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U.S. Vice President 2008


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No one in the Obama campaign has made any personal attacks against Palin or her family, in fact, Obama spoke out about that earlier today. Who was behind the attacks were a bunch of far-left blogging loons with too much time on their hands, and they should not be taken to be indicative of the left as a whole.

And to attest to that...no one on this board has been 'all over' that story....

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If "Country First" McCain wanted a woman VP who is actually qualified to be Commander-in-Chief, I wonder why he didn't tap one of these clearly more-qualified republican women: Condoleezza Rice, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Christine Todd Whitman, Elizabeth Dole, or Susan Collins.

Could it be because these women can all be tied to GWB? Was Mac left to find a female

conservative republican who is so green that she'd have few, if any, direct ties to GWB?


Apparently in Palin, McCain sees a woman who is..

A Pro-drilling, Anti-Choice, NRA-member, Pro-oil, Pro-war conservative.

Markedly inexperienced with regard to federal and foreign affairs issues.

Is clearly not ready to be Commander-in-Chief if Mac is incapacitated.

Linked to indicted (corruption) Alaska republican senator, Ted Stevens.

Finding herself under investigation (Troopergate) for abuse of power.

..but, most importantly, has no direct ties to the George W Bush admin.

I think maybe srplane, Pb, and wanna be see in Palin what McCain sees,.. eh? ;)


Are you implying the guys aren't thinking with their brains, again...lol

That's where my slogan, McCain/no brain came from!

Now i thought about that. Condi, black and a female. I wonder if that choice would have been a good pick. This Palin is a Bush lover herself, that is already public knowledge.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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No,.. actually I'm implying that they are "thinking" (or perhaps

"responding" is a better choice of words) with their male brains. :whistling:

The Male Brain



Great pic, but i didn't quite understand what was going on there, lol....j/k

I meant that, too... :) not thinking with their "brains", lol

anyway One Drop, keep up the good work!

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I think the pregnancy of -palin's daughter is nobodys business and not an issue. But, the possible forcing the loss of someone's job is a big issue.

CNN reported there was a phone call from her office in regards to the ex-brother-in-law and a few emails were found. They will get to the bottom of this. Palin, abuse her power? She seems like such a sweet woman, i just can't believe anything like that about her...lol (sweet as a wolf in sheep's clothes)

Her daughter's situation is already out there. People can judge for themselves...17 and pregnant with an infant sibling in the house...sounds like a fun family. Sorry, as a parent in the year 2008, she has failed her child. A CNN reporter who was in Alaska said "this is all they are talking about". She said walk into any restuarant for even a minute and this is the conversation everyone is talking about...again, lol. Palin is a joke and a frightening thought for our country.

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CNN reported there was a phone call from her office in regards to the ex-brother-in-law and a few emails were found. They will get to the bottom of this. Palin, abuse her power? She seems like such a sweet woman, i just can't believe anything like that about her...lol (sweet as a wolf in sheep's clothes)

Her daughter's situation is already out there. People can judge for themselves...17 and pregnant with an infant sibling in the house...sounds like a fun family. Sorry, as a parent in the year 2008, she has failed her child. A CNN reporter who was in Alaska said "this is all they are talking about". She said walk into any restuarant for even a minute and this is the conversation everyone is talking about...again, lol. Palin is a joke and a frightening thought for our country.

I really am trying to avoid this political stuff, but it's someone like you by your trash talking a teenage girl and her mother has sent me over the edge.

My teenage daughter got pregnant last year.

I was devastated, as she had been brought up in a good Christian home and she had been a youth Deacon in our church.

As a parent of three, currently ranging in age of 20 through 15 and the grandfather of an 11 month old.

By calling Palin a failure as a parent, you have just insulted me!!!

I will tell you this, I am no failure!!!

* The oldest with the baby is not married and attending college.

* Middle child got a Dean Scholarship and will be starting college next week.

* Youngest is current a sophomore in high school with a 3.75 GPA, while playing three sports.

If your children are real young, I would love to know how they turn out in a few years.

You might just be walking in the same shoes Sarah Palin and I are walking in.

Edited by LedZep4Ever
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CNN reported there was a phone call from her office in regards to the ex-brother-in-law and a few emails were found. They will get to the bottom of this. Palin, abuse her power? She seems like such a sweet woman, i just can't believe anything like that about her...lol (sweet as a wolf in sheep's clothes)

Her daughter's situation is already out there. People can judge for themselves...17 and pregnant with an infant sibling in the house...sounds like a fun family. Sorry, as a parent in the year 2008, she has failed her child. A CNN reporter who was in Alaska said "this is all they are talking about". She said walk into any restuarant for even a minute and this is the conversation everyone is talking about...again, lol. Palin is a joke and a frightening thought for our country.

No no, that's what all the stupid people are talking about. You know, the ones who want to make it an issue. Sarah cannot make every decision for her teenager, nor can any parent. Palin is stealing the spotlight, rather conveniently, from McCain. Sure, she's a great governor. But this election is about McCain, not Palin, and that's what people are forgetting to focus on.

Now here's what's hypocritical. McCain said in an interview that his criteria for a VP was 'to be the most qualified person to replace me'. And after picking at Obama for months upon months for being inexperienced in general and in foreign policy...he chooses PALIN? With less experience than Barack! Wtf. It's a ploy. Notice how Palin has stolen the headlines...it's all about publicity.

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Palin is a joke and a frightening thought for our country.

No, she's for real, and if she was a liberal democrat you'd be justifying everything and rebuking any conservative who dared to spew the vile bullshit you consistently post.

And yet you're such a perfect example of the liberal hypocrisy - "Everyone is human and can make mistakes" - UNLESS THEY'RE REPUBLICANS/CONSERVATIVES.

You're a real piece of shit, and obviously a troll.

All your posts in these election threads are offensive and inflammatory.

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I really am trying to avoid this political stuff, but it's someone like you by your trash talking a teenage girl and her mother has sent me over the edge.

My teenage daughter got pregnant last year.

I was devastated, as she had been brought up in a good Christian home and she had been a youth Deacon in our church.

As a parent of three, currently ranging in age of 20 through 15 and the grandfather of an 11 month old.

By calling Palin a failure as a parent, you have just insulted me!!!

I will tell you this, I am no failure!!!

* The oldest with the baby is not married and attending college.

* Middle child got a Dean Scholarship and will be starting college next week.

* Youngest is current a sophomore in high school with a 3.75 GPA, while playing three sports.

If your children are real young, I would love to know how they turn out in a few years.

You might just be walking in the same shoes Sarah Palin and I are walking in.

Bottom line, she practices "abstinence" and apparently didn't teach her daughter birth control. I believe teaching abstinence alone is irresponsible. Didn't work out very well. That is why i say she failed as a parent. Is she so far removed from reality to expect teens aren't hormonal and won't want to experiment with sex? I believe a parent is "obligated" to educate their children on sex. If they don't do it, who will? Palin doesn't want birth control taught in schools, either, and stands by it in her policies. This is the kind of narrow-minded thinking we can expect if she gets into office. I am soley judging "her" values, not those of any other parent. If parents at least make the attempt to teach their children and this happens, that is another story. I didn't mean to outrage anyone personally. Sorry if you feel i did. I know i didn't "trash" her daughter in my statements. It's not the daughter's fault her mom doesn't believe in sex education.

and btw...who was it that brought this story to light in the first place? Sarah Palin did, so she is responsible for exposing her family issues.

This is a woman who is running for Vice President of our country, and the Repubs are putting her up on a pedestal. So imo, when we start to find out about her real life (since she's an unknown), i have a right to judge her. She may wind up being my President, and i am not happy about this. I don't agree with most of her values or lifestyle, and this just shows how "imperfect" this "great pick" is. Maybe a mother of five, with an infant at home with Downs (i'm still curious to know who is taking care of this baby), should be making motherhood a priority over politics. This woman should be an embarrassment to McCain.

While i gave my opinion of this, it has been reported that this story is the talk of Alaska. Like it or not, the story is public now, and people will talk about it.

and late breaking news...Reported that Sarah is promoting her daughter now getting married. Also reported, Sarah's husband has a DUI. This may be a common scenario, but not what i expect from my Commander in Chief or VP. I think they should be held to a higher standard.

If anyone feels i'm being harsh, just ask yourself how the Republicans would be acting right now if Obama was the one with a pregnant teen.

To answer your question LedZep4ever, i plan to teach my child when she seems even remotely ready to learn, and i expect she will also be taught in school too, about sex. I hope to always be involved enough in her life to know what is going on, but if i don't, at least i will try my best. I wish you the best in your situation. You are an average American, like me, dealing with reality. Believe me, if i were running for office, i would have plenty of people judging my views and my life, too.

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No, she's for real, and if she was a liberal democrat you'd be justifying everything and rebuking any conservative who dared to spew the vile bullshit you consistently post.

And yet you're such a perfect example of the liberal hypocrisy - "Everyone is human and can make mistakes" - UNLESS THEY'RE REPUBLICANS/CONSERVATIVES.

You're a real piece of shit, and obviously a troll.

All your posts in these election threads are offensive and inflammatory.

Look in the mirror, buddy. Look at what your McCain lovers are spewing and call yourself the hypocrite you are.

edit for spelling

Edited by ~tangerine~
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No, she's for real, and if she was a liberal democrat you'd be justifying everything and rebuking any conservative who dared to spew the vile bullshit you consistently post.

And yet you're such a perfect example of the liberal hypocrisy - "Everyone is human and can make mistakes" - UNLESS THEY'RE REPUBLICANS/CONSERVATIVES.

You're a real piece of shit, and obviously a troll.

All your posts in these election threads are offensive and inflammatory.

Who's the fucking troll?

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No no, that's what all the stupid people are talking about. You know, the ones who want to make it an issue. Sarah cannot make every decision for her teenager, nor can any parent. Palin is stealing the spotlight, rather conveniently, from McCain. Sure, she's a great governor. But this election is about McCain, not Palin, and that's what people are forgetting to focus on.

Now here's what's hypocritical. McCain said in an interview that his criteria for a VP was 'to be the most qualified person to replace me'. And after picking at Obama for months upon months for being inexperienced in general and in foreign policy...he chooses PALIN? With less experience than Barack! Wtf. It's a ploy. Notice how Palin has stolen the headlines...it's all about publicity.

Agreed, but seems McCain has nothing left to say, lol. It's a joke, and i would love to see the supporters of Palin explain WHY she is the "best qualified" to replace McCain as Commander in Chief.

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Great post Ledzep4ever, going after the candidates children to try to make a political point is beyond the pale.

For your information, Uncle Bill, Palin is the one who spilled the story. Maybe her judgement is what should be in question. This McCain/Palin team is more interesting than an episode of "Days of Our Lives".

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All your posts in these election threads are offensive and inflammatory.

And calling someone a piece of shit ISN'T? There's a lot of people who have posted in this thread and the other one whom I vehemently disagree with and have said quite a few insulting comments about MY candidate, but I would never call any of them a "piece of shit". So congrats on sinking your own point.

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I really am trying to avoid this political stuff, but it's someone like you by your trash talking a teenage girl and her mother has sent me over the edge.

My teenage daughter got pregnant last year.

I was devastated, as she had been brought up in a good Christian home and she had been a youth Deacon in our church.

As a parent of three, currently ranging in age of 20 through 15 and the grandfather of an 11 month old.

By calling Palin a failure as a parent, you have just insulted me!!!

I will tell you this, I am no failure!!!

We don't know if you're a failure or not, only your children can answer that question.

The fact of the matter is there's an old saying that goes Practice what you preach. If Sarah Palin is going to get up on her political soapbox and tell everybody that what society needs is abstinence-based sex education, and other abstinence-only policies, then we have a right to know why it failed with her own daughter... As a politician she is offering, and is in a position to implement a 'solution' to what she perceives as a social problem. But this solution hasn't worked in the case of her own daughter, so she needs to explain its failure before she is in a position to inflict this solution on to other people.

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And calling someone a piece of shit ISN'T? There's a lot of people who have posted in this thread and the other one whom I vehemently disagree with and have said quite a few insulting comments about MY candidate, but I would never call any of them a "piece of shit". So congrats on sinking your own point.

precisely why I said it.

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Who's the fucking troll?

I think I made it pretty clear.

I've posted here some time, not quite a year.

Haven't ever been banned, then re-joined under another name.

Not even once.

Much less multiple times, as some have.

You can easily go back and see from my posts that I have been a decent member of this community.

OK, maybe Electro's got a point, and I went over the edge and went ad hominem.

Oh well, we all get fed up.

I've certainly been targeted with ad hominem attacks way more than I've used them, which including the above post I made, was maybe twice.

And not just from trolls, either. From regs, too.

Still doesn't change anything I said.

And I also think I think I made it pretty clear that I'm NOT a fucking troll.

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