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A herbaceous and Happy New Year to all. Down Under, Westwards Southwards and Eastwards. Whatever you all do make sure you have a safe and enjoyable end to another year. It's been great discussing food and things with like minded and friendly folks.

The CP's are heading down to the "City". Friends are preparing a 3 course French inspired dinner ( they used to live there) and there will be good wine, fine smoke and good vibes.

I would like to add a suitable picture but I still can't add anything. So I will raise a glass and a toke to you all.

Hey chillumpuffer. Looks like you got all bases covered.



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A herbaceous and Happy New Year to all. Down Under, Westwards Southwards and Eastwards. Whatever you all do make sure you have a safe and enjoyable end to another year. It's been great discussing food and things with like minded and friendly folks.

The CP's are heading down to the "City". Friends are preparing a 3 course French inspired dinner ( they used to live there) and there will be good wine, fine smoke and good vibes.

I would like to add a suitable picture but I still can't add anything. So I will raise a glass and a toke to you all.

Sooowhat are we smoking!!

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It's all done and dusted here ......... well maybe still a little bit dusty ...... actually, quite a bit dusty :zzz:

I wasn't home to see the fireworks in Sydney at midnight, but from what I saw on tv, they looked quite spectacular.

I'm just having a cup of tea to quell the dry horrors in my mouth and then I think my head needs to be back on my pillow in bed.

Enjoy your night :toast:

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Hi Zish and ALL fellow forum members,

I'm thankful for my years spent with the Led Zeppelin family.Thanks to all of the valuable contributors here and for sharing with us. Taking us along a path that has created many ways to grow musically. This forum has allowed such amazing people to come into my life. I can only hope that others join in on this most amazing journey. We may not always agree on everything, but we are all more enriched because of the music. Maybe it's because I understand how music has filled my life with every emotion and I value sharing those old and new memories that this band has afforded us.

Sam , thank you for another year of leading this forum...and to our band, THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC AND THE JOURNEY YOU ARE STILL TAKING US ON!

I wish you all the best in the coming year no matter what part if the world you are in. :peace:

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Wishing all the great members here,,,and even a few trolls a very Happy and prosperous New Year! I hope 2014 brings a lot of treasures for us as far as Led Zeppelin goes. We'll most certainly have some of the box sets, an opera from JPJ, a new SSS album and tour and who knows what else may be in store? Looking forward to this and good vibes from everyone here and everything else. Can't say anything good about our government here in the US with a lied about healthcare system and the lot, but that's another story.

Debs, that was such a great post of yours as always and so eloquent and to the point. You always have a way with words and to cheer all us up! Looking forward to more from you in 2014!

Not much for New Years plans tonight except at home with a couple of friends with some wine, champagne and snacks including shrimp, a couple of French cheeses, sopressata and smoked salmon and what ever else isn't nailed down and is edible! Plan to make it to New Years for another 3+ hours. Have made every one since 1974, so it should not be an issue as long as I keep the wine in tack tonight!

Perhaps, a bit of inspiration from all of you year would help!

Had a little wine tonight, but not too much....yet!

Happy New Year to all!!! :popcorn2:

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