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Your Opinion of Rap


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I don't listen to a lot of rap but two groups that i highly recommend are The Roots and Jurassic 5.

I also recommend the mash-up albums like:

The Grey Album which is the beatle's white album and jay-z's black album

Enter The Magical Mystery Chamber which is beatles songs mixed with Wu-Tang

-this is one of my favorite mashups of all time


Viva La Hova (coldplay vs. jay-z's american gangster)

... and yes there is one mash-up album with zeppelin songs

American Zeppelin (zep songs vs. jay-z's american gangster)



so if you're open to music then i suggest checking those out

enter the magical mystery chamber is incredibly well-made

also, if you listen to the right groups and the right rappers, there is some excellent poetry in the songs

Edited by EddieShouldHaveListened
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I don't listen to a lot of rap but two groups that i highly recommend are The Roots and Jurassic 5.

I also recommend the mash-up albums like:

The Grey Album which is the beatle's white album and jay-z's black album

Enter The Magical Mystery Chamber which is beatles songs mixed with Wu-Tang

-this is one of my favorite mashups of all time


Viva La Hova (coldplay vs. jay-z's american gangster)

... and yes there is one mash-up album with zeppelin songs

American Zeppelin (zep songs vs. jay-z's american gangster)



so if you're open to music then i suggest checking those out

enter the magical mystery chamber is incredibly well-made

also, if you listen to the right groups and the right rappers, there is some excellent poetry in the songs

All three of those songs were awful. I really can't stand Jay-Z. His voice and rhymes suck.

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I think too many people group rap into a simple grouping of songs that are played on the radio. In fact most of those songs are quite different than the other 10-15 tracks on the album..

Like any other genre of music there are talented artists, and there are less talented artists.

To say there is no depth, or meaning behind ANY rap song is ludacris.

If you want to hear some talented rappers that don't really ever get heard on the radio check out Talib Kweli, Common, The Roots, and Immortal Technique. For more popular rappers that have some good stuff there are Nas, 2Pac (can get repatitive, but a lot of soul), and even Eminem.

They express their emotions with complex rhyming schemes to (usually)an electronic beat. Does this mean that it's not real music? I don't think so.

I did leave off every rapper that has come out in the last decade or so because Led Zeppelin has tilted my music tastes in another direction. But I think to dismiss rap as a genre completely ignorant.

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I think too many people group rap into a simple grouping of songs that are played on the radio. In fact most of those songs are quite different than the other 10-15 tracks on the album..

Like any other genre of music there are talented artists, and there are less talented artists.

To say there is no depth, or meaning behind ANY rap song is ludacris.

If you want to hear some talented rappers that don't really ever get heard on the radio check out Talib Kweli, Common, The Roots, and Immortal Technique. For more popular rappers that have some good stuff there are Nas, 2Pac (can get repatitive, but a lot of soul), and even Eminem.

They express their emotions with complex rhyming schemes to (usually)an electronic beat. Does this mean that it's not real music? I don't think so.

I did leave off every rapper that has come out in the last decade or so because Led Zeppelin has tilted my music tastes in another direction. But I think to dismiss rap as a genre completely ignorant.

I don't listen to radio stations that play rap, however these days, it's very hard if not imposable to avoid hearing rap. I quite sure that those cars that go by with the rap blaring out the windows just may be playing some of this ingenious BS that is often brought into the argument when the merits of rap are being debated.

I have no problem with any of the words in rap, after all my favorite band recorded a song that was originally called "Star Fucker". It's just that rap sounds so dork-ass and then when you get these guys who think it makes them look tough, it becomes laughable. I'm surprised that the comedians have not capitalized on rap and hip-hop fashion, as it could be just as hilarious has the political jokes.

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Is it good that the earth is round?

I don't have a horse in the race of "what shape is the earth ?", it is what it is, and it doesn't MATTER what shape I THINK it is.

Who cares what you think?

About the Earth's shape ? Ummm, maybe you but other than that, no one. What's your point ? (rhetorical)

The fact is that the earth IS round, whether or not you think that theory has merit.

If it's a FACT it's not a theory. :rolleyes:

What you originally said that got this whole debate started was, "Can't stand it myself, but that's not to say it has any less artistic merit than any other form of music/art/entertainment." I never used the word good. You're the one who started saying "good," probably when you realized that defending the artistic merit of rap would not end well for you.

"not end well for you" ???? ROFLMAO!!!! Why not ? Would the Led-Zeppelin-fans-against-rap send one of their henchmen around to do some physical damage to me with an authentic jimmy page replica bow ?

See, what's flying WAY above your head here is that people have different tastes and opinions. Someone with many years of music theory and classical training can look down their nose at Zeppelin just as some here look down on rap, but really no one would give a flying fuck because it all boils down to personal tastes and opinions. If you feel your opinions are less worthy than some others' because you don't have the same musical theory training then that's your self-esteem issue and nothing more.

If someone likes Rap, so be it, good for them if it's what makes them happy. If they hate Zeppelin, fine, their loss as far as I'm concerned but they may have the inverse feeling right back at me. And I'd be ok with that.

I'm done. You may have the last word.

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The A-B-C of Rap.

A-Rap-A-Ho=Plains Indian-Male Prostitute. (PIMP)

B=Rap=Noise that an Uzi makes.

C=Rap=What you get when you mix, Rude/Crude Gangster and Female Disrespectful Talking (well you cant say "Singing" can you?) and Sampled Electronic Noise (well you cant say "Music" can you?) with a big dollop of excrement (well you cant say "Shit" can you?) :D:lol:

Regards, Danny

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The A-B-C of Rap.

A-Rap-A-Ho=Plains Indian-Male Prostitute. (PIMP)

B=Rap=Noise that an Uzi makes.

C=Rap=What you get when you mix, Rude/Crude Gangster and Female Disrespectful Talking (well you cant say "Singing" can you?) and Sampled Electronic Noise (well you cant say "Music" can you?) with a big dollop of excrement (well you cant say "Shit" can you?) :D:lol:

Regards, Danny

Well you basically summed it up for me, Danny. :notworthy::D

BTW, who wants to bet this thread is going to get locked up? :o:rolleyes:

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Hi all,

If you enjoy rap 'music' good for you.If you think it's 'art' good again.

Let's have a quiz! :D

Name you top 5 rap: guitarists,bassists,drummers,keyboardists!

Or your top 5:

drum machines!

sampling software!

KB (trying to make it easy!)

Answer the fooking question! :)

OK Kev, you want answers? you'll get answers, but can you take the answers?

Top 5 rap: Guitarists!

1. Jimmy "P Diddy" Page

2. Peter "Snoop Dog" Green

3. Eric "Slim Shady" Clapton

4. Keith "Kool Keith" Richards

5. Richie "Coolio" Blackmore

Top 5 Rap: Bassists!

1. Kevin "Morris and the Minors " Ottewill

2. Jack "Ice T " Bruce

3. Roger "Mobb Deep " Glover

4. Terry "The GeeZer Rapper" Butler

5. Geddy "The Canadian Clubber " Lee

Top 5 Rap: Drummers!

1. John Henry "130lb of Glory " Bonham

2. Ian "Fision ChipZ" Paice

3. Ginger "Jay Z" Baker

4. Marc "M C Hammer" Craney

5. Ringo "The Gang" Starr

Top 5 Rap: Keyboardists!

1. John Paul "JP Beatz " Jones

2. John "Praise The" Lord

3. Keith "Ghostface Killer " Emerson

4. Rick "2 Pac" Wakeman

5. Elton "The Backdoor Man" John

The fooking question is answered now Kev, could you do better?

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Top 5 Rap: Singers/Vocalists!

1. Robert "The Big Rubber" Plant

2. Ozzy "Sharon!!!!!" Osborne

3. Ian "Ice Cube" Gillan

4. Mick "Rubber Lipz" Jagger

5. Freddy "The Flapping Four Skin " Mercury

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Hi all,

Yep,you did.Shall I run down to the Chelsea drugstore?Forgot your meds? :P


Hi Kev,

What you saying? i gave up a shag last night to compile those poles for you, you ungrateful mother. :o:lol:

I like the "Ringo" one best, as for he meds, i did take them a bit late. :wacko::blink:

Kind Regards, Danny

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The A-B-C of Rap.

A-Rap-A-Ho=Plains Indian-Male Prostitute. (PIMP)

B=Rap=Noise that an Uzi makes.

C=Rap=What you get when you mix, Rude/Crude Gangster and Female Disrespectful Talking (well you cant say "Singing" can you?) and Sampled Electronic Noise (well you cant say "Music" can you?) with a big dollop of excrement (well you cant say "Shit" can you?) :D:lol:

Regards, Danny

i just fell out of my chair laughing....

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Hi all,

If you enjoy rap 'music' good for you.If you think it's 'art' good again.

Let's have a quiz! :D

Name you top 5 rap: guitarists,bassists,drummers,keyboardists!

Or your top 5:

drum machines!

sampling software!

KB (trying to make it easy!)

Answer the fooking question! :)

alright, i'll give this a try....:

rap guitar: tom morello (RATM) danny lilker (antrax) kirk douglas (capt. kirk-the roots) adam horovitz (beastie boys)

i am, of course, ignoring the preferred method of playing guitar to hip hop: the sample. the list would include a who's who of great rock, blues, funk, jazz, and acoustic guitar players. we can go that way if you like.

bass: mike elizondo (dr. dre)la marquis jefferson (outkast),leon 'Hub' hubbard (Roots), flea (RHCP)

drummers: ?uestlove (roots), trevor lawrence, jr. (snoop, dre) i feel this category should include all percussion, including beatboxing, which then would roll in wise (stetasonic) doug e. fresh, biz markie, ready rock c and emanon.

great hip hop is not crap, in my lowly opinion. there are tons of genres that you could call rap, going all the way back to field hollers and prison blues from mississippi. and, of course, without that music, there would be no zeppelin.

as for the genre today, i don't buy any, and when i play rap, it's usually some de la soul, tribe, roots or beasties. i have been known to blaze an entire afternoon with public enemy, however. i have met chuck d. and a more socially conscious and articulate musician you will not find.

as for the "A" word....well, then it comes down to building a body of work and the writing, doesn't it? and while it is true that a lack of melody and a dependence on beats and grooves pushes this from those forms that require notes on paper to pass (as in c minor), i don't think that arguing about copying direct lifts from previously recorded works (samples) will get you anywhere...especially considering there are entire websites devoted to the who's who of rock and roll and where they "stole" their greatest tunes....

the writing emphasis would be lyrical when it comes to hip hop and the cream of the crop is as good as it gets. all the best rhymes well and means something too, right? and just as there is pop and drivel on the top of the pops in 1965, 1975 and now, there is also a thick layer of the meaningless and inconsequential when it comes to rap.

really, only time will tell. a poetry teacher once told me that elizabeth barrett browning was "insufferable, with all the rhyming, i can't stand her" yet we were discussing her in class over 100 years later. there ya go....

Edited by beatbo
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alright, i'll give this a try....:

rap guitar: tom morello (RATM) danny lilker (antrax) kirk douglas (capt. kirk-the roots) adam horovitz (beastie boys)

i am, of course, ignoring the preferred method of playing guitar to hip hop: the sample. the list would include a who's who of great rock, blues, funk, jazz, and acoustic guitar players. we can go that way if you like.

bass: mike elizondo (dr. dre)la marquis jefferson (outkast),leon 'Hub' hubbard (Roots), flea (RHCP)

drummers: ?uestlove (roots), trevor lawrence, jr. (snoop, dre) i feel this category should include all percussion, including beatboxing, which then would roll in wise (stetasonic) doug e. fresh, biz markie, ready rock c and emanon.

great hip hop is not crap, in my lowly opinion. there are tons of genres that you could call rap, going all the way back to field hollers and prison blues from mississippi. and, of course, without that music, there would be no zeppelin.

as for the genre today, i don't buy any, and when i play rap, it's usually some de la soul, tribe, roots or beasties. i have been known to blaze an entire afternoon with public enemy, however. i have met chuck d. and a more socially conscious and articulate musician you will not find.

as for the "A" word....well, then it comes down to building a body of work and the writing, doesn't it? and while it is true that a lack of melody and a dependence on beats and grooves pushes this from those forms that require notes on paper to pass (as in c minor), i don't think that arguing about copying direct lifts from previously recorded works (samples) will get you anywhere...especially considering there are entire websites devoted to the who's who of rock and roll and where they "stole" their greatest tunes....

the writing emphasis would be lyrical when it comes to hip hop and the cream of the crop is as good as it gets. all the best rhymes well and means something too, right? and just as there is pop and drivel on the top of the pops in 1965, 1975 and now, there is also a thick layer of the meaningless and inconsequential when it comes to rap.

really, only time will tell. a poetry teacher once told me that elizabeth barrett browning was "insufferable, with all the rhyming, i can't stand her" yet we were discussing her in class over 100 years later. there ya go....

You Sir, have the Wisdom of a Prophet, with the Patience of Job, and of course the Temperament of a Messiah, i can only Quake in your Presence. :notworthy:

Very Kind Regards, Danny

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You Sir, have the Wisdom of a Prophet, with the Patience of Job, and of course the Temperament of a Messiah, i can only Quake in your Presence. :notworthy:

Very Kind Regards, Danny

"I want to say a little something that's long overdue

The disrespect to women has got to be through

To all the mothers and sisters and the wives and friends

I want to offer my love and respect to the end

Well you say I'm twentysomething and should be slacking

But I'm working harder than ever and you could call it macking

So I'm supposed to sit upon my couch watching my TV

I'm still listening to wax, I'm not using the CD

Well I'm that kid in the corner

All fucked up and I wanna so I'm gonna

Take a piece of the pie, why not, I'm not quitting

Think I'ma change up my style just to fit in?

I keep my underwear up with a piece of elastic

I use a bullshit mic that's made out of plastic

To send my rhymes out to all of the nations

Like Ma Bell, I've got the ill communications..."

beastie boys "sure shot" ill communication 1994

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"I want to say a little something that's long overdue

The disrespect to women has got to be through

To all the mothers and sisters and the wives and friends

I want to offer my love and respect to the end

Well you say I'm twentysomething and should be slacking

But I'm working harder than ever and you could call it macking

So I'm supposed to sit upon my couch watching my TV

I'm still listening to wax, I'm not using the CD

Well I'm that kid in the corner

All fucked up and I wanna so I'm gonna

Take a piece of the pie, why not, I'm not quitting

Think I'ma change up my style just to fit in?

I keep my underwear up with a piece of elastic

I use a bullshit mic that's made out of plastic

To send my rhymes out to all of the nations

Like Ma Bell, I've got the ill communications..."

beastie boys "sure shot" ill communication 1994

The first day of school was always the hardest

The first day of school the hallways the darkest

Like a gauntlet

the voices haunted

Walking in with his thin skin lowered chin

He knew the names that they would taunt him with

Faggot sissy punk queen queer

Although he'd never had sex in his 15 years

And when they harassed him it was for a reason

And when they provoked him it became open season

for the fox and the hunter, the sparks and the thunder

that pushed the boy under, then pillage and plunder

It kind of makes you wonder

how one can hurt another

But dehumanizing the victim makes things simpler

It's like breathing with a respirator

It eases the conscience of even the most conscious

and calculating violator

Words can reduce a person to an object,

something more easy to hate

An inanimate entity, completely disposable,

no problem to obliterate


But death is the silence

in this language of violence

Death is the silence

But death is the silence

in this cycle of violence

death is the silence

It's tough to be young, the young long to be tougher

When we pick on someone else it might make us feel rougher

Abused by their fathers but was at home though

so to prove to each other that they were not homos

The exclamation of the phobic fury

executioner, a judge and jury

The mob mentality, individuality was nowhere

Dignity forgotten at the bottom of a dumb old dare and a numb cold


On the way home it was back to name calling

Ten against one they had his back up against the wall and

they reveled in their laughter as they surrounded him

But it wasn't a game when they up jumped and grounded him

They picked up their bats with their muscles straining

and they decided they were gonna beat this fella's brain in

with an awful, powerful, showerful, an hour full of violence

Inflict the strictest brutality and dominance

They didn't hear him screaming, they didn't hear him pleading

They ran like cowards and left the boy bleeding

in a pool of red 'til all tears were shed

and his eyes quietly slid into the back of his head




You won't see the face 'til the eyelids drop

You won't hear the screaming until it stops

The boy's parents were gone and his grandmother had raised him

She was mad she had no form of retaliation

The pack didn't have to worry about being on a hitlist

But the thing they never thought about was that there was a witness

to this senseless crime, right place wrong time

Tried as an adult one of them was gonna do hard time

The first day of prison was always the hardest

The first day of prison, the hallways the darkest

Like a gauntlet

the voices haunted

Faggot, sissy, punk, queen, queer

Words he used before had a new meaning in here

As a group of men in front of him came near

for the first time in his life the young bully felt fear

He'd never been on this side of the name calling

Five against one they had his back up against the wall and

he had never questioned his own sexuality

but this group of men didn't hesitate in their reality

with an awful, powerful, showerful, an hour full of violence

Inflict the strictest brutality and dominance

They didn't hear him screaming

They didn't hear him pleading

They took what they wanted and then left him bleeding in the corner

The giant reduced to jack horner

But dehumanizing the victim makes things simpler

It's like breathing with a respirator

It eases the conscience of even the most conscious

and calculating violator

The power of words, don't take it for granted

when you hear a man ranting

Don't just read the lips, be more sublime than this

Put everything in context, is this a tale of rough justice

in a land where there's no justice at all ?

Who is really the victim ? Or are we all the cause, and victim of it

all ?



You won't see the face 'til the eyelids drop

You won't hear the screaming until it stops

The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy "Language of Violence" Hypocrisy Is the Greatest Luxury 1992

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OK Kev, you want answers? you'll get answers, but can you take the answers?

Top 5 rap: Guitarists!

1. Jimmy "P Diddy" Page

2. Peter "Snoop Dog" Green

3. Eric "Slim Shady" Clapton

4. Keith "Kool Keith" Richards

5. Richie "Coolio" Blackmore

Top 5 Rap: Bassists!

1. Kevin "Morris and the Minors " Ottewill

2. Jack "Ice T " Bruce

3. Roger "Mobb Deep " Glover

4. Terry "The GeeZer Rapper" Butler

5. Geddy "The Canadian Clubber " Lee

Top 5 Rap: Drummers!

1. John Henry "130lb of Glory " Bonham

2. Ian "Fision ChipZ" Paice

3. Ginger "Jay Z" Baker

4. Marc "M C Hammer" Craney

5. Ringo "The Gang" Starr

Top 5 Rap: Keyboardists!

1. John Paul "JP Beatz " Jones

2. John "Praise The" Lord

3. Keith "Ghostface Killer " Emerson

4. Rick "2 Pac" Wakeman

5. Elton "The Backdoor Man" John

The fooking question is answered now Kev, could you do better?

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Top 5 Rap: Singers/Vocalists!

1. Robert "The Big Rubber" Plant

2. Ozzy "Sharon!!!!!" Osborne

3. Ian "Ice Cube" Gillan

4. Mick "Rubber Lipz" Jagger

5. Freddy "The Flapping Four Skin " Mercury

Hai Danny,

Nice lists, but I have never heard of them! :o Any recommendations? ;)

BTW, isn't the no. 5 bassist called Geddy "Slappa Da Bass" Lee? :o:lol:

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Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity

To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment

Would you capture it or just let it slip?

His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy

There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti

He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs,

but he keeps on forgettin what he wrote down,

the whole crowd goes so loud

He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out

He's choking now, everybody's joking now

The clock's run out, time's up over, bloah!

Snap back to reality, Oh there goes gravity

Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked

He's so mad, but he won't give up that

Easy, no

He won't have it , he knows his whole back's to these ropes

It don't matter, he's dope

He knows that, but he's broke

He's so stagnant that he knows

When he goes back to his mobile home, that's when it's

Back to the lab again yo

This this whole rhapsody

He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him


You better lose yourself in the music, the moment

You own it, you better never let it go

You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo

The soul's escaping, through this hole that it's gaping

This world is mine for the taking

Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order

A normal life is boring, but superstardom's close to post mortem

It only grows harder, only grows hotter

He blows us all over these hoes is all on him

Coast to coast shows, he's know as the globetrotter

Lonely roads, God only knows

He's grown farther from home, he's no father

He goes home and barely knows his own daughter

But hold your nose cause here goes the cold water

His hoes don't want him no mo, he's cold product

They moved on to the next schmoe who flows

He nose dove and sold nada

So the soap opera is told and unfolds

I suppose it's old partner', but the beat goes on

Da da dum da dum da da


No more games, I'ma change what you call rage

Tear this motherf'ng roof off like 2 dogs caged

I was playing in the beginning, the mood all changed

I been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage

But I kept rhyming and stepwritin the next cypher

Best believe somebody's paying the pied piper

All the pain inside amplified by the fact

That I can't get by with my 9 to 5

And I can't provide the right type of life for my family

Cause man, these goddam food stamps don't buy diapers

And it's no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life

And these times are so hard and it's getting even harder

Trying to feed and water my seed, plus

Teeter totter caught up between being a father and a prima donna

Baby mama drama's screaming on and

Too much for me to wanna

Stay in one spot, another day of monotony

Has gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail

I've got to formulate a plot or I end up in jail or shot

Success is my only motherf'ng option, failure's not

Mom, I love you, but this trailer's got to go

I cannot grow old in Salem's lot

So here I go is my shot.

Feet fail me not cause maybe the only opportunity that I got


You can do anything you set your mind to, man

Eminem, Lose Yourself

I may be the least likely person to listen to rap, but I can appreciate a father's struggle to take care of his family.

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I may be the least likely person to listen to rap, but I can appreciate a father's struggle to take care of his family.

Hi Virginia,

Poetry=Words Score 10/10

Music=Notes Score 1/10

He lived his early life in poverty after his father abandoned the family and his mother brought him up on her own so i guess he lived what he writes about, no mean feat, although i get his lyrics i don't get his music, nor ever will i. :(

Regards, Danny

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Hi Virginia,

Poetry=Words Score 10/10

Music=Notes Score 1/10

He lived his early life in poverty after his father abandoned the family and his mother brought him up on her own so i guess he lived what he writes about, no mean feat, although i get his lyrics i don't get his music, nor ever will i. :(

Regards, Danny

Hey Danny :) I have heard some of his songs, but I don't seek them out (although my son listens to him a bit). Rap isn't my thing, but I can appreciate where he's coming from, even if I don't relate to it. My daughters listen to a fair amount of hip hop but not rap.

I identify much more with, say, Martina McBride or Lonestar than anyone even though I'm not a huge country music fan. Kids on the front porch, hanging out at the river and eating barbecue and all that; that's where we're at right now :)

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The newer style rap that's about money, bitches, and hoes pretty much sucks.

Yep, I always hated those old rock n' roll songs where all they sang about were fucking, girls, drinking, fucking, cars, girls, drinking, fucking and cars. Especially that one the Stones did, Under My Thumb, that was so very respectful to women.

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Yep, I always hated those old rock n' roll songs where all they sang about were fucking, girls, drinking, fucking, cars, girls, drinking, fucking and cars. Especially that one the Stones did, Under My Thumb, that was so very respectful to women.

Hi Jafin,

Whats up? i don't know any woman who's been offended by Rock and Roll Lyrics, cant say the same about Rap though. Got any ideas on that one?

That woman who Mick was singing about was a bitch though. :o Maybe she was a, ?

Regards, Danny

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