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What Made You Happy today?


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My son and I went our for lunch, I picked him up at school and he actually put AC/DC For Those About To Rock in the car. I was shocked when he asked me, "Dad have you heard this song before?" It put a smile on my face. Little does he know that I traveled a few hours alone in the car to get to one of their gigs when he was a baby.

Haha. Great story, Charles.

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Mrs. Walter and I are celebrating our 23rd anniversary this weekend. I say this weekend because, as with Nutrocker's birthday, the date is actually the 29th, which won't happen again until next year. :)

Have a great weekend my friend. You two deserve it and I'm sure there will be plenty more. I will raise a glass and have a toke for you both this evening. Hope the weather clears up for you? :friends:

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Mrs. Walter and I are celebrating our 23rd anniversary this weekend. I say this weekend because, as with Nutrocker's birthday, the date is actually the 29th, which won't happen again until next year. :)

Mazel tov to you both!! Hope you have a spectacular celebration!

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Mrs. Walter and I are celebrating our 23rd anniversary this weekend. I say this weekend because, as with Nutrocker's birthday, the date is actually the 29th, which won't happen again until next year. :)

Have a great celebration Walter! 23 years, nice to see:-)

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Happy Anniversary Walter and congratulations on 23 years of wedded bliss! Cheers! :drinks:

I was happy today because I got to plug a hole in my Led Zeppelin live collection...and add another Canadian show to boot! "Ottawa Sunshine" April 14, 1970 Ottawa (and March 19, 1969 BBC Alexis Korner Show). :)


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Have a great weekend my friend. You two deserve it and I'm sure there will be plenty more. I will raise a glass and have a toke for you both this evening. Hope the weather clears up for you? :friends:

Mazel tov to you both!! Hope you have a spectacular celebration!

Happy anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Walter... :toast:

Have a great celebration Walter! 23 years, nice to see:-)

Happy Anniversary Walter and congratulations on 23 years of wedded bliss! Cheers! :drinks:

I was happy today because I got to plug a hole in my Led Zeppelin live collection...and add another Canadian show to boot! "Ottawa Sunshine" April 14, 1970 Ottawa (and March 19, 1969 BBC Alexis Korner Show). :)


Thanks everyone! We had a great weekend. I read all of the well wishes to her, which amazes her even still. You guys are the best! I don't if I repoerted this or not, but she had her port taken out 1 1/2 weeks ago and had a mammogram that came out clean, with a sonogram mixed in. Great news! :)

Thanks again everyone! :yourock:

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Thanks everyone! We had a great weekend. I read all of the well wishes to her, which amazes her even still. You guys are the best! I don't if I repoerted this or not, but she had her port taken out 1 1/2 weeks ago and had a mammogram that came out clean, with a sonogram mixed in. Great news! :)

Thanks again everyone! :yourock:

Far out. Happy days my friend. Happy days indeed !

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Mrs. Walter and I are celebrating our 23rd anniversary this weekend. I say this weekend because, as with Nutrocker's birthday, the date is actually the 29th, which won't happen again until next year. :)

Happy Anniversary to you both! Wow, so great to know that you are still so in love after 23 years ♥♥

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Going to see The Eagles tonight in Sydney, can't wait, never seen them live.

Iam so worried about my sciatic pain though.... will I be able to stay seated?????

Julie,get up and walk around if you have to.I suffered with sciatica a few years ago as well :(

I'm betting the enjoyment of seeing The Eagles will outweigh any discomfort! B)

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Julie,get up and walk around if you have to.I suffered with sciatica a few years ago as well :(

I'm betting the enjoyment of seeing The Eagles will outweigh any discomfort! B)

I don't want to impede anyones view .... maybe I will have to go to the back ....

I am taking Lyrica and Mobic plus panadol ..... did you use these? They don't seem to be working.....

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I am taking Lyrica and Mobic plus panadol ..... did you use these? They don't seem to be working.....

No.After recurring bouts and no real help from anything or anyone else I went to a sports therapist who massaged the lower back and then manipulated [had me curl up on my side on the massage table while she put pressure on the area] while pulling me slightly backwards and I walked out pain free.I had to go a couple of times and it's not troubled me since.Do not use a chiropracter.

The concert was awesome. I was able to sit down through twhole night, Yay!

Joe Walsh stole the show :)

Excellent,so glad you had a good time!

Joe Walsh is such a quiet but talented bloke.

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I had an outdoor archery session this morning, you can really tell that spring is on its way.

The shooting itself was on top form (I did joke that there was a magnet behind where the gold was and was guiding all my arrows to that spot) plus with the sunny weather and birds around. It really did make forget all that is happening with me at the moment.

Even coming home in the car it felt really warm, I even had a wee craving for what us Northern Irish call a "poke"..... that's a 99 ice cream with flake and choccie strands for anybody who doesn't understand my Belfast banter.

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No.After recurring bouts and no real help from anything or anyone else I went to a sports therapist who massaged the lower back and then manipulated [had me curl up on my side on the massage table while she put pressure on the area] while pulling me slightly backwards and I walked out pain free.I had to go a couple of times and it's not troubled me since.Do not use a chiropracter.

Excellent,so glad you had a good time!

Joe Walsh is such a quiet but talented bloke.

sounds, good Ross. I don't think mine is true sciatica, Dr called it Nerve pain.... but yeah, I think that would also help me :)

He was funny. Before playing Rocky Mountain High, he said "I'm gonna play one of my old songs. I hope you remember it. I hope I remember it .... " Crowd roared! LOL

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sounds, good Ross. I don't think mine is true sciatica, Dr called it Nerve pain.... but yeah, I think that would also help me :)

Hope so :)

He was funny. Before playing Rocky Mountain High, he said "I'm gonna play one of my old songs. I hope you remember it. I hope I remember it .... " Crowd roared! LOL


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