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Robert Plant slams idea of Zeppelin tour


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Horrible title to the article -- his closing statements kind of nullify it -- but very interesting statements, to say the least. I think Page didn't understand Plant's unwillingness to continue, and Jones didn't want to wait around too long. He'd already been snubbed twice before, after all.

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Stupid article, its worded to want you to believe there's a big issue and to portray Robert as the bad guy.it also makes it seem that the page, Jones, and bonham project was to be zeppelin which it wasn't

Both page and plant have said numerous times they are all on good terms.I'm sure page was disappointed in Robert, but that doesn't mean there was a falling out. I completely disagree with Roberts stance but that's his opinion

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Old news, really. Typical Rolling Stone.

None of them have ever been so candid about the post-O2 period, so...no.

it also makes it seem that the page, Jones, and bonham project was to be zeppelin which it wasn't

It almost certainly was going to be Zeppelin. Even under a different name, it would have been tantamount to a Zeppelin tour.

And while Page and Plant might be fine, the article actually brought up Jones as the wildcard.

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None of them have ever been so candid about the post-O2 period, so...no.

Actually, they have...and Jones didn't even say anything in this Rolling Stone piece. Plant went on record years ago about his distaste for the lawyers and legalese involved with the O2 show and there was nothing in this latest Rolling Stone rehash that hasn't been published before in previous interviews and stories.

Interesting, and globally accurate, in my opinion.

"Globally accurate"? What does that even mean? There's one big inaccuracy right off the bat...the idea that Jones only played keyboards during the Live Aid reunion. Jones did play bass on Rock and Roll and WLL. It was only on Stairway that Jones played keyboards while they had Plant's bassist play bass.

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Actually, they have...and Jones didn't even say anything in this Rolling Stone piece. Plant went on record years ago about his distaste for the lawyers and legalese involved with the O2 show and there was nothing in this latest Rolling Stone rehash that hasn't been published before in previous interviews and stories.

"Globally accurate"? What does that even mean? There's one big inaccuracy right off the bat...the idea that Jones only played keyboards during the Live Aid reunion. Jones did play bass on Rock and Roll and WLL. It was only on Stairway that Jones played keyboards while they had Plant's bassist play bass.

I'm not talking about the extraneous minutia (ie: globally: bigger perspective). I was referring the to fact that each member's position and role in the post O2 situation was accurately depicted (ie: accurate), IMHO. Jimmy wanted it; Jones did too.....for a while; Robert caused others to have optimism.....for a while, but was ultimately the wrench in the gears. Globally accurate refers to the high level overview, and not the minutia of the history leading up to the O2, which has some degree of spin to it.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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None of them have ever been so candid about the post-O2 period, so...no.

It almost certainly was going to be Zeppelin. Even under a different name, it would have been tantamount to a Zeppelin tour.

And while Page and Plant might be fine, the article actually brought up Jones as the wildcard.

That doesn't mean that band would have been zeppelin. Was page/plant zeppelin? No, both page and Jones stated the project was to gave a new name and be a new bands. Popularity has nothing to do with it being led zeppelin. Jones had also hung out a lot with Jimmy since 2007, no reason to believe there's a rift.

I'm just saying, be careful with rolling stone.they are pretty much crap

I apologize for typos, this phone sucks

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I have always read that Robert said this was a one off show all along, because he had committed to the Raising Sand project. So, if anyone had optimism, they weren't listening to what was being said, or thought they could sway Robert with a great performance. Either way, Robert wasn't going to do anything with the others after December 10. He had already made that clear.

Edited by Walter
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I'm not talking about the extraneous minutia (ie: globally: bigger perspective). I was referring the to fact that each member's position and role in the post O2 situation was accurately depicted (ie: accurate), IMHO. Jimmy wanted it; Jones did too.....for a while; Robert caused others to have optimism.....for a while, but was ultimately the wrench in the gears. Globally accurate refers to the high level overview, and not the minutia of the history leading up to the O2.

All of these positions have been iterated and known for some time, though. That's what I meant by this being "old news".

All this article does is give the Robert-haters another chance to bash him.

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All of these positions have been iterated and known for some time, though. That's what I meant by this being "old news".

All this article does is give the Robert-haters another chance to bash him.

True, but I never took issue with your statement that it was old news. This article was just a little more direct, and involved less reading of the tea leaves than we have been used to, primarily due to Jimmy's statements. I think there is a fine line between Robert bashing and being factual. I do believe that Robert played coy for a while, and led others to have false hope. Some may see that as bashing, but I see it as fact, and I appreciate that there are other perspectives on this.

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this is the one issue i really have trouble taking a side on because i truly see both sides. on one hand, you have the obvious facts. they were all in their early 60's (or just about to be in Plant's case) at the O2, now they're pushing 70. Plus you have the greedy lawyers and sponsors that would make a zeppelin tour a shitshow on the business end. And then of course you have the huge expectations of seeing a Zeppelin show, especially for those of us that have never seen them live. It sounds like a horrendous amount of pressure. Plus quite frankly, whether you feel like he owes you or not, it's not like bashing the man on the internet is going to force him to do anything. Everyone has their priorities. He don't wanna do it, he don't have to.

But on the other hand, Plant's out there singing Zeppelin songs night after night with the SSS, and has been with his other bands for a long time. Sure he's changing them up, but wasn't that the Zeppelin thing to do in the first place? Change it up, evolve it, make it different...better even. Stairway to Heaven in G was kickass. And if he's afraid of being the jukebox, why keep Black Dog in his solo set for so long? Add in some new things like how they brought in For Your Life at the O2. And then he makes comments like "ask the capricorns." Snarky? yes. but why even go there if you hate the question? Plant's at his best when he's with Page. And they're both at their best when they're with Jones. We don't have Bonham, obviously, but you have the man's son who is tremendous. We know that. It's been proven.

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this is the one issue i really have trouble taking a side on because i truly see both sides. on one hand, you have the obvious facts. they were all in their early 60's (or just about to be in Plant's case) at the O2, now they're pushing 70. Plus you have the greedy lawyers and sponsors that would make a zeppelin tour a shitshow on the business end. And then of course you have the huge expectations of seeing a Zeppelin show, especially for those of us that have never seen them live. It sounds like a horrendous amount of pressure. Plus quite frankly, whether you feel like he owes you or not, it's not like bashing the man on the internet is going to force him to do anything. Everyone has their priorities. He don't wanna do it, he don't have to.

But on the other hand, Plant's out there singing Zeppelin songs night after night with the SSS, and has been with his other bands for a long time. Sure he's changing them up, but wasn't that the Zeppelin thing to do in the first place? Change it up, evolve it, make it different...better even. Stairway to Heaven in G was kickass. And if he's afraid of being the jukebox, why keep Black Dog in his solo set for so long? Add in some new things like how they brought in For Your Life at the O2. And then he makes comments like "ask the capricorns." Snarky? yes. but why even go there if you hate the question? Plant's at his best when he's with Page. And they're both at their best when they're with Jones. We don't have Bonham, obviously, but you have the man's son who is tremendous. We know that. It's been proven.

No question they should have/should do it. Ah well, at least the o2 is a high note to go out on

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this is the one issue i really have trouble taking a side on because i truly see both sides. on one hand, you have the obvious facts. they were all in their early 60's (or just about to be in Plant's case) at the O2, now they're pushing 70. Plus you have the greedy lawyers and sponsors that would make a zeppelin tour a shitshow on the business end. And then of course you have the huge expectations of seeing a Zeppelin show, especially for those of us that have never seen them live. It sounds like a horrendous amount of pressure. Plus quite frankly, whether you feel like he owes you or not, it's not like bashing the man on the internet is going to force him to do anything. Everyone has their priorities. He don't wanna do it, he don't have to.

But on the other hand, Plant's out there singing Zeppelin songs night after night with the SSS, and has been with his other bands for a long time. Sure he's changing them up, but wasn't that the Zeppelin thing to do in the first place? Change it up, evolve it, make it different...better even. Stairway to Heaven in G was kickass. And if he's afraid of being the jukebox, why keep Black Dog in his solo set for so long? Add in some new things like how they brought in For Your Life at the O2. And then he makes comments like "ask the capricorns." Snarky? yes. but why even go there if you hate the question? Plant's at his best when he's with Page. And they're both at their best when they're with Jones. We don't have Bonham, obviously, but you have the man's son who is tremendous. We know that. It's been proven.

greatest post ever!!! So true!!!

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No question they should have/should do it. Ah well, at least the o2 is a high note to go out on

Personally, I admire Robert's stance.

He's turning his back on hundreds of millions of dollars for what he feels is right.

Would I like to see an album with John Paul, Jimmy, Robert and Jason? of course..

But, I love the fact that all 3 realize John Bonham was, is and always will be irreplaceable.

Time does not change this fact and Robert knows it.

It's a shame that many drummers these days are being treated as "less than" members in many bands..

John Bonham was as important as the other 3 to Led Zeppelin ...and they are well aware.

That being said, I wish Robert wouldn't mess around so much with Zeppelin songs with his solo band...

I'd rather not hear Black Dog if he's going to play it Reggae style.

I saw the "ask the Capricorns" interview... he was obviously kidding around

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I'd like to see them tour as much as anyone here. But, I understand why feels not to do it. It would be so grand with so much money and and just a whole big business side to it being just about the money! Not from the band, but everyone outside of it who has their hand in it. from the sponsors, other corporations involved, promoters, merchandise, Atlantic Records ( dvd/cd releases). The whole thing with a gross of over a billiom would just be a big bohemoth. Robert today is very comfortable in his world playing smaller 3K-7K sized theatres along with growing musically and throwing in plenty of gems from with past. Although, Black Dog needs to find another pasture or be retired or buried! I still enjoy his shows and he put on an incredible one last summer at Brooklyn's Prospect Park. Outdoors, being better on a perfect evening for weather. He still enjoys himself, especailly when he is in control of all of it!

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The last paragraph of the article is not only the most perfect ending to the interview but also the most accurate summation of the era:

Plant stands up to leave, but turns on his heel. "Do you know why the Eagles said they’d reunite when 'hell freezes over,' but they did it anyway and keep touring?” he asks. "It’s not because they were paid a fortune. It’s not about the money. It’s because they’re bored. I’m not bored."

Edited by SteveAJones
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It's all about the music, it's always been about the music...

If there is more brilliant music waiting to be made, and if it will never be made because the idea of a tour is too overwhelming, then why do we keep focusing on a tour. I'd prefer to see new music, without a tour...or with a tour that is on.their.own.terms (ie smaller venues like Robert is doing).

Comments like 'Zero' one day and 'All doors are open' the next do not create a mystic mood IMO. If LZ never tours again, I suppose that will be sad for all of us, but if there is no new LZ music (and there could be), then that will be sad for generations.

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I have always read that Robert said this was a one off show all along, because he had committed to the Raising Sand project. So, if anyone had optimism, they weren't listening to what was being said, or thought they could sway Robert with a great performance. Either way, Robert wasn't going to do anything with the others after December 10. He had already made that clear.

Absolutely. I remember him very clearly saying something along the lines of "everyone thinks we're taking Zeppelin on the road after O2, but I will be skipping my way back to Allison after show". He made it very apparent there would not be more Zep shows anytime soon after O2.

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The last paragraph of the article is not only the most perfect ending to the interview but also the most accurate summation of the era:

Plant stands up to leave, but turns on his heel. "Do you know why the Eagles said they’d reunite when 'hell freezes over,' but they did it anyway and keep touring?” he asks. "It’s not because they were paid a fortune. It’s not about the money. It’s because they’re bored. I’m not bored."

You really have to give Plant a lot of credit for this statement. From a very successful solo career (Pictures at 11, Principle, Now and Zen, etc), to his work with SSS, Allison Kraus, Band of Joy, Priory of Brion, etc) the man has been a chameleon. And when he feels like changing it up, he does, and if people want to follow along he's happy to have you. If not, he's ok with people dropping off the bandwagon. To be his age and working as much as he does, and with as much variety, instead of doing "the Vegas thing" is pretty amazing.

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Again as posted on another thread, why not just hook up when schedules permit. Just play together, something,

doesn't have to be Zeppelin stuff. They are so talented. And they are each all over the place musically, that's what

made me buy the albums in the seventies. Never the same thing. And now Plant and Jones are still all over the place

musically. I was glad to hear Plant did some of his solo stuff at the Jazz festival in N.O. He pooh poohs Zeppelin stuff

but still does it with others on tour, and he has pooh poohed some of his solo work, but is (Hopefully going to contiue)

doing that now as well. I think what I hate the most about Plant's interviews ....he pooh poohs any work with the x Zeppelin

members, but then......leaves the door open, like a tease.

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