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"Growing out" of Led


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There's always that one guy in your life who used to love Led Zeppelin. Then he heard Oasis or Counting Crows or some hardcore band and just considers Led a good band but now to him most of their songs sound like "jam sessions." Even after hearing all of them

A pumpkins fan I know is just like that. He called most of Achilles Last Stand a jam session with no emotion. Now he's not into hardcore or anything like that but there are songs you just rock out to. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

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The main reason I love Led Zeppelin is because they have the craziest jam seshes, also they make awesome music and it definitely has emotion. A lot of people think that's weird for some reason :S? For example when I show my friends some songs I usually show them live things and they are like, there are hardly any words here?. But whatever, I don't care, as a musician it is my main influence and the whole Zeppelin sound is the reason why I am a huge fan, some poeple just don't really seem to like it, maybe they into pop and dont understand music or just have a different taste.

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The main reason I love Led Zeppelin is because they have the craziest jam seshes, also they make awesome music and it definitely has emotion. A lot of people think that's weird for some reason :S? For example when I show my friends some songs I usually show them live things and they are like, there are hardly any words here?. But whatever, I don't care, as a musician it is my main influence and the whole Zeppelin sound is the reason why I am a huge fan, some poeple just don't really seem to like it, maybe they into pop and dont understand music or just have a different taste.

i agree with everything you just said. their live stuff is amazing, and people who can't appreciate it are really missing out.

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I think people are to quick to discount certaind bands, esp in favour of what is new and popular. Do a lot of your friends other friends like all that new stuff? It all could be peer pressure- I've seen instances like that many times. I can't believe the things some people do just because they want to fit in and be like everyone else. Eps. when it leads to down grading one's standards.

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There's always that one guy in your life who used to love Led Zeppelin. Then he heard Oasis or Counting Crows or some hardcore band and just considers Led a good band but now to him most of their songs sound like "jam sessions." Even after hearing all of them

A pumpkins fan I know is just like that. He called most of Achilles Last Stand a jam session with no emotion. Now he's not into hardcore or anything like that but there are songs you just rock out to. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

I know that when I finally saw the S Pumpkins in concert last Nov., after knowing about them since the 90's.... Oh....how I was disappointed in it all. I know they had relased several albums since Siamese Dream. But they waited until the end of the show to play "Chereb Rock".....geeeze.....I though that the show would START with that excitement, AND build from there. But that was not the case. I've been to Zep concerts and felt lots of emotion all the way through. BUT, at the SP concert, emotion on just 2 or 3 songs..... THAT---- IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I WILL NEVER GO ANOTHER SP CONCERT---EVER. $40 is too much money for 3 songs !!!

With all of the material they've recorded ....and Cherb Rock and Bullet With Butterfly Wings the only 2 real standouts of the entire show..... I Don't Think So.

SP fans are retards if they think SP has more emotion than Zeppelin .... They are Psychos!

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A pumpkins fan I know is just like that. He called most of Achilles Last Stand a jam session with no emotion. Now he's not into hardcore or anything like that but there are songs you just rock out to. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

That's one of the most structured songs Zep played - Jimmy was being a musical architect on that track. Maybe your friend needs their ears tested.

I got into Zep at age 15 and at about 18 thought that maybe I would grow out of it, but it didn't happen. i am still into them as much as I ever have been, Zeppelin has become a great friend who has been with me and my friends for many years through many great times.

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That's one of the most structured songs Zep played - Jimmy was being a musical architect on that track. Maybe your friend needs their ears tested.

I got into Zep at age 15 and at about 18 thought that maybe I would grow out of it, but it didn't happen. i am still into them as much as I ever have been, Zeppelin has become a great friend who has been with me and my friends for many years through many great times.

I first heard them when when I was 5 but didn't get to "know" them untill 15,when I could afford to buy the records.

And I did.-All of them at once!.

By that time, it was already apparent to me that to deny the greatness of the Masters was to deny the greatness of music itself. They changed music, and indeed the entire industry inside-out for better or for worse.The worse things you cannot blame them for.

They didn't ask for a million other bands to emulate there every move (usually badly) and to create a whole new genre berefit of new ideas,intellegence and humour.To me Zeppelin is not something you grow out of but into!.I have many musical loves but none more rewarding or greater that Zep.

Yes, I have strayed but always in the end return to the Masters.

I type this on the day of my 40th birthday.I could have spent today listening to music perhaps more befitting my advancing years.I spent today listening to and reading about Led Zep and I regret nothing!.

Edited by Gervox
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I've also been into Zeppelin since I was about 15, not to the exclusion of other bands though - I have very eclectic tastes. Anyway! I appreciate Zep's music even more than when I was young. I'm still hearing new things within it; the music is complex and layered, with unexpected hidden depths.

I always felt Page was a genius as both a guitarist and a producer, and as time goes on I just appreciate his talent and foresight more. You never can predict what music is going to hold up over time and what won't. Other bands I loved as a teenager, like The Police, sound flat and lifeless to me now. But Zep keeps amazing me. *Especially* "Achilles Last Stand"! :)

About the Pumpkins: I liked them ever since their first EP came out, back when Billy had lovely long hair. :) Their music has held up pretty well. And Corgan is a very good producer himself: those records have real heft and presence. He's a major Zep fan, you can tell.

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there are bands i've stopped liking, but not zep. as a matter of fact, i FORCE myself to listen to other bands. i acually plan ahead to listen to something else. (beatles, rush, sabbeth, ect.), and i think," wow, these guys are the best", but then i put on zep, and it's no contest. it's funny how after all these years, i'm Amazed, at how much i like them. almost spiritual. sorry, back to your point, i think some of these people think it's cool to not like(or give props to), led zeppelin.

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In the past 37 years I've gone through spells where Led Zep (and music in general) was put on hold to attend to more pressing concerns of life. But each time I return to them with more passion than the time before, so if I haven't outgrown Zep by now, at 52 years old, it looks like I never will. I can see the future, 30 or 40 years from now, I'll be in one of those nursing homes (retirement center, or whatever they call them) requesting LZ to be piped through the intercom system.....they can turn it up full blast and most residents still won't hear. :D Nah, never outgrow them.

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In the past 37 years I've gone through spells where Led Zep (and music in general) was put on hold to attend to more pressing concerns of life. But each time I return to them with more passion than the time before, so if I haven't outgrown Zep by now, at 52 years old, it looks like I never will.

Well said. Sometimes you need to do that in order to live the life you want to live. I've never outgrown Zep but if I hadn't put Zep behind me, I don't believe that I would have the life that I have now. I walked out, closed the door behind me, and turned around to face the future that lay in front of me.

Thanks to you, I'm much obliged

For such a pleasant stay.

But now it's time for me to go,

I think that, like you, Zep's music will be with me for the rest of my life.

I can see the future, 30 or 40 years from now, I'll be in one of those nursing homes (retirement center, or whatever they call them) requesting LZ to be piped through the intercom system.....they can turn it up full blast and most residents still won't hear. :D Nah, never outgrow them.

:lol: My husband and I have actually talked about something like this...but not in jest. We imagine, 30 or 40 years from now, we will be part of some sort of community of like-minded old souls who cherish their music and their memories. Who knows? It might even take root here on the Hermetic Hacienda. I've already got a couple lined up to be our "ornamental hermits". :lol:

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Well he is a smahing pumpkins fan. I think that says it all. I take that back but i will say they are no Led zeppelin they do not compare but to each his own.I love zeppelin but i would really like them to get jason sit down and write some new material even if its not as good as the old days whos new material is comparable to what was written in the drugged laced 70's zep rules other bands well you know

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There's always that one guy in your life who used to love Led Zeppelin. Then he heard Oasis or Counting Crows or some hardcore band and just considers Led a good band but now to him most of their songs sound like "jam sessions." Even after hearing all of them

A pumpkins fan I know is just like that. He called most of Achilles Last Stand a jam session with no emotion. Now he's not into hardcore or anything like that but there are songs you just rock out to. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

If that guy thinks Led Zep don't have emotion, just show him That's The Way


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There's always that one guy in your life who used to love Led Zeppelin. Then he heard Oasis or Counting Crows or some hardcore band and just considers Led a good band but now to him most of their songs sound like "jam sessions." Even after hearing all of them

A pumpkins fan I know is just like that. He called most of Achilles Last Stand a jam session with no emotion. Now he's not into hardcore or anything like that but there are songs you just rock out to. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

no , i dont hang out with people like that. i did have this wierd teatcher in 4th grade. he knew i was a rock fan. he'd stop in the middle of class and sing lyrics to me from classic rock bands. then go "you like that shawn?, hahaha well, it's old now and sucks, hahaha" or he'd ask me a trivia question and if i didn't know it he'd go " ohh i thought you was the"rocker" here, you don't know nothing hahahaha"

anyways ..

anyone who thinks als is an emotionaly dead jam session should probably be dead.

their spirit and intellect already is. i could understand some hillbilly redneck saying such things while kicking a hole in a unrully jukebox. but not a rock fan. i hope your friends pink sports radio catches fire the next time he goes to sleep, and he wakes up with als playing on it in hell.

Edited by zero
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:lol: My husband and I have actually talked about something like this...but not in jest. We imagine, 30 or 40 years from now, we will be part of some sort of community of like-minded old souls who cherish their music and their memories. Who knows? It might even take root here on the Hermetic Hacienda. I've already got a couple lined up to be our "ornamental hermits". :lol:

Cool, save a room for me MSG. :D

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He can't appreciate music, most people go for what sound or tune is the most catchy or something stupid like that, or if a song repeats a rhythmic line that gets stuck in their head. You have to really appreciate Music to listen to Rock otherwise you will not like it.

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There's always that one guy in your life who used to love Led Zeppelin. Then he heard Oasis or Counting Crows or some hardcore band and just considers Led a good band but now to him most of their songs sound like "jam sessions." Even after hearing all of them

A pumpkins fan I know is just like that. He called most of Achilles Last Stand a jam session with no emotion. Now he's not into hardcore or anything like that but there are songs you just rock out to. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

We shall see if Oasis and Counting Crows will have the staying power the Led Zeppelin has had for 40 years.

My guess is that not many will remember Oasis and the Counting Crows, but everyone will remember LZ. B)

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I think people are to quick to discount certaind bands, esp in favour of what is new and popular. Do a lot of your friends other friends like all that new stuff? It all could be peer pressure- I've seen instances like that many times. I can't believe the things some people do just because they want to fit in and be like everyone else. Eps. when it leads to down grading one's standards.

Ditto! Also, I know things are a matter of personal taste, but I do like to give things a try to see if I will like it for myself, not just because someone said I should or shouldn't like it. I will never grow tired of Zeppelin, they are with me for the rest of my life!

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I got massively addicted to Zeppelin in 1976. It was a constant. Thanks to a discreet earphone, I missed most of 7-12th grade! :lol:

In the mid-80s, I discovered the Grateful Dead. I traded my snakeskin boots for Birkenstocks and spent a solid 5 years in tiedyes, travelling from show to show. I always carried a copy of Blueberry Hill though. But yeah, after ten years of complete immersion into Zep, I needed to step back. Then the first Zeppelin box set came out all remastered in 1990. Out came the headphones and I was like "How did I go so long without my Zeppelin???". There are times I go without listening to Zeppelin. Mostly because it's so imprinted on my mind I don't need to. Somewhere in my subconcious it's always playing.

Achilles' Last Stand a "jam with no emotion"?? Somebody buy this poor bastard some ears, or a soul, or something!!

Early Pumpkins were truly "smashing". Later they lost that edge. But frankly to speak of them on the same level as Led Zeppelin is ludicrous! They were refreshing in their time, but sorry, Led Zep is timeless. That's a proven fact. Anybody see Playboy's music poll for 2007? Jimmy and Robert's photos take up two full pages (the lead pages of the article no less). No one else got better than a two-by-two inch photo. We already told you once, bitches! B)

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Oh my I have never gone a day, unless absolutely forced by circumstances, without Zeppelin since 1972. And it plays in my head as well...I go to sleep hearing them and wake up hearing them...but I love it absolutely. I do listen to a huge wide variation in music, anything from chanting monks to bagpipes to Beethoven - I've never subscribed to that strange idea that if you like Zeppelin you can't possible like other artists or styles of music, but Zeppelin (and I include all their solo works in that) is always always playing 'round here. My friends joke that it's like Jimmy Page muzak at my house - it's always on in the background.

I guess I can see why people put it down for a while, or even why some leave it all together, it is just different personalities and their different life situations and needs, but for me, my life always needs Zeppelin in it, or I'm lost.

Oh - I guess I now have to go on the hunt for Playboy...at least that Zeppelin related purchase will have some compensation for my long suffering husband! :lol:

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Oh - I guess I now have to go on the hunt for Playboy...at least that Zeppelin related purchase will have some compensation for my long suffering husband! :lol:


BTW, it's the "Sex and Music" issue. Go figure! :lol:

Edited by Evster2012
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