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Talk to Your Past


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If you could travel back to 10 years ago (1999) and say 10 things to your younger self, what would you say?

Here is my list:

Dear 18 year old Spalove

1) Enjoy the rest of high school, it will be gone before you know it.

2)Enjoy the trip you take to Canada, it will be the last one you take as a family

3) Don't watch a tv show called Passions. It will only lead to bad things.

4) Study in college, no matter how easy you think the material is.

5) Don't skip classes even if you find it boring.

6) Volunteer in more than one elementary school.

7) Look into substitution early, so you can build a network within the schools you sub and volunteer.

8) Get a job on campus. You need to make money and build a good work ethic

9) Don't slack off or purposely fail your classes at FIU. What you are fearing, is nothing. Trust me

10) Cherish the time you spend with your family. In five years it will be gone.

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Nice idea!!!

Dear sweet 6 year old Lucy!

1. Don't even think about borrowing your teacher's key and then lose it! It will make you feel guilty for ages!

2. Get a haircut! A better one, bangs so don't suite you!

3. Remember, it is better to be on your own then staying with the wrong people!

4. Keep practising the violin more! I mean it! You'll regret later when you have to catch it up.

5. Rock music is not that bad. And boys aren't, either.

6. Tell the guy that you love him before he gets another girlfriend!

7. Stop crying about bad grades, laugh about them and learn better next time.

8. Don't cry when false friends let you down, they don't deserve this much emotion.

9. Be nice to everyone, always, but if they hurt you, say them fuck off!

10. Don't worry, you'll be through puberty one happy day, and then everything will be better.

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To 5 year old Alicia:

1. Things do get better, the fighting will end

2. Stay true to you and don't back down.

3. Fighting isn't worth it, when you are a teenager your parents don't hate you you just have different views and it will be fine.

4.Don't touch the spinning weight knob on Daddy's turntable, he will never let you live it down.

5. School is important and nothing to be afraid of.

6. Keep on reading, books contain endless knowledge. The more you read the more you know.

7. Making a scene never helps the situation.

8. You will never look like Barbie, don't touch the scissors.

9. Don't scratch skeeter bites, your legs will scar!

10. Eat better, it will pay off in the end.

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Dear 10 year old Bustle,

You know those bands Dad prattles on and on about? Listen to them.. they're a lot better than the shit you're listening to right now. In a few years times will get really hard... stay strong and don't let yourself slip into a bottomless black pit. Be nicer to your brothers... they love and look up to you more than you know. Be nicer to Dad... he's really struggling right now. Next time you go to the ranch listen to what Lita says... she'll die in a few years and you'll wish you had listened more to the stories she'd tell about a life that spanned over a century. There is more to life... cherish it.

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If you could travel back to 10 years ago (1999) and say 10 things to your younger self, what would you say?

1. You won't regret the things you've done, only that which you haven't done.

2. Jimmy's essentially going to be semi-retired from music after next year.

3. Take more pictures.

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The younger you are, the more relevance this exercise possesses. 10 years ago, I had already made enough life's decisions to lay the groundwork for the fabulous life I have today. :rolleyes: That being said, I guess there are always things you can improve on. I'll make a list.

At the age of 43 in 1999....

1. Discuss family history with elderly family members.

2. Quit driving 90 miles roundtrip per day (and sitting in traffic) and MOVE to civilization.

3. Reconnect with old friends.

4. Socialize with existing friends and family more. Particularly the friends.

5. Buy Humble Pie recordings immediately.

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That's true.... quite a few people I know are going back to school in their 30's. I should be one of them!

Absolutely! I'm still thinking about grad school in my (early!) 40s

Speaking of going back to school, I am seriously considering it, actually for a career change. On that note, I would've told my past self, find a career that you love and stick with it. :D

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Speaking of going back to school, I am seriously considering it, actually for a career change. On that note, I would've told my past self, find a career that you love and stick with it. :D

Well nothing wrong with changing careers. I've done it myself a few times and I think though it can be tough to climb any sort of financial ladder, it keeps things interesting :)

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"Go to college!"

It is never to late to go to college. You should register for a course or courses, go and have fun. I try to learn something everyday then I know I am doing great. It took me awhile to get my degree, early 30's but I am so glad I did. I have a great career and I would do it again. :D

Edited by PennyLane
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