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Zep w/o Robert?

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But you see, THAT'S the problem. Jimmy Page cannot tour without performing Led

Zeppelin songs, unless he wants to do covers all night. Robert Plant has evolved

musically so much since 1980 he could drop Zep number's tomorrow and still have

sufficient material of his own to perform. If Led Zeppelin is not resuccitated next

summer Jimmy goes back to napping on the couch. What the hell else is a 63 YEAR

OLD ex-Led Zeppelin guitarist going to do, intructional videos? Celebrity signings?

Never under estimate JP! Considering his good health and wealth both in doh and knowledge, he can pretty much do what he wants.

I do agree with you that Robert has self defined his own sound and own identity.

Legends, living legends....dont think, what we think even matters.

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Jason has been pissed for years after watching the Stones tour and making 100's of millions a year while Zeppelin was sitting back taking a back seat as a washed up band man.

Jason was quoted as saying that Zeppelin would blow the Stones away should they get back together and he has been right, too bad they waited all these years.

Taking shots at Robert were legitimate considering he was the one holding shit up for years going back to Page and Plant in the 90's.

Zeppelin and the Stones are two completely different shows and experiences! At the Stones you guzzle beer to the point of dancing funny and rush the stage with 30,000 other drunks and dance all night.

Zeppelin....drink a Crown Royal and pay attention. Zep isnt exactly dancing music,lol. Also, for Zep at least as far as the early interviews were concernced the money was a by-product of the music's success. It was all about the music. If Jason was upset that he was loosing out on money then he missed the whole point of Zeppelin.

Besides, he is doing just fine on his own.

Doesn't matter what you do in life, if you work you will get paid.

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Aye Aye!

GOOD GOD I can't believe this thread is till going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on andon and on and on and.

ENOUGH ALREADY. Sigh. Some people need to take some peyote.

Edited by Michelle of Los Angeles CA
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GOOD GOD I can't believe this thread is till going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on andon and on and on and.

ENOUGH ALREADY. Sigh. Some people need to take some peyote.

sorry to bore you I have only been here about a week so it's not old to me

it's just my opinion

jeeze take some xanax

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GOOD GOD I can't believe this thread is till going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on andon and on and on and.

ENOUGH ALREADY. Sigh. Some people need to take some peyote.

You're only adding to its length. What the hell, don't like it? Don't read it!

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GOOD GOD I can't believe this thread is till going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on andon and on and on and.

ENOUGH ALREADY. Sigh. Some people need to take some peyote.

Are you sayin' you're willing to share? :wacko::lol: I think I'm having a hard enough time keeping a grip on reality as it is :unsure:
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sorry to bore you I have only been here about a week so it's not old to me

it's just my opinion

jeeze take some xanax

OOOOPS - Sorry Madison. The post was NOT meant for you. (I just used your big letters.)

MY MISTAKE. It's for the guys who started the thread and who just keep insulting Led Zeppelin & us Led Zeppelin fans - by continuing it.

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Exactly, that is why Roger Daltry refers to Robert as the Great Robert Plant and others in the business call him incomparable.

You don't just replace Elvis folks, there are impersonators, but it is never as good.

There are plenty of great Zeppelin clone bands touring now days, go see them, some of them are really good, but they are not the real thing either.

Guess we'll have to see what the new ROCK STAR series can drudge up ? ? ? jk :D

Edited by The Rover
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Yeah I can see it now. They do a VH-1 reality series to choose a new singer. They can call it TransPlant*.

Kill me now.

* ® 2007, infidel, inc.

:hysterical:That's very clever & original; I love it!! So much so that I would steal the idea/title if it weren't for that little copyright trademark thingy. :hysterical:

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If Led Zeppelin is not resuccitated next

summer Jimmy goes back to napping on the couch. What the hell else is a 63 YEAR

OLD ex-Led Zeppelin guitarist going to do, intructional videos? Celebrity signings?

Funny you should mention instructional videos... Anyone else seen this?


I've been hoping for a while that, once the O2's out of the way, Jimmy might pop up on there!

Still, I'd rather have a Zep tour to look forward to. Or a non-Zep JP/JPJ/JB tour if that's what it comes down to. Jimmy says he's got a load of new stuff from the last few years that he's very proud of so I'd love to see it finished off by the three of them (presuming here there'd be no RP). Just no Chris Farlowe or David Coverdale on vocals, please...

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Coverdale is a better singer than people give him credit for. He isn't just hair metal. He's been in the business almost as long as Plant and has strong blues-rock roots all the way back to Deep Purple.

I wouldn't consider myself a Coverdale fan (see my last post above) but I have to say I have some sympathy with mos6507 here. Whether it's popular around here or not (and I admit it had some toe-curlingly bad moments amongst the great ones) I would offer the opinion that Coverdale/Page is probably the best thing Pagey's done since Zeppelin.

David Coverdale deserves more respect amongst Zep fans than he gets, in my opinion. Anyone ever wondered how this makes Jimmy feel? I imagine he'd have been justifiably proud of his work on the C/P album, only for Zep fans to focus 100% on DC being a 'copycat' of Plant. (Maybe he is to an extent but isn't that the highest form of flattery?).

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Jimmy Page has toured as a solo act and could not even sell out small arenas, he played Stairway to Heaven as an instrumental version with no singer at those shows also.

So I don't think Page would dare to tour under the name Led Zeppelin without Robert, they are partners in the business of Led Zeppelin folks.

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Jimmy Page has toured as a solo act and could not even sell out small arenas, he played Stairway to Heaven as an instrumental version with no singer at those shows also.

So I don't think Page would dare to tour under the name Led Zeppelin without Robert, they are partners in the business of Led Zeppelin folks.

I can think of some other Rock Band "Partners"...... David Gilmour and Roger Waters . . .

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Aye Aye!

GOOD GOD I can't believe this thread is till going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on andon and on and on and.

ENOUGH ALREADY. Sigh. Some people need to take some peyote.

Are you saying this thread is on it's way to Lumbering Sluthood?

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Yeah I can see it now. They do a VH-1 reality series to choose a new singer. They can call it TransPlant*.

Kill me now.

* ® 2007, infidel, inc.

:hysterical:That's very clever & original; I love it!! So much so that I would steal the idea/title if it weren't for that little copyright trademark thingy. :hysterical:

That's why I put it there. :)

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OMG this thread is such an insult to Robert. I can't believe its still going on. This thread breaks my Led Zeppelin/Percy fan heart. Seriously...after threads like this one, no wonder Robert doesn't want to tour with Zeppelin. Apparently a lot of Zeppelin fans don't give a fuck about him and think he's not important to the band. Sad. Disappointing. Heartbreaking. I can't believe this. Some things I read here really pisses me off... :angry:

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OMG this thread is such an insult to Robert. I can't believe its still going on. This thread breaks my Led Zeppelin/Percy fan heart. Seriously...after threads like this one, no wonder Robert doesn't want to tour with Zeppelin. Apparently a lot of Zeppelin fans don't give a fuck about him and think he's not important to the band. Sad. Disappointing. Heartbreaking. I can't believe this. Some things I read here really pisses me off... :angry:

Normally I would agree with you! However, to Zep fans Robert has been a thorn in their side far too long. Sure, they all love the guy - too much! The fans just wonder why Robert doesn't seem to love the Zeppelin legacy enough to put aside anything he's doing - including the laundry.

Robert has made no bones about not going onward with Zep - and that pisses everyone off! Don't get them wrong -Robert is THE MAN, so long as he's singing with Zep.

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I, for one, would like to see Page, Jones, and Bonham continue to work with and without Robert Plant. No need to call it Zeppelin, or play more than a couple of Zeppelin songs. This is meant as no insult to Robert Plant, rather an understanding that everyone who is feeling creative needs to keep going, and this fans' preference that as many as possible do it together.

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That's crap. Why is the man not allowed to do as he pleases for chrissake?!? Why is he obligated to reform Zep? I will NEVER understand that mentality. Never. And he did the nostalgia tours back in '95 and '98. Ok, no JPJ, and that was a shame, but still.

Does anybody remember "Ever Onward"?!?

Whether you like any of his solo and other projects or not, he is an artist following his muse. He is a free agent and can do as he pleases. This reminds me of the asshole folkies that bitched about Dylan going electric. Get over yourself already!

And I will say again, it ain't Zeppelin without Bonzo, nevermind without Bonzo AND Robert.


This is not directed at anyone here unless you hold this silly mentality. :D

Edited by infidel
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