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I certainly enjoyed MY stay in Rome, AMAZONIC--don't know how you could bear to leave! :D

awww...Aquamarine! That is so nice to hear! I am so glad you loved it! :)

Tell me about it! and if you think that I left Venice which is even more stunning than Rome,... ;) , but you know I wanted to have the best of both worlds, having the chance to escape the long and cold winter in Venice .... :D .

I always say it would be ideal for me to stay 8 months here in Sydney and 4 (the summer months :D ) back in my home country...

I guess, I will have to work out a way of being able to do that...tomorrow I 'll buy a load of lottery tickets! :D

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I'm stocking up on those lottery tickets for travel myself. ;)

I was in Venice years ago, when I was in high school, and would love to go again. We were in Sicily (seeing Robert Plant) last summer, and Rome a couple of years ago, where I saw as much art and history as humanly possible, and also shopped my brains out, and some years ago I did the same in Florence. I love your country! :wub:

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Nice to see you, beatbo :) --so did the beard grow real quick, or did you take the second one first? (I like it, btw!)

second first...before summer. as much as i hate to shave, beards are unbearable for me in the summertime.

thank you!

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I'm stocking up on those lottery tickets for travel myself. ;)

I was in Venice years ago, when I was in high school, and would love to go again. We were in Sicily (seeing Robert Plant) last summer, and Rome a couple of years ago, where I saw as much art and history as humanly possible, and also shopped my brains out, and some years ago I did the same in Florence. I love your country! :wub:

awww...thanks, Aquamarine! :)

That's so odd that you have seen Robert Plant in Sicily! I have been living most of my life in Italy and never ever have had the chance to see either Robert or Jimmy when they were touring for a reason or another!

:D:D I actually saw both when they were invited as guests at the Festival of Sanremo many many years ago! But I saw them on TV... :D

and I remember I just missed Jimmy when he played at the Pistoia Blues Festival!! It was so disappointing because I had completely forgot about the Blues Festival and I was there (having a short holiday in Tuscany) with my sister and all of a sudden we found ourselves walking in the Piazza where they usually hold the concert in Pistoia, just the following day after the concert.

I still remember the roadies taking the stage & all the stuff down...My sister and I asked them who was on the bill that night and when they said this, and that and Jimmy Page...awwww....Noooo!!! I almost fainted! Just missed him again!! :( how sad!

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That really is sad :( --I think Robert and Strange Sensation played there last year, too! I know they played Rome, as well as Sicily. (And somewhere near Venice.) We had hoped to fit in more shows, but all the travel arrangements proved too difficult. :angry: We'd have liked to see more of Italy, too!

Oh, and to beatbo, in the first pic, you look just like Jack Kerouac's friend Neal Cassady. :)

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