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Strange subject I know but as I have alway's been someone to wear my heart on my sleeve, I am curious as to how or what everyone considers friendship to be. It's a strange world out there ;) Take it away

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I have several old friends from HS and from college whom I am rarely able to see, but when I do, it's as though no time has passed. And my local friends; we're all busy, but we somehow manage to be there for each other even if we can't get together often.

I also have a group of online friends, most of whom I've known for 15 years and are like sisters; we all have children the same age and have gone through all kinds of stuff together; some very heartbreaking things too. Some I've met in person, some not, but we are like a family.

I appreciate all of my friends. It's not how often you see them that matters, but being there for each other IMO. :)

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Friends nowadays are an endangered species of human beings. Acquaintances are many (the people you talk all day with, hang out, or call) , but real friends - the ones who will help or have time for you, while they're in a rather uncomfortable position - are few.

I learned this the hard way unfortunately. That's why I care and love the few friends that I have. :)

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Friends nowadays are an endangered species of human beings. Acquaintances are many (the people you talk all day with, hang out, or call) , but real friends - the ones who will help or have time for you, while they're in a rather uncomfortable position - are few.

I learned this the hard way unfortunately. That's why I care and love the few friends that I have. :)

Your a very intelligent person.

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Friend and Trust are two words that the people take as an easy one (word).

To call someone a "friend" first I need to spend some time where both start to know each other. Only after this stretch of time, long in some cases and not so long in others, there's when I can start calling the other person a "friend" (oviusly if I like the other person). The trust takes more time.

Im a open person, but with some experiences, you start to know with who and when you can say: ".. he's/she's my friend".

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i haven't got much friends, I am rather a loner, but the ones I have are my soul mates, and this is what friendship means to me. You feel when they feel bad and comfort them, and they do the same thing for you. You can call them anytime and do the strangest things, you know what they think. It is the total equality between two persons, unconditional love and respect.

It might be that my view of friendship is quite romantic and unrealistic, but I have experienced that there are people like this. My little sister (she knows all what is going on inside me), my best friend since childhood (don't know where I would be without her), my newest best friend, whom I met here on the forum, is the the incarnation of a perfect friend.

Edited by lucyinthesky
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Hi all,

"I'd rather be with my own best friend,that would be me,than have a 4 dozen 'friends'"

They love ya,when you got the time/money/spot light,and they are just as quick to abandon you when you don't.

Your friends,should never leave you,if at some point you hit rock-bottom,and that is different for many.

I have had many,in my life,who I considered,more than mere friends,as part of my family,and have treated them as such.Guess what happened,....


Now that,does not stop me from being friendly or helping,if I can.Sorry,A-*****,your are not going to beat me down,...

At this point in time,I will never rule out having someone I can call and be proud to call 'friend',yet if I can count them on one hand,damn!I'm lucky.


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Hi all,

"I'd rather be with my own best friend,that would be me,than have a 4 dozen 'friends'"

They love ya,when you got the time/money/spot light,and they are just as quick to abandon you when you don't.

Your friends,should never leave you,if at some point you hit rock-bottom,and that is different for many.

I have had many,in my life,who I considered,more than mere friends,as part of my family,and have treated them as such.Guess what happened,....


Now that,does not stop me from being friendly or helping,if I can.Sorry,A-*****,your are not going to beat me down,...

At this point in time,I will never rule out having someone I can call and be proud to call 'friend',yet if I can count them on one hand,damn!I'm lucky.


Good points KB. They say that in our lifetime if we have a couple of real friends, then we can count ourselves lucky. I'm not sure that I agree with that number but, I think there is something to be said for quality rather than quantity.

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I must say, I think I have the greatest friends in the world. They are just like my family I don't know what I'd do without them.

We know everything about each other, and still are the best of friends.

I couldn't ask for better friends. They are the people that I trust with everything and wouldn't exchange for the world.

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My friends are people that I share a mutual respect, trust, support, acceptance and love with. There isn't room for judgment. We offer each other support when life hurts. We laugh together. And sometimes with a measure of that mutual respect we laugh at each other. It's a 50/50 give and take. And sometimes it's even disagreements. But, again with mutual respect and the lack of judgment. Because, we're each others friends not parents. Also, there is mutual understanding that life can pull people in a million different directions and no matter how far you end up from the other you're always close at heart.

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My friends are people that I share a mutual respect, trust, support, acceptance and love with. There isn't room for judgment. We offer each other support when life hurts. We laugh together. And sometimes with a measure of that mutual respect we laugh at each other. It's a 50/50 give and take. And sometimes it's even disagreements. But, again with mutual respect and the lack of judgment. Because, we're each others friends not parents. Also, there is mutual understanding that life can pull people in a million different directions and no matter how far you end up from the other you're always close at heart.

Excellent post Kat

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Good points KB. They say that in our lifetime if we have a couple of real friends, then we can count ourselves lucky. I'm not sure that I agree with that number but, I think there is something to be said for quality rather than quantity.

I have to agree. I'd rather have a few close friends than tons of them. Nowadays time is very important.

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Absolutely nothing,or absolutely everything,depending on the day.

I've had too many "friends" fuck me over in the past to really trust anyone,yet I'm still hopeful (or stubborn,depending on your perspective)enough to think that friendship is not a thing of the past.

I do think that it's yet another thing that has evolved away from its' original meaning,and the way certain people throw the word around has me shaking my head in amazement.

I'm curious to know peoples' opinion on how friendship has changed in regards to the internet.Can you be friends with someone you've never actually physically met in person?

Edited by 59LesPaul
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Can you be friends with someone you've never actually physically met in person?

At least I can! I met one of my best friends here on the forum, and we wrote messages and letters for on month before she called me. Now she's one of the most important persons in my life, and I can't say she wasn't my friend when I even didn't know her voice.

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I don't think i can put into exact words what friendship means to me but the buddies i hang out with and have known for a long time are the best friends i have ever had. They come before any woman, etc. You can't replace friends like that.

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Absolutely nothing,or absolutely everything,depending on the day.

I've had too many "friends" fuck me over in the past to really trust anyone,yet I'm still hopeful (or stubborn,depending on your perspective)enough to think that friendship is not a thing of the past.

I do think that it's yet another thing that has evolved away from its' original meaning,and the way certain people throw the word around has me shaking my head in amazement.

I'm curious to know peoples' opinion on how friendship has changed in regards to the internet. Can you be friends with someone you've never actually physically met in person?

I'm really sorry you have had such bad experiences :(

I think you can be friends with someone you haven't met in person, but you do have to be careful.

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i have some friends that i have known since birth that i am still close to. while we dont physically get together very often, we still have a bond. then i have some other friends from school ( one VERY special one who has returned to my life.... ) and i have some relatively new friends that i have met since living in my current city. and i have the most WONDERFUL friends that i have met right here on lz.com. i really have to say, that having this common bond of the love for our zep boys, is a strong feeling. i have become very close to a few men and women from this forum, and it's just another reason that i love led zeppelin soo much. :yourock:

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Absolutely nothing,or absolutely everything,depending on the day.

I've had too many "friends" fuck me over in the past to really trust anyone,yet I'm still hopeful (or stubborn,depending on your perspective)enough to think that friendship is not a thing of the past.

I've had the same experience with a few friends, all have been female. Kind of leaves you feeling apathetic, but once someone stabs you in the back, or betrays your trust, it's over, in my book. My closest friends have all been male.

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I've had the same experience with a few friends, all have been female. Kind of leaves you feeling apathetic, but once someone stabs you in the back, or betrays your trust, it's over, in my book. My closest friends have all been male.

My closest friends have all been male too.

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Absolutely nothing,or absolutely everything,depending on the day.

I've had too many "friends" fuck me over in the past to really trust anyone,yet I'm still hopeful (or stubborn,depending on your perspective)enough to think that friendship is not a thing of the past.

I do think that it's yet another thing that has evolved away from its' original meaning,and the way certain people throw the word around has me shaking my head in amazement.

I'm curious to know peoples' opinion on how friendship has changed in regards to the internet.Can you be friends with someone you've never actually physically met in person?

I know exactly where you're coming from 59Lp.

It get's harder as you get older.

I'll take a quote from your alter-ego here "I tend to take people at face value until they fuck up" :lol:

I heard him say that on a radio interview once talking about how Mick was always looking for what angle people were coming from.

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