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What Do You Guys Believe Exists?

Sketchy K

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Well they have had much trouble getting their hands on let alone filming a giant squid which we know does exist. But With the sonar technology we have I tend to not really believe Plesiosaurs are still out there. And Bigfoot, even if he were very smart, would have a tough time escaping detection or not leaving a skull. So I am quite skeptical. But I am a true believer that alien life exists far away. Question is-is it intelligent life????

Do I think there is life, possibly intelligent, besides us, in the known universe? Yes.

At the same time, I doubt they would have any interest in us. We are too self-destructive.

The Day The Earth Stood Still has always summed up my feelings towards other life in the galaxy and how they probably perceive us to be.

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But dont you think we would have found a dead Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster if they actually existed? Cmon. I will accept your argument on some matters but not on the two I just mentioned.

I agree with you about the Loch Ness Monster. That lake is huge, but not THAT huge. With all the expiditions out there, we WOULD have found the Loch Ness by now if it existed. The creature, in order to stay hidden for this long, would have to live at the bottom of the ocean. Plus, the best picture around of it is a fake, which really doesn't help.

Am I ruling out the Loch Ness completely? No. But I think it's more likely the Loch Ness is a myth.

Big Foot, on the other hand... it depends. How many of this species are out there? Just how intelligent are they? Do they bury their dead under 6 feet or more of Earth like we do? There's really no way of knowing. There are ways they could hide their dead, and if there's only a ridiculously small number of them throughout the world, then, yes, even their dead could still be hidden.

Besides, how do you explain this?:


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Do I think there is life, possibly intelligent, besides us, in the known universe? Yes.

At the same time, I doubt they would have any interest in us. We are too self-destructive.

The Day The Earth Stood Still has always summed up my feelings towards other life in the galaxy and how they probably perceive us to be.

They would at least have the curiosity to check us out Im sure. I think they are just too far away. There could be primitive life out there also. God can only imagine what swims oceans on far away inhabitable planets. I say again. Lets bring back a wooly mammoth using DNA.

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Well, I don't call myself religious, but I believe in God. Only because as I studied the human body in university, I can't ever accept that such complexity in the human body and all other species of plants and animals and the rest of the universe, came by chance. To me personally, God is the only entity that I don't need "proof" of to believe, as I said, because of that reason. For me, that reason is all the proof I need, and the evidence of that "proof" is the universe and everything in it.

The complexity in living beings is a result of natural selection. Chance has a role in natural selection, but there is a difference. Natural selection explains how random mutations in the genes can create an organism that has a greater chance at reproducing.

Natural selection is an explanation for the complexity of plants and creatures that is independent of God. I'm not discounting God. We are always working our way back towards God's original creation.

But the complexity is explainable through science.

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I've looked into it as well. It runs about 400bucks for a full day's boat ride and about 20min in the cage. You can find White dives off Baja, Costa Rica or South Africa. It's definitely something I want to do within the next few years.

I have a cousin who is building a house in nicaragua, so i'll have to look into the costa rica shark dive there. Actually, there are alot of environmental vacations in costa rica from what i've seen on the travel channel and heard from my cousin.

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I have a cousin who is building a house in nicaragua, so i'll have to look into the costa rica shark dive there. Actually, there are alot of environmental vacations in costa rica from what i've seen on the travel channel and heard from my cousin.

Costa Rica is the spot. I might have to build a hut in the trees somewhere. Preferrably right on the beach, overlooking a nice 10ft point break.

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I can't truely explain my ghostly experience. All I can say is, it was very real to me. There could be a number of explanations if, I was the only one that had seen it. Seeking attention, no. Looking for a reasonable explanation, ya betchya

Well trick of the light or not. I DID and so did many others back in the 1960's see the face of Jesus as we imagin him to look in a snapshot photo taken by a girls mother in a thunderstorm. Picture taken of the sky. It was very strange and Ill never forget it. And the nun she brought the pic to was nobody to joke around with. Had my face slapped by her may she RIP.

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As much as an "Every opinion counts" kinda guy I am, I must say that I laugh at anyone who thinks:

a)the Lochness Monster is real


b)Bigfoot is real

Hmmmmm, I don't see why sasquatch (bigfoot) is as comical or as unbelievable as ghosts, aliens or God. It's just an animal (if it exists) and it's not as if there has never been any upright apelike animals walking this earth.

Personally I find the idea some supernatural all powerful deity far more hilarious and preposterous, yet gazillions of people accept the Bible or the Koran and other such silly things.

I know a couple of people who are quite sure what they saw was a sasquatch. Both are hunters and both never even thought about sasquatch before. Both are now totally obsessed with finding out about this animal.

Seriously people, with how many people search for these things every year, we'd have some shred of evidence.

Actually there IS evidence for sasquatch. Just not verifiable proof. Unidentified hair samples have even been found. The famous Roger Patterson footage has still never been debunked and recent scientific analysis backs it up.

The Loch Ness Monster might well have a mundane explanation. Could well be a sturgeon or some giant eel. There have been sonar hits on large animate objects in the loch.

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Costa Rica is the spot. I might have to build a hut in the trees somewhere. Preferrably right on the beach, overlooking a nice 10ft point break.

Yeah, its getting expensive in costa rica though. americans and europeans have been building houses down there since the 20s or something.

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And Bigfoot, even if he were very smart, would have a tough time escaping detection or not leaving a skull.

Not really. If, as I believe, sasquatch is largely restricted to the mountainous forests of the Pacific Northwest/British Columbia etc then who is going to find their bones or fossils? That area is very poor for fossils with it's highly acidic soils and bones are almost never found of animals that have died of natural causes in the forests. Even bear and mountain lion remains are hardly ever found unless they have just been shot by a hunter.LOL.

Sasquatch is obviously low in number and would dwell mainly in heavily timbered areas. Anybody who has ever flown over the PNW knows full well how inaccessible and rugged the area is and that goes doubly for British Columbia.

If they are dying out and getting less and less they might well be gone before they are scientifically catalogued. That would be a shame.

The facts are though, even people searching for sasquatch are only doing it part time on limited budgets. There are not vast amounts of money being spent on dedicated permanent or semi permanent field researches.

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Hmmmmm, I don't see why sasquatch (bigfoot) is as comical or as unbelievable as ghosts, aliens or God. It's just an animal (if it exists) and it's not as if there has never been any upright apelike animals walking this earth.

Personally I find the idea some supernatural all powerful deity far more hilarious and preposterous, yet gazillions of people accept the Bible or the Koran and other such silly things.

Actually there IS evidence for sasquatch. Just not verifiable proof. Unidentified hair samples have even been found. The famous Roger Patterson footage has still never been debunked and recent scientific analysis backs it up.

The Loch Ness Monster might well have a mundane explanation. Could well be a sturgeon or some giant eel. There have been sonar hits on large animate objects in the loch.

Calling the Bible silly I must take exception to. You dont have to believe but it seems to me you are trying to mock those of us that do believe in God or spirits. I would say you can make a much better case for aliens than the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot.

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Calling the Bible silly I must take exception to.

Good for you. It IS silly and goes against science. I laugh at people who take it at face value.

Why is it ok to mock and laugh at something like sasquatch (which people have done in this thread) but not the Bible? Smacks of hypocrisy. Smacks of double standards.

You dont have to believe but it seems to me you are trying to mock those of us that do believe in God or spirits.

Look mate, if you can believe in God then you might as well believe in anything. That's the bottom line. For all you know, your God might be keeping bigfoot hidden after he has seen what mankind has done to the rest of the planet.

I would say you can make a much better case for aliens than the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot.

Really? How so?

Sasquatch would be an upright primate/hominid/apelike animal if it exists. Ever heard of gigantopithecus/australopithecus/paranthropus etc etc? They are proven to have existed. If sasquatch exists, it wouldn't be too far removed from known species.

As far as I am aware, no alien beings have ever been proven to have existed either today or in the past.

So again, what makes you think aliens have a much better case than sasquatch?

By the way, I didn't even say that aliens don't exist. I merely said the idea of aliens is sillier than sasquatch. That doesn't mean silly (on the face of it) phenomena can't exist.

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Good for you. It IS silly and goes against science. I laugh at people who take it at face value.

Why is it ok to mock and laugh at something like sasquatch (which people have done in this thread) but not the Bible? Smacks of hypocrisy. Smacks of double standards.

Look mate, if you can believe in God then you might as well believe in anything. That's the bottom line. For all you know, your God might be keeping bigfoot hidden after he has seen what mankind has done to the rest of the planet.

Really? How so?

Sasquatch would be an upright primate/hominid/apelike animal if it exists. Ever heard of gigantopithecus/australopithecus/paranthropus etc etc? They are proven to have existed. If sasquatch exists, it wouldn't be too far removed from known species.

As far as I am aware, no alien beings have ever been proven to have existed either today or in the past.

So again, what makes you think aliens have a much better case than sasquatch?

By the way, I didn't even say that aliens don't exist. I merely said the idea of aliens is sillier than sasquatch. That doesn't mean silly (on the face of it) phenomena can't exist.

The idea that Bigfoot exists is crazy. Why have we not found a dead one?? As for aliens, you being an atheist it makes even more sense as you have to believe in natural selection. Or how did we evolve or get here? So if it happened here it certainly could have and probably has happend far far away. And by aliens I mean alien life-not necessarily intelligent life. But you are a dickhead to insult peoples religious beliefs!

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I believe in God, I haven't exactly worked out the details, but I'm sure that there is a God.

I believe in ghosts, Big Foot, and yes Loch Ness. I don't think that the Loch Ness is a monster that is just horrible, I think it's just some sea creature that has grown to large proportions. Gold fish grow according to the size of container it's in, why is such a stretch for something else to do that too?

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I believe in God, I haven't exactly worked out the details, but I'm sure that there is a God.

I believe in ghosts, Big Foot, and yes Loch Ness. I don't think that the Loch Ness is a monster that is just horrible, I think it's just some sea creature that has grown to large proportions. Gold fish grow according to the size of container it's in, why is such a stretch for something else to do that too?

Well this jerk is telling us we are idiots for believing in God. dont you find that offensive? If he is looking for a fight, he has picked the right guy,

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The idea that Bigfoot exists is crazy. Why have we not found a dead one??

Just told you. Read my other post.

You don't know much about nature do you? You don't know much about what is and what isn't found in the forest do you? You expect people to trip over bones all the time? LOL.

Small numbers, rugged and remote terrain etc etc. They are probably on their way out and might be gone in 100 years or so. It's no great conundrum that no bones are found. Only those who don't know nature ponder that.

As for aliens, you being an atheist it makes even more sense as you have to believe in natural selection. Or how did we evolve or get here? So if it happened here it certainly could have and probably has happend far far away. And by aliens I mean alien life-not necessarily intelligent life.

LOL, I haven't said aliens don't exist. Again, merely said the idea of sasquatch is more plausible and logical. That doesn't mean aliens are not plausible.

But you are a dickhead to insult peoples religious beliefs!

Hmmmm, but you're not a dickhead for insulting people's ''bigfoot beliefs'' LMAO?? :D

You're quote:

"""The idea that Bigfoot exists is crazy."""

I couldn't care less if you laugh at 'bigfoot'. I certainly don't get upset and act all affronted and upset at your mocking. I just debate you and point you out where you are going wrong.

Again, why is it ok to laugh at 'bigfoot' but you get all upset when somebody laughs at religion?

Geez, you religious zealots are something else. Hypocrits and totally contradictory.

So.............do ya reckon ol' big daddy God is protecting sasquatch and keeping them hidden from man's exploitation? If God exists, why wouldn't he do that?

How come you can believe in a supernatural all powerful deity but not some hairy arsed primate? Can you explain your reasoning because I just don't get it. B)

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Well this jerk is telling us we are idiots for believing in God.

And you just said the idea of bigfoot is crazy, therefore you must think I am crazy.

Hypocrite. Typical.:rolleyes:

dont you find that offensive? If he is looking for a fight, he has picked the right guy,

Hey dopey bollocks I responded to other people in this thread who were mocking the subjects discussed here. Yio didn't seem to have a problem with that, but as soon as your precious 'religion' is mocked you don't like it.

Ya tart.

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Just told you. Read my other post.

You don't know much about nature do you? You don't know much about what is and what isn't found in the forest do you? You expect people to trip over bones all the time? LOL.

Small numbers, rugged and remote terrain etc etc. They are probably on their way out and might be gone in 100 years or so. It's no great conundrum that no bones are found. Only those who don't know nature ponder that.

LOL, I haven't said aliens don't exist. Again, merely said the idea of sasquatch is more plausible and logical. That doesn't mean aliens are not plausible.

Hmmmm, but you're not a dickhead for insulting people's ''bigfoot beliefs'' LMAO?? :D

You're quote:

I couldn't care less if you laugh at 'bigfoot'. I certainly don't get upset and act all affronted and upset at your mocking. I just debate you and point you out where you are going wrong.

Again, why is it ok to laugh at 'bigfoot' but you get all upset when somebody laughs at religion?

Geez, you religious zealots are something else. Hypocrits and totally contradictory.

So.............do ya reckon ol' big daddy God is protecting sasquatch and keeping them hidden from man's exploitation? If God exists, why wouldn't he do that?

How come you can believe in a supernatural all powerful deity but not some hairy arsed primate? Can you explain your reasoning because I just don't get it. B)

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Of all people I am NOT a regligious hypocrite. I am told all the time that I'm in the wrong because of my taste in music. You are the one in the wrong, because, you see in America, I have the right to practice whatever religion I want to without beinging make fun of. You are infringing on MY rights. I said I believed in Big Foot and God. What do you think about that?

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