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Robert's son Logan


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Izfan,Georgia, or Claudia.

Can you post a picture that i don't have to download.I can't i am using someone's computer and also i can't listen to music i don't havee the speakers working on thi computer?


A picture of Logan!!

There are some pictures of Logan on the first page of this thread.

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And so I will keep on putting such photos in here... because not everybody has seen them already...

You definitely should ;) I lurked on the old board for a while but it wasn't for a long time as I got into LZ a few months ago and not years ago like many other people here, so I didn't see all of the things posted there and I'm always glad to see something I haven't seen before even if it has been posted on the old board. :)

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Okay, I'll put them in my photobucket and pm you the guest password and hopefully that will work.

That's would b cool!!

I like to see some more phonto's i been out of touch for years and just want to feel like i belong.

anyway,you can if you want to.I saw a couple of Logan's picture and with his girlfriend or wife,lol,whichever,lol.

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Here is a pic of Logan and his wife (she wasn't his wife as the pic was taken)


They have one kid, I heard there's another one on its way (not sure though)

Carmem has three kids.

Sorry, my Queen -_- ...well, it is Christmas time, I'm in the mood of playing the nice girl. ^_^

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Claudia, Knebby's post wasn't an attack directed to you. Maybe you took that way, but she was only commenting that most of these pics have already been posted before. The fact is: many people from this board have been around for years, and though we understand that new members are always registering (and they are certainly welcome), it gets tiring at times to read the same posts, the same questions, to see the same pics as they were just "discovered".

This is a friendly place and I'm pretty sure you don't know Knebby that well, or you wouldn't have taken her comment as a personal offense. She knows A LOT about LZ, loves the band and is one of the greatest people on this board.

I agree here. Knebby did include a "shining" smiley in her post. Clearly she wasn't throwing daggers (though she surely can if provoked by the thickheaded! :lol: ).

Welcome to the family Claudia! :wave:

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Glad that others explained my stance. Not having been around here very much of late, I'm a little shocked at how many of the people here are newcomers. Guess I was used to the smaller group we had before. No hard feelings on my side Claudia. :hippy:

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Get the old version of the song remains the same if you want to see their families back in the 1970 s, and books are another way of finding things out, hope this helps Claudia,and Scarlet.

Well hello there old friend. ;)

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And so I will keep on putting such photos in here... because not everybody has seen them already...

thanks very much for sharing these...i had not seen them and look forward to seeing whatever else you find! :D

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Yeah, it is a language problem!!!! English is not my mother-language so I apoligise if I write some silly things sometimes and nobody understands them.... Biological child = he is not the father.

You mean to say the eldest of the three is Jimmy's step-daughter.

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