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Why did Zep do drugs?


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I know that we all have different reasons for doing drugs and what not. Any speculation on why they did them?

Did Zep do drugs to help them with thier creativity, and if so if they never did them, would we have never heard the greatness of thier music. I have a co-worker said that they did drugs to help thier creativity.

I say that it was the culture of what they were sorunded by. They just went over board sometimes.


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I say that it was the culture of what they were sorunded by. They just went over board sometimes.


Yep. The 70's was about drugs. Nearly everyone indulged at one time or another. I remember seeing doctors and lawyers cutting lines of coke at parties. It was a completely different era and I miss the hell out of it :(

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:lol: That's exactly what I was thinking... I mean after all it was accessible and I believe there's nothing wrong with having a bit of fun as long you're not becoming an addict

Hi Adi,

Thats the point, where do you draw the line?

I cant comment on what drugs did for me as I havent taken them, but i can comment on what they did to family and friends. And i would say this, you can only say you are in control when you dont take them, if you take them then the drug is in control.

Dont take drugs if,

1. You are greedy.

2. If you have even a slight mental health problem.

3. You are an addictive natured person.

4. If you are an alcoholic.

5. If you smoke.

6. If you eat chocolate or sweets.

7. To experiment.

8. To be part of a scene.

9. To impress your so called friends.

10. To block out what you are feeling.

Only take drugs if.

1. Prescribed by a doctor.

2. To keep healthy.

3. To help with pain relif.

4. If you dont fill any criteria in the first part.

Feel free to add more, Regards, Danny

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Dont take drugs if,

1. You are greedy.

2. If you have even a slight mental health problem.

3. You are an addictive natured person.

4. If you are an alcoholic.

5. If you smoke.

6. If you eat chocolate or sweets.

7. To experiment.

8. To be part of a scene.

9. To impress your so called friends.

10. To block out what you are feeling.

Only take drugs if.

1. Prescribed by a doctor.

2. To keep healthy.

3. To help with pain relif.

4. If you dont fill any criteria in the first part.

There are exceptions.

Greed is not a factor if someone needs treatment for a serious disease that requires drug therapy.

People with mental health problems, addictive natured, alcoholics, or smokers may still occasionally need an antibiotic for physical ailments. Addictive people who are diabetic may require insulin shots to control blood sugar.

As for chocolate or sweets, those have nothing to do with drugs as far as I know.

I think you are right about not taking drugs to impress your friends. That is one reason why people become addicted to drugs when they do not need to do so. By the time they realize how big of a mistake they have made it is often too late.

Plenty of people have become addicted to prescription drugs. Unfortunately, doctors make mistakes sometimes. Be a little skeptical about any drug treatment. For some prescriptions, such as antibiotics, you must take the whole prescription or the infectious agent could become immune to future antibiotic treatment. For other prescriptions, less is better. Ask your doctor. Get a second opinion.

Also, there are times when you should not rely on drug therapy for pain. Many addicts become and stay addicted because they have chosen a drug remedy. There are sometimes better ways to manage pain. Drugs are usually required to dull pain that is life-threatening to prevent shock, or if physical pain prevents normal sleep, such as a serious ear infection. Even then, it is important to try not to take the whole prescription if it is an opiate. An exception would be when death is imminent as for a terminal cancer patient who is not expected to survive the night who would otherwise die in tremendous pain.

Controlled drug studies require experimentation before they are approved for treatment to the general public.

Edited by eternal light
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It was the sign of the times for drug use in the 60's and 70s. Experimentation and the drugs were available. Unfortunately, a lot of good talent died because of drug overdose, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hendrix, et. al., as well as alcohol abuse. We all had or have our demands now and then to attend to. Some drugs were good for the creativity and some were not. Example would be Timothy Leary did a lot of LSD back in the day and had some good experiences but some did not. I didn't do drugs back in the 70s, it wasn't me.

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I know that we all have different reasons for doing drugs and what not. Any speculation on why they did them?

Did Zep do drugs to help them with thier creativity, and if so if they never did them, would we have never heard the greatness of thier music. I have a co-worker said that they did drugs to help thier creativity.

I say that it was the culture of what they were sorunded by. They just went over board sometimes.


How's it going all? In my opinion, the reason why ZEPPELIN did so much drugs is because they could afford them. ROCK ON!

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I know that we all have different reasons for doing drugs and what not. Any speculation on why they did them?

In an interview he gave to Q magazine in 2003, Page responded to a question as to whether he regrets getting so involved in heroin and cocaine:

“ I don't regret it at all because when I needed to be really focused, I was really focused. That's it. Both Presence and In Through the Out Door were only recorded in three weeks: that's really going some. You've got to be on top of it.[43]

Page has acknowledged heavy drug use throughout the 1970s. In an interview with Guitar World magazine in 2003, he stated:

“ I can't speak for the [other members of the band], but for me drugs were an integral part of the whole thing, right from the beginning, right to the end.[35]

my view, culturally speaking ....drug use in 70's culture (my teen years 70's)

That is just the way it was. That was a choice of 70's generation to express themselves culturally, perhaps a test of their confidence.

I hope you find this somewhat relevant...

Edited by PlanetPage
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I think it was initially just to help cope with the demands of a life in music (speed, etc) but the hard drugs came into it as a means of escape.

I also think the era had a lot to do with it. As mentioned earlier, drugs were very much a part of the counter culture movement.

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There are exceptions.

Greed is not a factor if someone needs treatment for a serious disease that requires drug therapy.

People with mental health problems, addictive natured, alcoholics, or smokers may still occasionally need an antibiotic for physical ailments. Addictive people who are diabetic may require insulin shots to control blood sugar.

As for chocolate or sweets, those have nothing to do with drugs as far as I know.

I think you are right about not taking drugs to impress your friends. That is one reason why people become addicted to drugs when they do not need to do so. By the time they realize how big of a mistake they have made it is often too late.

Plenty of people have become addicted to prescription drugs. Unfortunately, doctors make mistakes sometimes. Be a little skeptical about any drug treatment. For some prescriptions, such as antibiotics, you must take the whole prescription or the infectious agent could become immune to future antibiotic treatment. For other prescriptions, less is better. Ask your doctor. Get a second opinion.

Also, there are times when you should not rely on drug therapy for pain. Many addicts become and stay addicted because they have chosen a drug remedy. There are sometimes better ways to manage pain. Drugs are usually required to dull pain that is life-threatening to prevent shock, or if physical pain prevents normal sleep, such as a serious ear infection. Even then, it is important to try not to take the whole prescription if it is an opiate. An exception would be when death is imminent as for a terminal cancer patient who is not expected to survive the night who would otherwise die in tremendous pain.

Controlled drug studies require experimentation before they are approved for treatment to the general public.

Hi 'eternal light'

You might have missed my point there. The first ten examples are if you self administer. The next part are if are told to take them by a doctor. If you are level headed and you dont have an addictive nature (includes chockolate and sweets) or mental problems then I would say you can take drugs administered by yourself, but keep it real as even canabis can get a hold of you and before long the pleasure has gone and you are only taking them to become "normal" again.

Find something else to do, in the long run you know it makes sence, unless you want to die young or seriously damage your health. I know I dont, never did, then i'm lucky, I have that special gift, i'm clever. ;)

Regards, Danny

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There's a very good chance their music would've never been the same. It's not that drugs necessarily create talent and production, but certain drugs can definately open mental avenues that might've not been accessed otherwise and that CAN create inspiration that musicians might not normally tap into.

So yes, I see certain drug usage as part of the creativity process and am thankful for it.

That goes for much music I listen to, not just Led Zeppelin.

Edited by gadgetguru
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There's a very good chance their music would've never been the same. It's not that drugs necessarily create talent and production, but certain drugs can definately open mental avenues that might've not been accessed otherwise and that CAN create inspiration that musicians might not normally tap into.

So yes, I see certain drug usage as part of the creativity process and am thankful for it.

That goes for much music I listen to, not just Led Zeppelin.

That's a slippery slope to travel because by saying you're thankful musicians used drugs (risking health and in some cases leading to their own demise) to make the music is almost advocating drug use. I guess the question that would be hard to prove is whether it was in fact certain drugs (I'm assuming you're referring to LSD and other psychedelics) opened up their creativity or the musicians believed it to be, thus justifying using it. Don't really have the answer to that.

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That's a slippery slope to travel because by saying you're thankful musicians used drugs (risking health and in some cases leading to their own demise) to make the music is almost advocating drug use. I guess the question that would be hard to prove is whether it was in fact certain drugs (I'm assuming you're referring to LSD and other psychedelics) opened up their creativity or the musicians believed it to be, thus justifying using it. Don't really have the answer to that.

Yes, I am talking about the psychoactive drugs not the physiological ones.

I'm sorry for those who've O.D'd and lost their minds or lives, it is a risky slope. However, even with marijuana, that can aid in opening creative channels and that's not deadly or generally mind changing to create some sort of schized out zombie.

If you were to ask me personally if I'm glad others have used drugs and it did enhance or create states to allow for creativity, I'd still say yes even if it was later proved to be detrimental in the long run. I'm glad for the creative moments that have obviously come about because of certain drug usage. It's like anything else someone might do to achieve greatness, some are injured or die along the way and it's tragic, but we might not have had much of the greatness if people didn't take chances. This includes drugs that've helped produce much of the music we listen to.

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Does anyone think that Zep collectivley said, today I am going to take Heroin so we can really get some good music, or does anyone think, while they did thier drugs they happened to bool studio time/were going to play live, so they needed the extra kick.

In other words did they need the drugs all the time to produce the music? If so, how were they when they were sober.

Could you imagine if Pressence and ITTOD were produce by an undrugged up Zep?


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Because it is a stupid thing to do, in my opinion.

Regards, Danny

If you had read my post, I said that I DON'T condone drug use. I don't use them, never have; and I wouldn't suggest them to anyone. They can potentially do more harm than they can good. It's a person's one choice for them to do drugs, I'm not going to preach to them the harm that drugs can bring, they know it. I won't be the one to get on a person unless they really are killing themselves. I don't encourage drug use, I don't agree with it. Just next time, please read my post.

Also, McSeven:

ITTOD was mostly created by an undrugged Zep. JPJ and Robert were the main creators of the albums. JPJ wasn't ever really into drugs, and this was after Robert gave drugs up because of Karac's death. Bonzo and Jimmy were rarely around to help because they were off on escapes with drugs. I don't know much about the drug usage during Presence. I know the album was being worked on with Robert in a wheelchair because of the accident.

Edited by lzfan715
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I personally don't think drugs could ever help a musician. A lyricist could "maybe" go into a dream state and write the best song ever, but do they ever put pen to paper? Anybody that knows about Alcoholism or Drug Addiction should realize that once you take that path, it will eventially take you down. Just use Jimmy Page for an example. 69-73, one of the greatest rock guitarists ever! After that it was down hill. Drugs and Alcohol will kill you, and if not they will seriously get in the way of any creativity or positive energy that you may have going for you.

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it's a sad fact, but drug use and *life* go hand in hand!

it's not just something that affects musicians and stars

they are more prone because they have easy access and money

don't feel sorry for/or question them, as they are the weakest of the bunch

i'm sure it must be hard living with millions in the bank

the pressure must be awful, so escape is obviously needed

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