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Joaquin Phoenix Does Letterman..


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Who knew playing Cash would turn you into such a loon..

or has he fooled us all?

Edited to Add: Casey Affleck is putting together a documentary chronicling his transition from films to music so I would not be surprised if this was entirely staged for comedic purposes for the film. I extremely doubt anyone close to Joaquin would let him get into the stuff that bad...but I've been wrong before.

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Saw this on YouTube. If it was an act, and it's likely, he did a good job of acting like an arse. Can't say it impressed me. His constant sighing and mumbling was starting to piss me off and I thought it seemed a bit cliche. He seemed like he was doing impersonations of various drugged up musicians - at times he reminded me of Bob Dylan in his early years.

If it wasn't an act, why, oh, why did the show let him go on in the first place? Didn't they know it'd be risky?

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It was a act. Casey affleck has been filming all of his recent idiot behavior. he would not have been allowed to go out there if he was really seriously messed up. And i get the feeling Dave was in on it. because a lot of Dave's comeback comments were a little to quick to be believed.

Phoenix was just channeling Andy Kaufman and Crispin Glover.

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Anybody else catch this interview? Either he's pulling an Andy Kauffman or he's taken one too many drugs. You decide.


If Joaquin was just acting, he was splendid as usual but I don't get the jokes. However, if Joaquin really wasn't well and David Letterman was exploiting him and laughing at his misery, then I feel nothing but loathing and hate towards Letterman!

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If Joaquin was just acting, he was splendid as usual but I don't get the jokes. However, if Joaquin really wasn't well and David Letterman was exploiting him and laughing at his misery, then I feel nothing but loathing and hate towards Letterman!

At the end of the interview as he was leaving he took off his glasses and gave letterman a firm handshake and said something to him. Probably saying "thanks for playing along".

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At the end of the interview as he was leaving he took off his glasses and gave letterman a firm handshake and said something to him. Probably saying "thanks for playing along".

Ok, I think you are right. The whole "interview" was way too weird to be true anyway... :slapface::D

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Anybody else catch this interview? Either he's pulling an Andy Kauffman or he's taken one too many drugs. You decide.

He was a bit out of it to say the least. Has some serious issues as I've heard over the past several months. I guess it runs in the family. Look what happened to his older brother River back in 1993. He overdosed at the Viper Club in L.A., at the age of 23. Such a loss and talent. Hopefully Joaquin straightens himself out, as he's been quoted as saying he's leaving acting.

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It's all an act, there were glimmers of laughter/smiling at the things that Dave was saying that got to him. He couldn't help smiling on one or two occasions. And whoever said Letterman was too quick with is responses, doesn't know David Letterman. He's a sharp guy. That handshake at the end sealed the deal for me that it was an act.

Watch Joaquin on youtube and you can find some other appearances with Dave.

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He was a bit out of it to say the least. Has some serious issues as I've heard over the past several months. I guess it runs in the family. Look what happened to his older brother River back in 1993. He overdosed at the Viper Club in L.A., at the age of 23. Such a loss and talent. Hopefully Joaquin straightens himself out, as he's been quoted as saying he's leaving acting.

It is a shame - he's a great actor like his brother was.

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It's all an act, there were glimmers of laughter/smiling at the things that Dave was saying that got to him. He couldn't help smiling on one or two occasions. And whoever said Letterman was too quick with is responses, doesn't know David Letterman. He's a sharp guy. That handshake at the end sealed the deal for me that it was an act.

Watch Joaquin on youtube and you can find some other appearances with Dave.

That's it!

It was all staged.

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I don't think pretending to be thwacked out of your gourd on national television makes one a good actor.

He did two decent movies; Gladiator and Walk the Line. You all are making it sound like we're watching the second coming of Pacino or something.

The second coming of Pacino? Well he hasn't been around as long as Pacino, so only time will tell (and a willingness to continue acting if this isn't all a big goof) if he reaches that level. With the two aforementioned movies, so far, so good. I would say that simply because this latest character (?) is whacked out and perhaps not very extroverted doesn't mean he isn't doing a great acting job. It isn't as much about who the character is, as it's about how accurately you perform them.

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