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What's the weather like where you are?


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One benefit of the flooding in Texas is that Anheuser-Busch stopped production of all their piss products, to can water for relief efforts in that area. Actually very considerate of them - although not enough for me to raise a glass to them...

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Horrible flooding in Texas, hope all our Texan board members are alright!

Thanks....the community where I live has great drainage, although just to the east of me, only a quarter of a mile there was a high water rescue on Friday morning.

I'll attach some pics I took during the past few days...





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It's raining again here, it's fucking horrible with all of the dark cloud, dreary rain, and not particularly warm either. I'm actually looking forward to leaving this place which I never thought I would say. It looks like a boring November day...

Edited by Charles J. White
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