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School kids get great music lesson!

slave to zep

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HAHAHAHAHA that was so cute and endearing! That's a seamless montage they put together.They're really good and you could tell they're into it, bopping around to the beats, waving their arms (total tears there lol). I can't stop smiling :D Thanks for sharing, J :)

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The kid in the Navy blue sweater behind the one in the bright yellow gets it!!!! 38 seconds into the video you can see him shaking his head to to the beat. That is a future musician!

yes, and so good to know that the new generations are being introduced to this amazing music! :)

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^^Hear! Hear! I could agree more, Julie! :D I was just so astounded to see how wonderfully talented these kids are! Brought a tear to my eye, I'm afraid! It was such a delight to watch! I almost squealed with joy when I heard the xylophone version of "The Ocean" being played! Simply superb! Thank you so much for posting this!! Do hope and pray that Robert, Jimmy and JPJ get see this! If there was some way this video could be brought to their attention, I'll definitely do my bit!! :D

Edited to add: A BIG kudos to the music teacher for her creativity!! Bravo!! :notworthy:

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^^^^ :yay:

OH MY GOD! Sorry for yelling, but your post certainly made my day! So glad that Jimmy got to see those talented kids in action!

Many thanks for posting that article!

No worries, Kiwi :)

I don't want to burst your balloons but I don't think it's JPP who posts on that FB profile.

I thought people would get a kick out of the article anyway.

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No worries, Kiwi :)

I don't want to burst your balloons but I don't think it's JPP who posts on that FB profile.

I thought people would get a kick out of the article anyway.

I don't think he posts, either, but I do think it's an official FB, so he may have seen it.....

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You're all very welcome, glad you like it :)

I saw it on facebook and had to post it here.

Wouldn't it be amazing if Jimmy, John Paul and/or Robert saw it!

So glad you shared this! I was overcome with emotion when I saw this on FB...

That teacher deserves a raise. :)

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