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Are Page and Plant members of this Forum?


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I say again.... a fair assumption. But you know about the same as the rest of us, I see no reason why not. Yes, you may be right and they may not feel the urge to come on, but you could also be wrong and they could feel the need to check out their own official forum on their website and see what the fans are posting. If a thread is compelling enough I have no doubt one of them may post.

I'm sure no one is "holding their breath".

I think your reasoning is flawed. If a thread was "compelling" enough, then perhaps anyone would want to read it. However, to know if something was compelling, they'd have to be checking it, something there is no reason for them to do. While I am not old, I'm fairly sure they don't give a damn about what people are saying about them anymore. As such, they won't be checking the forum for "compelling" threads, nor will they be contributing to them.

The only way I could imagine any of them contributing is if they were doing so without disclosing who they were, in which case we wouldn't know anyway. Although that too is unlikely. While this matter isn't 100% certain, you might as well treat it as such.

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It was rumored that they used to pop into the old forum every once in a while.

I'm sure that if I had online forums dedicated to some of my life's work, I'd pop in and check it out from time to time. I would also try to post as a regular poster, too...just for kicks. (but that's not to say whether Zep actually does.)

I always wonder how often they pop in here, if they do at all. :lol:

I beginning to wonder who about the member who started this thread ^_^

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I think your reasoning is flawed. If a thread was "compelling" enough, then perhaps anyone would want to read it. However, to know if something was compelling, they'd have to be checking it, something there is no reason for them to do. While I am not old, I'm fairly sure they don't give a damn about what people are saying about them anymore. As such, they won't be checking the forum for "compelling" threads, nor will they be contributing to them.

The only way I could imagine any of them contributing is if they were doing so without disclosing who they were, in which case we wouldn't know anyway. Although that too is unlikely. While this matter isn't 100% certain, you might as well treat it as such.

To know if a one last show together was "compelling" they'd have to do it... right, I see no reason for them to do it..... oh wait.....

And your reasoning is because their old and don't give a ****? That's what I sumies from your post. I find it petty that you're continuing to argue the point that there is no way they'll post, when I see no reason why they wouldn't. If they haven't up until now is based simply because they just don't think of this stuff. Not becuase they're seeking some kind of benefit. If this is their official website, that I'm certain they've hired some geek to moderate, and they're using this as a means of advertising "official" news on their behalf, then thats a "compelling" enough reason to me to check the forum.

I'll say again for the third time and hopefully we'll just agree to disagree.... your assumption is fair.... but flawed and certainly not a fact.

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If I was a member of LZ, I would think twice about visiting the forum; it would probably taint my impression of the fans ;) . I don't think that in an offensive way, it's just that I would read about other people's opinions and what they say about me and that might not be what you want to read after all these years of having loyal fans. Ok, what I'm saying doesn't really make sense, but it's just that they probably look at our conversations as private because they know that we don't have these conversations with the intent of them reading. Although they are more than welcome :D .

If they were members, they would probably find threads like these a great source of entertainment. It's sort of our return for all the entertainment they have provided us with :D .

They probably already know how bad we are, so there is not much to taint.

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They probably already know how bad we are, so there is not much to taint.

I saw a interview with Eric Clapton with CBS. (It's on youtube.) He admitted to searching himself and watching his own video's. I was in shock to be honest. I had said some terrible things about him on a personal level. From that moment on I became more tempered with posting my wise ass remarks.

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To know if a one last show together was "compelling" they'd have to do it... right, I see no reason for them to do it..... oh wait.....

And your reasoning is because their old and don't give a ****? That's what I sumies from your post. I find it petty that you're continuing to argue the point that there is no way they'll post, when I see no reason why they wouldn't. If they haven't up until now is based simply because they just don't think of this stuff. Not becuase they're seeking some kind of benefit. If this is their official website, that I'm certain they've hired some geek to moderate, and they're using this as a means of advertising "official" news on their behalf, then thats a "compelling" enough reason to me to check the forum.

I'll say again for the third time and hopefully we'll just agree to disagree.... your assumption is fair.... but flawed and certainly not a fact.

You've failed to empathize with them. Few rock stars their age communicate with their fans (if they communicate at all) by actually talking on music forums. I've heard Jon Lord of Deep Purple has in the past, and Pete Townshend who granted doesn't use forums but blogs also does some communication with his fans, but both of those who have been like that their whole lives. By that I mean, they like to go out of their way to talk to their fans, Robert, Jimmy and JPJ really hasn't. Not that they're hermits, but still, it is too far fetched to think they're going to be stopping by on this board. The commotion would be far too big to make it worthwhile. I think you're just too hopeful they're going to come to allow the idea to die off.

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You've failed to empathize with them. Few rock stars their age communicate with their fans (if they communicate at all) by actually talking on music forums. I've heard Jon Lord of Deep Purple has in the past, and Pete Townshend who granted doesn't use forums but blogs also does some communication with his fans, but both of those who have been like that their whole lives. By that I mean, they like to go out of their way to talk to their fans, Robert, Jimmy and JPJ really hasn't. Not that they're hermits, but still, it is too far fetched to think they're going to be stopping by on this board. The commotion would be far too big to make it worthwhile. I think you're just too hopeful they're going to come to allow the idea to die off.

Now you're just so far out to lunch you've completely lost site of any relevant arguments to backup your assumptions. Jon Lord.... great..... Pete Townshend..... cool..... last I checked we're on a Led Zeppelin board so I see no relevance to their actions in reference to Robert, Jimmy, or John.

A misunderstanding I would like to clear however is that I do NOT have high hopes that they will come on the board and post but I will remain optimistic to the possibility that they could take an hour of their day and check out their webpage.

Could it happen??? Sure.... who am I or you to say how R,J,orJ run their lives?

They wake up in the morning and put socks on their feet like everyone else. Jimmy, John and Robert use a toilet like I do. Jimmy trips in the garden and spranes a finger like a normal person. Why does their need to be benefit in order to read and/or write on a message board. That is the question i've asked four times before but all you keep repeating is, "Theres no benefit to them reading a message board. No point"..... right on Chuck.


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Now you're just so far out to lunch you've completely lost site of any relevant arguments to backup your assumptions. Jon Lord.... great..... Pete Townshend..... cool..... last I checked we're on a Led Zeppelin board so I see no relevance to their actions in reference to Robert, Jimmy, or John.

They're rock stars like the members of Zeppelin, that makes them relevant in this conversation.

Could it happen??? Sure.... who am I or you to say how R,J,orJ run their lives?

I think you're turning an extremely unlikely event into something that has a more modest chance of happening. The chances are so acute that they might as well be considered zero.

They wake up in the morning and put socks on their feet like everyone else. Jimmy, John and Robert use a toilet like I do. Jimmy trips in the garden and spranes a finger like a normal person. Why does their need to be benefit in order to read and/or write on a message board. That is the question i've asked four times before but all you keep repeating is, "Theres no benefit to them reading a message board. No point"..... right on Chuck.

Because it's more than just coming on a forum. It's not like they can just quietly come on and converse with a few of their fans. It would be commotion. It would not only bring chaos to those already on the board, but it would bring a huge influx of additional people which would drive this forum into deeper chaos. It's just not worth the consequences, which is why it won't happen. Pretend if you must, but then you're just being naive.

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They're rock stars like the members of Zeppelin, that makes them relevant in this conversation.

Wrong. Absolutely nothing to do with this topic.

I think you're turning an extremely unlikely event into something that has a more modest chance of happening. The chances are so acute that they might as well be considered zero.

Fair assumption.... like i've said from the beginning, but I still don't buy it.

Because it's more than just coming on a forum. It's not like they can just quietly come on and converse with a few of their fans. It would be commotion. It would not only bring chaos to those already on the board, but it would bring a huge influx of additional people which would drive this forum into deeper chaos. It's just not worth the consequences, which is why it won't happen. Pretend if you must, but then you're just being naive.

You know what? You're right. If they even tried posting on here the internet would crash becuase of the commotion. Space and time would be completely inverted! Hell would freeze over! People would start wearing hates on their feet, and hamburgers will start eating people! Robert, Jimmy, and John are too cool, so to speak. You are wise for a 19 year old.

Of course it would cause a commotion! What realistically would happen from that? A few extra thousands of posts would be made and thousands upon thousands of more members would join. I see only a win/win for them. It wouldn't affect their lives really. But since we're being realistic, even if they came on this forum.... How would we know for certain it was one of them. We couldn't. So, for that reason alone I am fairly certain we won't see them around here, but I refuse to believe your dogmatic certainty that they absolutely WILL NOT. Anything can happen Chuck. You're still young. You'll see.

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I think they do stroll around here from time to time. Why not? I would if I were famous. And tell you what? They'll have a hell of fun with our comments!

And if you are around here sometimes: Thank you for everything!

Train kept a rolling!

Elen silen lumen omentielvo!


Edited by Tinkerbell
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I imagine that the band members are here and that they are probably invisible (the trolls... :D ).

But this does make you wonder who members 1, 2, 3 and 4 are? :huh: Technical issues I'm sure are nonexistent. All they have to do is tell an assistant at any time. "Lets see what the fans are saying" and a PC would magically appear in front of them, already dialed in.

I do know that U2 were deeply affected by fans reaction when pre-sale for the Vertigo tickets ran into problems. They issued an apology from what I recall and a retort from Larry Mullen Jr for some of the particularly nasty comments from some of their forum members.

Stewart Copeland is another guy who posts on his own forum. He gave a recount on one Police concert that went bad (a disaster gig in his own words) and the press jumped all over him for this.

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I don't think it's THAT far-fetched to think they might have a look see.

One of the members of Robert's band used to post here.

Commander I believe.

Just because they're "old" doesn't mean they don't know about new gadgetry, I mean c'mon, JIMMY Page, remaster extrodinaire not knowing about forums...... :blink:

Someone said Clive, the drummer for Robert's band carries his laptop around.

Why not.

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Id really love if they were but I cant honestly say I think they would be. But what if they decide not to tell us and it's some form of setup or trick for something like them starting negative threads and see if any of us react positively kindof like me joining the panic at the disco forum btw panic at the disco sucks i joined that forum to express my opinion on that and the opinion I expressed was not taken very well. No. Maybe their trying to see whos loyal and giving those people something at the end of it all

Hey sometimes its fun to be an optimist

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You've failed to empathize with them. Few rock stars their age communicate with their fans (if they communicate at all) by actually talking on music forums. I've heard Jon Lord of Deep Purple has in the past, and Pete Townshend who granted doesn't use forums but blogs also does some communication with his fans, but both of those who have been like that their whole lives. By that I mean, they like to go out of their way to talk to their fans, Robert, Jimmy and JPJ really hasn't. Not that they're hermits, but still, it is too far fetched to think they're going to be stopping by on this board. The commotion would be far too big to make it worthwhile. I think you're just too hopeful they're going to come to allow the idea to die off.

Don't forget Page has done an AOL IM session as a promo stint :blink::blink: . I wouldn't assume too many things at this point in time.

Rolls>>> :wacko:

Edited by ledzeprolls
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