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Shoe thrown at Bush !

Devil's Haircut

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aaaaaaa, were you living in outerspace during his regime? <_<

In July of 1982, several Shiite militants attempted to assassinate Saddam Hussein while he was riding through the city. Hussein responded by ordering the slaughter of some 148 residents, including dozens of children.

The worst human rights abuses of Hussein's tenure took place during the genocidal al-Anfal Campaign (1986-1989), in which Hussein's administration called for the extermination of every living thing--human or animal--in certain regions of the Kurdish north. All told, some 182,000 people--men, women, and children--were slaughtered, many through use of chemical weapons.

Human Rights Watch estimates that Saddam's 1987-1988 campaign of terror against the Kurds killed at least 50,000 and possibly as many as 100,000 Kurds. o The Iraqi regime used chemical agents to include mustard gas and nerve agents in attacks against at least 40 Kurdish villages between 1987-1988. The largest was the attack on Halabja which resulted in approximately 5,000 deaths. o 2,000 Kurdish villages were destroyed during the campaign of terror.

Saddam has had approximately 40 of his own relatives murdered.

need i say more? :blink:

Sweet jesus, learn to read the fucking context of what I said. I was stating he was little threat throughout the 1990s up to when we took him out.

And for the last fucking time, we supported him killing all those people. Read a book.

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Sweet jesus, learn to read the fucking context of what I said. I was stating he was little threat throughout the 1990s up to when we took him out.

And for the last fucking time, we supported him killing all those people. Read a book.

i read the fucking context and maybe you shouldn't believe everything you read or maybe you should read more. it's very naive of you to believe that the United States supported him killing people.pppffff.th.gif :D

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haven't you heard that crack is no good for ya young man.

Relax...Just an idea

you never know

attacking a nut case of a dictator would work. Keep the ones that don't lie :D

all i got to say is that Saddam was one fucked up ma fucker and loved to cheat.

Why do you always insult at the one sign of disagreement?

And yes, overthrowing dictators, could work, but at what cost? Tis not our job to police the world

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First off, I'm sorry, but if Bush found it funny, then who are we to get our knickers in a twist?

Second, no, it is NOT our job to police the world, but we certainly think it is.

Third, before people start making statements, perhaps they should learn a little bit about culture...

From here:

"In Muslim culture, it is of the highest dishonour to show someone the bottom of your shoe, let alone use them as a weapon. Iraqi residents beat upon a fallen statue of Saddam Hussein with the soles of their shoes."

Bush did not plant anybody. This was not a set-up. It was this particular Muslim's way of insulting Bush in the most egregious way his culture taught him.

While I personally am no fan of Bush and can't wait to see him and his administration "Gone, Gone, Gone", I applaud his reflexes and his reaction, which was, I think, the second-finest decision he ever made during his presidency (the first-finest was seen at the Summer Olympics during the Tennis games... you know what I'm talking about... "back of the hand, small of the back").

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Hi Wanna be,all,

Who is going to do it?Most of the world,can not wipe it's own behind.No dig on you my friend. :)

I'll stop there.


I don't know, but it shouldn't be us. I'm aware that a good chunk of this planet probably couldn't defend itself militarily if it had to, but that doesn't mean the United States should be spend its money, resources and manpower playing "Team America: World Police - The Home Game".

No one is suggesting we should be isolationist, but that doesn't mean we need to be constantly our big fat ass where it doesn't need to be.

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Hi Wanna be,all,

Who is going to do it?Most of the world,can not wipe it's own behind.No dig on you my friend. :)

I'll stop there.


Dig on me? No idea what that means..

Anyways, we don't have the resources to run the world in such a way. Look at how blasted the government gets for overthrowing Saddam, you think everyone would allow us to simply invade every poor country willy-nilly? Come on :rolleyes:

Yes, we should try and hlpe those countries, but we cannot simply send the Army everywhere a dictator arises, it's simply not possible to work

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Hi Electophile,all,

I don't know, but it shouldn't be us. I'm aware that a good chunk of this planet probably couldn't defend itself militarily if it had to, but that doesn't mean the United States should be spend its money, resources and manpower playing "Team America: World Police - The Home Game".

True,agreed. I wish the UN would start doing it's job.Wishful thinking I know,....ho hum,...

No one is suggesting we should be isolationist, but that doesn't mean we need to be constantly our big fat ass where it doesn't need to be.

I'd like give isolationism a go,...see what happens then.

Merry Christmas,E! :)


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Hi wanna be,all,

Dig on me? No idea what that means..

I forget how much older I am than most folks around here! :slapface:

A 'dig' is sort of like an insult,meaning I was aiming anything at you,dig? :D

Anyways, we don't have the resources to run the world in such a way. Look at how blasted the government gets for overthrowing Saddam, you think everyone would allow us to simply invade every poor country willy-nilly? Come on :rolleyes:

Like I said before,if the UN did it's thing(peace keeping?When?) we wouldn't have to.

Yes, we should try and help those countries, but we cannot simply send the Army everywhere a dictator arises, it's simply not possible to work.



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First off, I'm sorry, but if Bush found it funny, then who are we to get our knickers in a twist?

Second, no, it is NOT our job to police the world, but we certainly think it is.

Third, before people start making statements, perhaps they should learn a little bit about culture...

From here:

"In Muslim culture, it is of the highest dishonour to show someone the bottom of your shoe, let alone use them as a weapon. Iraqi residents beat upon a fallen statue of Saddam Hussein with the soles of their shoes."

Bush did not plant anybody. This was not a set-up. It was this particular Muslim's way of insulting Bush in the most egregious way his culture taught him.

While I personally am no fan of Bush and can't wait to see him and his administration "Gone, Gone, Gone", I applaud his reflexes and his reaction, which was, I think, the second-finest decision he ever made during his presidency (the first-finest was seen at the Summer Olympics during the Tennis games... you know what I'm talking about... "back of the hand, small of the back").

Bush thought it was funny because he has the mentality of a child. Okay, that's understood by most of us.

All i can say is i can relate to the way that person throwing the shoe feels. I'm not condoning violence or disrespect, but if anyone has "earned" that level of contempt, it's George W. Bush.

Good post, Nathan.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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I haven't read this entire thread but THAT was the funniest and most apropos thing I've seen in a long time! I couldn't quit laughing!

I'll give ole GWB this...his reflexes are to be applauded.

However, as much as I have little respect for the man....I do feel sorry for him. What a way to leave your legacy. :mellow:

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