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y'know you're a zep-freak when....

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I remember in 197(8?), on Saturday Night Live, when The Shining had just come out. Shelley Duvall was host. They had a sketch where she was a "Moonie". Dan Ackroyd had her in a chair and continually tried to reach her lost mind by chanting Led Zeppelin! Led Zeppelin! Led Zeppelin! Led Zeppelin!

Yeah, I thought that was the coolest! :D


Deprogrammer 1: Led Zeppelin! Led Zeppelin! Led Zeppelin! LED ZEPPELIN!!

[ they rise to speak privately ]

Deprogrammer 1: Man, I say we give up on this Moonie! She's not gonna crack!

Deprogrammer 2: Yes, she WILL!! Now, I have -- look, I have deprogrammed TOUGHER kids than this one! Now, look -- come on!

Deprogrammer 1: [ sighing ] It's been five days!

Deprogrammer 2: [ to the moonie ] Look... don't you want all of this to end? Huh? Just renounce that Sun Myung Moon character... and you can go back home to your parents!

Moonie: [ in a monotone ] The Unification Church is my family. I don't like my parents.

Deprogrammer 1: [ he sighs ] How 'bout your dog? Don't you want to go see your dog?

Moonie: I don't have a dog.

Deprogrammer 1: Do you have a cat?

Moonie: I don't have a cat.

Deprogrammer 1: Well, we'll buy you a cat! [ cutesy ] A little kitten! Yuo can call it "Booooots", or "Whiskers", or "Muffin", or ANYTHING YOU LIKE!!!

Deprogrammer 2: Shhhh...

Moonie: I don't like animals.

Deprogrammer 2: Look -- you can catch up on TV! Now, I bet you haven't seen the new Fall shows!

Deprogrammer 1: Rhoda got divorced, you know. It's, uh -- everything's changed.

Deprogrammer 2: Of course, you missed Mary's last show, you know, uh -- but... I'm sure they'll probably rerun it.

Moonie: Television is the Devil's paintbrush. I don't like television.

Deprogrammer 1: I'm gonna put on that Mamas & Papas album one more time, see what happens.

[ a knock at the door ]

Deprogrammer 1: There's the kid from Burger King.

Moonie: I don't like Burger King. Burgers are the Devil's scouring pads.

Deprogrammer 1: Well, don't worry -- we got you a Whaler with cheese.

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when your mom and your sister are watching really old home movies and you are in your room and you hear them scream "nick come out here and look at this" so you come out of your room and you see yourself on the TV at about 4 years old with your dads old Led Zeppelin shirt on that looks GINORMOUS on you and you are banging two pots with two sticks and my mom who is taping says "nick who are you" and at the same time both the little 4 year old me and the 16 year old me watching the video answer, "John Bonham" except the 4 year old me couldnt say "Bonham" so it just sounds like "John Boom" but i was just amazed i knew his name.

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1. If you see someone wearing a Zep shirt, you walk up to them and say, "Cool shirt!"

2. If you play instruments, you want the exact model that one of the musicians played, i.e., Gibson Les Paul guitar, Fender Jazz Bass, etc.

3. You've memorized the lyrics to every single song by said band. (I'm working on it! :rolleyes: )

4. You've copied your look after that of your favorite member.

5. You get upset when someone makes fun of your favorite member. (That's me! :blush: )



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^when you think the name "a clockwork tangerine" is the most incredible thing you have ever seen i meen good god that is just a new level of cleverness :D


Aww, thanks Hots on for nowhere!! Yeah, since I love "A Clockwork Orange" and I love "Tangerine" I thought it would be cool to combine them.

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When you & your Led Head friend, after sitting in algebra for 3 hours, start yelling "Jimmy" everytime she says "Turn to page...." And try to say Jimmy before she actually says "page"

It was a challenge ;)

you dont even know how much that made me laugh, me and my friend did a similar thing it trig, when ever someone ask either me or him for the answer we would just say "it's blowin' in the wind" because of the line in the song Blowin' in the wind where Dylan says "the answer my friend is blowin' in the wind" we got quite the amount of detentions for that and the teacher absolutly hated us and one time she sent us both to student relations for it and we told the principal what we did and just laughed and sent us back so the next day we did it again and she called our parents and thankfully my dad answered and we just laughed about it :D she was so frustrated with us :D:D:D

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you dont even know how much that made me laugh, me and my friend did a similar thing it trig, when ever someone ask either me or him for the answer we would just say "it's blowin' in the wind" because of the line in the song Blowin' in the wind where Dylan says "the answer my friend is blowin' in the wind" we got quite the amount of detentions for that and the teacher absolutly hated us and one time she sent us both to student relations for it and we told the principal what we did and just laughed and sent us back so the next day we did it again and she called our parents and thankfully my dad answered and we just laughed about it :D she was so frustrated with us :D:D:D


It really is a wonder we didn't get detention for ours, considering it was like a week before EOC's

Oh..if they would've called my mom it would've not ended well...

She already says I'm too obsessed :D

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I saw a ship called Zeppelin and got all excited. Then I started to babble:

You know, that's Zeppelin, and if I could just stick led that would be Led Zep, and you know Led Zeppelin, that's... you get it? Led Zeppelin, isn't that awesome???!!! I mean, how awesome is that, who has a ship called L...

My mom:

Shut up.

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...when you're at the bank and a simple transaction is taking particularly long. The first thought that occurs to you is, "Wow, I bet it took less time to compose (lyrically and musically) Stairway than getting this stinkin' cashier's check."

Why would my brain resort to thoughts of LZ at a time like this?

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I go to University by van and a radio programme starts at 8.00 am which plays 'Rock & Roll' as the opening song. Although it's just for less than a minute I shout to the driver:'TURN IT UP, PLEASE, please, PLEASE!!'..as I've done it every morning for teh last four months (and everyone is still sleepy so they hate me for doing that), now he just does it before the programme even starts.

...it's the only way I can go in a good humor to classes...

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when thinking about how one of the members from led zeppelin becomes more important then finishing paper like during school i was writing a rough draft really quickly in english because it was do that day and i was huring before the teacher got to my desk to collect it then i stopped like 3 lines in and thought to myself, i wonder how Robert held a pencil so i tried to hold my pencil really fancy looking and very light in my hand because thats how i thought it would look and then i thought oh how would Bonzo hold it so i tried to hold like a drum stick and then my teacher came and said "this is all you have? what have you been doing" and i said "holding my pencil like john bonham" and he just gave me a terribly awfull look and said "turn it in tomarrow for half credit" then the guy who sat next to me said "whos john bonham" and before i knew it, i gave him a history lesson on led zeppelin

or like one time when i was at work (i work at keva juice so all we do is blend smoothies and heat up pretzals) i was blending a "razmanian devil" (its just a rassberry smoothie with a engery kicker in it) and as i was blending i was thinking about the ocean and i started blending to the song so it was like BUZZ BUZZ BUZZBUZZBUZZ...BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ B BUZZBUZZ and i just got in this trance and kept doing it and then the manager yelled my name and said very sarcastically "i think its done :angry: " and i said "sorry :unsure: "

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You know there isn't a new album out but you still check the Zeppelin cd/dvd selection in every music store you go to to see if there is any new treausres you can find.

You look in the index of every book about a classic rock musician to see if there is any mentions of Zep or the members of the band.

You say "Cool Shirt" to a complete stranger that walks by with a Zeppelin T-shirt on. (esp. if it's one you have never seen).

Way to go Wolfman! I do exactly the same things that you mentioned.

Whenever I am in a record store or a Best Buy, I always check out the Led Zeppelin section even though I own all the cd's and dvd's that they have.

Same thing with the books. Whenever I am in a bookstore I always check out the rock and roll section. Same with the library. I will do the same thing and see if there are any Led Zeppelin related references in the index. If there are I will flip to those pages and read them until I have read them all. Then maybe I will buy or check out the book.

No matter where I am, if I see someone wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt, I will always say "Nice shirt". I have seen young kids and old men wearing a Zep t-shirt and I always say the same thing.

Even if we do not know these people it does not matter because we all know that for whatever reason we all know and love the whole idea of Led Zeppelin. And that idea is the idea that Jimmy Page/Robert Plant /John Paul Jones/John Bonham had that created the greatest body of music that the world has ever known.

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No matter where I am, if I see someone wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt, I will always say "Nice shirt". I have seen young kids and old men wearing a Zep t-shirt and I always say the same thing.

Even if we do not know these people it does not matter because we all know that for whatever reason we all know and love the whole idea of Led Zeppelin. And that idea is the idea that Jimmy Page/Robert Plant /John Paul Jones/John Bonham had that created the greatest body of music that the world has ever known.


I always love that weird sense of connection you get when you talk to some random stranger about Zeppelin

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I always love that weird sense of connection you get when you talk to some random stranger about Zeppelin

I am in the Bahamas working this weekend. In my business we do what is called a FAM to bring in our clients and familiarize them with our hotel and the Islands. So we were having dinner last night and there was a local band playing and they were awesome. They played a lot of local music, but also a lot of blues. So after dinner we board a luxury bus to transport everyone back to our hotel.

Mind you, most of these people are business professionals of large companies and the average age is 35-60 and a lot of them bring spouses and this time we had a few teenagers who came along with their parents. So everyone was in a great mood and we started singing on the bus ride back.

So I asked the driver if we could put the CD is was carrying with me---Our Boys--How The West Was Won. So for the 25 minute ride we sang along with this. It was awesome!!!!

Then most of us went to the hospitality suite once we arrived back and they all requested to play the CD. Of course I was more than happy to do so:-)

I think a few people will be buying the CD now. And the younger folks with us were asking me a lot of questions about Zep and other bands of that era and thought I was "cool". I even had a parent tell me that she never thought of sharing this music with her teenagers and she appreciated it when her daughter said "Mom we have talk more about this" She felt she has another way of relating to her teenagers.

So my appreciation for the GREATEST BAND and the effect their music has...never ceases to amaze me.

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I am in the Bahamas working this weekend. In my business we do what is called a FAM to bring in our clients and familiarize them with our hotel and the Islands. So we were having dinner last night and there was a local band playing and they were awesome. They played a lot of local music, but also a lot of blues. So after dinner we board a luxury bus to transport everyone back to our hotel.

Mind you, most of these people are business professionals of large companies and the average age is 35-60 and a lot of them bring spouses and this time we had a few teenagers who came along with their parents. So everyone was in a great mood and we started singing on the bus ride back.

So I asked the driver if we could put the CD is was carrying with me---Our Boys--How The West Was Won. So for the 25 minute ride we sang along with this. It was awesome!!!!

Then most of us went to the hospitality suite once we arrived back and they all requested to play the CD. Of course I was more than happy to do so:-)

I think a few people will be buying the CD now. And the younger folks with us were asking me a lot of questions about Zep and other bands of that era and thought I was "cool". I even had a parent tell me that she never thought of sharing this music with her teenagers and she appreciated it when her daughter said "Mom we have talk more about this" She felt she has another way of relating to her teenagers.

So my appreciation for the GREATEST BAND and the effect their music has...never ceases to amaze me.

You were in the Bahamas and you had a Zeppelin singalong? That sounds pretty fucking-A!

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"y'know you're a zep-freak when...."

You're driving home (or anywhere really)

and you're playing your favourite Zep CD (i dont have a favourite, but side 3 and 4 of PG is in the player all the time)

but the track you are listening too hasn't finnished as you are about to park up, so you deliberately drive around the block so you dont have to turn the track off half way through and you wont sit outside in your car playing the track in case it annoys the neighbours, thats me to a tee.

Regards, Danny

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You were in the Bahamas and you had a Zeppelin singalong? That sounds pretty fucking-A!

Hello LDW!

I have to say this will be one of my great on the job memories. Smiling now just thinking about how much fun we had! We got lucky and had a great group this time!

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Hello LDW!

I have to say this will be one of my great on the job memories. Smiling now just thinking about how much fun we had! We got lucky and had a great group this time!

You know what it reminds me of? The part in Almost Famous when they're all singing Elton John's Tiny Dancer. I'd love to have a singalong like that. And you got to be somewhere incredibly exotic. Jealous :D

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