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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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23 hours ago, kipper said:

I personally am no big fan of the orange man; he says things which I feel don't need to be said sometimes. But that said, America is not being well served by either side of the political aisle, we deserve better, and we deserve leaders capable of leading, being statesmen, and NOT solely in the pockets of any corporation, union, or even government regulators.

So, when you mention "partisan" my UK friend, have you any idea just how far from "democratic" the once democratic party is today?   A party machine willing to censor free speech, "cancel" all opposition---even fellow democrats, and who are in lock step with corporations, neo-cons (yeah other republicans) in perpetuating forever wars around the globe.  

If it were that the democrats stood for democracy I would want to be one. And if it were that Republicans stood for liberty and limited government, I would want to be that too.  But NEITHER are what they once were. JFK would be kicked out of the Democrat party today for being too conservative and against foreign wars. Ronald Reagan would not be welcome in todays Republican party, because he was willing to compromise with Democrats and willing seek solutions.

What I am telling you JTM, is that there is way more to what is going here than you are reading about across the pond, usually from very "partisan" news outlets.

I believe MOST Americans would prefer better choices than Trump or Harris, or Biden, or Hillary, but this system currently doesn't make allowances for much dissent from either side of the spectrum, and why you will begin to see more leaders cross over party lines, or declare independence from the two political "machines"-- neither of which actually seeks to serve the best interest of the public.

Yeah, Trump makes me uncomfortable, but he is an outsider even in his own party. RFK jr also an outsider, same with Tulsi Gabbard.  I wish we had a viable 3rd, or even 4th party here, but that is something that BOTH the democrats and Republicans fear most.  The ability of the people to have more choices, more control, and assigned to only a set partisan formula.

Thanks for the reply Kipper.

It definitely looks like the undecided have some difficult choices to make in the forthcoming election. I can't really give you a qualified response.

Looking in as an outsider/observer a vote for Harris/Wallz seems the better choice over Trump/Vance. I find it mind boggling that the Republicans even have Trump as their choice as candidate, is it desperation. All politicians twist the truth for their own ends but Trump takes that tactic to another level "unseen in numbers never seen before".

Most of how I form my opinions isn't from the UK media, they're from Stateside YouTube vloggers such as "Meidastouch Network" "David Pakman" "Farron Balanced/The Ring of Fire" "Jesse Dollemore", a few others, none of whom one would call pro Trump, so maybe I.'m a little biased towards the Blue side.

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13 minutes ago, slave to zep said:

Ah thanks!

As a by the way, don't tell anyone but I'm really smitten with Zofia who is probably among the Top 10 most beautiful women on the planet. It's really something because she's not my type but the heart wants what the heart wants. 😅

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3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

As a by the way, don't tell anyone but I'm really smitten with Zofia who is probably among the Top 10 most beautiful women on the planet. It's really something because she's not my type but the heart wants what the heart wants. 😅

She is beautiful,  like her mum.

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On 8/2/2024 at 2:16 AM, chillumpuffer said:

Whatever happened to my good friend @Walter ?

Hey there brotha! I’m still around, just not checking in very often. My life has had a few changes and I’m finding happiness on a new level. I hope you are doing well my friend. :peace: 

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6 hours ago, Walter said:

Hey there brotha! I’m still around, just not checking in very often. My life has had a few changes and I’m finding happiness on a new level. I hope you are doing well my friend. :peace: 

I am currently in Portugal, Golfing with Mrs CP. Unfortunately I have Covid which I assume I picked up on the plane. Our final game today before we head East to a Villa for a week. Covid ain't get to stop me hitting the fairway today. 

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7 hours ago, Reggie29 said:

Why did they pick 9/11 to hold the debate on such an infamous date in America's history?

Since it's only 9/10 here, I think the answer is they didn't

Edited by ebk
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11 minutes ago, Reggie29 said:

So, people and more specifically illegal aliens, are eating the pets of Americans?

He doesn't disappoint, the scatterbrained master of disinformation got his arse kicked, by a woman!?

It's happening in other countries as well and it's documented on videos. The ABC moderator's attempt to debunk it revealed the underlying fake news bias.

Speaking of disinformation, did they find those bats in the Wuhan wet market yet?

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20 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

It's happening in other countries as well and it's documented on videos. The ABC moderator's attempt to debunk it revealed the underlying fake news bias.

Speaking of disinformation, did they find those bats in the Wuhan wet market yet?

Perhaps in Asian countries cats and dogs are considered delicacies but not so much in the West.

It was reported that in Springfield, Iowa a dog went missing and given there is some Haitian migrants living there the racist xenophobes instantly blamed them and nutjob conspiracy theorists said they consumed it, and it went viral on the internet. Talk about fake news.

What has the wet market in Wuhan got to do with the debate?

Speaking of bats, the buzz phrase of late is Trumpshit Crazy....

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To be fair, just because a city official says there is no evidence of it occurring, doesn't make the statement false.  Trump also brought up the Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, Colorado taking over apartment buildings.  I live in Colorado.  A Republican council woman brought up the activity and was quickly brushed off by the mayor, the governor and a Senator (all Dems BTW).  So a video came out showing those illegal immigrants in masks, armed with pistols and rifles busting down apartment doors and robbing the occupants.  Now those same Dems are saying "Well, it's not as bad as is being reported!"

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On 9/6/2024 at 2:42 AM, chillumpuffer said:

I am currently in Portugal, Golfing with Mrs CP. Unfortunately I have Covid which I assume I picked up on the plane. Our final game today before we head East to a Villa for a week. Covid ain't get to stop me hitting the fairway today. 

I think I had it a couple of weeks ago, didn’t test just laid in bed for a day or two. Glad to hear from you! Also happy to hear you are hitting the links while in Portugal! Enjoy the villa. 

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14 hours ago, Reggie29 said:

Perhaps in Asian countries cats and dogs are considered delicacies but not so much in the West.

It was reported that in Springfield, Iowa a dog went missing and given there is some Haitian migrants living there the racist xenophobes instantly blamed them and nutjob conspiracy theorists said they consumed it, and it went viral on the internet. Talk about fake news.

What has the wet market in Wuhan got to do with the debate?

Speaking of bats, the buzz phrase of late is Trumpshit Crazy....

that saying applies to you and anyone who listens to what the dems have to say. They will lie right to your face and expect you to accept it hook line and sinker.

What has the wet market have to do with the debate?? Nothing but it is another big lie the left wanted you to believe.

Here is a video of the people of Springfield talking about whats been going on there. 

Lies the tell about trump,

Russian collusion = Hoax

Charlottesville = Hoax  biden ran on this lie and they still want you to believe he was talking about the nazis. He denounced them ITS ON FUCKING VIDEO. so who was he talking about then??   He was talking about the people of the charlottesville who didnt want a mob to be able to come into their town and demand changes be made under a threat of violence and mayhem.  

check this guy he was like you.  https://nypost.com/2024/08/29/opinion/how-i-learned-the-truth-of-the-medias-very-fine-trump-lies/

Trump called them suckers and losers = Hoax you can believe that asshole general who was fired by Trump and has an axe to grind or the 19 other people WHO WERE THERE and said it didn't happen.

Trump said he didn't like mccain. NOT A HOAX here's why. It was mccain that brought the now famously debunked russian dossier to the fbi and the media. I dare say that if anyone was doing something like that to you you'd be pissed about too.

The laptop from hell, NOT A HOAX  but you were told by the left that it was and they got 50 x cia to go along with it. That's power to control the narrative. If they can control 50 x cia people then they can control anything they want. You should smarten up.

Trump says the left wants abortion up to and even after death. The left says it's a lie. NOT A LIE you can watch the video of The governor of virginia saying exactly what Trump said he said. ITS ON VIDEO

Trump handled covid badly. = HOAX

Do you remember all the memorials biden had for those who died during Trumps admin???  Those memorials stopped the moment biden got in office and the truth is more people died from covid during his admin than under Trump.

Trumps tax cuts only worked for rich people = LIE  I am living proof that the tax cuts worked for the middle and lower class. I had way more money in my pocket under Trump than I do now. Why, because inflation was at 1.4% gas was under 2 dollars a gallon and the prices of groceries was affordable. Plus there was more money in my check!

Look at where we are now but kamala gonna fix it. Rrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

there are plenty more lefty lies about Trump.  You can take the red pill and wake up and see that the left are the ones pulling the wool over your eyes or you can remain nicely embedded in your tank of saline and live in their fantasy world.





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5 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

that saying applies to you and anyone who listens to what the dems have to say. They will lie right to your face and expect you to accept it hook line and sinker.

What has the wet market have to do with the debate?? Nothing but it is another big lie the left wanted you to believe.

Here is a video of the people of Springfield talking about whats been going on there. 

Lies the tell about trump,

Russian collusion = Hoax

Charlottesville = Hoax  biden ran on this lie and they still want you to believe he was talking about the nazis. He denounced them ITS ON FUCKING VIDEO. so who was he talking about then??   He was talking about the people of the charlottesville who didnt want a mob to be able to come into their town and demand changes be made under a threat of violence and mayhem.  

check this guy he was like you.  https://nypost.com/2024/08/29/opinion/how-i-learned-the-truth-of-the-medias-very-fine-trump-lies/

Trump called them suckers and losers = Hoax you can believe that asshole general who was fired by Trump and has an axe to grind or the 19 other people WHO WERE THERE and said it didn't happen.

Trump said he didn't like mccain. NOT A HOAX here's why. It was mccain that brought the now famously debunked russian dossier to the fbi and the media. I dare say that if anyone was doing something like that to you you'd be pissed about too.

The laptop from hell, NOT A HOAX  but you were told by the left that it was and they got 50 x cia to go along with it. That's power to control the narrative. If they can control 50 x cia people then they can control anything they want. You should smarten up.

Trump says the left wants abortion up to and even after death. The left says it's a lie. NOT A LIE you can watch the video of The governor of virginia saying exactly what Trump said he said. ITS ON VIDEO

Trump handled covid badly. = HOAX

Do you remember all the memorials biden had for those who died during Trumps admin???  Those memorials stopped the moment biden got in office and the truth is more people died from covid during his admin than under Trump.

Trumps tax cuts only worked for rich people = LIE  I am living proof that the tax cuts worked for the middle and lower class. I had way more money in my pocket under Trump than I do now. Why, because inflation was at 1.4% gas was under 2 dollars a gallon and the prices of groceries was affordable. Plus there was more money in my check!

Look at where we are now but kamala gonna fix it. Rrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

there are plenty more lefty lies about Trump.  You can take the red pill and wake up and see that the left are the ones pulling the wool over your eyes or you can remain nicely embedded in your tank of saline and live in their fantasy world.





I don't "listen" to Democrats or Republicans or watch any biased news services such as CNN, Fox or any of the others regardless of their political leanings.

Rather I watch firsthand reported actual political rallies and in this case debates of which Trump lost and is doubtful of fronting up for a second knowing he isn't a chance of beating her.

Frankly, both parties are fucked up as are most if not all, in Western democracies. Self first, Party second and the country (people) last. The first two are interchangeable depending on the personality of the politician.

Both tell lies or at least stretch the truth and make promises rarely kept, to gain popularity and win elections.

As for Chinese and / or Russian election interference or collusion, nothing is beyond governments, domestic or foreign. What about the Iran Contra Affair under Reagan's Republican administration?

Some truths about Trump:

He is a convicted felon awaiting sentencing. The tight arse billionaire even asked his supporters, the people who most likely couldn't afford it, to help pay for his legal fees. 

He incited a "demonstration" in that his supporters attacked and vandalised a government building where someone died. Has he offered to pay lawyers for any of those arrested and brought before the courts? NO!

He is a lecherous misogynistic predator who even propositioned many of his Miss Universe beauty pageant contestants, even our own Jennifer Hawkins. (Mind you, had he done that here in Australia her boyfriend, a professional NRL football player would've punched the cunt out of him, bodyguards or not.)

Draft dodging coward who disrespected veterans and his own military in general.

He put forward a suggestion for people to use (either by inhaling or through the skin, injection or application?) bleach to "cure" Covid.

He introduced tax cuts only for the wealthy and gave nothing in tax relief to hard working Americans and their families.

Refute any of those.

Edited by Reggie29
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