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Strange Food Mixes


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it took me yrs to figure this out...there was the hamburger joint around here called texas ranger and they had this hamburger with raw shredded cabbage on it with a sauce on a toasted bun. i had to figure out the sauce and the closest i could come was mayo, w/vinegar and raw garlic diced in it. mind you, the shredded cabbage has to be raw, cant be mixed like a cole slaw. the crunch is spectacular and with an average burger w/cheese is just great. a bit of ketchup reacts well with this combo too. btw, they called the burgers grassburgers, was just a cheap janowski burger, but it was all the prep that made this burger special. they had it down pat. i had been trying the vinegar ingredient, but it was the basis of the po boy mayo w/garlic, where i finally put it all together. there could be something else in there, but i think thats the basics.

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it took me yrs to figure this out...there was the hamburger joint around here called texas ranger and they had this hamburger with raw shredded cabbage on it with a sauce on a toasted bun. i had to figure out the sauce and the closest i could come was mayo, w/vinegar and raw garlic diced in it. mind you, the shredded cabbage has to be raw, cant be mixed like a cole slaw. the crunch is spectacular and with an average burger w/cheese is just great. a bit of ketchup reacts well with this combo too. btw, they called the burgers grassburgers, was just a cheap janowski burger, but it was all the prep that made this burger special. they had it down pat. i had been trying the vinegar ingredient, but it was the basis of the po boy mayo w/garlic, where i finally put it all together. there could be something else in there, but i think thats the basics.

I love it, when certain dishes are named after Texas....and have nothing to do with Texas. Esp here in nyc, there are places that have texas burgers....with a fried egg on them....i know no one that does that. Or the "texas breakfast" of steak and eggs...geez.

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I love it, when certain dishes are named after Texas....and have nothing to do with Texas. Esp here in nyc, there are places that have texas burgers....with a fried egg on them....i know no one that does that. Or the "texas breakfast" of steak and eggs...geez.

a fried egg sounds like more of a hispanic thing. yeah, texas ranger, or the ranger....as it was called and the grassburgers were a nickname, dont think that was on the menu. but, i know slaw dogs down south do exist, its a hot dog with cole slaw.

but just follow my basic recipe for a grassburger and you will be happy. experiment with the vinegar and garlic/ per ratio of mayo, it comes out different everytime. but it actually took me a long time to figure that out, along with help from washing dishes in a restaurant.

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I put crackers in my sandwiches and fries in my burgers. I like cream cheese and jam sandwiches. I just asked my offspring, "What weird things do I eat?" and she said, "Everything." I put sour cream on pizza. Tonight I had a cheeseburger with Raisinettes. I like to mix the food together on my plate. I'll even mix a dessert thing with meat and eat it. Yuck. I've never even thought about this before.

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I ate your portion of a bagel, lox, tomato with cream cheese for breakfast today. :D

Yummy! I bought a 1/2 pd. of kippered salmon and 1/4 pd. of nova lox this afternoon, 2 bagels and cream cheese...gonna toast a bagel tonight when my child goes to sleep, and load it up with fish! We have some good deli's in my neighborhood.

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I like eating raw potatoes. Whenever I peel potatoes I have to cut off a slice to snack on. But that's not really a strange "mix".

Never heard that one before, Bonnie, is it safe? I would think raw potatoes might be similar to apples -- in texture that is, not taste of course.

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i used to work with someone that used to go out on the shores at low tide and catch octopus and put them on a fire. only thing is, they would bite the eyes off the octopus so it would let go of their arm. sorry, its true, had to hear it first hand myself.

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I like eating raw potatoes. Whenever I peel potatoes I have to cut off a slice to snack on. But that's not really a strange "mix".

Me too! :D

Although I don't think it's that good for our insides Bonnie.

I LOVE to have cheese with a slice of fruit cake. Hubby says I'm odd for liking it... I tell him it's him who is odd for not liking it!

My mum puts butter on Weetabix... I'm not into that :blink:

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