LZ over and over. I know he gets crabby, but he's still kind of hot so I don't notice as much. I did notice in that Live Aid interview he seemed to kind of hurt JP's feelings and that pissed me off. The handjob thing, I don't know. I guess if that's how it seems to him, why would we want it?

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Well, I haven't even seen the redone SRTS. The old one did kind of disappoint me, I admit. Didn't stop me from watching it about a hundred times :P

I have always thought maybe Plant just gets sick of being asked about LZ over and over. I know he gets crabby, but he's still kind of hot so I don't notice as much. I did notice in that Live Aid interview he seemed to kind of hurt JP's feelings and that pissed me off. The handjob thing, I don't know. I guess if that's how it seems to him, why would we want it?

You're right, if that's how he really feels about it, it wouldn't sound right anyway - so why would we want it in that case? But that still doesn't mean we have to agree with the comment.

Edited by Otto Masson
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Maybe the best we can hope for in the near future (realisticaly speaking- I sure AM still hoping for a full-on Led Zep reuinion) is that his next album with Alisson includes the Zeppelin covers, and at lleast has Jimmy, John, and Jason on it playing the instrumentals on one or more of them.

What Robert is doing now isn't Zeppelin, but the reviews and record sales certainly show that it's popular and commercially viable, not to mention that Robert's enjoying it.

This comment is the Most revoltingly disgraceful disrespect to the Led Zeppelin Legacy I have ever had the misfortune to have read on their very own website . As if it would be some kind of common little courtesy for Page,Jones & Bonham the younger to be thrown a bone or crumb of a chance to play their own creations with krauss . Your implications are outrageously unacceptable and as backward as one can get. FOUL ! BOOOOO & HISSSSS !

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This comment is the Most revoltingly disgraceful disrespect to the Led Zeppelin Legacy I have ever had the misfortune to have read on their very own website . As if it would be some kind of common little courtesy for Page,Jones & Bonham the younger to be thrown a bone or crumb of a chance to play their own creations with krauss . Your implications are outrageously unacceptable and as backward as one can get. FOUL ! BOOOOO & HISSSSS !

Uh, no. The most revoltingly disrespectful thing to be read on this website is the constant ramblings of a mental case who has taken some beautiful music and watered it down to a pseudo religion/soap opera, starring one of his friends as the lady from STH.

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I didn't think TSRTS was the greatest movie ever made, either. But dissing TSRTS, a lot of which deserves it (I mean, that mushroom, come on!), isn't the same as dissing the band.

Note the question that they were asked, Helen. The comment obviously doesn't just intend TSTRS, but LZ live. Of course back in 1994 TSRTS was still the only available official release of LZ live.

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I didn't think TSRTS was the greatest movie ever made, either. But dissing TSRTS, a lot of which deserves it (I mean, that mushroom, come on!), isn't the same as dissing the band.

Shit, I don't remember the mushroom!

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