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Gift for Jimmy


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Oh you all....you're so sweet. I am excited for everyone that put a message in the book that I didn't let you down and Jimmy actually has them to read. Lady Raven I agree - it is crazy to think about! I've been rather speechless the past 48 hours, a condition I am not normally in!

I am certain he will love every message in there. All his fans that wrote in were so genuinely full of love and respect for him and I am so glad he has a record of that. Like I said before, it's great to have the praise of fellow musicians and other celebrities, but no one can top what his ordinary fans had to say. I hope the messages will affect him like his music affects us, because they are powerful and just plain honest and real. And like his music, they contain all the emotions of life. Jimmy has amazing fans! :thanku:

I do have a few ideas about another project, and I will let you all know if I get it going. But the Knebworth project is my priority of the moment now.

My mum looked at me strange when I was telling her about it because I was so excited and then she said- yeah, whatever. Never do I usually say anything about Jimmy or Jimmy related around her because it's so awkward. :blink:

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LOL...yeah I get looked at strange if I start to go on about Jimmy too much. Hazard of living with a family that doesn't succumb to his numerous charms...somehow. :huh:

But at least I can close out this thread now by saying mission accomplished! Dreams really can come true.... :)

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I have a tear in my eye reading this thread I think we all wish we had come up with this idea and followed up on it. Make no mistake PageAngel your a special person and you deserve all the kudos sent you way and from the bottom of my heart thank you for showing Jimmy how much his fans adore him !!!

Peace, RjK

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Awesome that he got it, he will love it no doubt! Knowing that Jimmy will read something I wrote is awesome, even though its just one of many messages in the book.

PageAngel, thanks from the bottom of my heart for following through with this, I'm thrilled! I'm sure you will hear from Page himself, you deserve more than anybody to meet him imo.

Edited by tom kid
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Annie, so glad he finally got the book! I was fortunate to get a message off to him, even if it was small. I hope he reads and enjoys the work you went thru and the expense! I, too, don't let my family or friends know about this. The music I listen to and follow is my own private passion.

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Gosh all these thanks for me! You're all very welcome. I feel silly taking any thanks though because it wasn't really work talking to other people who are fans of Jimmy's. It was great fun! I've made a lot of nice internet friends through the project. It was all good, and to think that Jimmy has it, well...it's perfect. :yay:

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Gosh all these thanks for me! You're all very welcome. I feel silly taking any thanks though because it wasn't really work talking to other people who are fans of Jimmy's. It was great fun! I've made a lot of nice internet friends through the project. It was all good, and to think that Jimmy has it, well...it's perfect. :yay:

PageAngel, I have been checking this forum thread regularly with interest and want to say how pleased I am for you that he finally has such a wonderful gift. Shame I didn't know about it earlier as I would have loved to have been included, but never mind.

I am in the privileged position of having met Jimmy twice and in the highly unlikely event it ever happens again, I'll ask him about it:-)

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Well everyone, Jimmy has the book. Here is what I was told by the person who gave it to him...

"Jimmy took it away with him at the end of our meeting. He was very impressed by the whole design and craftsmanship and thought it really was a beautiful piece of work. He was also very touched by the messages he read in just the short-time he looked at it while we were together – and said that he would spend more time reading it at another time. He asked me to thank you for such a thoughtful and wonderful gift and that he was looking forward to looking at it more closely."

Oh my goodness I am so thrilled to pieces he likes it. I hope it gives him lots of joy to read, and of course, one of those amazing smiles of his! :wub:

Thanks so much everyone for all your nice messages of encouragement in this thread while I fretted over this. I am so very happy!! And a bit amazed to think that I have actually given the man I admire most in the world a gift he likes! :cheer: Oh I can die a happy, happy woman now!

Amazing! :cheer: I'm glad you were able to get it to him. :thumbsup:

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OMG, how only I could miss that thread?

Page Angel, that´s so awesome... congrats to you, you did such a beautiful job :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

And you all lucky people, who sent the messages to Jimmy- congrats too :thumbsup:

I´m so happy, that Jimmy loved the book. I was reading all the great comments in this thread and I was very touched-I don´t want to sound too sentimental, but-you will not believe me- I have cried, it is just so beautiful, do something like this for our beloved Pagey...

I´m so sad, that I couldn´t add a message , because I was not here yet, I´m a new fan, I´m here on the forum since March...

Jimmy´s music is one of the most amazing things life gave me. He is a stunning player, a musical genius and also a fascinating personality with great and good heart plus a gorgeous man as well :wub:

And I couldn´t tell him, how much he means for me-I will regret it to the end of my life :boohoo:

You really did an awesome thing!


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I'm glad so many of you liked the book, and super glad he liked it! It was a marathon project, but really I enjoyed doing it. Jimmy is a wonderfully positive influence on my life and I wanted to thank him for that.

You can still send him a message Spacewoman. The Knebworth exhibit of Zep memorabilia I am organising this August as a tribute to the band will have a guest book for each of them that will be sent to them when the exhibit ends in September. You can sign the books online if you can't make it to the exhibit. Just go here: memoriesinmusic.com and click on 'Guestbooks' on the left.

For anyone who wants to send a message, please remember that this is a thanks to them for their music. Please don't write anything too long, anything inappropriate, and please, don't send pictures, your address, phone numbers, or ask them for ANYTHING. Anything other than nice messages of thanks will be deleted, and will be removed from the books at Knebworth too. You wouldn't think I'd have to say that, but sadly I do.... :blink:

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