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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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2 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

A large part of the problem is that most everyday people cannot buck the system without losing their livelihood. My friend is now being told he must wear a mask at work. I said " If everybody got together and said no more then this would all stop" He said "are you crazy I have a mortgage to pay there's no way I could do that"   He had covid way back when it started he has been fine since, now, his family all have moronicron and some are vaxed and some are not but none of them were together when they got covid so how did the vaxed get it??

As far as I am concerned losing your way to pay your bills and feed your family because you aren't vaxed or won't wear a mask is extortion plain and simple.  Extortion = I try and force you to do something that you don't want to do and when you don't I either make you pay or in this case take your pay away. seems like extortion to me.

The other night a teenager playing hockey with his high school team was killed during the game when he was cut in the neck by a skate when he fell on the ice and another player could not stop in time. 

If this doesn't put the virus in context for people then nothing will. people are dying everyday from one thing or another but we seem to have forgotten this.

Death can come from anywhere at any time but we should stop everything for covid because some people will die.

Death is part of life.

 mandates, fear mongering,  being guilted into conforming or else is all part of the plan to take away our freedoms, what is worse than the scenario of your friend having to choose vaccine or job is when the democrats try to get you dependent on the gov't through "free health care" unlimited unemployment, free college or rent, etc... their goal is to tear apart at our freedoms, regulate us to death and if that doesn't work, then tax us to death, god , november can't come soon enough 

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26 minutes ago, custard pie man said:

can you imagine giving DC  2 more senators or letting Biden expand the courts so we have 9 more Sotomayors running around, god help us all, and like clock work now we have the flu rona coming to a city near you, as for vaccines well I had 2 pfizer shots because my doctor and hematologist strongly encouraged me after having blood clots, I will not get a booster  and wish I didn't vaccinate, nothing seems to make sense and I and probably most of you are tired of the bull shit

I'm beyond tired of the bullshit and now evidence is mounting that Omicron is NOT a COVID-19 variant, rather it is another inadvertent lab leak during gain of function experiments (in South Africa). This is what happens when, upon his admission that he funded gain of function research at the lab in Wuhan, Dr. Fraud-ci and all of his collaborators were not put on trial, and if found guilty, frogged marched to the nearest tree line and hung. 

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I was given a work termination date of January 31st  if not double vaxxed. 

There are so many across the company not complying,  along with many of the vaxxed having to isolate because of either having the virus or being a close contact,  that miraculously I am now not a threat till February 27th.....

What a joke.

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Listen to this Dr!


I've been saying for two years now that if our governments really wanted the best for us, they would be advocating D3, C, Zinc, Quercetin,  melatonin etc along with getting sunlight,  fresh air,  exercise...but NO, they tell us the opposite!

And of course there's that elephant in the room,  IVERMECTIN. 

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2 hours ago, slave to zep said:



Listen to this Dr!


I've been saying for two years now that if our governments really wanted the best for us, they would be advocating D3, C, Zinc, Quercetin,  melatonin etc along with getting sunlight,  fresh air,  exercise...but NO, they tell us the opposite!

And of course there's that elephant in the room,  IVERMECTIN. 

Variants & Viruses  = $ = power = control 


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11 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

I'm beyond tired of the bullshit and now evidence is mounting that Omicron is NOT a COVID-19 variant, rather it is another inadvertent lab leak during gain of function experiments (in South Africa). This is what happens when, upon his admission that he funded gain of function research at the lab in Wuhan, Dr. Fraud-ci and all of his collaborators were not put on trial, and if found guilty, frogged marched to the nearest tree line and hung. 

I was not aware Faucci admitted to that but rather thought he denied then changed the definition of gain of function? Just found out my future son in law who is an officer in the army, (national guard) and has been stationed in providence was called in this past weekend,  many were sick and tested positive, they just moved into a new place during fridays snow storm, wife went sunday to help move them in and son in law  tested positive this morning, my wife was with them all day yesterday so we'll see what happens! interesting Steve how these viruses all seem to be man made, i'm sure a plane full of illegals will be landing at midnight in a city near you and  loaded with untested positive future little democrats

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2 hours ago, custard pie man said:

I was not aware Faucci admitted to that but rather thought he denied then changed the definition of gain of function? Just found out my future son in law who is an officer in the army, (national guard) and has been stationed in providence was called in this past weekend,  many were sick and tested positive, they just moved into a new place during fridays snow storm, wife went sunday to help move them in and son in law  tested positive this morning, my wife was with them all day yesterday so we'll see what happens! interesting Steve how these viruses all seem to be man made, i'm sure a plane full of illegals will be landing at midnight in a city near you and  loaded with untested positive future little democrats

It is fully substantiated, in documents and testimony, that Dr. Fauci did fund experiments at the lab in Wuhan. As with "fully vaccinated", they have attempted to change the definition of "gain of function" to obfuscate the truth.

A plane of illegals will not be landing at a city near me. I saw the writing on the wall when Obama was elected and got the hell out of there, hopefully forever.


Edited by SteveAJones
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Well after 73 pages I think we can all agree on only two things.  First, we're all very tired and burned out from the entire episode.  Two, if you're sick with anything resembling a cold or flu, stay home.  That was true before covid, and that will be true after covid. 

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6 minutes ago, Bong-Man said:

Well after 73 pages I think we can all agree on only two things.  First, we're all very tired and burned out from the entire episode.  Two, if you're sick with anything resembling a cold or flu, stay home.  That was true before covid, and that will be true after covid. 


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3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

It is fully substantiated, in documents and testimony, that Dr. Fauci did fund experiments at the lab in Wuhan. As with "fully vaccinated", they have attempted to change the definition of "gain of function" to obfuscate the truth.

A plane of illegals will not be landing at a city near me. I saw the writing on the wall when Obama was elected and got the hell out of there, hopefully forever.


Oh I know Rand Paul nailed his ass and had evidence that thoroughly nailed Faucci's ass, just saying I thought he denied this and then changed the definition so to avoid jail should some competent republicans take back the house and have  some real investigations and  show some nut! I should say i'm what you would call a first and long here, meaning been following  here for about 20 years, remember knebby and quite a few others but never felt compelled to register until now, also i'm not great on a computer lol, tokyo? good for you

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2 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

Just got my Moderna booster 20 minutes ago...everyone I know has had to call in sick the next day.  It was either get the booster or get tested twice a week.  Failure to do that COULD mean termination.

so once again the goal post have been moved, gotta love it! good luck to you

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3 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

Well after 73 pages I think we can all agree on only two things.  First, we're all very tired and burned out from the entire episode.  Two, if you're sick with anything resembling a cold or flu, stay home.  That was true before covid, and that will be true after covid. 

Sums up everything nicely...:gimmefive:

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55 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

Saw a headline this morning that the Moderna CEO is pushing for authorization of a FOURTH shot now (just as StevenAJones predicted!)

president Biden when pressed to comment said "money has nothing to do with it" it looked to this reporter there was 6 pairs of hands in Bidens pockets as he was  reading from a teleprompter

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