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What Made You Happy today?


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I have lost some pounds...and I feel fine. B):D

:cheer: Not that you need to but happy you are feeling good :D

I've lost some weight too and it does feel better.

I'm happy we finally have a new computer :D

Me too ;):D

Working out. I joined a gym three months ago and the difference is becoming obvious. B)

Yes it does - keep up the good work!

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My kids (mostly) did very well. Only one kid flunked, and he worked REALLY hard to fail.

THEN I floated the river this afternoon (school was out at noon).

THEN I had a nice dinner with the BF.

...and then I had a nice nap on the couch---which explains why it's midnight and I'm still up.

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My kids (mostly) did very well. Only one kid flunked, and he worked REALLY hard to fail.

THEN I floated the river this afternoon (school was out at noon).

THEN I had a nice dinner with the BF.

...and then I had a nice nap on the couch---which explains why it's midnight and I'm still up.

:cheer: Congrats on finishing school :beer:

And having a nice rest of the afternoon :D

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That is gorgous.

The view from my bed isn't anything like that, it's just a door with a poster of the Doors on it. ( I didn't do it that way on purpose it's just the only place I had room for another poster.)

No one thing has made me happy today, I've just had a really good day.

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It occurs to me that I gave the impression that that is my actual, real-life bedroom view. Unfortunately, it's not. I'm in Lauderdale By The Sea for the weekend in my favorite beach hotel... which makes me very happy!!

Also, I discovered there's a Kilwin's Chocolate Shop right down the street!! Imagine my surprise when I left carrying a bag!!! ;)

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This is the happiet I've ever felt. I let my sister listen to Sixx: AM "Accedents can happen" and she has left a note on Facebook saying " I have the best sister in the world, she has always been there for me"

I'm crying right now. Listen to the song.

Ah, that is sweet! She sounds like she is feeling better.

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She is feeling alot better Thank You, she is still depressed and there are family matters that are still in her mind but she is feeling better about life.

I'm glad to hear that she is feeling better.

Maybe she needs a little more vitamin B-12 in her diet to help combat the depression.


Vitamin B12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin that is commonly found in a variety of foods such as fish, shellfish, meat, and dairy products. Vitamin B12 is frequently used in combination with other B vitamins in a vitamin B complex formulation. It helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells and is also needed to make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. Vitamin B12 is bound to the protein in food. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach releases B12 from protein during digestion. Once released, B12 combines with a substance called intrinsic factor (IF) before it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

The human body stores several years' worth of vitamin B12, so nutritional deficiency of this vitamin is extremely rare. Elderly are the most at risk. However, deficiency can result from being unable to use vitamin B12. Inability to absorb vitamin B12 from the intestinal tract can be caused by a disease known as pernicious anemia. Additionally, strict vegetarians or vegans who are not taking in proper amounts of B12 are also prone to a deficiency state.

A day's supply of vitamin B12 can be obtained by eating 1 chicken breast plus 1 hard-boiled egg plus 1 cup plain low-fat yogurt, or 1 cup milk plus 1 cup raisin bran.


Vitamin B12 deficiency

Studies have shown that a deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to abnormal neurologic and psychiatric symptoms. These symptoms may include: ataxia (shaky movements and unsteady gait), muscle weakness, spasticity, incontinence, hypotension (low blood pressure), vision problems, dementia, psychoses, and mood disturbances. Researchers report that these symptoms may occur when vitamin B12 levels are just slightly lower than normal and are considerably above the levels normally associated with anemia. People at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency include strict vegetarians, elderly people, and people with increased vitamin B12 requirements associated with pregnancy, thyrotoxicosis, hemolytic anemia, hemorrhage, malignancy, liver or kidney disease. Administering vitamin B12 orally, intramuscularly, or intranasally is effective for preventing and treating dietary vitamin B12 deficiency.

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I've done absolutely NOTHING today!

I love it!

I got up, surfed for a while, then decided to take a nap.

THEN I got up again, started reading, then surfed, then lay down for a while again.

Next I went outside and baked myself in the sun while reading, with an ice bucket full of ice with my cold water in it.

That's about it. That's all I've done all day. :D

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  • Got together with a friend I hadn't seen in a long time.
  • Went to a chocolate exhibit at the Natural Sciences museum and enjoyed some locally made chocolate at the end.
  • Found a Simpsons DVD boxed set and In Through the Out Door at a used bookstore...paid only $5 altogether!

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It seems like someone is making a movie in front of my house. It looks interesting, there are horses and old timers and actors dressed in national clothes...

The only problem is we're not allowed to go to some places in the neighborhood.

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