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Hot pics of Jimmy


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It is a little odd to me too, but I am usually too busy looking at Jimmy all in lavender. :P

A little odd! It's like business at the front, bo derek at the back! :lol:

It really says a lot about Jimmy though, he's so gorgeous he can even distract from that mess!

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My photo, and twice on the same page. Taken 15th December 1981 at the Golden Lion in Fulham. Jimmy was great.


How lovely to see you back on the forums. :) Was this the roadies' charity auction? Thanks for allowing your photo to be used here ;)

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How lovely to see you back on the forums. :) Was this the roadies' charity auction? Thanks for allowing your photo to be used here ;)

Hi :) It was indeed the charity auction - Jimmy and Peter Grant were unexpected & unannounced attendees.That's one of many photos I rather enthusiastically uploaded way back in about 2003 when I first became a bit of a regular on this site - it was a bit more of a community feeling back then and I was very naive about the reach of the net and how I would find my pics being quoted back to me by total strangers years down the line. That was a bit of a shock at first, but I got over it and have accepted that I put them out there onto the WWW so can't really claim ownership of them anymore (to a point). However, I usually will mention if it is one of my pics as I think people like a personal connection/story. Also, Sam is an excellent Webmaster and is brilliant at pulling any pics that were stolen or misappropriated ( there were a few) when they appear, which does seem to happen now and again. Thanks for your nice words :)

Edited by Knebby
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A man it really is going to be impossible to forget.

Did you do this collage yourself? Nice 'un. Except for the photo on the upper-left corner - that's not Pagey.

Edited by FireOpal
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Cheers guys - I have much better copies of that one somewhere for a future scan. It is a nice pic isn't it? I have some others from that night that are not so great - to be honest, it was a complete shock seeing him the way he looked that night. But I would never post those ones, out of respect for him.

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Cheers guys - I have much better copies of that one somewhere for a future scan. It is a nice pic isn't it? I have some others from that night that are not so great - to be honest, it was a complete shock seeing him the way he looked that night. But I would never post those ones, out of respect for him.

I wanted to let you know I had always loved your picture of Jimmy. I remember seeing it (and must have saved it) when I first joined in Spring of 2006. I THINK I knew you took it. I love Jimmy in that picture and his suit so much that I drew him in it (along with trying to visualize him with his little cigarette holder that Chris Squire talks about. :D) If you ever feel like sharing your other pictures, I would be delighted to see them as well. I love Jimmy all the time -- even in this period. Thanks again.

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