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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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9 hours ago, redrum said:

Be cool. That's one big kitty. 

Hey Red, hope you are doing well. Have you posted any of your music lately. I have tried to find it and haven’t been able too. I hope you are still creating. I have enjoyed all that you have shared. Very impressive, and very interesting music. I hope you are still doing it. 

Have a great night Red. 

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10 hours ago, Plant77 said:

There are no reasonable questions regarding elections and specifically the 2020 presidential election. You really need to dive into it. It was all an absolute bullshit lie because the Pumpkin couldn’t stand to have been beaten. It is all out in the open. Super easy to read that all of his buddies at Faux News absolutely new it. His entire staff, he admitted it. There are several sources. But you go on believing the grift. He is and was a fat piece of shit worst president in the history of our country. I could care less about what side he is on. Red or Blue. But to be the person/people/hillbillies that still think that there was something wrong with our elections is absurd and laughable. 

Having said that, I have enjoyed some of your thoughts on other topics. You really need to give up defending that disgusting, disgraceful human being. He and his entire family are a joke and that he ever became President is a black eye on our history. On top of it, he is a mental midget! Either way, I hope that he wins the nomination for their party. If you want to run on letting the crazies have a platform, well then we can just continue to vote them out.


Good day Sir. 

I love it!. You were told to hate trump by the people you supported and you have completely eaten every lie and mischaracterization they have told about trump. You have no credibility and you have no real arguments to make other than the garbage given to you by those you serve.  like, trump is racist. Everything the biden admin has done has hurt the poorest communities the hardest but I guess that's no big deal for you.  I guess having grown ass men gyrating their hips in a childs face while dressed like ted fucking bundy is something you feel is good for the kids. Thats the biden admin supporting that perverted bullshit not the trump admin.

Time to be objective and forget everything else you have been told and really look at how your life was under trump and imagine if the left hadn't wanted him out even before he won the election which they claimed he stole BTW and constantly screamed orange man bad at you for the last 6 years and compare then to how it is now under biden.

Under trump

No new wars. although your side said he was going to start WWIII. Now that biden has us in a proxy war and the words nuclear war have been seen in the news how do you feel ? You like the irony there??

Trump did away with Isis when obama said it couldn't be done. He kept ill quiet, put china back on their heels and froze russia in it's tracks. They didn't move a tank for 4 years!. As soon as biden got in russia started amassing their war machine on the border of ukraine. I guess that's not a problem for you either? Nothing for 4 years, biden gets in and boom were at war AGAIN!. How do you feel about that?? No biggie for you?

Everything happening now is all on biden and the people who supposedly voted for him. China smells blood in the water.

Trump kept the taliban from doing any killing for the last 2 years of his admin by coming from a place of power. They saw how he dealt with isis and wanted no part of him. As soon as biden took over they killed 13 US soldiers. How do you feel about that? You ok with them leveling sharia law on the country again? Back to beating women and keeping them from getting educated. I'm sure you'd be right there screaming about it if it happened under trump.

Trump kept inflation down and picked the economy up. How's biden's looking? Is it good for you?  highest inflation rate in 40 years!! biden did that not trump.

Under trump I kept more of my own money,  was able to save money while paying down 2 large debts for a bed and dental work. Under trump I always has a couple extra dollars for the kids. Now with biden and you know as well as I do that it's costing you waaaay more than it did just a short 2 years ago. If you say it isn't you're lying. biden did that not trump.

Trump kept gas prices waaaay down. When biden took office gas was 1:38 where I live. How do like them now???

Under Trump we were energy independent and when trump wanted to fill the reserves at 24 dollars a barrel chuck schumer moaned and groaned about giving big oil a 3 billion dollar pay day and that it wouldn't happen under his watch.  How much do you think it will cost now that biden has depleted them? and is schumer going to complain when it comes time to fill back up at todays price of 75 dollars a barrel,  Will you and schumer be ok with giving big oil a nice big fat pay day under biden?  How much do you think it will cost by the time he actually refills it.??

You know who's gonna pay for that? we are.

I hope you're very happy with biden. They have literally done every bad thing they said trump was gonna do and there ready to do more but you think everything's fine because orange man bad isn't in office. You talk about his family like you know them and you call them scum yet it's bidens son who's the scumbag of the millennium.  There is no way you can justify anything biden has done from afghanistan to the people coming over the border and everything in between. There is nothing you can say that's good about the biden admin but you keep on keepin on with bad mouthing trump. What ever makes you feel good and helps you sleep at night.



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I don't often post a political topic, but I couldn't resist. This is what happens when you leave your number one trading partner. The Conservatives policy of Brexit, have fucked this country good and proper. Blaming it on the weather is just an insult to anyone's intelligence.

Britain is the (empty) basket case of Europe as supermarkets ration fruit and veg (msn.com)



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9 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Very well said Sir. Also, I have wanted to mention, your love of STP, Prince, and a few others, as well as your love of the greatest band in the history of music is in the same boat as all of my favorite musicians and bands. I dig the music you post about in the other bands threads. Plus, being a wrestling fan who grew up on Hogan and JYD, and Jake the snake, etc, etc. we have very similar likes. Awesome shit you throw out there. Keep it up. Thanks for all the posts. 

Its not well said, it's complete idiocy!   There is he is running his mouth for the thousands time about trump feeling the election was stolen and with all the bullshit the left has pulled on him since he came down the escalator I think even you would feel the same. But wait there's more. I guess you lefties have very very short memories.  It was hilary clinton and that other dolt jamie raskin who did the exact same thing after trump was elected and I didn't hear one peep out of his or any other lefty idiots mouth about how they were traitors or stupid for feeling the election was rigged. hilary clinton went on a thousand tv shows and said it over and over that trump stole the election and that he was an illegitimate president.  HHHMMM, let me see. The left can cry over what ever they want like total fucking babies but if the pubs see actual evidence of what they feel is wrong doing then suddenly they're traitors and election deniers.

You and all the sanctimonious, self righteous dolts can go jump in a lake.


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The left can cry over what ever they want like total fucking babies but if the pubs see actual evidence of what they feel is wrong doing then suddenly they're traitors and election deniers.

There was no actual evidence.  There was no wrong doing.  60 cases were filed.  Every single one eventually lost, regardless of if they were heard by Republican or Democratic appointed judges.  His own appointed Attorney General told him he lost.  The head of his party told him he lost.  The Supreme Court, which his own ego falsely told him he now controlled through his own appointments, told him he lost.  His response to all this was to incite a planned attack on the Capital with claims of, "We're losing our country" by a bunch of broke, in debt nitwits, who for the most part spent every dime they had to come to Washington to support his false claims. 'Trial by combat' because I can't control the Courts. He brought them there.  He incited them. He told them he was going to march with them and left them out in the cold that day...literally.  He did this with the full intent of stopping the election process and transfer of power as clearly defined in the Constitution. Your 'law enforcement President' also left every uniformed officer from various agencies out to dry to get their heads bashed in by idiots that he incited with false information, as he watched tv from the comfort of the White House like a petulant spoiled 7-year-old.  So much for blue lives matter.  As always defined by Trump, loyalty matters.

And about that loyalty business.  I learned a long time ago the hard way in life, that when someone mentions loyalty to them as an individual, as opposed to loyalty to a cause, company, or institution, RUN LIKE FUCKING HELL!  In the long run, there isn't a good thing that's going to come your way.   

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1 hour ago, Bong-Man said:

There was no actual evidence.  There was no wrong doing.  60 cases were filed.  Every single one eventually lost, regardless of if they were heard by Republican or Democratic appointed judges.  His own appointed Attorney General told him he lost.  The head of his party told him he lost.  The Supreme Court, which his own ego falsely told him he now controlled through his own appointments, told him he lost.  His response to all this was to incite a planned attack on the Capital with claims of, "We're losing our country" by a bunch of broke, in debt nitwits, who for the most part spent every dime they had to come to Washington to support his false claims. 'Trial by combat' because I can't control the Courts. He brought them there.  He incited them. He told them he was going to march with them and left them out in the cold that day...literally.  He did this with the full intent of stopping the election process and transfer of power as clearly defined in the Constitution. Your 'law enforcement President' also left every uniformed officer from various agencies out to dry to get their heads bashed in by idiots that he incited with false information, as he watched tv from the comfort of the White House like a petulant spoiled 7-year-old.  So much for blue lives matter.  As always defined by Trump, loyalty matters.

And about that loyalty business.  I learned a long time ago the hard way in life, that when someone mentions loyalty to them as an individual, as opposed to loyalty to a cause, company, or institution, RUN LIKE FUCKING HELL!  In the long run, there isn't a good thing that's going to come your way.   

 Think what you want. EVERYTHING I posted above is stone cold fact. It's the left that has mischaracterized everything for you and you lapped it up like dog eating his own shit.

As I have said before. The laptop is real and it has evidence of his sons influence peddling with his father. If the left can get all that evidence squashed to influence an election then I'd say then do do just about anything they want because they have many many useful idiots like yourself and others who think biden won that election in the 11th hours with over a hundred thousand votes coming in at the last minute for him.

Think what you want but I say thins. The left characterized jan 6th as a takeover and said that saying the words "peacefully and patriotically" were tantamount to inciting a riot. If that's the country you want to live in then fine but don't come crying to us when the country folds under the lefts bullshit ideology.  

P.S.   Do you really think a president can take over a country and keep the white house and capitol building without any military presence to keep it? Because if you do, you're dumber than the shit you post.

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21 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Hey Red, hope you are doing well. Have you posted any of your music lately. I have tried to find it and haven’t been able too. I hope you are still creating. I have enjoyed all that you have shared. Very impressive, and very interesting music. I hope you are still doing it. 

Have a great night Red. 

Thanks again. Here's my latest. 


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15 minutes ago, cryingbluerain said:

I had similar thoughts about Dementia Joe 3 years ago yet here we are.

Hey... don't fret.
If dementia joe continues to be joe, the left might promote
Pete Butterfudge.
You know, the preppy wife who finally made it to East Palestine, 
prodded (meh)  because Trump came to show national awareness on a fucked up situation.
Butterfudge... sporting a hardhat and orange vest to extoll his Transportation Secretary expertise
and good time rock and roll compassion.

I wonder if his security detail pulled out a bike for him to ride 200' for the photo ops......
He's awesome! 

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7 hours ago, jabe said:

Pete Butterfudge.

To call this unqualified hack a lightweight would be to give too much credit.

Ass Pirate Pete is invisible in the midst of every serious transportation crisis, and as useless as tits on a hog in the aftermath.

Buttigieg meme.jpg

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Yeah, like I said earlier, I don't give 2 shits about Lemon. But, I  assume that was a nice dodge to cover up the GOP wanting a woman who believes this country should observe a "Confederate history month" to lead their party. Does she have a golden statue of Robert E Lee in her garden?

Why would a racist cow upset anyone, even in today's woke culture....

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On 2/22/2023 at 7:40 PM, Plant77 said:

It has been a while since I have heard that word. Excellent! What a great word and choice of application of it. 

Not kissing ass, but your thoughts, replies, and knowledge of the band and history with them are some of my favorite on this site. I really hope you finish some of your tour threads. They are amazing. 

I'm not worthy of your approbation. I am trying to finish and post some more Zeppelin concert stuff but life has a way of interrupting. There has been a lot on my plate in the past year or two, which I don't feel comfortable sharing in public. Suffice to say, when I do a concert post it usually requires about four hours uninterrupted time, due to my slow typing speed. I just have not had that much free time lately.

Keep your spirits up and don't let the gaslighters get to you.

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22 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

🤣 Fuck, that's harsh.

Yeah, it was.  I try to take it easy on the children but there was just something so especially icky and revolting about her performance. I think that is going to stick with her. No matter how talented she actually might be as an actress, every time she goes up for an audition people are going to be reminded of this awful ad and people will react negatively. Eventually, she will have a hard time getting legitimate acting work and have to go underground...maybe deep underground.

Or she'll give it up and get married or become a real estate agent somewhere.

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On 2/23/2023 at 8:31 AM, paul carruthers said:

I guess the Republicans could do worse than Trump. They could possibly nominate Nikki Haley to lead them...:rolleyes:

Are they ready to be lead by a turncoat rhino? What's could her campaign slogan possibly be besides "Vote for me, I have a vagina". It doesn't matter. Any party that loses an election to John Fetterman is a dead political party in my book.

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This weekend I watched the worse movie I ever saw in my life.  A Dutch film titled "Splendid Isolation".  The two sentence description made it sound like a worthwhile drama to watch. It wasn't.  As a matter of fact, even with the description of the movie in mind while I was watching it, they did not correlate!  I STILL have no ides what I just watched!

Absolutely the most abysmal thing ever put on celluloid.......

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Of the first ten phone calls at work today, only two involved actual human customers. The other eight were telemarketing/scam/robo-calls. The phone calls are obvious because when you answer there is a second or two of silence, then a beep or boop, and then some Pakistani or Malaysian is on the line, even though the area code was a local code. Most of the time, I hang up as soon as I hear the silence or the beep. I have never bought anything off the phone or taken a survey or done anything via these bogus calls, nor do I know anyone else who has. What kind of work is it to cold call people only to be hung up on endlessly. How is this a sustainable business model?

What happened to the so-called "do not call" lists? If a politician wants my vote, get rid of telemarketing calls for good.

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1 hour ago, Strider said:

Of the first ten phone calls at work today, only two involved actual human customers. The other eight were telemarketing/scam/robo-calls. The phone calls are obvious because when you answer there is a second or two of silence, then a beep or boop, and then some Pakistani or Malaysian is on the line, even though the area code was a local code. Most of the time, I hang up as soon as I hear the silence or the beep. I have never bought anything off the phone or taken a survey or done anything via these bogus calls, nor do I know anyone else who has. What kind of work is it to cold call people only to be hung up on endlessly. How is this a sustainable business model?

What happened to the so-called "do not call" lists? If a politician wants my vote, get rid of telemarketing calls for good.

I get multiple calls like that everyday. I also get the fake "I'm your grandchild" calls  The last time they called He said Hi grandpa (I have no grandson)  I said whats up, he said I was in a car accident and I broke my nose. The police are charging me with reckless driving and I am very embarrassed.  I said are you ok? He said yes but they want you to call the public defender so he can tell you about the charges. I said, so let me see, you were in a car accident, you have a broken nose, you're in jail and you're very embarrassed. He said yes. I said, GOOD! stay in jail where you belong and I'll call your father and let him know.

Just as I was hanging up I heard him yell DON'T HANG UP MOTHERFUC.... It was the second time that week that they had called my house.  

These people are so stupid.

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