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Robert Plant Charity Gig


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Well the sad fact of one offs by Percy is half messures for a cure. Just think he could cure cancer if the Mighty Zep would tour for the cause with some new music ofcourse. Not like they can't come up with something creative for Robert's sake. It is hard to believe some people with that much God given talent cant find a why to work together as they should. Time is almost over. A little advise to Robert - go back and listen to the Stomp.


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Get a life and it is sad to see when RP, JP and JPJ to waste the rest of there lives when they have one good album left for closure.


Why don't you get a life. They aren't wasting their lives and if they felt they had another album in them, they'd have done it. They don't so let it go :blink:

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Really glad I didn't see this thread until now...unbelievable...

Well, all I'd like to say now is that a friend is now in remission because of treatment she received that only ten years ago was considered highly experimental - research funded by money raised via charities and fundraisers. A heartfelt thank-you to Robert Plant and everyone else involved in this charity gig. You never know just how far a simple gesture of kindness reaches.

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What a wonderful and generous and unselfish thing that Robert is doing, donating his time and talents and treasure for an immensely worthy cause. I applaude him for his participation in this event. He is doing this out of the goodness of his heart, and for no other reason.

I hope that some of our forum members get the opportunity to attend this event. The meet and greet session with Robert would be worth any amount of money, in my opinion. When else will you ever get the chance to talk with Robert face to face? This is an opportunity of a lifetime for any dedicated Led Zeppelin fan! I'd love to try and bid for this, but I am not very lucky at auctions.

And did you notice that the event is going to be broadcast live by two different DJ's? I hope that someone posts the links to the radio stations so that we can follow the event here on the forum.

And there are going to be some items (albums?) autographed by Jimmy auctioned off at the event, too? Something for everyone, the Robert fans and the Jimmy fans, LOL.

This is a fantastic charitable event to raise money for cancer research. The more funding, the greater chance of finding the cure for cancer. I feel that the cure will be discovered soon, and that will benefit everyone, because you never know when and whom cancer is going to strike. The cure may be for YOU! smile.gif

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Really glad I didn't see this thread until now...unbelievable...

Well, all I'd like to say now is that a friend is now in remission because of treatment she received that only ten years ago was considered highly experimental - research funded by money raised via charities and fundraisers. A heartfelt thank-you to Robert Plant and everyone else involved in this charity gig. You never know just how far a simple gesture of kindness reaches.

I'm glad you didn't either. It was disgusting what someone wrote :( I'm really pleased your friend is in remission and hope she stays that way!!!!!

I'm a firm believer in every positive act no matter how big or small will touch someone's life in a good way and it is wonderful that Robert is doing this to help such an important cause.

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Some interesting background of Beth Nielsen Chapman, whom Robert is singing with. She's a former breast cancer survivor. From her myspace page:

Beth Nielsen Chapman, Nashville singer-songwriter, breast cancer survivor, environmental activist, has penned numerous hits and written songs for Bonnie Raitt, Emmylou Harris, Bette Midler, Elton John, Neil Diamond, Trisha Yearwood, Maritna McBride, Michael McDonald, Faith Hill, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, and also releases her own CD's and has had much success as an artist in the UK and Ireland. Her groundbreaking “Sand & Water”, was written and recorded following the death of her husband from cancer in 1994, performed by Elton John on his 1997 U.S. tour in place of "Candle In The Wind” to honor the memory of Princess Diana. . The UK release of “Deeper Still”, following her successful treatment for breast cancer, was voted "Album Of The Year" by BBC2's Terry Wogan. Beth also released: “Hymns”, a collection of ancient Latin hymns, a DVD “If Love Could Say God’s Name” recorded at St. Paul's Cathedral in London with the London Oriana Choir, and most recently “Prism”, a double CD collection of sacred songs sung in nine languages. Beth’s music has shown up on ER, Dawson's Creek, Providence, Felicity and in movie soundtracks, including “The Prince of Egypt, “Message In A Bottle”, “The Rookie”, “Where The Heart Is” and “Practical Magic”. Mega-hit "This Kiss”, ASCAP'S 1999 Song Of The Year, sung by Faith Hill garnered her a Grammy nomination. That same year Beth was chosen as Nashville NAMMY'S Songwriter of the Year and was inducted into The Alabama Music Hall Of Fame. Beth teaches her annual Creativity Stargaze Workshop at the Vanderbilt Observatory as well as various other songwriting workshops internationally. Beth also serves on the Advisory Board for Peacejam and serves on the Board of Directors of Healthy Child Healthy World, and the Board of Directors for the Nashville Songwriters Association International.

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Let me get this straight: One of the men who contributed a lot to the music and the band that is the reason for this forum is performing at a charity gig to raise money for cancer research and he gets attacked for it by his own fans?? He should be revered for this, not reviled. I just don’t understand all the negativity on this board. It’s sad, really?

Anyway, good for Robert! He appears to be a very kind hearted person. I’m sure he’ll put on one hell of a performance, as always, and raise a ton of money for this cause! How on earth can that be a negative thing?

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I'm glad you didn't either. It was disgusting what someone wrote :( I'm really pleased your friend is in remission and hope she stays that way!!!!!

I'm a firm believer in every positive act no matter how big or small will touch someone's life in a good way and it is wonderful that Robert is doing this to help such an important cause.


Really appreciate it, nine, thank you! The follow-ups have all been clear so far.

And I agree with everything you said about positive acts and RP's involvement. I could care less if he recites the phone book if it means it gives someone hope and brings researchers the resources they need to make more breakthroughs.

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Bless Mr. Plant and those families and friends that have to walk this path. I wish for the day when no one has to suffer and the word cancer doesn't exist in its present definition.

Thanks for posting the information :)

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Oh please..get over yourself already highness! Just because these rock n' roll ears happen to think the musical direction Mr. Plant is heading these days is more suited for elevators, makes me wrong? :slapface: You know how ridiculous that makes you come off? This is a forum and it's called an opinion. You and your flock have every right to disagree with that opinion. But right or wrong? Please..

You must have truly magical "rock n' roll ears" to have already heard what Robert is going to perform at this charity gig. Without hearing what he has sung, you have already condemned it as "elevator music"

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You must have truly magical "rock n' roll ears" to have already heard what Robert is going to perform at this charity gig. Without hearing what he has sung, you have already condemned it as "elevator music"

Perhaps some Plant "elevator music" will give some people the lift they need :P

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Robert just continues to amaze me. He's been supporting new cancer cures in the UK along with other celebs like Roger Daltrey and he doesn't "flaunt" his efforts like some other entertainers do. Did you see he will be collaborating/singing at the show with an American singer/songwriter, Beth Nielson Chapman, along with a full choir. I read that SHE is going to put out an album entirely consisting of hymns. Imagine him singing possibly hymns/religious style songs with that voice of his? WHY can't he do something like this in the U.S.? I wish we couuld somehow make that happen? On his website, I read that there will be two BBC radio stations streaming it live.

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Robert just continues to amaze me. He's been supporting new cancer cures in the UK along with other celebs like Roger Daltrey and he doesn't "flaunt" his efforts like some other entertainers do. Did you see he will be collaborating/singing at the show with an American singer/songwriter, Beth Nielson Chapman, along with a full choir. I read that SHE is going to put out an album entirely consisting of hymns. Imagine him singing possibly hymns/religious style songs with that voice of his? WHY can't he do something like this in the U.S.? I wish we couuld somehow make that happen? On his website, I read that there will be two BBC radio stations streaming it live.

:yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:

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I believe what Robert is doing is very admirable.I hope it does raise a lot of money for research.

With that said I personally am not fond of Robert's recent musical path he has chosen. Does that make me less of a fan since I don't go with popular opinion?

I have followed his career for many years, been to a reasonable amount of his tours but if this is his path great for him but will I buy his next cd or go to another tour if this his his genre of music now. Most likely not.

That is my choice and like every person on this forum we all are members and even when our opinion doesn't jive with the popular opinions it still ones right as an equal member to express it in a non combative post.

Oh yes, I think the one stroke on guitar of Jimmy Page when he was in Rio suits quite well into the elevator category as well, like the "ding". :D

My last question is why is Jimmy's Rio charity even being mentioned?

That is a charity he has worked many years with donated countless hours and funds and he can play one chord or none and it still doesn't invalidate his tireless work for many children who without his help would probably be dead.

For that I say much kudos Mr. Page since he was mentioned here. Just as kudos to Robert on this and his other charity endeavors.

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I personally think this is wonderful and I am amazed at the few negative comments regarding this. I support anything that helps in the cause for more research and development in finding a cure for cancer. Glad to see Robert lending his help with this.

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I think Stevedore's post was certainly combative toward Knebby, but perhaps he actually has magically heard the upcoming elevator music. (Upcoming? Geddit? :D ) At any rate, I don't think the appropriate response to the fact that Robert is going to perform in aid of cancer research is to criticize him for the music he's planning to sing, especially without having heard it. Or even having heard it--it doesn't make his gesture any less admirable.

Anyway, I'm sure everyone except our absent friend Eternal Light hopes Robert's contributions to this cause will help to speed an end to cancer. :)

Edited by Aquamarine
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I think Stevedore's post was certainly combative toward Knebby, but perhaps he actually has magically heard the upcoming elevator music. (Upcoming? Geddit? :D ) At any rate, I don't think the appropriate response to the fact that Robert is going to perform in aid of cancer research is to criticize him for the music he's planning to sing, especially without having heard it. Or even having heard it--it doesn't make his gesture any less admirable.

Anyway, I'm sure everyone except our absent friend Eternal Light hopes Robert's contributions to this cause will help to speed an end to cancer. :)

As I said Aqua non combative or it ends up destroying a thread with petty bickering. I hope lots of money is raised to help aided in the research. Something in general we all agree on at least most of us! ;)

Again as I posted what ever Robert sings is great for him and this charity but I personally hope he doesn't sing country or possibly hymns only as his new music style. My personal opinion is not meant to sway others just how I feel as a member posting here. :D

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Having an opinion on Robert's current music, which everyone is entitled to, of course, is different from demeaning his gesture in performing at this concert because the poster didn't like his choice of music, though--that was the point of contention, which introduced the negative note to what was otherwise a positive thread. And now let it remain so! :)

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I've only just seen this thread and I have to say I feel a bit sick knowing that some people can be so insensitve and downright offensive about this sort of thing.

When I go to my local Cancer charity shop, or when I help with Race For Life, I don't do it to look good. I don't do it to feel good. I do it because, like many of us, I have lost someone to cancer and want to help those who are battling this horrific disease, and/or are living with the after effects. I'm not so above myself that I think that this cause isn't worth my time and effort. And, clearly, neither does Robert. It's obviously important to him, so who is anyone to make that a point of contention? Frankly, it appals me as a person that someone should even question anyone's motives for charity work, let alone a fan of said person.

It's not his music he's raising awareness of, it's a fucking disease. How could anyone ever bring that into disrepute?

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