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What Made You Un-Happy Today ?

The Rover

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I slipped going down my deck steps in the rain last night while wearing my stupid flip flops.

I fractured the index finger on my left hand and will have to see an orthopedic specialist Monday.

Instead of pointing north, my finger is pointing northeast.

My finger is now in a rigid splint and I was prescribed a bottle of narcotics for pain.

This really sucks.

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Are you sure it's actually broken? It might just be dislocated.

The narcs are a silver lining, surely? But go easy on them jabe, it's easy to get addicted.

Was hoping for dislocation, but x-rays show a vertical fracture. The doctor who saw me last night was keen on the specialist who he refered me to.

I've had narcotics presribed for pain before, (wisdom teeth yanking, knee surgery, etc.) Although I'm pretty damn sure I have an addictive personality, the narc buzz doesn't really turn me on, if that makes sense.

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Although I'm pretty damn sure I have an addictive personality, the narc buzz doesn't really turn me on, if that makes sense.

Totally agree. It's not even much of a 'buzz' really - more of a 'zzzzzz'.

Having said that, I was searching in an old shaving bag (full of old pills) for some paracetamol on xmas day for my poorly wife. I didn't find any, but what I did find was a tray of Tramadol I've had for 5 years. So I took a couple, for the team. Sweet!

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After a " frank and open " debate with my wife, it seems I might need reading glasses...

Why am I unhappy ? well because I still feel like I should be riding motorcycles around hotel corridors at 3am. not going for a " eye test "....

Aren't contact lenses an option?

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Thanks Reswati & Shep, its the start of the slippery slope towards pullovers and comfy slippers, then before I know it positions from the Karma Sutra, will end up in a three week hospital stay....

Edited by Cecil.
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I should have not had tacos for dinner last night from this hipster taco joint. I am eating way too much this holiday season and having a dessert everyday. I normally only eat one dessert a week so eating out two meals a day for the past week plus all that sugar is catching up with me. And to have spicy tacos last night is causing an internal WW III on my digestive tract. Why, Why, WHY must I do this to myself?!! I will have to detox for the next couple of weeks. Blah, blah, bitch, moan...

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