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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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9 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

So it was a walk in the park more or less?  But you do not have diabetes I am guessing and are not over 70 right?  I notice the local stores are now without masks with the employees and many customers do not have them on.  Wegmans I use as an example because here they are like the biggest thing there is long with Walmart and Target and a few others  I think the masks did much good though.  Preventing the spread of many illness's.  And Covid did produce some good things.  Like the water getting cleaner, or less dirty.   Even the Hudson river is a bit cleaner.  Less traffic there for some time.  So less air pollution.  Lots of cleanup including the subways in NY getting an overhaul. . Thanks for that Andy Cuomo.  I hope they dont lock you up.  Seriously. OK.  Maybe the guy hit on a few women.  He did not rape anyone that I am aware of. 

60 and blood clots but yes, a minor cold for both of us

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I'll be honest. I miss doctor Fauxci's twice(?) weekly lectures to the masses.

Now, I zero in on Gin Sake for my fix, but there's not much covid related...
She's awesome

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5 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

Blood clots!  Wow. So cumodin right?  Spelled wrong Im sure. but I know how it goes after a surgery I had a DVT in lower calf. The meds got rid of it

20mg of xarelto, happened after a routine colonoscopy, was in 2 hospitals for 1 week, thought  had heart attack or blockage cuz I couldn't walk or climb stairs, after c scans and battery of tests was dismissed and 3 days later leg swelled up, back to hospital, cat scan revealed lungs were loaded, something happened while i was knocked out, no one will investigate or sue, doing better now but was messed up for over 2 years

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2 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

Did Fauxci see his shadow and go back into hibernation for the Covid season?

pretty amazing that same time  truckers were fighting in canada for all our freedoms, Faucci and the democrats decided covid was over with, and the liberals don't suspect anything lol

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14 hours ago, custard pie man said:

20mg of xarelto, happened after a routine colonoscopy, was in 2 hospitals for 1 week, thought  had heart attack or blockage cuz I couldn't walk or climb stairs, after c scans and battery of tests was dismissed and 3 days later leg swelled up, back to hospital, cat scan revealed lungs were loaded, something happened while i was knocked out, no one will investigate or sue, doing better now but was messed up for over 2 years

That's fucked up, sorry to hear CPman. I had my own horror story from my last colonoscopy. Felt like they used a freakin' IMax camera! I was cactus for a week, couldn't sit. Very painful.

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7 hours ago, rm2551 said:

That's fucked up, sorry to hear CPman. I had my own horror story from my last colonoscopy. Felt like they used a freakin' IMax camera! I was cactus for a week, couldn't sit. Very painful.

suffice to say, after 2 years of rehab i'm doing better, have 2 kids getting married this year, no rear view mirror for me, looking forward and yes, will never get another one again

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8 hours ago, custard pie man said:

suffice to say, after 2 years of rehab i'm doing better, have 2 kids getting married this year, no rear view mirror for me, looking forward and yes, will never get another one again

Mate, if you are 50+ I recommend you find a better practitioner and do the recommended checks. There is a damn good reason for them. Bowel cancer is one of the absolute worst. I'm not looking forward to my next one, but I sure as hell ain't going to risk not picking something up that likely will turn into literally my worst nightmare. My Grandfather died from it when I was quite young. I vaguely remember seeing him once in hospital. Thankfully my strongest memory of him was dressed dapper and telling funny stories to us.

Congrats on getting hitched.

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'Ample room for uncertainty': As COVID-19 cases rise again in Europe, could US see the same?

Cady Stanton, USA TODAY
Mon, March 14, 2022, 9:50 AM
  • Coronavirus

Just as the U.S. has finally turned the corner on a wave of COVID-19 cases caused by the omicron variant, multiple countries in Europe are showing an increase in infections – fueling concerns about the possibility of another global surge.

The United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Italy were among those that saw an upswing in cases this past week, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Germany saw a spike in cases from a low of 1,570 cases per million people on March 2, to 2,330 cases per million people as of March 12, and cases in the Netherlands are up from a recent low of 1,956 cases per million people Feb. 27 up to 3,955 cases per million people March 12, the data shows.

Among the countries whose data has charted an increased in cases, some have also seen a rise in hospitalizations, including Ireland, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

The possibility of a new variant or a spike in cases always exists given the nature of viruses, said Ogbonnaya Omenka, an assistant professor and director of diversity at the Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Science.

"A wave in Europe and other countries for that matter, might occur in the United States as well," Omenka told USA TODAY. "Because it is an infectious disease, unless we eradicate it, there is bound to be that possibility of its return ... As the virus variants have shown, even the possible return is not predictable in terms of its severity or degree of similarity to the previous forms."

Another factor at play in the rise of cases and a possible next wave: human behavior surrounding virus prevention measures. Omenka said human activities are among the factors that "can influence how things unfold."

England, Spain and France are among European countries that recently announced a shift in pandemic strategy: treating the virus as a part of daily life without full shutdowns.

NEW VARIANT?There may be a new COVID variant, Deltacron. Here's what we know about it.

In England, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the end of all domestic COVID-19 restrictions at the end of last month, including lifting the legal requirement to self-isolate after testing positive.

A man walks past a health campaign poster from the One NGO in an underpass leading to Westminster underground train station in London.
A man walks past a health campaign poster from the One NGO in an underpass leading to Westminster underground train station in London.

"An 'endemic approach' indicates focus on living with the virus rather than eradicating it. As a result of the relaxation of certain guidelines, it is left for individuals to decide whether to continue measures such as mask-wearing or not," Omenka said. "It is not unusual for the public to start lowering the levels of their perceived risk of a threat, after dealing with it for an extended time."

The possible European surge also comes alongside conflict in Ukraine after the Russian invasion, leading to rising concerns about a public health crisis in the region sparked by densely crowded shelters and forced travel across borders. The WHO said earlier this month that the conflict may cause a surge in infections, straining scarce resources and contributing to more suffering and death.

OBAMA TESTS POSITIVE: Former President Barack Obama tests positive for COVID-19

Europe isn't the only part of the world seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases. China ordered a lockdown of the residents of the city of Changchun, closed schools in Shanghai and urged the public not to leave Beijing this weekend amid a new spike in cases in the area likely from omicron.

In the United States, cases are still trending downward following the initial wave of omicron: an average of 34,805 new daily cases, the lowest case rate since July, according to CDC data.

But only 44.3% of the U.S. population has received a booster dose, despite CDC data showing booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines have proven highly effective at preventing omicron-related hospitalizations. Just this weekend, former President Barack Obama tested positive for the virus after experiencing some symptoms for a "couple days." He is fully vaccinated and boosted.

"At this point, a new wave COVID-19 anywhere ought to be viewed as a potential new wave worldwide," Omenka said. "This is a more beneficial approach regardless of the outcome."

On a global level, the World Health Organization recently reversed its stance on booster shots and now "strongly supports urgent and broad access" to booster doses after previously insisting that boosters weren't necessary and contributed to vaccine inequity.

BA.2, known as the "stealth" omicron variant, is making up a growing number of cases in some countries, and some studies show that it may be up to 30% more transmissible than the original omicron variant. Cases of BA.2 made up an estimated 11.6% percent of cases in the United States as of March 5, according to CDC data, up from 6.6% Feb. 26.

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This dumb ass die hard Trumper that I know says "Covid is over".  Oh really?  Why?  Because the masks are off?  And now there is very strong evidence that Andy Cuomo is innocent.  Which I believed all along. Lying women out for a buck.  AND SOME  no doubt greased by the right. Covid is not over as long as its still out there.  What kind of stupid bullshit thinking is that anyway?  Where are you Fauci?  What say ye?  LOL

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52 minutes ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

This dumb ass die hard Trumper that I know says "Covid is over".  Oh really?  Why?  Because the masks are off?  And now there is very strong evidence that Andy Cuomo is innocent.  Which I believed all along. Lying women out for a buck.  AND SOME  no doubt greased by the right. Covid is not over as long as its still out there.  What kind of stupid bullshit thinking is that anyway?  Where are you Fauci?  What say ye?  LOL

If you're under the age of 50, vaccinated or not, COVID is over. The odds of dying from it were always remote, now they are virtually nil.

Edited by SteveAJones
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7 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

This dumb ass die hard Trumper that I know says "Covid is over".  Oh really?  Why?  Because the masks are off?  And now there is very strong evidence that Andy Cuomo is innocent.  Which I believed all along. Lying women out for a buck.  AND SOME  no doubt greased by the right. Covid is not over as long as its still out there.  What kind of stupid bullshit thinking is that anyway?  Where are you Fauci?  What say ye?  LOL

I see a diehard dumbass biden voter who thinks what the left has been telling him the truth.   

How many lies have you believed from the left?

That Trump was a russian asset.

That he colluded with russia to steal the election.

That the dossier was real.

That there was a video of trump being pissed on by hookers.

That his phone call with Ukraine was some kind of strong arm tactic to get something he wanted.

That he is putins puppet.

That Trump is racist.

That trump has never condemned white supremacy.

That he called the neo nazis fine people.

That America is inherently racist.

That all white people everywhere are racist no matter what.

That he caused a riot at the capital with the words "To peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard".

That trump is a dictator.

That trump said dead soldiers were losers.

That everything wrong today is trumps fault.

That the inflation we are experiencing is due to putins war and only putins war.

That shutting down the keystone pipeline and stopping other production hasn't meant anything to gas prices.

That covid was some kind of super bug that was going to kill everybody and all the other bullshit they told you.

That trump was responsible for the deaths of people from covid because he didn't act fast enough.

That trump is somehow mentally incapacitated.

That trump would start WWIII.

That trump was making the wrong move by shutting the border with a wall.

That trump was being xenophobic by stopping travel to and from china.

That people should wear a mask that does absolutely nothing to stop you from getting covid or spreading it yourself.

That trump said people should inject themselves with bleach.

That fauci is the only doctor you should listen to during the pandemic.

That any medicine or treatment for covid mentioned by trump was going to kill the person who tried them.

That people who cross the border illegally are a different situation from those flying into the country legally.

Do I need to post more??

 Your real problem is that you believe what the left i.e  politicians wants you to believe.

If you think cuomo is innocent because the case has been dropped then

why doesn't trump get the same reaction from the left when investigation after investigation came up empty and now the lead prosecutors 

investigating trump for that total idiot letitia james have resigned because they know its ALL bullshit too!

If you're going to believe false accusations made by politicians instead of real journalists who name sources and provide real evidence rather than just pointing to anonymous people who do not exist you will get what you get when you vote for tools like those in the White House today.



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5 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

If you're under the age of 50, vaccinated or not, COVID is over. The odds of dying from it were always remote, now they are virtually nil.

I think that covid will be back with another variant and this time they will force everybody to wear the n95 and that includes kid size masks.

Lately I have seen more and more people on tv wearing the N95s. I have no doubt they will force them on us next time covid spikes.

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On 3/16/2022 at 6:55 AM, SteveAJones said:

If you're under the age of 50, vaccinated or not, COVID is over. The odds of dying from it were always remote, now they are virtually nil.

And being diabetic I am going to take your word for it?  Sure.  And to the Hummingbird below, MAKE YOUR DAMB POSTS SHORTER.

Its too bad people have to be labeled as either far right or far left.  Is there not somewhere in the middle?  I am Catholic, but I am not a far right conservative and yes, I cant stand that guy that used to hold office.   And I hope he never does again.  And I am not talking about Andy Cuomo.  And there is a hummingbird that says I should believe in real journalists.  I guess I need to know who the real ones are?  David Muir seems ok to me.  Anything with FOX , forget about it.

Edited by LedZeppfan1977
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3 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

And being diabetic I am going to take your word for it?  Sure.  And to the Hummingbird below, MAKE YOUR DAMB POSTS SHORTER.

Its too bad people have to be labeled as either far right or far left.  Is there not somewhere in the middle?  I am Catholic, but I am not a far right conservative and yes, I cant stand that guy that used to hold office.   And I hope he never does again.  And I am not talking about Andy Cuomo.  And there is a hummingbird that says I should believe in real journalists.  I guess I need to know who the real ones are?  David Muir seems ok to me.  Anything with FOX , forget about it.

Make my post shorter?   How could I show you all the lies the left has told you without listing SOME of them.

How'd that fake story about hunters laptop turn out for you? Do you still believe in all the talking heads and the 50 former idiots who said it was russian disinformation?  Yeah, you do.  I bet you still think jussie smollett is innocent.

Why you would believe one word of what the left tells you is beyond me. They have lied time and time again about trump but you still believe it all. GOOD FOR YOU!!  My choice had a great economy, low gas prices, brought peace in the middle east through trade, no new wars, ended a war with isis, do I need to go on? no, I know you don't care about any of the good things that happened under trump because the left told you not too.  Now that they have undone all things trump and pushed this country into a nose dive I hope you're happy with YOUR choice.


Edited by hummingbird69
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On 3/16/2022 at 4:16 PM, hummingbird69 said:


I see a diehard dumbass biden voter who thinks what the left has been telling him the truth.   

How many lies have you believed from the left?

That Trump was a russian asset.

That he colluded with russia to steal the election.

That the dossier was real.

That there was a video of trump being pissed on by hookers.

That his phone call with Ukraine was some kind of strong arm tactic to get something he wanted.

That he is putins puppet.

That Trump is racist.

That trump has never condemned white supremacy.

That he called the neo nazis fine people.

That America is inherently racist.

That all white people everywhere are racist no matter what.

That he caused a riot at the capital with the words "To peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard".

That trump is a dictator.

That trump said dead soldiers were losers.

That everything wrong today is trumps fault.

That the inflation we are experiencing is due to putins war and only putins war.

That shutting down the keystone pipeline and stopping other production hasn't meant anything to gas prices.

That covid was some kind of super bug that was going to kill everybody and all the other bullshit they told you.

That trump was responsible for the deaths of people from covid because he didn't act fast enough.

That trump is somehow mentally incapacitated.

That trump would start WWIII.

That trump was making the wrong move by shutting the border with a wall.

That trump was being xenophobic by stopping travel to and from china.

That people should wear a mask that does absolutely nothing to stop you from getting covid or spreading it yourself.

That trump said people should inject themselves with bleach.

That fauci is the only doctor you should listen to during the pandemic.

That any medicine or treatment for covid mentioned by trump was going to kill the person who tried them.

That people who cross the border illegally are a different situation from those flying into the country legally.

Do I need to post more??

 Your real problem is that you believe what the left i.e  politicians wants you to believe.

If you think cuomo is innocent because the case has been dropped then

why doesn't trump get the same reaction from the left when investigation after investigation came up empty and now the lead prosecutors 

investigating trump for that total idiot letitia james have resigned because they know its ALL bullshit too!

If you're going to believe false accusations made by politicians instead of real journalists who name sources and provide real evidence rather than just pointing to anonymous people who do not exist you will get what you get when you vote for tools like those in the White House today.



Good grief, talk about blinded by the right, of course the never lie do they (rhetorical). Anyway, they're all as bad as each other.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Stop calling it a vaccine...it's more like a Vitamin B shot.....

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday, becoming the latest high-profile Washington official to come down with the virus in recent weeks amid a wave of new infections.

A spokesperson for the California Democrat confirmed that she tested positive just as she was set to hold her weekly press conference with reporters. She’s the eighth member of Congress to test positive this week.

“After testing negative this week, Speaker Pelosi received a positive test result for COVID-19 and is currently asymptomatic,” Drew Hammill, Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff, tweeted. “The Speaker is fully vaccinated and boosted, and is thankful for the robust protection the vaccine has provided.”


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6 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

Stop calling it a vaccine...it's more like a Vitamin B shot.....

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday, becoming the latest high-profile Washington official to come down with the virus in recent weeks amid a wave of new infections.

A spokesperson for the California Democrat confirmed that she tested positive just as she was set to hold her weekly press conference with reporters. She’s the eighth member of Congress to test positive this week.

“After testing negative this week, Speaker Pelosi received a positive test result for COVID-19 and is currently asymptomatic,” Drew Hammill, Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff, tweeted. “The Speaker is fully vaccinated and boosted, and is thankful for the robust protection the vaccine has provided.”


There's always alot of false positive testing. I'm not concerned about a virus that would see me asymptomatic and I'd need a test to even know I had it. Pelosi has done more damage to American lives than a virus with an above 98% survival rate.

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So now they are taking the masks off and yet a new shot is out.  What the hell is one to do? I have had the two vaccines and the booster.  Now another damn shot?  I also had the flu shot first time ever, the pneumonia vaccine, the shingles vaccine and then had to go get the new shingrix shingles vaccone, more effective new one that is two visits and cost me $400 total.  So lets see.  Hmmmm.  8 fucking shots?  And counting?  I am a pin cushion.  And with the pills I take daily and the diabetes shot, unreal.  I am not on Trulicity for the curse called type 2.  That is once a week shot instead of morning and night with Insulin.  It is also good to lose weight on.  Not that I am over weight. But he also says less chance of a heart attack.  But you know, seriously, I am NOT AFRAID TO DIE.   I am a firm believer in the next and spiritual life that is eternal.  I welcome the thought of it.  Sure there are things I would like to do before the inevitable occurs.  But time waits for no one.   We have lost many very high profile people over this damn Covid.  And now the fallout from the money that has ben lost is just crazy.  Many are trying to get their money back in one fell swoop.  This is a good time to sell your house. You can get probably 20% average more than you normally would for it.  But good luck getting the new one.  Some good has come of this.  I would say the waterways are cleaner than they have been in years.  Much cleanup has gone on.  Hell, the subways are clean now.  Not that I have ever ridden one.  I hope to see those of you that are left here for a long time.  Hey, its opening day of baseball. Well maybe yesterday but for my team, its today.  

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On 4/7/2022 at 8:29 PM, SteveAJones said:

There's always alot of false positive testing. I'm not concerned about a virus that would see me asymptomatic and I'd need a test to even know I had it. Pelosi has done more damage to American lives than a virus with an above 98% survival rate.

pelosi is thankful for the protections? a fucking condom with 50 holes in it could  have the same effect as well what are we  up to now 5 or 6 shots? lost count, lmao, democrats need  to  realize the world is moving on from this planneddemic and come november no one will listen if you try again for the mid terms

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On 3/16/2022 at 12:16 PM, hummingbird69 said:


I see a diehard dumbass biden voter who thinks what the left has been telling him the truth.   

How many lies have you believed from the left?

That Trump was a russian asset.

That he colluded with russia to steal the election.

That the dossier was real.

That there was a video of trump being pissed on by hookers.

That his phone call with Ukraine was some kind of strong arm tactic to get something he wanted.

That he is putins puppet.

That Trump is racist.

That trump has never condemned white supremacy.

That he called the neo nazis fine people.

That America is inherently racist.

That all white people everywhere are racist no matter what.

That he caused a riot at the capital with the words "To peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard".

That trump is a dictator.

That trump said dead soldiers were losers.

That everything wrong today is trumps fault.

That the inflation we are experiencing is due to putins war and only putins war.

That shutting down the keystone pipeline and stopping other production hasn't meant anything to gas prices.

That covid was some kind of super bug that was going to kill everybody and all the other bullshit they told you.

That trump was responsible for the deaths of people from covid because he didn't act fast enough.

That trump is somehow mentally incapacitated.

That trump would start WWIII.

That trump was making the wrong move by shutting the border with a wall.

That trump was being xenophobic by stopping travel to and from china.

That people should wear a mask that does absolutely nothing to stop you from getting covid or spreading it yourself.

That trump said people should inject themselves with bleach.

That fauci is the only doctor you should listen to during the pandemic.

That any medicine or treatment for covid mentioned by trump was going to kill the person who tried them.

That people who cross the border illegally are a different situation from those flying into the country legally.

Do I need to post more??

 Your real problem is that you believe what the left i.e  politicians wants you to believe.

If you think cuomo is innocent because the case has been dropped then

why doesn't trump get the same reaction from the left when investigation after investigation came up empty and now the lead prosecutors 

investigating trump for that total idiot letitia james have resigned because they know its ALL bullshit too!

If you're going to believe false accusations made by politicians instead of real journalists who name sources and provide real evidence rather than just pointing to anonymous people who do not exist you will get what you get when you vote for tools like those in the White House today.



very nice Hummingbird, all facts that were called lies by the leftist media and big tech, you would think average witted people would start to realize  what was deemed misinformation few months later is factual, but Rhinos and democrats refuse  to move on Hillary for paying and starting the russia hoax, shit this is what Nixon resigned over with watergate, but no arrest, no handcuffs, then Biden the big guy with his  druugy kid making deals with all these countries, yup no investigation, truly sickening

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