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I can't argue any of that.

There is nothing about sex that should be construed as "dirty", provided that both partners practice simple, day to day hygiene. Good clean dirty fun is as good as it gets! B)

In my opinion putting your mouth where one goes to the bathroom is dirty. No way around it.

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...Because we're not petrified of sex!!!!Musicians do it ALL the time because they're willing to spill their seed a whole lot more than you ever will.

I picked up a guitar not for girls,in Ireland [i can't stress this enough] all the girls are into chavs who play techno,i play for love of music,i love it so much that i've killed whatever chances i had of having as much sex as you've been offered but refuse to take.In fact,i subjected myself to a life of being attacked,beaten,and almost stabbed because of my hair length,has anyone ever threated you at knifepoint for looking at them?My relationship status is lonely,for a very,very long time,noone in Ireland wants you to play,they hate you for it,you risk death for it in Cork,i risk death because of my politics (i.e. Democratic Socialist,everyone must be equal,the idiots only know about Fianna Fail,they hate politics) My hair,My music,my attitude towards Polish people (I've defended Poles from racist chavs,they try stab me) my attitude toward racism (They ask,"Should we call them niggers,or black people?"I say,""THEY'RE JUST PEOPLE!!!" and am attacked) so what has music done to me?It has left me on a 2 year dry spell.

Women have NO IDEA (Sorry) what rejection is like,we ask out,we have to be the first to say we love yo (Most of the time) Once every four years they may propose,but the closest they get is us dumping them (No,we don't want to,and admittedly both sides have to do it) While i've never had to do it,i can't imagine anything more crushing than being shot down after i propose.

I NEVER look for hotties because i can't afford to and am not as shallow as you,i like fellow artists,i go nuts for a girl that plays guitar,my secondary instrument (Piano) is also a massive turn on for me,girls that are artistic,not sluts (As you so fear) I don't care what they look like,the kind that are nice,actually CARE about politics,and are fun,funny,what you might generally look for.

My tastes are more selective than yours,two of my best friends are like that,but they are the only two in the country,which makes things quite complicated,and despite their constant support,i have accepted mediocre,i will almost definately remain as i am if i stay in Ireland.My ex-guitar teacher's wife was Canadian,he moved over to Canada with her and their child,he was in much the same situation as i am now.

I've accepted that i will NEVER have a choice as far as relationships go,you wouldn't go out with the coolest people in the world [My friends] because they aren't big boobed blondes with chastity belts [And believe me,they are NOT sluts]

You don't know how good you look unless your gay or bi.

You will never find true love unless you loosen the fuck up,not many people as seemingly cool as you can be such an ass when you want to.Your musician theory pains me,i would be in heaven in Canada,meet up with my old guitar teacher,form a band (You try finding a rock drummer,bassist and vocalist in Cork,you'll be stabbed by the local Pimp for being anti-techno) If i wanted a girl i'd have to shave my head and play techno,abandon my glasses,kill someone,kick a puppy and of course,commit a vicious,senseless hate-crime against a polish man.Ireland hates me,i miss old Ireland,the beautiful mountains,the hills,it's the most romantic place on earth,polluted by racists who'll hold you up with a knife for looking at them funny (This,along with all events i've listed,is true,none of my fellow rocker friends have girlfriends,the people who try to stab us have four each) Ok,this REALLY did happen,one of the most twisted,sickening crimes i can think of,in Limerick Ireland last year,two chavs asked a single mother for a lift to town,she said no,her children were in the back,clearly visible.What do you do when someone won't let you hitchhike?These sicko's (Only 15 each) Petrol bombed her car,THEY TRIED TO FUCKING KILL HER!!!She survived,her two children now live in hell,they can barely walk,they live in special suits,a 5 year old child and an 8 year old child that will be scarred forever,they will never have a relationship,children,or even fresh air again.Now the scum that did this were set to jail,i think it was two years for ETERNALLY CRIPPLING TWO CHILDREN!!!!These assholes have multiple girlfriends,i have none,when they get out they'll have their multiple girlfriends waiting for them.I don't,only scumbags have girlfriends in this country.

Next time you're held up to a knife point because someone you were looking at the traffic lights,come back to me (I believe his words were,What the fuck are you lookin' at boy?(Pronounced,Byeeee) before he took a swing i punched him)

Dude, you should move because there are tons of women who will hook up with musicians no matter what they look like. I have seen it. And look at any ugly rock star. Mick Jagger or Kieth Richard would never have got any hotties if they were a mail men or a plummers. Becuase they are not good looking. The whole musician think did it for them. Try to get away from where you live.

I agree with you that women don't really know what rejection is. They just don't risk it like men do. So they won't be able to relate to a guy being scarred by it.

If you don't care about looks when it comes to women that's cool. Whatever rows you boat. I am just not able to do that. But having a certain taste in looks is not shallow.

I don't think not loosening up is holding me back from finding true love. I am not pinning my hopes on true love because it is way too hard to find. Some never find it. So i just want to have a good time with a cool girlfriend. If i was waiting around for true love it would just depress myself because it's too hard to find.

You might not like where you live but Canada isn't the Promiseland either. There aren't hotties around every corner ready to pounce on single guys. Unfortunately. But you should definately try to move from where you are because you don't sound happy.

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You're right,i don't give up on music because i don 't want the petrol bombing chavs to win!Most the girls are sluts (i.e. The pregnant 15 year olds who still believe their petrol bombing boyfriend loves them) So i wouldn't really touch those,i know some really cool people though,musicians,politically active (Not on many people's wish list i see but equal rights matters very much to me) and hate chavs as much as me!I got good friends,the best,i'm lucky.

Otherwise going through this shit would be unbearable!Spats doesn't know what a lucky bastard he is,he just won't settle for anyone less than pretty,prettiness always comes last with me (Makes a nice extra though) For all we know Spats could be in a brothel right now,whining that everyone's got the clap.

You have NO IDEA how much harder it is to get lucky here,one night stands are very rare at best,unless you've got petrol bombs.

So People,playing music has left me with nothing for a few years,i mean everywhere else on earth a talentless,greasy man is a sex god with a guitar and i'm a petrol bomb target,do i give a fuck?No way!!!Not playing or doing what i wanted and getting girlfriends by scores would suck and i'd be unhappy because i only get sex by killing my emotions,i let it all out on my guitar,get attacked,depending on numbers (And knives) i win (I can take on two people on my own cause i'm strong,but not three cause i'm kinda slow) Then jam a little bit with the best friends you could ask for to get it out of the system.

We all are basically in each others head,y'know the way,though they have boyfriends (girls can come by them easy enough,select boys may get chosen by the cool girls but they'll still have to start it up) They're supportive,funny,CARE what happens outside the country (Unlike everyone else) and always cheer me up,it's a pretty good consolation prize.

But dude you shouldn't want a one night stand. It's just not safe these days.

I am not that lucky at all. I don't have women breaking down my door either. I guess if looks are last on your list you would have a better chance where i live but are they really last on your list or has it comes to the point that things aren't that good for you that you will settle for what you can get??? :blink:

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At least you did read what I wrote, and you did give it consideration. I'll give you credit for that. And I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but you did ask....

You didn't hurt my feelings Bonnie. What you said was true. I appreciate your honesty. I like you so i wouldn't take it in a bad way. :D

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Hey Bomber, you should come Stateside. I reaize the U.S. has a pretty bad rap everywhere in the world, but really it's not that bad--I mean, there are jobs and all the necessities, and not as much violent terrorism as some places. Obviously the urban areas have crime, but come out to the rural areas, and there's like, nothing. Nothing ever happens here in South Dakota. Whenever there is a murder, it's always BIG news. The biggest thing to watch out for, is making sure you don't hit a deer while you're driving. Those stupid things are always crossing the road...

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Hey Bomber, you should come Stateside. I reaize the U.S. has a pretty bad rap everywhere in the world, but really it's not that bad--I mean, there are jobs and all the necessities, and not as much violent terrorism as some places. Obviously the urban areas have crime, but come out to the rural areas, and there's like, nothing. Nothing ever happens here in South Dakota. Whenever there is a murder, it's always BIG news. The biggest thing to watch out for, is making sure you don't hit a deer while you're driving. Those stupid things are always crossing the road...

Lemme think,what would Zeppelin do?In fact,this is what they did do,i probably will,one day.

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...Because we're not petrified of sex!!!!Musicians do it ALL the time because they're willing to spill their seed a whole lot more than you ever will.

I picked up a guitar not for girls,in Ireland [i can't stress this enough] all the girls are into chavs who play techno,i play for love of music,i love it so much that i've killed whatever chances i had of having as much sex as you've been offered but refuse to take.In fact,i subjected myself to a life of being attacked,beaten,and almost stabbed because of my hair length,has anyone ever threated you at knifepoint for looking at them?My relationship status is lonely,for a very,very long time,noone in Ireland wants you to play,they hate you for it,you risk death for it in Cork,i risk death because of my politics (i.e. Democratic Socialist,everyone must be equal,the idiots only know about Fianna Fail,they hate politics) My hair,My music,my attitude towards Polish people (I've defended Poles from racist chavs,they try stab me) my attitude toward racism (They ask,"Should we call them niggers,or black people?"I say,""THEY'RE JUST PEOPLE!!!" and am attacked) so what has music done to me?It has left me on a 2 year dry spell.

Women have NO IDEA (Sorry) what rejection is like,we ask out,we have to be the first to say we love yo (Most of the time) Once every four years they may propose,but the closest they get is us dumping them (No,we don't want to,and admittedly both sides have to do it) While i've never had to do it,i can't imagine anything more crushing than being shot down after i propose.

I NEVER look for hotties because i can't afford to and am not as shallow as you,i like fellow artists,i go nuts for a girl that plays guitar,my secondary instrument (Piano) is also a massive turn on for me,girls that are artistic,not sluts (As you so fear) I don't care what they look like,the kind that are nice,actually CARE about politics,and are fun,funny,what you might generally look for.

My tastes are more selective than yours,two of my best friends are like that,but they are the only two in the country,which makes things quite complicated,and despite their constant support,i have accepted mediocre,i will almost definately remain as i am if i stay in Ireland.My ex-guitar teacher's wife was Canadian,he moved over to Canada with her and their child,he was in much the same situation as i am now.

I've accepted that i will NEVER have a choice as far as relationships go,you wouldn't go out with the coolest people in the world [My friends] because they aren't big boobed blondes with chastity belts [And believe me,they are NOT sluts]

You don't know how good you look unless your gay or bi.

You will never find true love unless you loosen the fuck up,not many people as seemingly cool as you can be such an ass when you want to.Your musician theory pains me,i would be in heaven in Canada,meet up with my old guitar teacher,form a band (You try finding a rock drummer,bassist and vocalist in Cork,you'll be stabbed by the local Pimp for being anti-techno) If i wanted a girl i'd have to shave my head and play techno,abandon my glasses,kill someone,kick a puppy and of course,commit a vicious,senseless hate-crime against a polish man.Ireland hates me,i miss old Ireland,the beautiful mountains,the hills,it's the most romantic place on earth,polluted by racists who'll hold you up with a knife for looking at them funny (This,along with all events i've listed,is true,none of my fellow rocker friends have girlfriends,the people who try to stab us have four each) Ok,this REALLY did happen,one of the most twisted,sickening crimes i can think of,in Limerick Ireland last year,two chavs asked a single mother for a lift to town,she said no,her children were in the back,clearly visible.What do you do when someone won't let you hitchhike?These sicko's (Only 15 each) Petrol bombed her car,THEY TRIED TO FUCKING KILL HER!!!She survived,her two children now live in hell,they can barely walk,they live in special suits,a 5 year old child and an 8 year old child that will be scarred forever,they will never have a relationship,children,or even fresh air again.Now the scum that did this were set to jail,i think it was two years for ETERNALLY CRIPPLING TWO CHILDREN!!!!These assholes have multiple girlfriends,i have none,when they get out they'll have their multiple girlfriends waiting for them.I don't,only scumbags have girlfriends in this country.

Next time you're held up to a knife point because someone you were looking at the traffic lights,come back to me (I believe his words were,What the fuck are you lookin' at boy?(Pronounced,Byeeee) before he took a swing i punched him)

You make it look like you think all Women are the same and blame many 'problems' on them right?

Women sometimes face rejection too, especially from the very people who claim to be them!(BH)

Phil Lynott was a friend of mine, but since his death, I have been rejected by anyone who still treats him and me as their 'Buisiness'.

I've been to Limerick and I know it's really rough place, with Gun crimes nearly every week and people dressed in Black lining both sides odf the road waiting for the latest victim to pass by in a coffin!

Meanwhile, the Band calling themselves 'Iron Maiden' or is it 'Iran Maiden', are still touring and still claiming to be the Woman they call 'Mad' or a 'Zombie', Mr 'Bomber Harris' is a prize TWAT!!!!

The little git NEEDS fame to score and GOD only knows why so many people are taken in by his glib lies and pretence of being 'Mr Nice', (It's he, that writes most of the stuff!)

I am NOT dead, a 'zombie' or 'Mad', 'Maiden', rejected the Vision and decided on WAR, deatha nd Hell instead, no wonder people don't like you, they sense the link to him.

(............'and they lend their power to the beast'. (from the scriptures.)

( 'and many follow pernicious ways, by reason of whom, the way of truth is evil spoken of and shall they, through the ways of covetousness, with fiegned words, make merchandice, whose judgement lingereth not, and whose damnation slumbereth not.......

From the 'Holy Scriptures'...... Ptr 2-2.)

We are NOT 'all the same' and we all have a choice, to do 'good' or 'bad'.

Their 'mechandice' causes civil unrest, which leads to fighting and killing, etc,!!!!

......... whilst promising themselves 'eternal life and love and liberty, they are in the bonds of the works of darkness and delusion........

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Women are not to blame for anyones problems here,they do have to face rejection (On a smaller scale)

Now spats,you seem like a cool guy,i understand the whole afraid of having your sausage fall out after a lay thing,one night stands are ok (Once in a while) Looks used to be higher on my list,but i just take whatever comes along really,take a chance (Not sex,a date,see how it goes from there) Just go up to a random hot girl,clear your mind of rejection,ask her on a date,if she wants sex you can say it's a little soon but do NOT say you think that she could have an STD,just ask any girl,randomly pick one you like,on a date,if i saw a good looking girl,despite my saying i can do without,i'd ask,personality matters (i.e. not a whore) but you never know what you might get,wait a bit for sex,a good few weeks should do it,then it won't be a one night thing and you can escape AIDS with a smile on your face,just go out and ask a girl,in fact if your charming and they probably won't mind your "average looks".

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ask her on a date,if she wants sex you can say it's a little soon but do NOT say you think that she could have an STD


Indeed! :hysterical:

Of course not!It's virtual suicide!

Yeah, save that for when you just want to get out of the whole thing... sorta like if women want out of it, they can just say "I love you and want to bear your children."


edited to add.... I think DRUNK's epic and sage advice would be useful here. Perhaps Bong Man still has it saved and can post it for whomever needs such advice.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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Spats,do not repress human nature,blow jobs are not "dirty",just a little obscene,sex cannot be dirty unless you get an STD,or you do it in mud,and a blowjob sounds like a good way to avoid catching an STD.

I've never even thought of it as obscene. What the hell is everybody so uptight about? For Pete's sake, lighten up. It's all good.

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Well taboo more like (What?Sexual acts without children?I never!) spats,if you don't want the clap,get a blowjob,its safer right?Going down on someone with the clap might give you some discomfort but it's better to get warts on your face than let your trouser snake fall off.

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Blowjobs are only dirty if the guy doesn't clean himself properly, and I bet you 99.9% of men do. Maybe you're the 0.1% that doesn't. Which is really gross.

Seriously though, your opinions about sex are that of a child or a pre-teen. Why don't you move up to the next cognitive bracket.

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Well taboo more like (What?Sexual acts without children?I never!) spats,if you don't want the clap,get a blowjob,its safer right?Going down on someone with the clap might give you some discomfort but it's better to get warts on your face than let your trouser snake fall off.

:huh: Bomber, I think Bonnie was right- you DO need to head west for a visit.

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Blowjobs are only dirty if the guy doesn't clean himself properly, and I bet you 99.9% of men do. Maybe you're the 0.1% that doesn't. Which is really gross.

Seriously though, your opinions about sex are that of a child or a pre-teen. Why don't you move up to the next cognitive bracket.

Yeah, what about kissing, spats? Do you brush your teeth 5 times a day? Does she? EWWWWW! You could be getting some secondhand aftermath of Burger King!

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The rationale he uses is hilarious; "I don't want to put my mouth where you go to the bathroom." He even talks like a 12-year old.

If you eat food with your hands, you're coming into contact with more germs than sucking on a dick. Touching door knobs, phones, stairway railings, chairs, tables, you name it.....all more germ-infested than your schlong. Urine is sterile, anyway. If you bathe yourself, it's just skin. If you're afraid to put skin in your mouth, you're in need of some therapy.

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The rationale he uses is hilarious; "I don't want to put my mouth where you go to the bathroom." He even talks like a 12-year old.

If you eat food with your hands, you're coming into contact with more germs than sucking on a dick. Touching door knobs, phones, stairway railings, chairs, tables, you name it.....all more germ-infested than your schlong. Urine is sterile, anyway. If you bathe yourself, it's just skin. If you're afraid to put skin in your mouth, you're in need of some therapy.

Schlong! I forgot that name for it :lol: Yeah, I felt bad for him at first, because he seemed pretty young and afraid. Now I just wish he'd relax. Or don't do it! There's no law, you can whack off to your heart's delight instead.

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Yeah, what about kissing, spats? Do you brush your teeth 5 times a day? Does she? EWWWWW! You could be getting some secondhand aftermath of Burger King!

The rationale he uses is hilarious; "I don't want to put my mouth where you go to the bathroom." He even talks like a 12-year old.

If you eat food with your hands, you're coming into contact with more germs than sucking on a dick. Touching door knobs, phones, stairway railings, chairs, tables, you name it.....all more germ-infested than your schlong. Urine is sterile, anyway. If you bathe yourself, it's just skin. If you're afraid to put skin in your mouth, you're in need of some therapy.

Oh! you gals I'll never eat fastfood again *thinking about that zit faced 16yo*


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