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If you were a kid in the 70's


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In the early 70s, my elementary school teachers at PS 236 were tough as nails. The women wore neckline dresses, skirts at the knees and mininmal beehive. The men wore dress pants, pressed shirts and the occasional pocket protectors. Kids didn't dare wear The Stones, Zeppelin or Pink Floyd T-shirts in elementary school like today. (However, I wore them in them in middle and high school with pride.) By the late 70s, the teachers were more relaxed all around but still none of them dressed slutty. With disco in full swing, these drugged-up rock band t-shirts were a welcomed sight to their eyes!

(Smiley says thanks for the memories. :) )

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I remember the Frankenberry,Count Chocula and the BooBerry erasers along with the Frito Bandito ones too.They sucked soooo bad.They would just smear your erasures all over the paper and your work looked like it had been stomped on with filthy shoes :lol:

I'd just blame it on Satan, and the teachers would understand...

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Going to Red Neck Tech in L.A. (Lower Alabama) in the early 70s, boy`s shirts had to have a collar and girls usally wore those dorky pants suits from the period. You had to mind yourself or face corporal punish from "Coach" or expulsion.

My friend once put a wooden clothes pin in the furnace for some idiotic reason and it caught fire. The class room smoked up. When he got ratted-out "Coach" took him out to the football dressing room and begin to paddle him with "The Board Of Education" as we called it. I remember sneaking out and listening to him get his butt tanned. Every time he got hit he would beg for mercy and "Coach" told him to grabbed his ankles again. It was a horrific beating. He must have gotten at least 5 licks. He had tears in his eyes after he came back inside.

I don`t think you can paddle kids anymore.

No, my teachers were not cool but strict but I can tell you we were well behaved.

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I didn't go to Catholic school regularly, but did have to go to what I think was called catacism class after regular school. It was some stupid requirement for the church, or something like that. We spent the whole time drawing obscene pictures, it was so boring. The teacers were nuns or "brothers", which I guess is a priest in training? This one saw something they claimed was Satan on my pencil - it was just a freaking Frankenberry eraser. He told me to come up to the front, throw away Satan in the garbage can, and hold out my hand to get slapped by his ruler. I was like, no fucking way, you freak!!!

dear God...the catholic church can be a scary place.

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I was in Secondary School from 72 - 78. Most teachers were old and boring but a few weren't. The two things I'll never forget are:

A youngish guy giving an English class on comprehension. He played us Quadraphenia by the Who; one of songs goes ".......I've got a Gibson without a case but I can't get that tender look of my face..." he then asked us what Gibson was - I replied " a Guitar that Jimmy Page plays" the class then spent the next hour discussing Led Zep vs the Who - awesome lesson.

An old and very formal music teacher asked us to bring in our own records to play as part of a music appreciation class. I took my copy of Led Zep IV and told her to play the first track of side one (Black Dog) but to really wind the volume up because the beginning was very quiet and thaose at teh back would not be able to hear it! She did and the sound of Robert Plant singing Heh Heh Mama....and Jimmy's opening riff nearly blew out the windows out!!! We then spent an hour trying to convince our Music teacher that Led Zep just had to be played load - she neve got the point and will always be one of the unwashed - as good friend of mine told me last week " Never trust someone who doesn't like Led Zepellin".

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We had a very loose atmosphere at high school. Most of our teachers were pretty cool some, were way too cool. Nothing like smokin' some Red Leb with your English and Science teachers at a Rolling Stones concert :huh: . Believe me...We passed those courses alright ;) As for Zeppelin, they were our band. Not a desk in the school that any of us sat in was spared from one of the four symbols. Our lockers were full of Zep pictures and some of us even had a portable radio /cassette player so we could listen to Zep or LG FM at lunch break. I think our teachers thought we'd joined some cult. Zeppelin was not they're band at all. Needless to say, our grades slipped. Just a little bit :D

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We had a very loose atmosphere at high school. Most of our teachers were pretty cool some, were way too cool. Nothing like smokin' some Red Leb with your English and Science teachers at a Rolling Stones concert :huh: . Believe me...We passed those courses alright ;) As for Zeppelin, they were our band. Not a desk in the school that any of us sat in was spared from one of the four symbols. Our lockers were full of Zep pictures and some of us even had a portable radio /cassette player so we could listen to Zep or LG FM at lunch break. I think our teachers thought we'd joined some cult. Zeppelin was not they're band at all. Needless to say, our grades slipped. Just a little bit :D

great stories and memories. sounds like you had a fun time!

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I was in elementary school in the 70's. And I can tell you my teachers were mostly women who were older and were straight laced, all business no play, "bring your milk money in the morning" and no talking in class kind of people. I still remember being in 4th grade and putting on candy scented lip gloss to have the teacher break the silence and ask "what IS that SMELL?!" What can I say? My obsession with lip gloss started at an early age :P.

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My K and 1st teachers in the really early 70s were older ladies, probably my grandmother's generation; very proper. From 2nd on, most of them were younger than my parents. I can't think of any that were mean; a handful were really special and the rest were still pretty decent.

I don't remember discussing music with teachers; just with friends. My wardrobe in the 70s evolved from Cindy Brady - Mod Squad - Preppie Handbook - Grateful Dead :)

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I had a Math Teacher, who was also my home room teacher in the later 70's, that was a big disco fan, so when we had show and tell, I brought my Led Zeppelin, Doobie Brothers, Santana, etc... records as much as I could to school. :D

R B)

I remember when my grade 10 spanish teacher (about a hundred years old it seemed at the time) told us to bring in any recordings of spanish music we might have at home. I brought in the Tubes first album. Malaguena Salerosa didn't even get a full listen before she took it off the turntable in disgust and locked it away. Funny, I don't remember my parents fighting too hard to get that album back for me and I never saw it again. :'(

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We had a very loose atmosphere at high school. Most of our teachers were pretty cool some, were way too cool. Nothing like smokin' some Red Leb with your English and Science teachers at a Rolling Stones concert :huh: . Believe me...We passed those courses alright ;) As for Zeppelin, they were our band. Not a desk in the school that any of us sat in was spared from one of the four symbols. Our lockers were full of Zep pictures and some of us even had a portable radio /cassette player so we could listen to Zep or LG FM at lunch break. I think our teachers thought we'd joined some cult. Zeppelin was not they're band at all. Needless to say, our grades slipped. Just a little bit :D

Wow! I thought our school and teachers in NY were liberal but you had us beat by a long mile. I always wondered and now I know why they used to call Vancouver "Vansterdam" ;)

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We had a very loose atmosphere at high school. Most of our teachers were pretty cool some, were way too cool. Nothing like smokin' some Red Leb with your English and Science teachers at a Rolling Stones concert :huh: . Believe me...We passed those courses alright ;) As for Zeppelin, they were our band. Not a desk in the school that any of us sat in was spared from one of the four symbols. Our lockers were full of Zep pictures and some of us even had a portable radio /cassette player so we could listen to Zep or LG FM at lunch break. I think our teachers thought we'd joined some cult. Zeppelin was not they're band at all. Needless to say, our grades slipped. Just a little bit :D

Ha! That reminds me of a story. In HIGH school, we had 5th period (following lunch) with Mr. Loftus. Same guy who let me play my guitar in class if I promised to do my work. Every day we'd sneak into his class early and roll a joint with shavings from the pencil sharpener and leave it on his desk. And every day he'd sit down, run it under his nose and toss it in the wastebasket. "Haha, funny guys". Well, on the last day of school, we rolled him a real skunker. He sniffed it as always, and slipped it into his shirt pocket!

But wait! It gets better!

After school got out, our usual crew went to our friend Danette's house to hang out and have some beers. She lived in a condo, and guess who was one of her neighbors?! So we're sitting by the pool drinking beer, and who comes strolling up with a towel and flip flops? Mr. Loftus! And guess what he'd brought along. Yep! We burned a joint with Mr. fricken Loftus dudes!!

True story!

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Went to a huge high school (around 3,500 enrolled, 1,200 graduating seniors!) Winter Park Florida, near Orlando from 76-78. The first year (10th grade) was still wide open. "C" parking lot was out past the tennis courts, and all the heads parked out there and partied. There was a huge tree just behind the fence that made a massive shady area where everyone hung out burning. You could skip school an entire day just in "C" parking lot. It was a constant party.

Tons of memories, but prolly the funniest was 3 of us sitting in the car finishing a joint, the bell had already rung, and in the car next to us the guys had a bong and the car looked just like "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", completely full of smoke. Suddenly, a teacher (female) was walking out to the cars telling everyone to get to class. We were already out of the car and she headed straight to the smoked-up car, so we hung a couple cars over to see what would happen. She knocks on the passenger-side window, the guy rolls the window down with bong still in hand, smoke pouring out, and in the same tone you might tell someone the time of day, she says "would you please put that up and get to class?"

It was like a scene from cheech and chong. Except they actually started the car and left.

It was almost surreal, you expected this big "bust" confrontation, and she was totally uninterested.

By 78, they had begun to crack down, and though you could get high before school in "C" parking lot, you had to keep an eye out, the police had begun patrolling periodically, and skipping class was much harder.

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I was in grade school.

I remember my teachers being cool.

There was no disrespect back then. If you got out of line, you would worry more about what your parents would do to you then the law! lol

I remember school dances and celebrations with record players and reel to reel tapes and movie projectors with actual film and sometimes the film would break and the teachers would tape them back together. lol I remember that there was only so many projectors and TV's so a teacher would have to check them out like a library book. I remember actual flags in the corner of every room, and repeating the Pledge every morning, not just a video of a flag and the words repeated by someone else.

I remember it was a big f*ucking deal when our school was able to afford their one and only computer!

I remember the smell of mimeographed paper, oh that lovely purple ink.

I remember bringing home test cards and we had to be careful not to "fold, bend or mutulate" or the "computer" might not be able to read it.

I remember playing outside a lot. This was the age before video games. I remember being perfectly safe without a cell phone, or even a pay phone around and going to friends houses and being just fine, as long as i was home by dinner.

Life was good back in the 70's if you were a kid.

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Went to a huge high school (around 3,500 enrolled, 1,200 graduating seniors!) Winter Park Florida, near Orlando from 76-78. The first year (10th grade) was still wide open. "C" parking lot was out past the tennis courts, and all the heads parked out there and partied. There was a huge tree just behind the fence that made a massive shady area where everyone hung out burning. You could skip school an entire day just in "C" parking lot. It was a constant party.

Tons of memories, but prolly the funniest was 3 of us sitting in the car finishing a joint, the bell had already rung, and in the car next to us the guys had a bong and the car looked just like "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", completely full of smoke. Suddenly, a teacher (female) was walking out to the cars telling everyone to get to class. We were already out of the car and she headed straight to the smoked-up car, so we hung a couple cars over to see what would happen. She knocks on the passenger-side window, the guy rolls the window down with bong still in hand, smoke pouring out, and in the same tone you might tell someone the time of day, she says "would you please put that up and get to class?"

It was like a scene from cheech and chong. Except they actually started the car and left.

It was almost surreal, you expected this big "bust" confrontation, and she was totally uninterested.

By 78, they had begun to crack down, and though you could get high before school in "C" parking lot, you had to keep an eye out, the police had begun patrolling periodically, and skipping class was much harder.

This pretty much sums it up for my days in school high, I mean High school B) class of 77

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I spent more than one night in Golden Gate Park back in the day! ;)

Damn mosquitos!! :rant:

How's it going "Evster2012?" I spent a lot of days at Golden Gate Park myself considering that I lived in the Sacramento area. 100 miles separated the two cities. ROCK ON!

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