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I think I'd wait until after the third preseason game to answer that question. That's when it's the closest to an actual game with most starters playing the entire first half. That third string qb is making the most heads turn, from what I'm reading. Btw, I'll stay where it's nice and warm that time of the year, thank you very much. Cold weather sucks anymore, to me, IMO. Remember, I grew up in the "snow belt" my first 16 years in existence. It does sound nice, post some pics for us! Hope you're doing well, Rick.

Thanks Walter. Some up here share your sentiments. I do not. I am not for this Micheal Vick type. They never win. Russelll Wilson is a bit of an exception but he has a great pocket presence. I will also reserve judgement but right now, its Manuel

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Do you blokes reckon he could make the cut for the 49ers in September?


I think the 49ers are in for a long season myself I believe the Rams are going to be much better, and Seattle and Arizona are already good. As for my boys, I believe Rex Ryan is playing possum

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I don't know if Jordy Nelson's injury will open up the debate about the preseason and possibly shortening it--it seems the conversation only comes up whenever it's a big offensive star that gets hurt. Of course, it sucks when somebody gets hurt like that, but injuries in football can occur at any time, so I doubt if the Shield will ever explore the option of less exhibition games...

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I don't know if Jordy Nelson's injury will open up the debate about the preseason and possibly shortening it--it seems the conversation only comes up whenever it's a big offensive star that gets hurt. Of course, it sucks when somebody gets hurt like that, but injuries in football can occur at any time, so I doubt if the Shield will ever explore the option of less exhibition games...

I am really wondering how serious many of our injuries are? None are reported as season ending or even long term. Hogan's seems the worse and its 4 weeks. It seems he will be ready for New England. So I a thinking in some cases Ryan does not want to have them get exposed to injury in pre season? This game vs Pittsburgh will be important to determine who will start at QB. This kid that backed up Flacco for 3 years is drawing alot of raves. I am not sold. I do not believe in Micheal Vick types. They get injured and try to do too much running the ball when you have a team loaded with running backs. I am for either Cassel or Manuel. And I am really impressed with what I have seen from EJ Manuel early on. That 50 yd TD pass was a true 50 yard pass. He beat Cleveland at crunch time and yes vs a backup D but with a backup offense to work with. He got it done and beat them and pulled off the 2 pt conversion Not easy. I hope they give him the opportunity to play with the starting unit vs the Steelers. As they will with Cassel. A friend of mine thinks its very odd that Ryan did not play Cassel at all in the last game? What does one read into that? Over 60,000 season tickets sold already in Buffalo. A record. And even the annual pessimist radio announcer I spar with is picking them to win 11 and make the playoffs. Truly shocking if you knew the guy. Miami and Buffalo could both get in, perhaps 3 teams come out of the East. The West division does not really impress me. Nor do the runner up teams in the other divisions. Ryan Fitzpatrick is a jet. He will be after us. And an article on ESPN says they can win games with him and are now better off with him. Wait until he throws a game killer pick in the 4th quarter. Lets see if he still believes in the bearded fish

We are going to find out how good Rex Ryan really is. He has the talent. No excuse for him not to get this team to the playoffs. He comes in with more hype than Marv Levy ever did. Sure we had Jim Kelly. But we did not have as deep talent as this team. This team has a better defense. Bruce Smith was special but the combo of Hughes, Super Mario, K Wiliams and Dareus makes this a better line. Even though Phil Hansen was a beast also. Thurman Thomas was better so far than anyone on this roster but we have more strength in numbers at that position now. Its up to the QB as usual and the coach. Maybe we can be like the Ravens team that won it all? Kick ass on D and be smart on offense. We should be better on offense than most expect. As long as whoever is back there is not tossing pics constantly I think Rex will have a short leash on whoever gets the nod. He will go to the backup very fast if the starter does not play well

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Really sad about Eric Kramer's suicide attempt. He's the 2nd former Lion qb to attempt suicide (Eric Hipple), and both players lost their sons before that occurred. Even though both suffered a huge emotional loss, both of their families are convinced that long-term brain damage played a major role. This whole issue is becoming a major problem for the NFL and football at every level. I played 4 years of HS ball, and am very thankful I didn't suffer any long-term injuries. I have one friend who played running back that can now barely sit in a car because his neck and back are so screwed up. The long-term effects of some injuries don't surface until you get in your 50's. I still think Barry Sanders was the smartest dude ever for walking away. Every time he goes to the Hall of Fame induction he freaks out at all the players on canes and in wheelchairs. To walk away healthy after 10 years is a rarity. This issue isn't going away, and the quality of what we're watching every weekend has already been changed because of it.

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Yeah I heard it last night when it happened. Twitter is a wonderful thing for immediate information, unfortunately not the information I wanted to hear though. On the bright side, we are deeper at that position than ever before and the entire 1st team offensive line practiced together for the first time in a long time.

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Michael Vick seems to be causing a stir in Pittsburgh--and here I thought we were a forgiving society, willing to forgive almost any sins committed by professional athletes. But, I get the sense this is a considerably small faction protesting against Vick. I don't think in the long run this will hurt Steelers ticket sells...

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Michael Vick seems to be causing a stir in Pittsburgh--and here I thought we were a forgiving society, willing to forgive almost any sins committed by professional athletes. But, I get the sense this is a considerably small faction protesting against Vick. I don't think in the long run this will hurt Steelers ticket sells...

Pittsburgh is a different type of city though - small town feel for such a large market. I don't think he has enough left in the tank to really help a team at this point.

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I forget if Micheal Vick has been discussed, here. Many people don't realize that he not only ran a dog fighting operation, but actively trained, tortured and killed many of the fighting dogs. Part of the training was to steal local peoples' gentle dogs, tie their mouths shut and let the fighting dogs rip them apart. He never served jail time for this - only for tax evasion involving the operation. I'm sure his jail time was quite comfortable, and he was catered to for being such a badass celebrity. He will only pretend to be changed, as long as he is in the spotlight.

I understand people are petitioning on the Change.org site about him, again. I did this, along with all my co-workers, last year - but it did nothing to keep him off the Jets. They just keep upping the amount of votes needed, and spam you with other requests. Hopefully, the Steelers are only keeping him for practice and preseason insurance.

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Pittsburgh is a different type of city though - small town feel for such a large market. I don't think he has enough left in the tank to really help a team at this point.

Agree, not sure why you take Vick. Even as a veteran presence, he's merely adequate. Would have been smarter to take someone I drafted or move someone up from practice.

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Michael Vick seems to be causing a stir in Pittsburgh--and here I thought we were a forgiving society, willing to forgive almost any sins committed by professional athletes. But, I get the sense this is a considerably small faction protesting against Vick. I don't think in the long run this will hurt Steelers ticket sells...

So the Bills will be playing against Vick Saturday? I think this is the most important pre season game in Buffalo Bills history. It may be the deciding factor in who gets the job at QB. Some think the ex Raven is tied with Cassel right now. I think its Cassel's job to lose. But EJ has been good. Came in and beat Cleveland and had a beautiful 54 yd TD pass for a TD. And the ball went 50 plus yards in the air. I have more votes for EJ than most. I still think he might be the smart choice but likely will not get the first nod. I hope that if its Cassel he does get the job done. But if he gets hurt, and 16 games in this league is tough to get through without injury, I go to EJ. But maybe the kid from Baltimore has Rex sold? He is the Micheal Vick type. To me a negative. But he could prove me wrong. I just hope Rex Ryan makes the smart choices. He did not in NY but he did not have this kind of talent last year. We murdered his team. And now they have Fitzpatrick. An old friend who will be out to beat us. The Jets Super Bowl will be that first game vs Buffalo/Rex Ryan.

for clarification I guess they call this kid from Baltimore Ty Rod?

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So the Bills will be playing against Vick Saturday? I think this is the most important pre season game in Buffalo Bills history. It may be the deciding factor in who gets the job at QB. Some think the ex Raven is tied with Cassel right now. I think its Cassel's job to lose. But EJ has been good. Came in and beat Cleveland and had a beautiful 54 yd TD pass for a TD. And the ball went 50 plus yards in the air. I have more votes for EJ than most. I still think he might be the smart choice but likely will not get the first nod. I hope that if its Cassel he does get the job done. But if he gets hurt, and 16 games in this league is tough to get through without injury, I go to EJ. But maybe the kid from Baltimore has Rex sold? He is the Micheal Vick type. To me a negative. But he could prove me wrong. I just hope Rex Ryan makes the smart choices. He did not in NY but he did not have this kind of talent last year. We murdered his team. And now they have Fitzpatrick. An old friend who will be out to beat us. The Jets Super Bowl will be that first game vs Buffalo/Rex Ryan.

for clarification I guess they call this kid from Baltimore Ty Rod?

That's his name - Tyrod Taylor. So yes, that's what they call him :)

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Bills supposedly without 4 top receivers for the Pittsburgh game tomorrow which EJ Manuel will start. He impressed me in the win over Cleveland even though 3rd string but he also had 3rd string. I am wondering the severity of these injuries? I know Watkins and Woods were ready. So I have to wonder if there is a bit of playing possum going on here to avoid real bad injuries before seasons start? A smart move by Rex if this is the case. I think it is in part at least. Hogan is likely to not play until week two vs New England. I think its huge how well all 3 guys play vs an always good Pittsburgh defense. I hope EJ does well. A part of me is cheering for EJ to get the nod. But I want to win. Maybe Cassel already has the job sealed in stone? Understandable I guess. Not sure but I think we might play the Lions in the final pre season game? We play them every year it seems. Going to go see now

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Yes...I'll be there. Basically for the $9 dollar beer.

Jacksonville looks like they have some positive pieces in place. Bortles has taken a step up...confidence, leadership, running conservatively with purpose, looking off receivers...he's a keeper, and a nice piece to build around. Offensive line looks capable, and their TE Lewis is a monster. They are headed in the right direction.

Could referee Ed Hochlee(sp) please retire to the gym soon ? That old muscle-man kills us with 10+ penalties every game.

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When confronted with the big question of who will be the Bills starting QB, Rex Ryan joked Simms will be starting Thurs vs the Lions in the last pre season game. But he then said that today, Sunday, he would name the true starter. I am a bit terrified of his choice. I believe Manuel or Taylor are both good choices, but not Cassel. My opinion.

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^^ Rick, I gather by your comments that Cassel has not looked too good during the exhibition season--I haven't watched a bit of any team's preseason games, so I have no idea what to expect once the real season starts...

Rex Ryan has likely made up his mind as he said today was the day he would decide but he is not going to announce it. Keeping us in further suspense. This guy is a side show. I am for either EJ Manuel or Taylor. They have more mobility. Can escape trouble. Cassel cannot. If its me. I go EJ.

A friend of mine who is a knuckle head, says Manuel is a jinx. That is just stupid. What a reason to not go with him. I mean, the guy was fucking perfect. What else does he have to do? I can see he has confidence and is not rattled in the pocket

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^^ Rick, I gather by your comments that Cassel has not looked too good during the exhibition season--I haven't watched a bit of any team's preseason games, so I have no idea what to expect once the real season starts...

Apparently Cassell has played all of 4 pre-season series. Obviously not an ounce of confidence in him. Rex does need to commit to someone though. Otherwise the starter will always be looking over his shoulder, which is not the way to develop confidence in a young quarterback.

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