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Zeppelin Movie, anyone?

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Someone on Jimmy's imdb board said that Will Ferrell should play Robert. This is yet another thing to add to my list of reasons why imdb scares me.

I personally said that I think Johnny Depp could play Jimmy, but that's only because I want him to play every role... ever.

Will Ferrell as Robert? LOL. Johnny Depp can play anyone!! Hey he channeled Keith Richards in Pirates of the Carribbean, so anything is possible. I have always wondered though if any of the members of Zeppelin have ever been offered any acting roles.

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There was supposed to be a biopic of Peter Grant in production at one stage with (I think) Jason Donovan being concidered for Robert Plant!

I wouldn't want a movie anyway. Just the real thing back on stage.

JASON DONOVAN?!?! JASON DONAVAN?!?! Robert plant is an influential man and for him to be played by a nobody who has done nothing for no one would be a great injustice to Led Zeppelin and the world.

I would like to see Robert Plant played by......well i don't know just not Jason donovan Or Ashton Kuthcher

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JASON DONOVAN?!?! JASON DONAVAN?!?! Robert plant is an influential man and for him to be played by a nobody who has done nothing for no one would be a great injustice to Led Zeppelin and the world.

I would like to see Robert Plant played by......well i don't know just not Jason donovan Or Ashton Kuthcher

actually, I beg to differ, I believe that if you could find good actors to play all four, the movie would be better with four unknowns. that way, the audience would have no prior biases towards those actors, no thinking of one actor as generally a comedy actor or generally a thriller/action actor. I kind of prefer movies with the unknowns, you're free to see them as they are in the movie, not as they are in your mind, you've never seen them before so there's nothing to soil their impression on you. plus they're usually cheaper to hire, so you can put the money into making it a great movie, as opposed to blowing it all on the ability to put famous names on the movie posters.

Edited by Zephyrus
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I'm against a dramatization. Not that I wouldn't watch such a thing, but what are the chances it'll be any better than any other rock biopic? Pretty mediocre genre. I think the chances that it would be a HOTG-esque piece of shit are depressingly high.

If, on the other hand, Martin Scorcese wanted to do a "No Direction Home" style documentary about Zeppelin, I'd say yes, yes, a thousand times yes!!!

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Yes, Malcolm McLaren took out an option or bought the rights to Hammer of the Gods the book, to make the Peter Grant story.

I cannot think of someone I could trust less than Malcom McLaren with the Led Zeppelin story. God, I hope it never happens.

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I don't think that a biopic would work. To encompass the entire history of Led Zeppelin into a film would miss the point and would end up being a film that tries to bridge the gaps between recreations of famous photographs. This has happened countless times in dramatizations about artists.

What I think would make a good film would be drama that focuses on focused portions of their careers. You could make a whole movie about the first few meeetings betwen Robert and Jimmy. A dialogue contrasting the differences between a down to earth midlands boy and an accomplished urbane maybe even jaded music pro who has taken an interest in an exotic religion. A good script writer could convery the exhiliration of those first few meetings. How do they plan to merge blues with european mysticism? To use the light and the shade. It would be evident that they intend to take musical success farther than it has ever been taken.

Another movie could be made from Jonesy's point of view. How does he maintain his normalcy amongst the madness. And there is tragedy that could be gleaned from John Bonham's last few days.

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actually, I beg to differ, I believe that if you could find good actors to play all four, the movie would be better with four unknowns. that way, the audience would have no prior biases towards those actors, no thinking of one actor as generally a comedy actor or generally a thriller/action actor. I kind of prefer movies with the unknowns, you're free to see them as they are in the movie, not as they are in your mind, you've never seen them before so there's nothing to soil their impression on you. plus they're usually cheaper to hire, so you can put the money into making it a great movie, as opposed to blowing it all on the ability to put famous names on the movie posters.

Excellent point about unknowns playing the roles. I would also love to see some sort of documentary though, with in depth interviews with all the guys throughout the years they were together, as well as concert footage of course.

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I think that it's a grate idea, but it must be done carefuly because if it isn't good, it will dirt Led Zeppelin's name. a documental is a very good idea, too. a biography, how they met, how they start, how they created what we call rock and roll, and how they made history. I won't miss it.

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Although a movie would no doubt be full of holes, I do live in hope of a proper official documentary, along the lines of The Beatles' Anthology TV series, which was fantastic. It's very true that Led Zeppelin has always thrived on mystery and generally keeping their mouths shut, but a documentary which really focussed on the music creation and live performances might be agreeable to them. Maybe.

I've often thought that someone creative and with a bit of time on their hands could put together a decent documentary using footage off of YouTube. Would be completely bootleg, but that doesn't seem to bother many people these days. If it was done convincingly and honestly then, who knows, Jimmy Page might see it and get it remade professionally. Dream on, I know.

this would be the way to do this one. even the "legends" VH1 thing was very watchable....an official documentary would be even better.

for a feature film

i thought billy crudup was servicable in "almost famous" and he has been just short of magnificent in other things (jesus's son and the elephant man on broadway). i could see him in the JP role...

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To do it with any kind of quality would be nearly impossible. "Ray", and "Walk the Line" were quality docudramas IMO. However, Jamie Foxx was already a trained classical pianist. Joaquin Phoenix learned to play and sing for his part as well as Reese Witherspoon. With Zeppelin you could only do a fair imitation with professional musicians. Certainly not actors.

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There was supposed to be a biopic of Peter Grant in production at one stage with (I think) Jason Donovan being concidered for Robert Plant!

I wouldn't want a movie anyway. Just the real thing back on stage.

Thats really the only Zep based film I'd be interested in seeing, great character and also a great personal story with his desent into addiction and recovery.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tell me what you think… would any of you wish that a movie (a feature film) about Led Zeppelin was made?

If so, who'd be the actors?

What's the best title for such a movie?

I, on my part would love to see such a thing- tastefully done of course.

That would be just wonderful, kind of like the book thats coming out in September. The move would have to be called none other than Led Zeppelin. Maybe Val Kilmer as Jimmy, He did such a good job playing morrison of the Doors. A seriouse Jack Black as Bonzo, Heath Ledger at Robert...oops I guess not, how about....I've drawn a blank. Who to play JPJ and Robert. If only, If it was well done and Jimmy was producer it would be a block buster! Although a documentry would be much better, with live music.

Edited by lusting4jimmy
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I don't see it possible to make a single film about the band.

Even at 'Godfather' length, the film would probably leave out too much valuable material.

The fact is too many people who aren't deeply affectionate about the band would only want a scandal movie, like The Doors, filled with all the gossip and bogus Hammer of the Gods lore. While I do condemn this type of film, leaving out the drugs, the groupies and the excess would be a huge mistake too. It was a part of their lives for a majority of their touring period-but to focus the film largely on their excesses is just wrong and not smart film-making at all. I have too much respect for all four members and their families to make a film that shows them as drug-fueled junkies, because they were not. However, that being said, one has to faithfully acknowledge, even if its only a hint, at the toll it was taking on Page and the strain it put on the relationship with Plant. But that can be done in honest and truthful fashion, not a tabloid-styled pickle of a yarn.

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actors: Jimmy Page- the guy from the fourty year old virgin who was all upset about his girlfriend not steve carrel

Robert Plant- ?

John Paul Jones- Hugh Jackman

John Bohnam- Seth Rogan

Peter Grant- Jason Bonham

film tilte: Rock and Roll the Led Zeppelin saga

Edited by pinky
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