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what song started you on Zeppelin?


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Let's see, I started listening to Good Times Bad Times, Going To California, Thank You, Since I've Been Loving You, and Kashmir, I usually get a handful of songs from a band at one time, pretty soon it was the only band I would listen to and I was reading up on them trying to learn everything I can and it was all that I could talk about, for about a 2 year period I didn't even bother to listen to another song by another band because I was just too interested in Zeppelin.

Is your personal photo of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog? If so good one.

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Cool story. Great to have more young fans into Zeppelin. I guess you were sanctioned by some worldly force. Welcome to the forum. :welcome2: This can be a fun place at times.

We're now at over 12,000 members!

I`m glad to be here. I must apologize for my spell mistakes, i`m from Romania and I`ve learnt english for a couple of years.

It`s preety good to be different.When I was in the first grade I was questioned "What music bands do you like?" "Black Sabbath" "Urm, never heard of it. What about solo singers?" "Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin etc"

But after I heard Zeppelin, I knew that they are the gods. I`ve never heard anything like that before.And I also like their magic influence, Plant`s mythological side and Page`s occultist and so on. I mean, I like them nor only as musicians, also as humans.I have only 4 friends who love the true music.But their gods are not Zep, are great ones, but not as Zeus :D (Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Queen, Guns n roses) And each of them want to play a different instrument. I am with drums, I work very hard, cause one day I want to be the next Bonzo.

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Communication Breakdown.....Snagged Me

Whole lotta Love...kicked in real good

Since I been Loving You....Knew then how Magical the music was

Going To California......Who could do better

Song Remains the Same.....Total Rock Explosion

The Rover....That Did It

Nobody's fault.......Don't Get Any Better

I'm gonna Crawl.....To Good To Explain

We're Gonna Groove...Way Raw how it should be

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Stairway To Heaven

Oddly enough, I had never heard of Led Zeppelin until I heard a tape of a radio show back in the early 80's about backward masking and the accusations of Led Zeppelin being nothing but Satanists and a vehicle for Satan. I heard the backwards clips before I ever got to hear the song all the way straight through.

It would be several years later (1988 I believe) that I was listening to a weekly Sunday night dedication show on the radio and Stairway came on. I had a tape ready to tape songs here and there and when I heard it was Stairway, I just hit the tape and recorded the song. I listened to the song finally all the way through and realized how beautiful it was. As I started listening to more and more Zeppelin, I did studies on my own about backward masking and came to the conclusion that the effects of it were exaggerated and besides, Zeppelin's music sounds so much better forward that backward in any case.

There's too much positivity and uplifting moments in the Zeppelin catalog and I've been very grateful to be able to have these wonderful songs to listen to. From Stairway To Heaven onward all down the line, this body of work is absolutely amazing.

Thank you, John Bonham. Thank you John Paul Jones. Thank you Jimmy Page. Thank you Robert Plant.

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I was about 15 skiving of school at a mates house, iwas heartbroken as a girl had broke up with me.

My pal says there is only one thing to do. he played im gonna crawl flat out in this big old house it shuddered straight through me, the solo ,and if bin hooked ever since.

and i did crawl back to the girl but it didnt work.

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what song started you on Zeppelin?

For me it wasn't a song but an album. My family took a month long trip to Europe in 1972. One of my older brothers had a portable Panasonic tape recorder/player along for the ride. A few of the cassettes he bought in Europe for the trip were Led Zeppelin IV the Beatles Hey Jude (The Beatles Again) and Grand Funk Railroad's Phoenix

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  • 3 weeks later...

After hearing a lot of good words about a band called Led Zeppelin, I decided to get off to the record store to pick up some of their music. While I had the chance to look at their whole discography in the record shelves, I thought I'd begin where it all began, with the debut album.

when i got back home I simply popped it into the player, and got raped by the two heavy opening chords of Good Times.

I was pretty much addicted by the end of the solo.

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I distinctly remember walking to my Grandpa's house in the winter of 1970. I had my transistor radio to my ear - that was WAY before MP3s, Walkmans - hell, even headphones! - and was listening to a rock station out of Omaha. The blast of "The Immigrant Song" came on and if that didn't hook me already, trudging through a Nebraska winter on foot while hearing "We come from the land of the ice and snow..." was surely a sign from the gods!!! I was hooked ever since!

Edited by Stryder1978
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First one I heard was Stairway to Heaven just coz thats always played on the radio, but I got into them when everyone was saying Wolfmother sounded like them, so I thought they must be good and bought II and III on sale 5 bucks each and went home, thought that I'd wasted my money, the only song I liked was Immigrant Song, but then after a couple of months I fast forwarded Bring it on Home past the long intro and then I listened to every song on them and couldnt believe i'd wasted 2 months not listening when it was sitting on my shelf.

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I picked up the first two LPs from a little record shop called bygones, long gone now.

I was 15 (1990). I'd already discovered the classic 60's outfits so Zep were a natural progression.

Here in blighty it was and still is a rarity to hear Zep on the radio (oddly enough), so, Good times bad

times thundered out of the speakers. Hooked. Immediatley.

I paid £2.00 each for them and had the full collection in a matter of weeks.

Ahh great days

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Kashmir, Dazed and Confused, and Stairway to Heaven.

When I was going up to northern Minnesota when I was 13 with my dad for hunting with my grandpa and uncles, the songs were on the classic rock radio station. I asked "Dad, who's this?"

And he said "Led Zeppelin."

"Oh cool. They are good."

And I have loved them since.

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