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Random Facts About Yourself

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When I was 3 I fractured my skull after falling off a 12-foot slide.

I'm not what you call a "girly girl" - I don't wear makeup, and don't remember the last time I wore a dress.

I eat kid cereals like Froot Loops and Cocoa Puffs for breakfast. :D

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I'm not what you call a "girly girl" - I don't wear makeup, and don't remember the last time I wore a dress.

I eat kid cereals like Froot Loops and Cocoa Puffs for breakfast. :D

You sound just like me. I'm coo coo for Cocoa Puffs!




My sign is a cancer,

I draw a picture of Jimmy Page everyday,

I act really stupid in school. Here's an example: One day, I ran down the 8th grade hall yelling, "AAAAAAAAAANTS! AAAAAAAAAAAAANTS!", slid to my locker, and yelled, "I'M BACK IN BLACK, YEEEAAAAHHHH BOOOOOYYYYY!", and I'm not ADHD.

My Myspace name is ♥SmokestackLightning™

I have 264 pictures of Jimmy on my IPod touch.

I watch Spongebob sometimes....

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Never been skiing, snow or water :skiing:

I've been snow skiing a couple of times, but it wasn't pretty :lol: I don't think I've water skiied; I was at a summer camp once when water skiing was available, but I don't remember doing it (I parasailed instead).

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I've been snow skiing a couple of times, but it wasn't pretty :lol: I don't think I've water skiied; I was at a summer camp once when water skiing was available, but I don't remember doing it (I parasailed instead).

I would love to try parasailing! It looks like a lot of fun.

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I've been snow skiing a couple of times, but it wasn't pretty :lol: I don't think I've water skiied; I was at a summer camp once when water skiing was available, but I don't remember doing it (I parasailed instead).

I've been sledding in the snow numerous times as a kid. Ever since we moved back to the south there hasn't been much opportunity to snow ski, as far as the water skiing well there's really no excuse but we have been tubing down the rivers many times. :D

Para sailing looks like fun and I had always wanted to try hang gliding. :)

Alas I will have to put those things on the back burner for several months as I cannot afford an injury of any kind. :(

I'll have to park my source of thrills until next spring, :( sorry ladies the rides will continue in 2010.


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I've been sledding in the snow numerous times as a kid. Ever since we moved back to the south there hasn't been much opportunity to snow ski, as far as the water skiing well there's really no excuse but we have been tubing down the rivers many times. :D

Para sailing looks like fun and I had always wanted to try hang gliding. :)

Alas I will have to put those things on the back burner for several months as I cannot afford an injury of any kind. :(

I'll have to park my source of thrills until next spring, :( sorry ladies the rides will continue in 2010.


Yes, no parasailing or extreme sports for you just yet!

Any time I hear "Tubing" now I think of this, lol: http://rwtube.ytmnd.com/

(My son has all the Blue Collar dvd's)

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I've been sledding in the snow numerous times as a kid. Ever since we moved back to the south there hasn't been much opportunity to snow ski, as far as the water skiing well there's really no excuse but we have been tubing down the rivers many times. :D

Para sailing looks like fun and I had always wanted to try hang gliding. :)

Alas I will have to put those things on the back burner for several months as I cannot afford an injury of any kind. :(

I'll have to park my source of thrills until next spring, :( sorry ladies the rides will continue in 2010.


I love sledding and used to go all the time as a kid. Haven't been in years. Tubing is fun too :D

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Never been skiing or para sailing but it looks cool! I spend lot's of time on this Windows XP computer playing a few games and on line. I also have Macintosh computer's. I'm unemployed, got layed off a few weeks ago. Have been a musician for decades now. Love music and am a history buff of sort's, used to sled a lot as a kid, that was the highlight of any hard winter's we had in piedmont North Carolina in the 1970's.

I like to sleep on my stomach but most of the time I wake up on my back.

I gave up drinking about 2 years ago.

I gave up smoking a little less that that ago.

Haven't smoked dope in years ether.

My car shows dirt and is at this time covered in yellow pollen.

Have a college education (A.S. degree) made very little money from it, but still have to pay on the lone.

My head is mostly bald so I shave it all off.

I use an electric razor for that.


I spell it like that because I like it that way

Edited by BonzoLikeDrumer
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  • 2 weeks later...
what the hell is ozium?

an aerosal used in surgical suites to disinfect the air and also an old fav when the cops or your parents suddenly show up and you've just puffed a fatty-basically instant ozone o3

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I was so proud yesterday, although I could not be there when my daughter

got on stage and commentated in front of three thousand people for Race for Life

Cancer, I was very proud to hear afterwards that she did well, I would of gone but had to

work on a special in store event.

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Had an e mail from a very special friend, who lives in the USA.

I was worried about him, as I have not heard from him in awhile,

just glad he is ok, his computer went down, and he could not

get a message to me even on facebook, but he is well, and

I am glad. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where should I start? :D

I love music.

I play guitar.

I'm old fashioned.

I like watching movies and concerts.

I like nature and I like to be in nature.

I love animals.

I like meeting new people.

I like long hairs. But I don't have long hair now.

I like to discuss about almost anything and everything.

I like Spring the most.

I like to party.

I like hanging out with friends.

I like to laugh and talk about jokes.

Sometimes I really like to be alone.

I'm otherwise calm person but sometimes I can easily get nervous, but I don't show it often though.

I like to go for a walk.

I like art.

I like reading books.

Just a few things to know about me. :D

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Where should I start? :D

I love music.

I play guitar.

I'm old fashioned.

I like watching movies and concerts.

I like nature and I like to be in nature.

I love animals.

I like meeting new people.

I like long hairs. But I don't have long hair now.

I like to discuss about almost anything and everything.

I like Spring the most.

I like to party.

I like hanging out with friends.

I like to laugh and talk about jokes.

Sometimes I really like to be alone.

I'm otherwise calm person but sometimes I can easily get nervous, but I don't show it often though.

I like to go for a walk.

I like art.

I like reading books.

Just a few things to know about me. :D

I have become a very private person. Love my son and my dogs. love music and good movies. Total animal lover. Travel a lot with my job. Work out of my home, but my place of business is in the Bahamas. have really great friends. favorite color is Blue. favorite food is Cajun. favorite band :"who else"..still love a good fitting pair of jeans.

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Some very unknown facts about me:

I can't stand to wear closed-toed shoes.

I blew up a toaster by putting a fire-cracker in it.

I have tried walking on water, FAILED!

I hate having my picture taken unless I'm taking the picture.

I can taste the difference between Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

I know every word to "Joker"("Space Cowboy") by Steve Miller Band


"...I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker..." :D

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Some very unknown facts about me:

I can't stand to wear closed-toed shoes.

I blew up a toaster by putting a fire-cracker in it.

I have tried walking on water, FAILED!

I hate having my picture taken unless I'm taking the picture.

I can taste the difference between Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

I know every word to "Joker"("Space Cowboy") by Steve Miller Band


"...I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker..." :D

Me too! Except I quit drinking pop.

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