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2014 FIFA World Cup


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Yet another European team bites the dust! Arrivederci Italia!

BTW, what the hell is up with Luis Suarez?! He actually bit a player again! Poor Chiellini! Suarez definitely deserved a red card! Mad bastard!!

Anyway drama aside, I am looking forward to the encounter between the USA and Germany, on Thursday.

What Suarez did was uncalled for and seriously needs therapy (as well as a long suspension), but Chiellini's nickname in Italy is "The Butcher". A player is seriously injured thanks to hIm one in every three games.

Onwards to Thursday can't wait for USA vs Germany!

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What Suarez did was uncalled for and seriously needs therapy (as well as a long suspension), but Chiellini's nickname in Italy is "The Butcher". A player is seriously injured thanks to hIm one in every three games.

Onwards to Thursday can't wait for USA vs Germany!

To see Germany take them apart? Unless they rest starters but I do not see that happening with the situation. Ghana may give Portugal hell. I do not see the US beating Germany.

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It's a terrible shame that this once great sport is being tarnished by corrupt officials, possible match fixing, dubious refereeing decisions, blatant favouritism, diving prima donnas and now biters.

Suarez should be banned for life for that low act and the animal he is. If that happened here he would only do it once because he'd have all his teeth knocked out!

It is beyond a joke and the only constants within a myriad of shameful variances are that the winner will most likely come from South America and as in a lot of cases the home nation.

Why anyone would bet on such a sham competition is beyond me.

I hope The Netherlands defy the odds and take it out, but I wouldn't put the farm on it.

Edited by Reggie29
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So Suarez is at it again, when are the powers that be going to do something about it, once is unacceptable twice, ban him for a couple of years, but THREE times, and apparently the Uruguayan press are now blaming the British media of fabricating something that never happened WTF, the dirty bastard BIT another player, for all the world to see. Ban him for life.BTW England once again achieved all we English expected of them Fuck All !!!

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To see Germany take them apart? Unless they rest starters but I do not see that happening with the situation. Ghana may give Portugal hell. I do not see the US beating Germany.

Portugal was also slated to beat us big time yet look what happened.

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It's a terrible shame that this once great sport is being tarnished by corrupt officials, possible match fixing, dubious refereeing decisions, blatant favouritism, diving prima donnas and now biters.

Suarez should be banned for life for that low act and the animal he is. If that happened here he would only do it once because he'd have all his teeth knocked out!

It is beyond a joke and the only constants within a myriad of shameful variances are that the winner will most likely come from South America and as in a lot of cases the home nation.

Why anyone would bet on such a sham competition is beyond me.

I hope The Netherlands defy the odds and take it out, but I wouldn't put the farm on it.

It's disgraceful Sepp Blatter has remained so long in his position. A thug if ever they was one!

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Saurez: What can be done to this poor, unfortunate piece of filth? He won't be banned of course - he's South American. History tells us of this racist animal and unless he is banned for life, he will continue to ply his stock in trade. Hopefully he can take it to Spain next season.

Woy Hodgson. Ha. " We dominated the game". Fuck me Woy! Which game were you actually watching? If this is the future then why did he start with Lampard at 36 years of age?

I will not be watching any more of this farce. Time to enjoy the summer and look forward to evenings outside with some good company and greenary.

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Saurez: What can be done to this poor, unfortunate piece of filth? He won't be banned of course - he's South American. History tells us of this racist animal and unless he is banned for life, he will continue to ply his stock in trade. Hopefully he can take it to Spain next season.

Woy Hodgson. Ha. " We dominated the game". Fuck me Woy! Which game were you actually watching? If this is the future then why did he start with Lampard at 36 years of age?

I will not be watching any more of this farce. Time to enjoy the summer and look forward to evenings outside with some good company and greenary.

I agree, also with the evenings outside ......But with a nice bottle of red (3 for £10!!) and a nice couple of glasses of cider. I just heard on the BBC news Suarez wants to know why the media are making up stories about him biting in last nights match, can you believe him????
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What Suarez did was uncalled for and seriously needs therapy (as well as a long suspension), but Chiellini's nickname in Italy is "The Butcher". A player is seriously injured thanks to hIm one in every three games.

Onwards to Thursday can't wait for USA vs Germany!

I honestly did not know that Chiellini is nicknamed "The Butcher".

I think Suarez deserves the nickname "The Vicious Vampire of Uruguayan Football". I hope old Dracula here, learns to keep his flesh biting tendencies to himself for the rest of the World Cup! :wacko:

I can't wait for the USA vs. Germany encounter either! That ought to be a cracker of a match! :)

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Apparently, someone has been busy on Wikipedia:


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the trauma caused by biting, see Bite.

Biting is an age appropriate behavior and reaction for children 2.5 years and younger, as well as Luis Suarez. Conversely children above this age have verbal skills to explain their needs and dislikes and biting is not age appropriate. Biting may be prevented by methods including redirection, changing the environment and responding to biting by talking about appropriate ways to express anger and frustration. School age children, those older than 2.5 years, who habitually bite may require professional help. [1]

Biting is also a behaviour found in many adult animals (including humans), often as part of sexual arousal or attacking defenders at the World Cup.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biting

Perhaps this could be the work of an Italian fan? ;)

Edited by Emily008
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Messi puts free kick in the top right corner for Argentina. But does that shot get by Mexico's great goalie? Doubt it. Mexico's hope's and dreams lie with him. He is fabulous but I think the Netherlands have too much for them. I need France today big time

Pretenders are Argentina. Are you kidding me? Tied 2-2 by Nigeria

3-2 now. wow. That did not take long

Argentina now showing their skill. But they cannot afford to be so lax on defense against better teams

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Suárez should be suspended if not outright banned immediately. Not just for a game or the rest of the World Cup but for a significant chunk of time. If not for life, then at least three years...one year for each bite he has administered.

As someone who has casually supported Liverpool FC over the years, it is especially embarrassing that Liverpool employs this sadistic chomper. Yes, he has incredible football gifts but he's a zero in class and sportsmanship. This is why Liverpool was tantalized with the promise of an EPL title so close only to have it cruelly yanked away at the end...it offended the Football Gods that Suárez was playing and therefore the Gods made Liverpool pay for their sins.

As Reggie and most of us have already noted, Sepp Bastard and FIFA are a JOKE, so who knows what and if any punishment is meted out to Suárez. Blaming the English media for making it up is a last act of a scoundrel.

France vs. Ecuador about to start...is France really that good or their competition that BAD? Much like Columbia...it's hard to tell how good these teams really are because they were both in such weak groups. I mean, if England was in a group with Greece and Japan, I reckon they'd be advancing onwards, too.

Rick, it boggles my mind you can bet on a sport you have little respect for and that has serious issues with referee and match integrity. Do you like throwing your money away? ;)

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Strider, that's part of the problem with gambling....it isn't about the sport - it's about the "fever" as my gambling addict father described.

I agree about Suarez, he should be banned for years if not indefinitely.

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In downtown Orlando right now and it's wall to wall World Cup! Everyone is dressed in red, white, and blue - getting ready to watch the game on the screens that have been set up at all the establishments. It's loud and crowded!



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4 months ban for Saurez - Not enough in my view. Should be a lifetime ban. Go USA - looking good against the Krauts

Gosh! That's such horrible news! With such a light punishment, that animal will never ever learn! Ugh! Like it has been rightfully pointed out by you and many other posters on this thread, the b*stard should be banned for life!

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Laser beam shines on Russian keeper.

What else will these fucked up sports "fans" stoop to, to ensure victory?

The World Cup has lost all credibility (as if it had any to begin with?).

As far as I'm concerned the beautiful game is nothing more than a shameful farce and a blight on world sport.


Edited by Reggie29
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