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Random Facts About Yourself

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I am Al I play Guitar,Bass and play at a few others

I love westerns,Star Trek,Star Wars

I thought Jerry Maguire was a great movie ooops there goes my Man card again oh yes i cry during

sentimental movies a lot and try not to let anyone see me.

But i have been in a lot of fights so dont think of it as a sign of weakness.

I love crawfish

I am retired Navy

I work in the Gulf of Mexico on a Deep Water Oil Platform.We were featured on THE SHOW ( Really Big Things)

I have three grown kids 1 boy 2 girls.

I have five grandkids 1 boy 4 girls


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Do they really serve absithe there? I'm wondering because it's still illegal in the states because were such a civilized country with such liberal beliefs. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: ummm! last time I looked we we're still part of the United States lol :D

No that stuff was outlawed in 1912 :lol:

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:rolleyes: ummm! last time I looked we we're still part of the United States lol :D

No that stuff was outlawed in 1912 :lol:

Kind of silly becaus you can get it in Canada and they still have it in Europe. Such a great country huh? The government watches over us like were a group of children who might just eat a paint chip when they look away or stick a fork in an outlet. :lol:

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