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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. I went there on a daytime tour in spring 2009 and was rather surprised by how small the actual prison is. No wonder why they closed it, even if the place had not started to fall apart as a result of saltwater erosion it should have been shut down anyway. I can only imagine the cost of running such a small place and the supply hassles for such a small prison population of around 263 on average with the most being 302 in 1937 (312 max capacity). It was the most expensive prison to run during the period of its operation.
  2. Just got about 3" of desperately needed snow. Looks like a Christmas card outside. Currently 21 degrees (-6 c) outside with a slight breeze.
  3. Meh, I would go, stuff like that always amused me, never scared me. We have nothing to worry about from the dead, nor do they have anything to offer. Its the living ones that cause all the trouble. BTW, supposedly both Lizzie's daddy and step-mom physically and sexually abused both her and her sister and was the motivation for the crime. No idea if true but either way they sure pissed her off something fierce.
  4. One of the all time greats! Have you seen the 3.25 hour 2019 version with Guy Pearce? Let's just say it is really good but much darker with much more backstory (Dickens never could write a decently fleshed out character). I was very pleasantly surprised.
  5. BobDobbs

    Found Money

    Indeed, doping someone and then having your way with them is rape, plain and simple. Mr. Puddin Pops deserves his current fate.
  6. BobDobbs

    Found Money

    That and a Quaalude and I may get somewhere. Pull the old Bill Cosby maneuver.
  7. Sorry, that information cannot be released as it would constitute a violation of HIPAA regulations
  8. BobDobbs

    Found Money

    I tried to buy some good lovin' from the missus however she ain't selling. Sad Panda 😞
  9. Hope you do the 24th next as I always thought it was a pretty good show, much better than the 23rd IMO.
  10. Of course this has nothing to do with the non-stop ambulance / tragedy chasing leeching attorneys plastering endless adds about this on TV (filing deadline Dec 31st, 2020). Man, if this gets momentum every down and out groupie in AZ will be lining up for miles. CHA-CHING BABIES!!!!
  11. I use it to find "Gardziwwa" heading for the Japanese Islands but, no luck yet. Here's to hope 😉
  12. Without a doubt. The tinfoil hat crowd is out in force! Question: If we are working in conjunction with these aliens, would they not tell us not to drill in a particular location before we did? Also, if there are aliens, why would they want to come here? We have nothing to offer. The Earth is not unique in our galaxy nor is water. Humans are low-grade morons compared to a race who can traverse light-years, so why would that race want to abduct us and probe our assholes? Why always the butthole? And implant us for what reason? The whole concept is just silly.
  13. Yes, the mutated version which will be coming to a US town soon since we are still allowing UK travel. Whoever is managing this COVID response is a damn idiot.
  14. It's automatic, but guaranteed to always work 😉
  15. 34" is good, congradulations! Just don't take it too far and go for the Jimmy Page, 1977 look
  16. Just re-watched the show and was blown away by Jimmy's performance. He played some of the solo's more conservatively than I would have liked on some song but on most he actually really kicked ass and brought a new dimension to the solos. His unique solos on For Your Life, Nobody's Fault but Mine & Trampled Underfoot were really good. What was surprising is the only solo I was somewhat disappointed in was STH. There was a moment when it sounded like Jimmy was really going to let loose and do a longer solo but then changed his mind which caused a slight flub and almost threw him off. He came very close to falling of the ledge but thankfully recovered masterfully. Other than that I thought Jimmy did an amazing job and more than made up for the Atlantic 40th debacle. My favorite Jimmy moment though would have to be SIBLY. He exceeded expectations for me on that one.
  17. Oh, MS Office has turned into quite a scam. You can either buy it outright for $150 for the welfare version, or pony up $60 - $100 a year for a "subscription." BTW, trying to find the purchase version in a store is near impossible, subscription only. On-line you can still find the purchase version but you have to look for it because the place the subscription version front and center. My printer crapped out as well and I bought an Epson 3 in one for $100 out the door, shipping included. Works great, no issue with having to reset the bluetooth like with my prior printer...always works.
  18. Yep, Gates is another thieving little magpie who made his loot off the sweat of others. I am still pissed off that jackass killed WordStar as a 1989 version of WordStar is still 1000x better than the latest version of MS Word.
  19. Thinking about Jesus, not the zombie-guy but my flooring contractor who bailed on me. Now I have to find another contractor. Bummer
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