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2012 the end of the Mayan calender


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Ya and a bunch of gullible people like Raelians, Scientologists, end of the world profiteers

who like to make people mentally unstable so that they can suck the peoples' money and time

for their own purposes... and all those Mayan calender book and documentary sellers cashing in on

creating paranoia.

Some people do actually believe something is going to happen.

I know it sounds crazy that people actually believe crap like that but it happens.

So some guy got bored of drawing after his 2012th drawing and decided to stop

and do something else.

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Nothing is going to happen

How can you say this for sure?

If you accept the premise that superior alien races might exist, and that they might capable of destroying our planet (or life on it) without warning, how can you possibly know that this definitely won't happen in 2012?

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Nothing is going to happen

don't waste your money or time worrying about it

I agree. Besides, so what if something did happen? You hold the people you love and fly.

I don't believe in living in fear. Doomsayers are boring and ridiculous

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How can you say this for sure?

If you accept the premise that superior alien races might exist, and that they might capable of destroying our planet (or life on it) without warning, how can you possibly know that this definitely won't happen in 2012?

some scientists are predicting some pretty heavy solar storms for 2012 - 13. hmmm

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Jiminy Cricket and Hoky Smokes!

2012 hasn't even arrived and I'm already sick of it! :angry:

Do you realize how lame and full of shit 2012 is going to be? The circus of the US Presidential election coupled with the hysterical hype of the end of the Mayan Calendar?

Can we just skip ahead to 2013 please?

Also, I turn 50 in 2012...somehow, I thought I'd be dead before then.

Edited by Strider
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Jiminy Cricket and Hoky Smokes!

2012 hasn't even arrived and I'm already sick of it! :angry:

Do you realize how lame and full of shit 2012 is going to be? The circus of the US Presidential election coupled with the hysterical hype of the end of the Mayan Calendar?

Can we just skip ahead to 2013 please?

Also, I turn 50 in 2012...somehow, I thought I'd be dead before then.

I turn 30 in 2012. Not looking forward to that at all. As to the nutjobs who think the world is going to end next year, if they really feel that way, they can be the first to punch their tickets. I'll wait.

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I turn 30 in 2012. Not looking forward to that at all. As to the nutjobs who think the world is going to end next year, if they really feel that way, they can be the first to punch their tickets. I'll wait.

Oh to be 30 again! Electro, I bet you don't look a day over 20...these days 30 is the new 20. :D

Brad, I like your user name and avatar, but obviously we're far apart politically. If we could survive 8 years of Dubyah and his Sith Lord, Cheney, we can survive ANYTHING.

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Jiminy Cricket and Hoky Smokes!

2012 hasn't even arrived and I'm already sick of it! :angry:

Do you realize how lame and full of shit 2012 is going to be? The circus of the US Presidential election coupled with the hysterical hype of the end of the Mayan Calendar?

Can we just skip ahead to 2013 please?

Also, I turn 50 in 2012...somehow, I thought I'd be dead before then.

me too!

even as a small child, i always thought i'd live long enough for the scientists to discover the fountain of youth.

ah well, i still reckon i've got another 50 or so years to let them make the discovery .... :P

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Oh I don't know for sure that we are "far apart" on everything. Above all else I am both a fiscal conservative with libertarian views. My "hope and change" comment had more to do with the state of our economy. I never liked Bush 1 or 2 and their sith lord master. Especially since they spent money like Chicago democrats too. LOL



Hey hey!! I DO NOT want you to insult the Sith that way again!! They might be a bad "force" to reckon with and think nothing of blowing up innocent planets but please, DO NOT lump them in with such evil henchmen.

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How can you say this for sure?

If you accept the premise that superior alien races might exist, and that they might capable of destroying our planet (or life on it) without warning, how can you possibly know that this definitely won't happen in 2012?

I'm a psychic and a very good one... I would see something there if something was going to happen and nothing other than a heightened sense of paranoia amongst people who believe that something will happen will happen.

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I'm a psychic and a very good one... I would see something there if something was going to happen and nothing other than a heightened sense of paranoia amongst people who believe that something will happen will happen.

So if you're so good Rob, whats then next lot of numbers for the next European Lotery Rollover? (£165million) A PM please. :whistling:

Regards, Danny

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So if you're so good Rob, whats then next lot of numbers for the next European Lotery Rollover? (£165million) A PM please. :whistling:

Regards, Danny

I would be more interested in Rob's possible insight into whether there will be any more LZ shows.

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I would be more interested in Rob's possible insight into whether there will be any more LZ shows.

Exactly Bouillon, predicting the future is a Divine Right, to find out what has allready happened is another matter, anyone who claims to see in to the future i will treat with sceptism always. Only a Prophet can Predict the Future and they are mostly vague with their Predictions, Mediums deal with what HAS happened not with what WILL happen in my honest opinion, otherwise i would have won the Lottery by now as i know quite a few Mediums. I myself am an XXL. :lol:

Kind Regards, Danny

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