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Ross's Diary


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I find the tendency of so many people to keep slagging Ross off completely ridiculous - literally jumping at every chance to do so. Why do we all bother to read RH's diary in the first place? Well, because he actually talks about the people he photographs, and is friends with many of them, including Jimmy Page. But if he says something about Jimmy he must be showing off! :lol:

Let's just accept that we have absolutely no idea at the moment what it was they were doing, or why he mentioned it in this particular fashion. It was probably something photo-related, since Ross was involved. But there's no need to assume all kinds of things about him - let alone when you don't know the man AT ALL. He is a good friend of Jimmy's, too - another reason not to keep doing this. Are any of you people qualified to choose "better? friends for Jimmy, perhaps?

sorry if i offended you otto.

of course none of us know him...... but you have to admit, anyone who is even semi-famous ( like ross ) and who publishes a public blog with almost every entry having a famous name dropped, well i guess he puts himself in the firing line a little. i understand he is a genuine friend of jimmys, and not just a "hanger-on", but does he really need write about every cup of coffee he has with him? and to say that he's been doing a project with jimmy, but that he can't say anymore about it.... well, why say anything, unless he ( and jimmy ? ) wanted to provoke discussion and interest? which of course he has succeeded in doing!

i do see your point though otto, and do apologise.

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sorry if i offended you otto.

of course none of us know him...... but you have to admit, anyone who is even semi-famous ( like ross ) and who publishes a public blog with almost every entry having a famous name dropped, well i guess he puts himself in the firing line a little. i understand he is a genuine friend of jimmys, and not just a "hanger-on", but does he really need write about every cup of coffee he has with him? and to say that he's been doing a project with jimmy, but that he can't say anymore about it.... well, why say anything, unless he ( and jimmy ? ) wanted to provoke discussion and interest? which of course he has succeeded in doing!

i do see your point though otto, and do apologise.

Yeah, Ross even plays with his own reputation for being a name-dropper. One of my favorite entries was, "I was having sushi with Slash, as you do..." :lol:

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I find the tendency of so many people to keep slagging Ross off completely ridiculous - literally jumping at every chance to do so. Why do we all bother to read RH's diary in the first place? Well, because he actually talks about the people he photographs, and is friends with many of them, including Jimmy Page. But if he says something about Jimmy he must be showing off! :lol:

Let's just accept that we have absolutely no idea at the moment what it was they were doing, or why he mentioned it in this particular fashion. It was probably something photo-related, since Ross was involved. But there's no need to assume all kinds of things about him - let alone when you don't know the man AT ALL. He is a good friend of Jimmy's, too - another reason not to keep doing this. Are any of you people qualified to choose "better? friends for Jimmy, perhaps?

Why would he post a blog if he didn't want people to have opinions on it

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Why would he post a blog if he didn't want people to have opinions on it

:wave: Hi Nic! Well, that's just not at all what I was talking about. I have no problem with people expressing opinions on things he says in his diary, and I have done so myself, several times. Also, there are some people on here who have met him, and have described it as unpleasant. I have no problem with them describing that either - by no means.

I DO have problems with people (not just you, Nic) openly speculating in this manner about his character on here when they simply don't know him at all - and not just speculate, but openly slag him off, again and again and a-fucking-gain. I have never liked that, and I really wonder: why on earth is that necessary? As far as I can see nothing he said in the diary now necessitated any comments about his character. That's all. We don't know the man personally, and we have no idea how his friendship with Jimmy works either. In short: We have no clue WHY he said what he said - we know WHAT he said. So let's just talk about THAT.... well, if we feel it's worth talking about at all, that is.

But aside from all that - pleased to see you here again! :)

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I DO have problems with people (not just you, Nic) openly speculating in this manner about his character on here when they simply don't know him at all - and not just speculate, but openly slag him off, again and again and a-fucking-gain. I have never liked that, and I really wonder: why on earth is that necessary? As far as I can see nothing he said in the diary now necessitated any comments about his character. That's all. We don't know the man personally, and we have no idea how his friendship with Jimmy works either. In short: We have no clue WHY he said what he said - we know WHAT he said. So let's just talk about THAT.... well, if we feel it's worth talking about at all, that is.

Otto, I see your point here and agree with most what you said. But honestly, I don't see people (at least) in this thread, slag Ross Halfin off. If to say "he is showing off" is some kind of slagging off, then Ross does it almost as daily routine.

Ok I'll quit commenting on this thread as we all know now it's indeed another photo session, that's some normal business between a guitarist and a photographer.

I'm sorry if I offended someone before.


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:wave: Hi Nic! Well, that's just not at all what I was talking about. I have no problem with people expressing opinions on things he says in his diary, and I have done so myself, several times. Also, there are some people on here who have met him, and have described it as unpleasant. I have no problem with them describing that either - by no means.

I DO have problems with people (not just you, Nic) openly speculating in this manner about his character on here when they simply don't know him at all - and not just speculate, but openly slag him off, again and again and a-fucking-gain. I have never liked that, and I really wonder: why on earth is that necessary? As far as I can see nothing he said in the diary now necessitated any comments about his character. That's all. We don't know the man personally, and we have no idea how his friendship with Jimmy works either. In short: We have no clue WHY he said what he said - we know WHAT he said. So let's just talk about THAT.... well, if we feel it's worth talking about at all, that is.

But aside from all that - pleased to see you here again! :)

I know, I'm not really 'slagging him off', I'm just saying comments like those he just made about Jimmy are kind of annoying not just because they don't reveal anything but because he KNOWS what it will sound like to other people, and how the wheels will be churning in their heads. And (it looks like) he's just trying to show off that, "I'm friends with Jimmy Page, I know something you don't, naa-naaa! :baby: " I mean, come on. With all the stuff happening lately about reunions and no reunions etc how could he make an elusive comment like that and NOT know exactly what he was doing? Terms like "project"? That kind of language is obviously associated with music and he knows that. Maybe he's a great guy in person (judging from others' testimony I doubt it though :lol:) but posting stuff like that on your blog is so elitist and snobbish. Unfounded too because it turned out to be just a photo shoot. :rolleyes:

Oh and hi Otto, its good to be back. :D :D

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Yes, we must see how lovely he looks these days.

Yes, Ross' line: "a different look to how you normally see him" has got me bothered :drool:

(And I have to agree with Songbird, a bit. "You see him?!" No, Ross, I don't normally see him, like you do....But I take it more tongue-in-cheek. I'm not really upset :) )

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I am thankful for Ross' Diary. We get to see glimpses and snippets of Jimmy's everyday life through his friendship with Ross. :)

And I enjoy his photos.

I agree...Ross, keep it coming. All we have left is speculation at this point. Feed us a morsel.

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I find the tendency of so many people to keep slagging Ross off completely ridiculous - literally jumping at every chance to do so. Why do we all bother to read RH's diary in the first place? Well, because he actually talks about the people he photographs, and is friends with many of them, including Jimmy Page. But if he says something about Jimmy he must be showing off! :lol:

Let's just accept that we have absolutely no idea at the moment what it was they were doing, or why he mentioned it in this particular fashion. It was probably something photo-related, since Ross was involved. But there's no need to assume all kinds of things about him - let alone when you don't know the man AT ALL. He is a good friend of Jimmy's, too - another reason not to keep doing this. Are any of you people qualified to choose "better? friends for Jimmy, perhaps?

Well said Otto, as usual. Ross works with famous people, if he didn't mention a name or two, who would read his diary? Nobody.

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I am thankful for Ross' Diary. We get to see glimpses and snippets of Jimmy's everyday life through his friendship with Ross. :)

And I enjoy his photos.

So do I. I also enjoy his diary. I think it's the best way we get to see Jimmy's everyday life.

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Well Ross hasn't been that secretive before on magazine covers. He usually states what magazine shoot he's doing with Jimmy.

Yeah. Personally I'm grateful to the old SOB for saying he's working on a project with Jimmy, because he's the most (painfully) honest person around. So if he says he's working on a project, then it's a project, a nice hopeful word. If it were Zep related, Halfin would say that, too, so it's Jimmy related. :)

RH takes pictures of and hangs around with famous rockers day and day out, and has been blogging about it for years. I wouldn't call it name dropping. Who would he be trying to impress at this point? Personally I enjoy his photos and his blog, and he gets the best pictures of Page around.

Hope Pagey hasn't cut or dyed his hair, though. B) Quick edit to add, maybe these are pictures of him without a guitar?

Edited by AbsolutionBlues
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Yeah. Personally I'm grateful to the old SOB for saying he's working on a project with Jimmy, because he's the most (painfully) honest person around. So if he says he's working on a project, then it's a project, a nice hopeful word. If it were Zep related, Halfin would say that, too, so it's Jimmy related. :)

RH takes pictures of and hangs around with famous rockers day and day out, and has been blogging about it for years. I wouldn't call it name dropping. Who would he be trying to impress at this point? Personally I enjoy his photos and his blog, and he gets the best pictures of Page around.

Hope Pagey hasn't cut or dyed his hair, though. B) Quick edit to add, maybe these are pictures of him without a guitar?

Maybe they're pictures of him with one of those 80's guitar keyboard thingies! :lol:

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