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You're welcome. And really, that post really said it!

See, here's my take on all this (for those who can be bothered), when this site started up in November, Steve set himself up as resident archivist. That rubbed a lot of people from the old board the wrong way. I'm not questioning his intentions, but I understand why some folks might feel eclipsed after years of their own efforts. Sometimes when you see an answer to a question you've answered a dozen times over the various forums being played up by someone else as an exclusive "courtesy of their archive" it can raise your hackles. We all have an archive to some degree, but for the most part we just answer the questions without taking credit for it. Look, I'm just a Zeppelin fan. Do I have stacks of books and old magazines full of information? Yes, I do. If someone asks a question, do I dig through them for hours to find the quote? Yes, I do. The people here who've known me over the years know that if I have it, I will take the time to find it for them. Do I take credit for it? No. I don't want credit or recognition. I get my joy in the act of sharing my love of all things Zeppelin with fans new and old. As do others, who feel to a degree that Steve has set himself as some laudible Zeppelin guru who has some direct line to god. Some members here would prefer it if he simply present himself as one of us. Fans. Collectors. Archivists.

Ev, I love ya dearly Bro but...we all get it. We don't need further clarification, it only keeps the wheels turning. Can we all just drop it now and get on with it? I think that everyone is very clear on how everyone else feels....I'm with Ally...VayKay to other parts....

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Ev, I love ya dearly Bro but...we all get it. We don't need further clarification, it only keeps the wheels turning. Can we all just drop it now and get on with it? I think that everyone is very clear on how everyone else feels....I'm with Ally...VayKay to other parts....

That doesn't sound like "dropping it" if you are choosing sides and then turning around chastising another member for his views.

In war that would be like declaring neutrality and then shipping arms to one of the factions. Now if you withdraw from your stand; you will only become suspect to both sides.



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Many of those same members here had the audacity to openly criticize how I went about securing, preserving & releasing the Vancouver 1970 tape in a 100% non-profit manner. I'm no upstart myself, I lurked on the old board for over ten years and became an active forum member only upon it's attainment of official status.

How I deem to share items from my archive is my perogative. If the band/management has an issue with me about that or anything else done in my name I'll be the first know. I understand I owe apologies to no one so none will be forthcoming.

I'm trying to stay out of this and keep this thread on track, and liberating bootleg recordings without profit is a very good thing. I applaud your efforts with that Vancouver tape, because we all know that every bit that's unearthed is another audio experience we all can share.

But seriously, knock off the pretension about "my archive" Steve. What you have is nothing more than an extensive collection of hard work and reporting and writing done by many professional journalists, with copyrights owned by those newspapers and magazines. It is no more your archive than me claiming the work inside my closet full of Sports Illustrated magazines belongs to me. You and Cat have no ownership over anything you post and, in all honesty, no right to do so by way of a U.S. federal court ruling that deems posting copywritten articles in full on a message board illegal.

By the way, I'm no upstart, either. I joined Digital Graffiti back in 1995 - back when Sam was running the old Electric Magic site without forums and with a LOT of audio clips. And after about two or three years on that original Zep LISTSERV, I got fed up with it because some people would always tend to take their obsessions a tad bit far and castigate others who don't play in their deranged, omnifocused world. There's this hierarchy of dorks who come off high and mighty when they've allegedly discovered something third or fourth hand (be it a concert someone else recorded or any sliver of information about what type of diapers RP used with Carmen).

There are far too many people in the Zeppelin fan community who need to stop acting like jackoffs and begging for attention/adoration. Last I checked, you people are all still nothing more than Zeppelin fans - the same as the rest of us.

Here is what you selfappointed "superfans" need to realize about this ledzeppelin.com forum - it is FOR ALL fans. Not just supergeeks and people who strive to be Dave Lewis. Not just for 55 year olds who've seen the band 30 times in their uberdork pizza face days.

It's for the 13 year old pizza face kids who just listened to Zep IV yesterday. Or the construction worker who likes to throw in Zep II and relax with a beer after work. Or the soccer mom who cranks up Immigrant Song before loading her four kids in their car seats. Or anyone who doesn't own a bootleg or like anything after Houses of the Holy.

Get over yourselves already.

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SAJ.....................you are too much. We all have our "Archives" of ZEP material. If you leave, most will not care.

Again though.........................do you all like me now??????? :D:D

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There's this hierarchy of dorks

:hysterical: Oh, lord. I'm sorry, but this is too damn funny. That should be a band name, or a support group or something. I have definately been mixed up with hierarchies of dorks in my life. They're everywhere! I never realize it until years later, though, and by that time I've pissed them all off without even knowing it.

You made me laugh out loud with that phrase, even though I know your post wasn't meant to be funny. I hope you're not offended, but you made me laugh out loud with that.

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That doesn't sound like "dropping it" if you are choosing sides and then turning around chastising another member for his views.

In war that would be like declaring neutrality and then shipping arms to one of the factions. Now if you withdraw from your stand; you will only become suspect to both sides.



Not really Del. We want the blood letting to stop. No ones running away, I really am on vacation :D

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:hysterical: Oh, lord. I'm sorry, but this is too damn funny. That should be a band name, or a support group or something. I have definately been mixed up with hierarchies of dorks in my life. They're everywhere! I never realize it until years later, though, and by that time I've pissed them all off without even knowing it.

You made me laugh out loud with that phrase, even though I know your post wasn't meant to be funny. I hope you're not offended, but you made me laugh out loud with that.

Trust me, I take that as a compliment, not an offense :D

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I'm trying to stay out of this and keep this thread on track, and liberating bootleg recordings without profit is a very good thing. I applaud your efforts with that Vancouver tape, because we all know that every bit that's unearthed is another audio experience we all can share.

But seriously, knock off the pretension about "my archive" Steve. What you have is nothing more than an extensive collection of hard work and reporting and writing done by many professional journalists, with copyrights owned by those newspapers and magazines. It is no more your archive than me claiming the work inside my closet full of Sports Illustrated magazines belongs to me. You and Cat have no ownership over anything you post and, in all honesty, no right to do so by way of a U.S. federal court ruling that deems posting copywritten articles in full on a message board illegal.

By the way, I'm no upstart, either. I joined Digital Graffiti back in 1995 - back when Sam was running the old Electric Magic site without forums and with a LOT of audio clips. And after about two or three years on that original Zep LISTSERV, I got fed up with it because some people would always tend to take their obsessions a tad bit far and castigate others who don't play in their deranged, omnifocused world. There's this hierarchy of dorks who come off high and mighty when they've allegedly discovered something third or fourth hand (be it a concert someone else recorded or any sliver of information about what type of diapers RP used with Carmen).

There are far too many people in the Zeppelin fan community who need to stop acting like jackoffs and begging for attention/adoration. Last I checked, you people are all still nothing more than Zeppelin fans - the same as the rest of us.

Here is what you selfappointed "superfans" need to realize about this ledzeppelin.com forum - it is FOR ALL fans. Not just supergeeks and people who strive to be Dave Lewis. Not just for 55 year olds who've seen the band 30 times in their uberdork pizza face days.

It's for the 13 year old pizza face kids who just listened to Zep IV yesterday. Or the construction worker who likes to throw in Zep II and relax with a beer after work. Or the soccer mom who cranks up Immigrant Song before loading her four kids in their car seats. Or anyone who doesn't own a bootleg or like anything after Houses of the Holy.

Get over yourselves already.

Beautiful Solar. Great post.

As were yours Ev - and keep on posting because I'm among many who want to keep reading your words. B)

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That doesn't sound like "dropping it" if you are choosing sides and then turning around chastising another member for his views.

In war that would be like declaring neutrality and then shipping arms to one of the factions. Now if you withdraw from your stand; you will only become suspect to both sides.



I love Ev and let Ev speak for himself please. It's just.....everyone's beating a dead horse. Do you get pleasure out of that? I don't.

I'd like to move on to greener pastures. If you have issues with SAJ, then start a fucking support group on the Ramble board where you can air all the laundry out. I'm trying to remain neutral and Ev's made his point more than clear. RODGER WILCO, got it!! Don't need everyone here clarifying every frikking issue that they've ever had with any other poster....

Peace OUT!

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I'm going to say one last thing before I leave this thread for the evening and I won't flatter myself to even think anyone gives a shit about what I have to say but....

Yes, SCS, I like you....I agree, to a degree, with your opinions though you do sound like a broken record.

I LIKE everyone here for different reasons. I also dislike everyone here for different reasons and I'm sure the same can be said about me. But....I like to focus on the positive people bring to the board and work around the negative.

It's just that it seems like everyone wants the blood of SAJ and you're not going to get it so move on. It's like a lynch mob and lynch mobs gain strength in numbers but act out of fear, so...one has to wonder what the fear is?

Think about that....if you feel this might be directed towards 'you'.....why are you so passionate about getting blood on your hands? What pleases you about that? What are you fearful of?

Just things to ponder...I find asking myself these types of questions about everything I do in life brings me closer to the Light. All I've tried to do here is bring everyone together...I'm a newb so bash away but ya know....it's just a discussion board!! Ahahahaaaa!! The joke is on anyone who takes this as seriously as it has gotten!

Good night all, I'm off to my dinner of grilled salmon, asian cucumber salad and broccoli rabe with a nice pinot nior....and then maybe a fun spirited game or two of poker with my hubby before I go to bed to prepare for real life tomorrow....where cut throat means you lose your job or get regulated to the side lines.....not humiliating other human beings....we play hardball a hell of a lot better than it's been played out on this thread.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti....Aummmmm.....

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I don't have anything. Just the records. When I was a teenager I ordered some back issues of magazines, but I don't have them anymore. I have no desire for anything but the records. I enjoy looking at all the great photos in here, and the knowledge some of you have has definately been helpful and enlightening at times.

Other times.....I wonder. For example: until I came in here, I would not have known the name of Robet Plant's dog. In fact, before I came in here I wouldn't have believed anyone would care about such things. I am not interested in their net worth, or things that (to me) don't matter. But we all have different things that matter to us. Though I don't have any "stuff," it is fun to see other people's. I like to see the old ticket stubs and rare records. I like to read the old and new interviews. I really like reading what musicians in here have to say about this and that.

Sure has been interesting.

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Last I checked, you people are all still nothing more than Zeppelin fans - the same as the rest of us.

Thank you for the reminder that I waited in line in the hot sun in arena and forum parking lots during the 70's enduring the ghastly behavior of security to have a chance to buy a ticket all for nothing. We did not have the luxury of the internet back then, but welcome to the Led Zeppelin fan community. Please take a seat and make yourself at home. I think I hear Black Country Woman playing softly in the distance. Like I don't already know that I'm the same as the rest of us. What else is new?

You lovely Led Zeppelin folks have been kindly putting me in my place ever since 1969, but I suppose there's always more to learn. Please tell me once again, how does he like to do it?

Edited by eternal light
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So0o0o.......I am guessing I won't be taking my kids to the SAJ Archive anytime soon??? :angry:

It's all about the vibe here. You have those who claim they know, and those who demand they be acknowledged for what they know. Either way, the vibe is the same. Treating posters with different opinions like they are guests on your forum is at best, obnoxious. (I have been guilty of this, but learning :D )

Last I checked, it says Led Zeppelin Official Forum.

I have learned a lot on this board just by reading some of our more frequent posters "older" stories or "archives". New to me.

Been there, done that, have the tee-shirt attitude is flat out unexceptible. A flame free area (How about a Flame Free zone?) should be a place where points can be made and responded to without getting told how much more everyone who has been posting here for years is better then you, and the subject posted. You'd think "Led Zeppelin Newbies" would be a good spot for that wouldn't you? Not from what I have read here. I can respect your right to post your opinion no matter how stupid it is. (My motto)

I'd love to see some of the more proclaimed posters take a step off the pedestal, and stop giving your credentials of yesteryear please, and instead, share your wisdom with the regular folk. I guarantee you will get more respect then you know what to do with. Their is electric magic here. Sometimes it's just a bit misguided, IMO.

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How about the guise of "I know something, but won't say, so don't ask" :lol:

I agree, this is the most annoying of all. Why say anything at all?

I can respect that depending on where it's coming from, but not from someone rubbing it into others noses when they are at best a third wheel. What I love is, I know something, and you all know who I know, so you know I am in the with the in crowd, but you are not worthy of my post. My favorite. :D

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I don't have anything. Just the records. When I was a teenager I ordered some back issues of magazines, but I don't have them anymore. I have no desire for anything but the records. I enjoy looking at all the great photos in here, and the knowledge some of you have has definately been helpful and enlightening at times.

Other times.....I wonder. For example: until I came in here, I would not have known the name of Robet Plant's dog. In fact, before I came in here I wouldn't have believed anyone would care about such things. I am not interested in their net worth, or things that (to me) don't matter. But we all have different things that matter to us. Though I don't have any "stuff," it is fun to see other people's. I like to see the old ticket stubs and rare records. I like to read the old and new interviews. I really like reading what musicians in here have to say about this and that.

Sure has been interesting.

I'd like to thank you publicly for some of the contributions you made to the archive

concerning Jimmy's first concert performance in the United States. I think what some here fail to understand is such an archive is only possible thru the collective efforts of so many in addition to a few specific financial backers. The "Courtesy of..." disclaimer is used to highlight the contents and mission, if you like, of the ARCHIVE, and not myself personally. I don't need self-promotion and I don't aspire to be anyone else.

Collaboration is the key.

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I can respect that depending on where it's coming from, but not from someone rubbing it into others noses when they are at best a third wheel. What I love is, I know something, and you all know who I know, so you know I am in the with the in crowd, but you are not worthy of my post. My favorite. :D

It reminds me of when I was a kid fighting with my brother:

"I know something you don't know, and I'm not gonna tellllllya." :whistling:


And.....DON'T ASK! :wtf:

His reply, with his hands over his ears:

"Can't even hear ya, if you're saying something." :whistling:


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So0o0o.......I am guessing I won't be taking my kids to the SAJ Archive anytime soon??? :angry:

It's all about the vibe here. You have those who claim they know, and those who demand they be acknowledged for what they know. Either way, the vibe is the same. Treating posters with different opinions like they are guests on your forum is at best, obnoxious. (I have been guilty of this, but learning :D )

Last I checked, it says Led Zeppelin Official Forum.

I have learned a lot on this board just by reading some of our more frequent posters "older" stories or "archives". New to me.

Been there, done that, have the tee-shirt attitude is flat out unexceptible. A flame free area (How about a Flame Free zone?) should be a place where points can be made and responded to without getting told how much more everyone who has been posting here for years is better then you, and the subject posted. You'd think "Led Zeppelin Newbies" would be a good spot for that wouldn't you? Not from what I have read here. I can respect your right to post your opinion no matter how stupid it is. (My motto)

I'd love to see some of the more proclaimed posters take a step off the pedestal, and stop giving your credentials of yesteryear please, and instead, share your wisdom with the regular folk. I guarantee you will get more respect then you know what to do with. Their is electric magic here. Sometimes it's just a bit misguided, IMO.

I should have just waited for this post because it is saying everything that I'm feeling.

Thanks Mr Zoso

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I'm going to say one last thing before I leave this thread for the evening and I won't flatter myself to even think anyone gives a shit about what I have to say but....

Yes, SCS, I like you....I agree, to a degree, with your opinions though you do sound like a broken record.

I LIKE everyone here for different reasons. I also dislike everyone here for different reasons and I'm sure the same can be said about me. But....I like to focus on the positive people bring to the board and work around the negative.

It's just that it seems like everyone wants the blood of SAJ and you're not going to get it so move on. It's like a lynch mob and lynch mobs gain strength in numbers but act out of fear, so...one has to wonder what the fear is?

Think about that....if you feel this might be directed towards 'you'.....why are you so passionate about getting blood on your hands? What pleases you about that? What are you fearful of?

Just things to ponder...I find asking myself these types of questions about everything I do in life brings me closer to the Light. All I've tried to do here is bring everyone together...I'm a newb so bash away but ya know....it's just a discussion board!! Ahahahaaaa!! The joke is on anyone who takes this as seriously as it has gotten!

Good night all, I'm off to my dinner of grilled salmon, asian cucumber salad and broccoli rabe with a nice pinot nior....and then maybe a fun spirited game or two of poker with my hubby before I go to bed to prepare for real life tomorrow....where cut throat means you lose your job or get regulated to the side lines.....not humiliating other human beings....we play hardball a hell of a lot better than it's been played out on this thread.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti....Aummmmm.....

Brilliant Medhb. Thanks for getting it right. Between you and Mr Zoso maybe there's hope for this place yet.

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I concur! Why beat someone up who is simply following his own or her own interests.


Lot's of people around here doing that. I will however offer a hand of peace to anyone.

Even StringBender. :D

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