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Lil' Adolf Hitler refused Birthday cake at Shop Rite

Pb Derigable

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Does anyone think the vicious indocrination of a kid is a form of child abuse?

This can easily become a slippery slope, because there are those who think raising a child in a religious home is akin to "vicious indoctrination" and therefore by your opinion, a form of child abuse.

Personally, I think child abuse takes on many forms, not just punches and bruises. There's emotional abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse and physical abuse. All of them combine to create a home where a child is not safe. If you think raising children to be racists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, homophobes, etc., is abusive, then you'd be locking up more families than you'd care to admit.

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^I think that raising kids to believe or do things that YOU, as the parent, personally know is wrong is definitely child abuse. Many of the people who hold beliefs that I don't agree with know they are wrong. It doesn't mean it changes their minds--and I'm not talking about religion. I'm talking about golden-rule type things here, people.

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^I think that raising kids to believe or do things that YOU, as the parent, personally know is wrong is definitely child abuse. Many of the people who hold beliefs that I don't agree with know they are wrong. It doesn't mean it changes their minds--and I'm not talking about religion. I'm talking about golden-rule type things here, people.

Don't think I'm condoning this nonsense, because I'm not. All I was saying is that the definition of "abuse" can become very broad very quickly when you tackle scenarios like this.

I personally think raising children to be racists is mentally abusive. That being said, these fuckwits don't think what they think is wrong. They think it's the way it should be. So in their eyes, they're right and the rest of us are ass-backwards. You can't convince people like this of anything.

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Hi E,all,

Well said,...


Don't think I'm condoning this nonsense, because I'm not. All I was saying is that the definition of "abuse" can become very broad very quickly when you tackle scenarios like this.

I personally think raising children to be racists is mentally abusive. That being said, these fuckwits don't think what they think is wrong. They think it's the way it should be. So in their eyes, they're right and the rest of us are ass-backwards. You can't convince people like this of anything.

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...but what about the parents knowingly setting the child up for abuse later,does that count?Not abuse by family,but still abuse.No matter how much the parents try to prevent it,that kid is in for it,big time.

That's a great point, but how can anyone really prove gthat's why someone named their child "X" ya know? What if Adolf was a family name and the tradition didn't stopp just because of Hitler? I'm not saying that's why this guy named his kid that, but what about other people? I mean, morally I think it's unacceptable. But it's really hard to pass legislation on names.

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That's a great point, but how can anyone really prove gthat's why someone named their child "X" ya know? What if Adolf was a family name and the tradition didn't stopp just because of Hitler? I'm not saying that's why this guy named his kid that, but what about other people? I mean, morally I think it's unacceptable. But it's really hard to pass legislation on names.

It would be stupid to pass legislation on names. Many people would just defy the law and go out of their way to give their kids controversial names just for the hell of it. I just think this issue is about being a decent parent and not making your kids bare a burden that is totally unnecessary. Feel the love...yeah right


A boy named Sue

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I looked to see if I could find it, but there was a news article a few months ago in (Australia, I believe), where the parent had named their child something totally terrible--the court made them change it because it was THAT BAD. I think it was literally insulting the child. The mother was in prison or something anyway.

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Poor kid...there's no doubt he's going to suffer for the rest of his life because of this name...

Excuse me for being a bit rude but his parents are total IDIOTS!!! who the fuck names his kid after Hitler??? I mean it's one thing to name him just Adolf or Hitler and it a total different thing to name him "Adolf Hitler" because they obviously named him after the fuckin' scum...

This name create an undeniable association to Adolf Hitler and I'm sure it will cause some parents to tell their kids to stay away from the poor kid...

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  • 4 weeks later...
That's heading down a slippery slope :unsure:

Depending on why they were taken. No one has said yet. If it's the name thing, that's no good. However, if there's abuse, then it needed to be done.

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I feel sorry for the kid, [especially if he feels disgusted with his name later on]

Well, the name's not just a name, it tells a lot about the way the child was going to be raised....So I think this probably wouldn't happen.

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"They need to accept a name. A name's a name. The kid isn't going to grow up and do what [Hitler] did," he said.

AKA "I don't want attention yet because I'm building the army as we speak"

#1 Shop rite should put whatever name on a cake.

#2 Yes, people need to accept a name. But no, your kid shouldn't have to deal with the contextual baggage that goes with it.

These parents should have just renamed themselves if they felt so strongly about names, and then seen how they get along. If they wanted to do an experiment, they shouldn't have taken it out on children. Their kids names are not gonna teach society shit. It's just going to give the kids a way negatively stigmatized. For good or bad? Probably both.

Poor baby Hitler.

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