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I wasn't really sure where to put this.

I had another Jimmy dream last night :)

I dreamt that it was another usual school day and i was heading off to my I.C.T class and Jimmy from 1975 came down one of the stairs from the boarding area, with my headmisstress and history teacher, with his black dragon suit on and his gorgeous long curley hair and him half sweaty then he walked down the corridor past the maths room and he turn round, turned into Jimmy from 1973, with his outfit from TSRTS and sweat dripping off the end of his hair then he turned round to me and smiled and winked at me.

That's all i remember coz i then got a shock from my dad saying "you can't still be in bed Lucia it's lunchtime!"

And i had to try to remeber it and now that i have i don't wan to forget about it:)

Spacewoman i think that your wallpapers are working :):):)

Oh and i just remeber a flash of another one i had where i was in Italy at my grandparent's house with my mum and she came down the stairs and wanted to introduce me to her new boyfriend who ended up being Peter Grant !:0 and i just remeber seeing him for a second.

But anyway a few of us have these dreams bout the members, so why not share a few, share a few of your...heckhem....experiences ;)


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I once had a dream that I walked into a bar and sat right next to young jimmy and robert, without realizing it. and then i ordered a beer and then chugged it and jimmy turned to me and said

'nice choice' and at that point i was freaking out because i was sitting next to jimmy page and I peeled off the label from the beer and had him sign it. and then I woke up and was dissapointed that it was all a dream.

This was also really weird because I am way too young to drink

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I had the strangest dream last night that I was back in high school and Jimmy Page and Robert Plant show up to perform one song by surprise. My band from high school is getting ready to go on and Page and Plant walk in the back room where we are just about to go out to the stage and wish us the best. We're now super nervous as we know they're about to follow us and that they'll win the trophy for best group. :):unsure::mellow::huh::D

R B)

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I once had a dream, after the 02 show, that I was Jimmy's guitar tech, at a big arena show. It was weird because the whole backstage area was like the same size as the front of house, with thousands and thousands of empty seats behind the stage....???

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About 20 years ago I had a dream that really stuck in my head. I was in a house at night, I recognized the house by the view of the bay out the window. It was up in my favorite neighborhood in the hills (I live in that neighborhood now only a short walk away) but the house had been torn down many years before (the view is still there). Jimmy was there sitting on a couch, he handed me a glass of red wine and said "I like to play some of the new things I've been doing". He turned on a reel to reel and I heard this acoustic middle-eastern sounding music with strange chord progressions and shifting time signatures. It was music I'd never heard but sounded just like Pagey. I remember being really dissapointed when I woke up because I wanted to hear more!

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  • 5 months later...
Absolutely! Just think my treat to treat Robert. Great Indian Food and great conversation, what more would a woman want. :kiss: :kiss:

I once had a dream that JPJ's pupils were multiple and triangular. HA HA. I guess they were similiar to Sandy Denny's symbol on IV.

About 6 months ago, I had a dream that I was backstage at a Zep show in England in 1971. It was all very casual and cool-great atmosphere.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had one a good while ago...

Apparently I was a medium or something, because I could see spirits & things that normal people don't. I was watching Jimmy at a concert one night, mid 70s, in his dark blue suit from TSRTS. While he's playing, all these spirits come to him and most of them just swirl around him, but a few are actually playing his guitar with him. "Oh," I think "that's how he does it..."

I don't dought that Jimmy can conjure up spirits at will, but I seriously dought that he needs their help playing :guitar_mood:

Edited by ms_zeppelin94
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Last night I dreamt that I was at a photoshoot with the guys. Jimmy and Percy were having pictures taken and I was just hanging out watching. Then, the guys had a show to do, so Jimmy and Percy left. But then I just sat around with Jones out in public while the others had to stay locked up in a hotel. (I guess I was with their crew or something?) Jones and I were laughing about how fun it is that the others are more famous. He can just do whatever he wants because no one cares about the bass player! lol

I like to think that Jones is just as much fun in real life as he is in my dreams. I love Jimmy the best, but my dreams always seem to center around Jones....strange...

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I had a dream last night that my good friend (who's also a big Zep fan), another friend (who's not a Zep fan) and myself somehow got to O2. We were trying to sneak in or buy tickets off of scalpers or something (Wait-were there even scalpers at O2?)I think the friend who's not a Zep Head got caught or something, but the last I remember, th Zep Head friend & I had made it in. Woke up before I saw the show, though! :wall:

Confused yet? :huh:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Take your pick on how to see it...


Dream's, basically what you think about or keep tucked away in your brain/thought's.

Here is another cool and very deep, idea on the power of your own brain!!


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It was 31st of May just after my prom has finished.I returned home tired and looked like a zombie.

I fell asleep and had in the same time the best and the worst dream in my life:

I was at cinema or something,and the movie's just finished.It was still dark but I could see two figures standing next to the exit.Then I realized they were Jimmy and Robert!

Then I became very nervous and took paper so I can get Robert's autograph.

I approached him and asked for autograph (in the most awful english EVER).

BUT,for some reason I didn't want to stay close to Jimmy who was smiling.I was scared of him.Fu*king scared because I thought he was pedophile (did i spell this right?)

Robert was writing a long message at the back of MY picture and Jimmy was smiling.

Then Robert smiled and i ran out scared of Jimmy but happy for having an autograph.

Then I woke up.I jumped out of my bed and started digging through my pictures desperately trying to find autograph.I was convinced that Robert gave me his autograph on prom.

But it was just a dream.

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I once had a dream that I went to a book store with all of them. We went in a red VW Microbus and the store was in the back of some woods, it was gorgous. Bonzo was riding in the back seat and I want desperatly to get back there but it was like there was a glass wall and he couldn't hear me and I couldn't get to him. I wanted to tell him her had to quit drinking as it was a life and death matter but I couldn't get to him. When we arrived at the book store he opted to go to the pub and the rest of us went to the book store. I told JPJ about how I wanted to tell him and JPJ said he had already tried to get him to stop.

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I had an awesome dream Monday night. I dreamed I was in this weird field-like place and I was with a Jimmy clone. He looked exactly like Jimmy, even with the 70’s style outfit, but he spoke with a Southern accent and he told me he was from Tupelo, MS and that he was 33 years old. He showed me pictures from when he was in high school, especially some of him on the basketball team. The best of part the dream was that we tongue kissed some. :wub: I wish I could have more dreams like that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a strange dream last night.It was in the two parts at the same time.One is about me kicking some guy I didn't like in stomach and saying:Rock'n'roll!

But that's not important.

The second part was in Toronto..But it wasn't Toronto.I thought it was.

There was an announcement for the Man of a Decade.Lots of really old people were staying there and smiling (including Percy).Then someone said Robert is the Man of a Decade.

I was clapping in the first row when Robert (he was reaaaally fat in my dream) suddenly jumped into the pool in front of him and saved some kid from drowning.

Oh,and behind him was a fountain.

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About 20 years ago I had a dream that really stuck in my head. I was in a house at night, I recognized the house by the view of the bay out the window. It was up in my favorite neighborhood in the hills (I live in that neighborhood now only a short walk away) but the house had been torn down many years before (the view is still there). Jimmy was there sitting on a couch, he handed me a glass of red wine and said "I like to play some of the new things I've been doing". He turned on a reel to reel and I heard this acoustic middle-eastern sounding music with strange chord progressions and shifting time signatures. It was music I'd never heard but sounded just like Pagey. I remember being really dissapointed when I woke up because I wanted to hear more!

Wow that is a really cool dream, I'm so interested in the music that was on the reel!

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I dreamed that I went to a show they were having at this little hole in the wall pub. To watch the show you had to balance on a slender board, attached to a railroad track that went around in a circle right in front of the stage. If you fell off, you couldn't watch the show anymore. (I don't get it either.) Well, luckily I stayed on until the end of the show, and hung around until almost everyone was gone. The boys were having some drinks at the bar and Jimmy was sitting next to me! He leaned over and whispered, "looks like you're the only girl left in the bar," AND THEN WE MADE OUT!!!! YAAAAAY. :yay:

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I dreamed that I went to a show they were having at this little hole in the wall pub. To watch the show you had to balance on a slender board, attached to a railroad track that went around in a circle right in front of the stage. If you fell off, you couldn't watch the show anymore. (I don't get it either.) Well, luckily I stayed on until the end of the show, and hung around until almost everyone was gone. The boys were having some drinks at the bar and Jimmy was sitting next to me! He leaned over and whispered, "looks like you're the only girl left in the bar," AND THEN WE MADE OUT!!!! YAAAAAY. :yay:

Lucky you!I never dreamed something like that. :mellow:

Zep members in my dreams are always fat and old and not attractive.That's a big Yay.

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