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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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6 minutes ago, redrum said:


I love Santa Cruz, too. 

The weather in Santa Cruz is the best. I lived there for a while, myself. And your neck of the woods is even better! My mom's in Covington. Talk about having a beautiful back yard. Summers in that area of Washington are about as good as it gets. Until recent years, anyway. It's warmed up some, to put it mildly.

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On 2/28/2022 at 3:39 PM, redrum said:

Didn't the Beatles' maharishi buy a 7-11 down there? 😄

God, I hate cords. What a fucking clusterfuck with the computer cord, speaker cords, mouse cord, headphone cord, interface cords, bass amp cord, guitar cords, phone cords, etc. etc. etc. Does it ever fucking end? I'm thinking I must have also hated the umbilical cord. 😄 

You're the OG cord-cutter. I cut the cable cord years ago, haven't missed it once. You forgot about music chords tho! As in, "gosh, does this Yes song need so many chords?"

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1 hour ago, hummingbird69 said:

It's all well and good that right now the russian army looks ragtag and putins invasion looks really bad to the world but he doesn't care. Putin only cares about rebuilding the former soviet union so unless the world stops buying oil from putin he will have the urkraine and maybe more if he wants.

Maybe you could afford to go to work and do all you have to do at ten dollars a gallon but the vast majority of Americans cannot afford 5$ a gallon for very long.


And therein lay the problem with this country in a nutshell. No one wants to sacrifice a single thing for other people if doing so would inconvenience themselves in so much as the slightest degree. We have become a nation of "Hey! Get off my lawn!!!!!" while being too damn lazy to work that ass off the burka-lounger to actually get them off the lawn. 


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5 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Look who's talking about ad hominem attacks, the guy who does so consistently!

Oh and your precious Russians have been at it a week and have captured one city off the Black Sea and their 40 mile convoy is stalled due to lack of supplies. Meanwhile, Russian soldiers are defecting, leaving their vehicles while their families are back in Russia protesting the war in the streets. On the world stage Russia's economy is on the brink of collapse and even Switzerland has seized all that sweet oligarch loot. They have become an isolated country despised by all. As far as I'm concerned gas can go to $10 a gallon if it means Russia's defeat in Ukraine and Putin being sent to gulag.

Old Vlad better think of something fast otherwise he will be erased by those oligarchs ala a Stalin photo op.

If you say so. I've heard most of this for 20 years.

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3 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

 Maybe you could afford to go to work and do all you have to do at ten dollars a gallon but the vast majority of Americans cannot afford 5$ a gallon for very long.

Yep, hard times coming if this situation isn't resolved soon.

$125 Oil Could Push The U.S. Into A Recession


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5 hours ago, 1975NQ said:

The weather in Santa Cruz is the best. I lived there for a while, myself. And your neck of the woods is even better! My mom's in Covington. Talk about having a beautiful back yard. Summers in that area of Washington are about as good as it gets. Until recent years, anyway. It's warmed up some, to put it mildly.

Covington's right up the road from me. Too crowded and too much traffic for me. If I could find a low rent (😄😆) place in Santa Cruz I'd move there in a heartbeat.

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5 hours ago, 1975NQ said:

You're the OG cord-cutter. I cut the cable cord years ago, haven't missed it once. You forgot about music chords tho! As in, "gosh, does this Yes song need so many chords?"

I dropped cable TV too. Best decision ever. Now 'chords' are a different story. I suck at guitar, but recently posted this 'short thing' on Freesound. 


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7 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

And therein lay the problem with this country in a nutshell. No one wants to sacrifice a single thing for other people if doing so would inconvenience themselves in so much as the slightest degree. We have become a nation of "Hey! Get off my lawn!!!!!" while being too damn lazy to work that ass off the burka-lounger to actually get them off the lawn. 


We don't need to sacrifice anything for anyone. This country was energy independent just 16 moths ago. Had biden not shut down the keystone pipeline and ok'd the nord steam we would not be in this situation. killing our energy sector was one of the most stupid things biden could have done to this country and the world as we now have to ask the very same person to send more oil and make him richer while we tell him how despicable he is.

Makes sense!


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3 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

We don't need to sacrifice anything for anyone. This country was energy independent just 16 moths ago. Had biden not shut down the keystone pipeline and ok'd the nord steam we would not be in this situation. killing our energy sector was one of the most stupid things biden could have done to this country and the world as we now have to ask the very same person to send more oil and make him richer while we tell him how despicable he is.

Makes sense!


The US has never been energy independent because we do not have nationalized energy. Since around 2001 the US has produced enough energy domestically to be technically energy independent, however, since we live in something called a free-market, capitalist economy, all of the oil & gas MUST be sold on the world market and then purchased back at an inflated rate because, capitalism. Only nations which nationalize their energy are energy independent. A nationalized energy system is when all domestically produced oil & gas must be used domestically and only the surplus is allowed to be sold on the world market. Iran did this in 1953 and the US immediately responded by staging a coup.

Keystone pipeline has nothing to do with energy independence and everything to do with increasing the profits for the oil producers and refineries. All the pipeline did was cut transportation costs by 90% to increase profit. Every single drop of that oil was destined for, you guessed it, the world market. Also, the US is the largest producer of crude oil in the world, producing and selling more than either Russia or Saudi Arabia.

How about you do some basic research regarding oil & energy production within a capitalist, free-market system before you post.

Where our oil comes from - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Edited by BobDobbs
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34 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

The US has never been energy independent because we do not have nationalized energy. Since around 2001 the US has produced enough energy domestically to be technically energy independent, however, since we live in something called a free-market, capitalist economy, all of the oil & gas MUST be sold on the world market and then purchased back at an inflated rate because, capitalism. Only nations which nationalize their energy are energy independent. A nationalized energy system is when all domestically produced oil & gas must be used domestically and only the surplus is allowed to be sold on the world market. Iran did this in 1953 and the US immediately responded by staging a coup.

Keystone pipeline has nothing to do with energy independence and everything to do with increasing the profits for the oil producers and refineries. All the pipeline did was cut transportation costs by 90% to increase profit. Every single drop of that oil was destined for, you guessed it, the world market. Also, the US is the largest producer of crude oil in the world, producing and selling more than either Russia or Saudi Arabia.

How about you do some basic research regarding oil & energy production within a capitalist, free-market system before you post.

Where our oil comes from - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

You can think what ever you want. Gas prices were lower now they are higher much higher. That rise started well before this russian thing.  It started right after biden killed the xl, cause and effect?  I think so.



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1 hour ago, BobDobbs said:

The US has never been energy independent because we do not have nationalized energy. Since around 2001 the US has produced enough energy domestically to be technically energy independent, however, since we live in something called a free-market, capitalist economy, all of the oil & gas MUST be sold on the world market and then purchased back at an inflated rate because, capitalism. Only nations which nationalize their energy are energy independent. A nationalized energy system is when all domestically produced oil & gas must be used domestically and only the surplus is allowed to be sold on the world market. Iran did this in 1953 and the US immediately responded by staging a coup.

Keystone pipeline has nothing to do with energy independence and everything to do with increasing the profits for the oil producers and refineries. All the pipeline did was cut transportation costs by 90% to increase profit. Every single drop of that oil was destined for, you guessed it, the world market. Also, the US is the largest producer of crude oil in the world, producing and selling more than either Russia or Saudi Arabia.

How about you do some basic research regarding oil & energy production within a capitalist, free-market system before you post.

Where our oil comes from - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Well said. I was just having this conversation with my FOX loving in-laws at dinner the other night. The same people who throw around "socialism" "communism" because they don't understand the words actually have a meaning are the same ones who think if we keep drilling, it'll lower our costs. I also just shake my head when anyone tries to compare gas prices from 16-20 months ago to today....nobody was on the f'ing roads a year and a half ago. Oil was at it's lowest price per barrel in modern history and now companies want to make back the profits they lost during the lockdown. It's pretty simple to understand. Unless of course you have a predetermined narrative you are trying to use...

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14 minutes ago, paul carruthers said:

I'm always wondered why there's ever only 2 Sour Apple or Watermelon lollipops when you buy one of those big bag of Blow Pops? The 2 best flavors, even...  🤔

Now THAT'S what I call a random thought....and a very good question too (I agree, those are my favorites as well)!

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2 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

The US has never been energy independent because we do not have nationalized energy. Since around 2001 the US has produced enough energy domestically to be technically energy independent, however, since we live in something called a free-market, capitalist economy, all of the oil & gas MUST be sold on the world market and then purchased back at an inflated rate because, capitalism. Only nations which nationalize their energy are energy independent. A nationalized energy system is when all domestically produced oil & gas must be used domestically and only the surplus is allowed to be sold on the world market. Iran did this in 1953 and the US immediately responded by staging a coup.

Keystone pipeline has nothing to do with energy independence and everything to do with increasing the profits for the oil producers and refineries. All the pipeline did was cut transportation costs by 90% to increase profit. Every single drop of that oil was destined for, you guessed it, the world market. Also, the US is the largest producer of crude oil in the world, producing and selling more than either Russia or Saudi Arabia.

How about you do some basic research regarding oil & energy production within a capitalist, free-market system before you post.

Where our oil comes from - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

"Nationalized energy"..."all the pipeline did"... good grief.

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Dropping cable is probably the one of the best things I ever did. It saved me the trouble of complaining about having 100+ channels and nothing good ever being on, especially when the good content out there is available online, even the sports games.

Cable might be turning into an endangered species & I won't miss it much....

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46 minutes ago, paul carruthers said:

Dropping cable is probably the one of the best things I ever did. It saved me the trouble of complaining about having 100+ channels and nothing good ever being on, especially when the good content out there is available online, even the sports games.

Cable might be turning into an endangered species & I won't miss it much....

I agree completely!  Dropped Direct TV in December 2020 after complaining when my bill went up $120 over night.  Called their customer service (like I had to every frickin' year) only to be told  "I'm sorry, you're not eligible for any discount!"

That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

And just last month they had the gall to call me last month.  I screen calls, but when I saw it was Direct TV, curiosity got the best of me.  They introduced themselves and said "We miss you and we would like to offer you our package for $60 a month".  I told them, "I am SO glad you called me"...then went on a five minute rant about how horrible their service is, how their business model is driving away what few customers they have left and then thanked them for pushing me to cut the cord, as that was one of the best things I have ever done in my life!  

Not expecting a return call from them any time soon.

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3 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

I've always wondered why there's ever only 2 Sour Apple or Watermelon lollipops when you buy one of those big bag of Blow Pops? The 2 best flavors, even...  🤔

Same with Tootsie Pops. Usually only one or two chocolate or strawberry in the bag. The dumbasses can't figure out that they could just sell more by offering one flavor in each bag?

She's so fine my $4.09. Gas was $3.99 two weeks ago. It went up to $4.09 and now it's $4.19. Can't the CIA assassinate that ass? Where art thou, drone? 

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5 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

You can think what ever you want. Gas prices were lower now they are higher much higher. That rise started well before this russian thing.  It started right after biden killed the xl, cause and effect?  I think so.



No you dope, it started as a result of supply issues related to COVID initially. Then you have the whole unregulated free-market which is in reality what is causing inflation. As the majority of companies are now owned by a handful of global conglomerates like Blackstone, we no longer have a real free-market but a monopoly who regularly meets to set pricing. This is all a result of the Sherman Anti-Trust laws not being enforced since the early 80's. The US nor most countries operating under a capitalist model have a true free-market as players like Amazon either buy up competitors, or lower their prices in a particular market until the competition is forced to sell and then those process go up...way up.

So, to recap, Biden is not directly responsible for the inflation or gas prices per se. However, he could by executive order place regulations into the system and start enforcing the Sherman Anti-Trust laws. This would result in a return to a truer free-market system of which real competition would stop inflation, lower prices, and increase quality. But, if he did that, I am sure people like you would start crying socialism, fascism, or some other nonsense. 

I really wish people would just educate themselves how things work, both the current unregulated free-market system and government in general and the evolution of both over time. But, I guess its more fun for people like you to believe whatever nonsense you want and post absolute rubbish.

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Just went through something similar with my truck. I thought the battery was 'good.' Replaced the starter, relay and key switch. This is called reparing it ass backwards. Come to find it was the battery. Either way it cost about the same to replace the parts as it would a battery. I just put my old Mercedes battery in the truck and it fired right up. 


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