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Pet Peeves


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People who hide in the dark (in their house) on Halloween. Come on, it's too hard to have a bowl of candy by the door? Feeding the trick or treaters should be mandatory for any home owner.

Last year I used Halloween as an excuse to expose neighborhood kids to loud Led Zeppelin music playing on the DVD.

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At this time of year in Ohio and the midwest heartland of the US, we have to deal with tractors and farm machinery on the road. angry.gif They drive so slow and are so wide that it is difficult to pass them, as they take up two lanes of a two lane road. Traffic can be backed up for miles behind them

As I was driving to Them Crooked Vultures concert yesterday, I encountered a few tractors on the road, as harvest season is just getting underway. It was very dangerous to pass them. One did pull over to let the cars pass, but one a-hole just kept on puttering along. There was probably a mile-long line of cars waiting to get around him. And it was during afternoon rush hour. At least they could travel on the roadways early in the morning or later in the day when traffic is lighter. They shouldn't be allowed on the roads.

My peeve today is drunk and wasted people at concerts.

I was pawed and groped yesterday by a drunk guy at Them Crooked Vultures concert.

As the concert was standing only, I had my spot on the floor staked out where I had a good view of JPJ. Everyone around me had their spots established and no one moved or changed positions, no pushing or crowding, just everyone respecting the other's space. I was enjoying the music, rocking out, somewhat dancing, when a very drunk guy about 25 years old came out of no where and started hanging all over me. He was really sweaty and could barely stand up. He kept talking to me, but I couldn't understand a word he was saying as it was so loud. My son was behind me, and I looked to him to help me, but he just kind of laughed and stood there. A guy next to me pulled the guy off of me and then he went on to harrassing another woman.

How could this guy even enjoy the concert in the state that he was in, and how could he even remember it the next day? Why would you pay good money to go to a concert if you are going to be so wasted that you don't even know what you are doing? I don't understand the reasoning for it. I can understand being a little buzzed, but totally wasted?

And why do guys think that they can physically dominate a woman (who is old enough to be his mother, by the way, lol) and expect her to be attracted to that kind of behavior? The guy was all over me. And why did my son think that it was funny? I was a little bit scared. Thank goodness for that other guy pulling him off of me or I don't know how I would have gotten away from him, as I wasn't going to give up my vantage point in front of John Paul Jones, lol.

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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You guys or shall I say gals, remind me of my older sister who doesn't like motorcycles in front of her when she's driving. She's afraid she'll run them over. Of course with her there's a high probability. hysterical.gif

I once saw a bike with mirrors that had that safety stensil but it said assholes in mirror are bigger than they appearlaugh.gif

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Sorry. I should have assumed you knew the difference.

How do you like Harley's? They seem okay to me, but I have no problem with laws that say you have to wear helmets and other safety gear while riding, so I don't think I'd be allowed to get a Harley...

No! I'm sorry, but absolutely not! It's one thing if they are off to the side, on the sidewalk, or on a bike path. But as soon as they get in the way, they are the problem, not the people in cars. Speed limits and roads are not made for bicycles, otherwise the highest speed limit would be around 20, maybe 25, and roads would be a lot fucking smaller. Because bicycles are, by default, slower and less safe then motorized vehicles, it should be bicycles who stay off the fucking road, not cars, as the road were made for fucking cars, not bicycles.

So absolutely not. They can stay off the road. I have places to be and don't need to be held up by some ignorant, arrogant green-peace jackass thank you very much.

I don't mean to snap at you, but cars are bigger, stronger, and faster then bicycles. So it will ultimately be the bicycle that is the safety hazard, not the car. So, as far as I'm concerned, it is the bicycles that need to stay off the road and on their own paths. If I hadn't had personal experience with bicyclists who hold up traffic on a one lane road 'cause they think it's funny or whatever, then maybe I'd have a different outlook.

But even for their own safety, bicyclists should stay off the roads, because cars will win every time.

I agree, but to an extent.

I think that if you're on a bike, you NEED to be a defensive bike rider: headlights, flashing tailights, etc., and a helmet. That being said, drivers also need to watch out and be defensive drivers.

However, once again, there have been a ridiculous amount of bike/car related deaths in my city this year. The fault factor (car or bike rider) have been about 50/50.

My issue is that there aren't ample spaces for bike riders to ride in my city. Idaho's bicycle laws don't match up with traffic laws, causing an issue because most bicyclists aren't defensive BECAUSE the law doesn't tell them to. It's ridiculous. What's good for the goose isn't for the gander in this case, causing more problems than need be.

As for motorcycles and bicycles being one and the same, they're soo not.

Though I've seen my fair share of stupidity on a motorbike, I've also seen my fair share of stupidity on a bicycle, on foot, and in an automobile/truck, etc.

Motorcycles still have to obey the traffic laws that cars must obey: they have to go a reasonable speed limit, the riders must have (at minimum) a regular driver's license, (if not a motor bike license), and they have to have headlights, tail lights, mirrors, blinkers, etc.

Bicyclists, on the other hand do not have to carry insurance, do not have defensive components like mirrors, and they do not require that the operator be licensed (i.e. knowledge of the laws of the road for that state, esp. for bicyclists--hell, many cyclists are so because of a DUI, etc.). There needs to be a standard issue for this, and on highways, and other busy roads besides your run-of-the-mill residential street should have bike lanes that are suitable for bikes to ride in. Yes, there will be times when bike lanes aren't in condition for cycle travel, but the consistent presence of them would help greatly.

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The motorcyclists here are no problem at all. I'm not sure what sort of laws exist for those Vespa scooter things though; they can't get up to full speed, and often the riders aren't even wearing helmets. Rarely see those in the country though; usually just in town.

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How do you like Harley's? They seem okay to me, but I have no problem with laws that say you have to wear helmets and other safety gear while riding, so I don't think I'd be allowed to get a Harley...

Is there really any other motorcycle? Sorry, old Harley joke.

I don't usually wear a helmet, but judging by your comments, you may want to get the best helmet money can buy. Just remember, they're only good for one crash, so it could get expensive. Road ragers have more accidents than non road ragers.

Oh boy, a new debate: Motorcycle Helmets!

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The motorcyclists here are no problem at all. I'm not sure what sort of lawsexist for those Vespa scooter things though; they can't get up to full speed,and often the riders aren't even wearing helmets. Rarely see those in thecountry though; usually just in town.

I don't think there are any laws that exist for those around here. It'sridiculous though--we have a lot of people riding those that don't know how tohandle them. If you need a motorcycle endorsement in Idaho to ride amotorcycle, I think you should be expected to have one for a scooter.

About three weeks ago, I was driving to a wedding rehearsal during 5:00traffic. I saw a scooter JUST TIP OVER in oncoming traffic. Therider was trying to pull out from the lefthand side of the road into the middleturn lane. I was convinced that she was going to get run over. Iliterally slowed down, (I was in the direction she was trying to go, and not inthe lanes she was laying in), and yelled the f-word. I was literallyscared for her.

I don't know what made her tip over--there was nothing in the road that couldbe a hazard. She obviously didn't know how to handle her scooter.

I see things like that every day. It also kills me when I see peopleriding motorcycles AND scooters with shorts, tank tops, or flip flops on (orall of the above). It's like, "really?" I'm not amotorcyclist, and I don't try to claim to be, but I know a lot of common sense"rules" because my boyfriend is an experienced rider and I have a lotof friends and family members who ride, whether it be Harleys or rice burners.

Not really a pet peeve, just my opinion on this subject.

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On the operating a bicycle, moped, scooter, etc. without a license tip, our waterways are teeming with people that have no experience whatsoever operating watercraft. There are boating courses but none of them are mandatory. Jet skis have even been baanned from several waterfronts because so many people shown a complete lack of regard for others' safety as well as their own.

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I see things like that every day. It also kills me when I see peopleriding motorcycles AND scooters with shorts, tank tops, or flip flops on (orall of the above). It's like, "really?" I'm not amotorcyclist, and I don't try to claim to be, but I know a lot of common sense"rules" because my boyfriend is an experienced rider and I have a lotof friends and family members who ride, whether it be Harleys or rice burners.

Not really a pet peeve, just my opinion on this subject.

I get a kick out of it when I see Bicycle-Cops wearing shorts. They're riding around with their dorky helmet on, getting all official, as if to be the poster person for safety, but if they go down it's going to be road-rash city.

Edited by Gospel Zone
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I know some people are gonna disagree and others will think this is stupid, but...


In societies where freedom of speechwas not recognized as a right, the court jester—precisely becauseanything he said was by definition "a jest" and "the uttering of afool"—could speak frankly on controversial issuesin a way in which anyone else would have been severely punished for.Monarchs understood the usefulness of having such a person at theirside.

If you're stupid enough to think that's changed today... well... that's your problem. It's why I listen to comedians like Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Sam Kinison, Doug Stanhope, Richard Pryor, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert... because they tell the truth and make you think.

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Thank you for your empathy Kat, the first person i can honestly say i have spoke to that really knows what is happening in/too Europe, maybe the world, i dont know.

I'd say it's the world... Capitalism and globalization do not work well together, at least not as long as there are differences between different areas.

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Hi Kat, again, nice to talk to you.

As Mangani said, we have more friends with the Northern Europeans than the Southern ones. I mostly dislike the French (because of my hatred for garlic mostly) Spanish/Portugese (to many Knifings, they want your money but not you) Italians (again too quick to stab you) in fact most Latins are like this, Nasty Men, Greasy Food, Poor Beer but Beautiful Women.


So it's you who dislikes them? That somehow betrays you previous point, and supposts mine.

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Alaska is part of the North American Contient. Britain is an Island surrounded by water and therefore is not part of the European Continent. Politicaly attached we unfortuntely maybe but Geographicaly not.

It was a part of European Continent 10 000 years ago. Yu're attached also culturally, with a long history of Viking, French and German kings and queens. Queen Victoria was ok with being presented as a proud granddaughter of Alfred in public, yet at home they spoke German. I can't imagine English renaissance without Erasmus of Rotterdam and letterpress; or English drama without Seneca.

Maybe it's geographically not part of it, but I don't understand how calling you a "European" should make you feel offended.

England is still part of Europe, though. Geographically, politically, economically and socially. It may not be on the mainland, just like Hawaii and Alaska aren't attached to the mainland of the United States, but it's still a country in Europe. The fact that Hawaii is also an island [or group of islands] completely surrounded by water doesn't mean anything.

Ireland, Iceland, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia.....they aren't attached to the mainland of Europe either, but they're all European countries.

Well, Sicily and Sardinia belong to Italy (Corsica to France), so they're just islands, not countries. But yes, I agree. The same can be said about Cyprus. And everyone thinks of Japan as an Asian country, and I don't think it offends them...

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So it's you who dislikes them? That somehow betrays you previous point, and supposts mine.

Hi Kat, you just woke up out of a Coma or Something? :o

This Post you just quoted is over TWO WEEKS OLD, how do you expect me or anyone else to remember what you are refering too after so long?

If you want me to Reply would you do me a Favour and Explain Exactly What Point i have Betrayed and what Point Supports Your Point.

Do You Get My Point or do i have to Point you to the Point that i was trying to Point you too, or was the Point you were trying to Point me to Pointless, i know you have a Point but i cant see that Point because there are too many Points that have been made during the last two weeks, do you get my Point now?:rant:

Regards, Danny

PS, I just dont get the, wait for it, Point, do I?

PPS, Yes "its me who dislikes them?"

PPPS, Whats the Point of all this anywa?, i just dont get the Point, Alright?

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Hi Kat, you just woke up out of a Coma or Something? ohmy.gif

This Post you just quoted is over TWO WEEKS OLD, how do you expect me or anyone else to remember what you are refering too after so long?

If you want me to Reply would you do me a Favour and Explain Exactly What Point i have Betrayed and what Point Supports Your Point.

Do You Get My Point or do i have to Point you to the Point that i was trying to Point you too, or was the Point you were trying to Point me to Pointless, i know you have a Point but i cant see that Point because there are too many Points that have been made during the last two weeks, do you get my Point now?rant.gif

Regards, Danny

PS, I just dont get the, wait for it, Point, do I?

PPS, Yes "its me who dislikes them?"

PPPS, Whats the Point of all this anywa?, i just dont get the Point, Alright?

Good point Dan!thumbsup.gif

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