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What Made You Un-Happy Today ?

The Rover

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You poor child...that's 102° F. In America, mother's give their sick children chicken noodle soup...what do they do in Italy? Minestrone?

Hope you get well soon!

Thanks Strider, I didn't see it. Yes, there's minestrone or pastina (which a soup with pasta)...fortunately I was hungry although my disease, so I ate a lot of pasta/rice as always! :)

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My manager just called me.

Seems as though a jerk from IT caused a lot of problems and is no longer employed with us.

Because she is on vacation, I get to break the news tomorrow morning.


2/5 down with sickness one of which is a Type 1 Diabetic... :( That means I will be playing Nurse for the next 24 Hours..



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I'm unhappy because my wife's had the flu since the day before xmas eve.

Obviously I'm unhappy for her, but mainly I'm unhappy for me, because I'm having to do all the cooking & washing up, plus waiting on her hand and foot, pandering to her every whim whenever she bangs on the bedroom floor with her broomstick.

Funny thing is, for someone who allegedly has the flu, she's had an incredibly voracious appetite these past two days. Funny, that.

Edited by Old Shep
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I'm unhappy because my wife's had the flu since the day before xmas eve.

Obviously I'm unhappy for her, but mainly I'm unhappy for me, because I'm having to do all the cooking & washing up, plus waiting on her hand and foot, pandering to her every whim whenever she bangs on the bedroom floor with her broomstick.

Funny thing is, for someone who allegedly has the flu, she's had an incredibly voracious appetite these past two days. Funny, that.

Your marriage has sounded like a train wreck for the last two years Nick. I do not know how that poor woman puts up with you.

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Another thing that's just made me unhappy is The Royle Family Xmas Special.

This steaming turd of a show appears to have become the BBC's regular choice of Xmas Night Comedy Blockbuster. WHY??? I sat through 15min of this bollocks, waiting for the Father Ted Xmas Special (a repeat) to start on Channel 5. Quite apart from the fact that it features two of the most obnoxious twats ever to appear on British TV (Caroline Aherne, and that fat Scouse fuck Mike Basset), it is just not funny. I mean, what kind of a fucking pond-dwelling moron do you have to be to find this show amusing?

Still, it could have been worse. At least nobody in my family wanted to watch Downton Abbey.

What the fuck has happened to our quality TV shows?

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I sat through 15min of this bollocks, waiting for the Father Ted Xmas Special (a repeat) to start on Channel 5. Still, it could have been worse. At least nobody in my family wanted to watch Downton Abbey.

Love Father Ted!

OK, I'll admit it - I've watched all of the Downton Abbey episodes...more than once.

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I'm unhappy because my wife's had the flu since the day before xmas eve.

Obviously I'm unhappy for her, but mainly I'm unhappy for me, because I'm having to do all the cooking & washing up, plus waiting on her hand and foot, pandering to her every whim whenever she bangs on the bedroom floor with her broomstick.

Funny thing is, for someone who allegedly has the flu, she's had an incredibly voracious appetite these past two days. Funny, that.

Is that broomstick or boomstick?

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Is that broomstick or boomstick?

Haha. It might as well be a 'boomstick', because she wields it like a deadly weapon, lol.

Come to think of it, she was even complaining about the xmas debris on the kitchen floor last night. I was pleasantly surprised that she didn't offer to shove it up my arse. The broom, I mean.

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It snowed this morning. After 15 minutes cleaning off my car in a driving wet snow, I managed to navigate my street (which is always the last to be cleared...), only to find that the main roads hadn't been cleared either. No one was expecting this. After a bit over a mile, I turned around and went home. No job is worth getting killed over. Ended up working from home today. The only good thing about that was my couch. It's tough to do actual work on the laptop...missed my dual monitors and mouse.

Also, not going to the movies tonight as it's still raining and we don't want to be out when it freezes.

Only good thing is I get to watch the Honors as it's broadcast.

Time for wine!

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I'm sad because I had to take off my new Led Zeppelin t-shirt today which I've been wearing since lunchtime on 25th Dec, because it was getting a bit stinky. I'm worried I might already have rotted the armpits, lol.

This is the first LZ t-shirt I've had in 10yrs or so. The last one was the cover of HOTH. I always felt a bit uncomfortable wearing that one.

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I have the impending doom of the new year approaching. I made the mistake of inviting and cooking for chums and I don't feel the inclination to do either. I have this feeling most years - ever since the last time I did mushrooms on a Thai beach back in 1990. It was a very scary event and the only new years eve I have really enjoyed is the times we went to Barcelona. Mrs CP reckons I have an allergy to the this time of year. It will pass and on the big night all will go to plan - anyway we have Priscilla with us this year and she will be most welcome.


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